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PTS account vs "normal" account


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Hi there, this will be a little long post, but please bear with me.


I installed the PTS version of the game, last month or so. I logged in with my main account name. The PTS server unlocked for me all the usual ships, 21pts captains, a lot of credits, fxp, doubloons, etc.

I also noticed that (on PTS account) I have all the ships from my normal account, including all the premiums. All my captains too. Beside this, my Profile > Summary shows the winrate, avg.damage, most kills and destruction ratio I have on my "normal" account.

The Battles played number is strange, it's different from the number on my "normal" acocunt, but definitely not even close to the number of battles I played on PTS server - I only played 3 games on PTS !!!




All this seemed a little strange, but as it was my first PTS install, I said, ok, maybe this is how it should be. Until last night, when I entered PTS from my second account... and I got a fresh account, without all my ships, without my captains, and with  0 0 0 0  stats!!! So I realized, my main account somehow got mixed with the PTS one.

Are there any benefits from this, or "au contraire" ? Should I report it? 🤔



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12 minutes ago, SmokinSerj said:

Hi there, this will be a little long post, but please bear with me.


I installed the PTS version of the game, last month or so. I logged in with my main account name. The PTS server unlocked for me all the usual ships, 21pts captains, a lot of credits, fxp, doubloons, etc.

I also noticed that (on PTS account) I have all the ships from my normal account, including all the premiums. All my captains too. Beside this, my Profile > Summary shows the winrate, avg.damage, most kills and destruction ratio I have on my "normal" account.

The Battles played number is strange, it's different from the number on my "normal" acocunt, but definitely not even close to the number of battles I played on PTS server - I only played 3 games on PTS !!!




All this seemed a little strange, but as it was my first PTS install, I said, ok, maybe this is how it should be. Until last night, when I entered PTS from my second account... and I got a fresh account, without all my ships, without my captains, and with  0 0 0 0  stats!!! So I realized, my main account somehow got mixed with the PTS one.

Are there any benefits from this, or "au contraire" ? Should I report it? 🤔


Some of what I'm about to write is speculation and other stuff I've experienced personally, just as you have.

1.  It is normal for the PTS account to form a "mirror" of your regular live-server account and the "cool toys", such as the premium ships & commanders, get cloned on one's PTS account.

2.  That said .... there are times when the PTS is doing testing in which the developers seem to want very strict parameters (speculation, on my part) and thus one's PTS account will temporarily become "vanilla" and not have the "mirrored content" available to play.  Everything will be "tech tree" and without premium content for a while.

3.  These phenomena ( 1 & 2 ) don't have a published schedule that I'm aware of.  They seem to happen arbitrarily, in my experience.

4.  I've not bothered to look at my statistics and compare between my normal live-server account and my PTS account.
     What you wrote was interesting.

5.  I speculate that because your in-game name is the same on both PTS and the usual live-server, that the data is combining somehow (a side-effect of the mirror-ing process?).

6.  In game I am Wolfswetpaws and on PTS I'm Wolfswetpaws_PTS.  My statistics haven't been combining, to my knowledge.  I speculate it's because my names are different.

7.  I suppose you could create a customer-service ticket, just to document what's going on and inquire about the statistical merge.
Possibly they can sort it out and/or adjust your PTS name to be just different enough to prevent future statistic merges?  
It couldn't hurt to ask, eh?  🙂 

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If you've previously played the PTS, particularly in the most recent patch before this one, the PTS remembers your account and copies all your stuff over, choosing a particular breakpoint.

My guess is that your second account is "zeroed out" on PTS because you've never played the PTS on it before and it therefore has nothing to "remember" for that account. So it launches with the bare minimum and no history.

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3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

5.  I speculate that because your in-game name is the same on both PTS and the usual live-server, that the data is combining somehow (a side-effect of the mirror-ing process?).

Same as with my second account, which didn't "benefit" of the mixing treatment. 🙂  Same name on both versions. I load them from Game Center, so I just change server, the name stays.  So, based on your answer pts 1 and 2 , it's quite possible that WG can mirror some accounts or just start fresh ones, depending on their goals.


3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

f you've previously played the PTS, particularly in the most recent patch before this one,

That's exactly when I entered PTS for the first time ever.


In conclusion, I understand that both PTS accounts are, lets' say, normal. I'll do some more testing on the mixed one, just to see if I play a game on PTS, will add the earnings (credits, xp, etc) to the regular one... compare some numbers... also trying to understand why it shows a difference of ~20 battles between them, although I only played 3 PTS games (1 victory and 2 defeats) !

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I don't know what they WG has changed things. I don't much go on PTS these days, mostly because I don't bother to figure out when it's on and when it's not... In the past, you were credited on the account that you were logged in the WGC when logging in on the PTS, IIRC. Back then they also displayed the region specific tags after player names. The last time I was on the PTS those had gone missing.

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20 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I don't know what they WG has changed things. I don't much go on PTS these days, mostly because I don't bother to figure out when it's on and when it's not... In the past, you were credited on the account that you were logged in the WGC when logging in on the PTS, IIRC. Back then they also displayed the region specific tags after player names. The last time I was on the PTS those had gone missing.

I played on the PTS, today.
Scored some Community Tokens and a Wargaming Container as a reward on my live-server account.
Test-sailed the Tier-10 Spanish line Cruiser, too.  Now, I'm looking forward to welcoming the X Castilla to my Port.

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