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14 minutes ago, xamdam said:

Hey mate, it's been a while.


@Max_BattleYou guys still running the Lone Wolves thing down under? Good times were had back there on SEA. I miss the Dynamo dayz...


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9 hours ago, xamdam said:

@Max_BattleYou guys still running the Lone Wolves thing down under? Good times were had back there on SEA. I miss the Dynamo dayz...


Hey hey!

We did for a while, Discord's still up https://discord.gg/WKmYnDcTV2 but it's gone quiet since random ops came in.

I mean, we made our little operations group so we could choose different ops but now with random ops, it kind of bypassed the reason for the whole group coming together - a two edged sword.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2023 at 5:29 PM, Andrewbassg said:



The lil'ol' boi still has it!!




Nurnburg is quite nice, it's up there with other tier 6 cruisers.

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Golly gee, a defeat in Hermes.

Bloody hell I hate this garbage Op.

Never thought there would be an Op I hated more than Defeat at Newport and Ultimate Arf Ewe.



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10 hours ago, Rolkatsuki said:

I too never thought I'd hate on Hermes more than Aegis.

Nah. Aegis is garbage now; but still pretty straight forward.

Hermes is a dumpster fire. Love fighting all the way through, just to lose at the end with the 'SURPRISE! TORPEDO SOUP!" bovine byproducts.


What I'm hating on today is Ultimate Frontier.

I hated that Op when it came out back in RTS Carrier days.

I hated it when they re-released it.

I don't give two flying flips that almost every time I play it, it's a win of some form; like the example in the attached pics; I despise the Op, and hate having to play it.





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Hermes is a fine Operation in the hundreds of battles I've played in Ops. Its a fairly consistent one.

The reason why Ruan would die in the end is because no one was willing to bait out the torpedoes of the last destroyers or kill them before they had a chance to. Most t7+ cruisers can do this provided they aren't at half health.

A kill-squad of three destroyers always spawn at the end near the exit point and is observable every time you play the Operation. Not dealing with them is a simple failure on the team's end to learn something that they no doubt have seen multiple times over and over again.

The two complaints I have are the AP dive bombers deleting half your health and most of the targets spawning bow-in which makes playing AP and torpedo-focused ships difficult, but other than that, its one of my most favorite Operations.


Also what is the deal with Newport? These days, it is perhaps the Operation that I consistently 5-star the most even in public lobbies.

Edited by richie_macrophage
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45 minutes ago, richie_macrophage said:

Hermes is a fine Operation in the hundreds of battles I've played in Ops. Its a fairly consistent one.

The reason why Ruan would die in the end is because no one was willing to bait out the torpedoes of the last destroyers or kill them before they had a chance to. Most t7+ cruisers can do this provided they aren't at half health.

A kill-squad of three destroyers always spawn at the end near the exit point and is observable every time you play the Operation. Not dealing with them is a simple failure on the team's end to learn something that they no doubt have seen multiple times over and over again.

The two complaints I have are the AP dive bombers deleting half your health and most of the targets spawning bow-in which makes playing AP and torpedo-focused ships difficult, but other than that, its one of my most favorite Operations.


Also what is the deal with Newport? These days, it is perhaps the Operation that I consistently 5-star the most even in public lobbies.

True, both operations are actually quite doable. In Hermes, a minor point is that not all the BB's always get sunk, and in the end, you basically throw it unless you have a vanguard (no, not the ship) that gets ahead of the Ruan to at least spot the DD's and the team quickly takes them out. A radar at this point would help enormously.

Newport is a strange one, I've typically seen either very smooth runs or complete towel throws.

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1 hour ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

What I'm hating on today is Ultimate Frontier.

How can one hate that Operation? It is my favorite one by a large margin. It is amost a guaranteed win even with the braindead playerbase (especially since nowadays the Bot-Aoba almost always kills the northern Atlanta even when the BBabies fail to go there), and I rarely finish that Op with less than 200K damage. Many targets, man broadsides, much fun to be had. What's not to like?

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6 hours ago, Kruzenstern said:

How can one hate that Operation? It is my favorite one by a large margin. It is amost a guaranteed win even with the braindead playerbase (especially since nowadays the Bot-Aoba almost always kills the northern Atlanta even when the BBabies fail to go there), and I rarely finish that Op with less than 200K damage. Many targets, man broadsides, much fun to be had. What's not to like?

It is a hate of firm opposition; stemming from the Ops original release; when it rightly earned it's moniker 'Ultimate Arf Ewu,' for how much it screwed over players with the never ending waves of ships.

I've won more than I've lost since it came back out; but that doesn't make me like it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reset once again the USN CL line, this time with the +200% bonus to Ship XP, Commander XP, and Free XP for faster progression.



Good grief, this was a lot of work for a single operation! 😅

Took out the Mainz for a spin. Ever dominating, ever strong, in Narai.



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Noice 2000 BXP KW in Irian


 Done the A1 thingy, cleared the whole flank, almost got the Biz too 🙂 

And still not 5star, coz team, as always, ignored the N group despite being attentioned Smile_sceptic.gif.97d8c8cbb10e163afd1a67

These days, KW, if I don't go A1.....guaranteed loss...D4250899-7637-4DB1-9393-24C11B63FACC.gif


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On 12/22/2023 at 3:56 AM, richie_macrophage said:

Hermes is a fine Operation in the hundreds of battles I've played in Ops. Its a fairly consistent one.

The reason why Ruan would die in the end is because no one was willing to bait out the torpedoes of the last destroyers or kill them before they had a chance to. Most t7+ cruisers can do this provided they aren't at half health.


No it's not.

...or rather it should be "OK" until WG monkeyed with it to keep it within the artificial limit that WG set for possible XP for ops.

Let me explain.  When ops were reworked the WG company line was that OP were too repeatable to allow for XP that was possible before.  All ops got an announced XP multiplier nerf.  In fact a few patches later, I highly suspect they got a second small unannounced nerf based comparison games. 

But on top of this, ops that formerly has base planes as a core part of the scenario, namely Cherry and Hermes, had a listed bug in them where damage against these base planes give players exactly zero xp and zero credits.  Yup, that right, I've even had a San Diego Hermes game where I got 600k plane damage and I still had a 1500 base score. 

The problem here is that these ops where designed with the planes being a threat that you have to play against (and they certainly are in Hermes).  So if a player outfits an AA ship, or if a player takes certain actions to play against this, they get zero reward for their efforts.  In short, the op is broken.  If a bug this big was present in Random, players would revolt.

So what did WG do about it?

Classic WG, they pulled the bug from the bugs reports and had a CM tell us on the old forums that it's a feature not a bug.  (My paraphrase of what was said by them).

Any further comments on this "bug" was ignored. 


The thing is...the base planes are a BIG part of Hermes, and because of that it is the lowest earning OP in the game.  Aegis can give a run for the money for sucking, but on average the total team reward for Hermes teams, will be lower than other ops.

WHY?  Because WG wants it that way.... even if it breaks the risk/reward gameplay of the op.

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Thanks for explaining why XP is so outta wack with Hermes. It has always felt like I did a fair amount of work for relatively low returns. 

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24 minutes ago, DoW_ said:

Thanks for explaining why XP is so outta wack with Hermes. It has always felt like I did a fair amount of work for relatively low returns. 

With the old fourms being gone...some of this history was swept under the rug. 

I actually put some effort into highlighting this problem with WG.  I got some response from Ahskance, but in the end, despite his promises of "looking into it" got 0 results.

It's hard to say if this "bug" was intentional from the start or a pleasant side effect, but I can guess why they wouldn't want to fix it.  If somebody like me can get 600k plane damage in an SD ( I bet D7P could do the same) then how could they balance it where players with normal AA ships get a noticeable amount of XP from 100k planes while keeping us "exploiters" from getting 2500-3000 bxp games.  It would be a complicated problem for them to balance.

Before you say, what so bad about a player playing really well and getting 3000 bxp in a 16 minute game?

I agree.  But WG doesn't.  I firmly believe that was once of the motivations of the op rework was to stop those who had figured out how to get repeatable high reward games.  Especially some of the those who reside in Asia that hard figured out how to get 7000 bxp in Narai. 

Now it wouldn't have been too hard for them to just warning and or banned the 7 accounts that guy (or others) were using but I don't think it was just about that.  Numerous players were using ops to bypass T6 and T7 grinding and to farm CXP and FXP and WG was also waging a war on players FXP stocks at the time (economic rework).  WG wanted to go after a larger population of the playerbase and reduce their ability to earn FXP this way.

I have no clue what they had in mind  of "max" earnings per ops game, but based on the communication from WG and Ahskance, they definitely had number or "range" in mind. 

I suspect it's to the point that individual ops have different multipliers.  For instance if you compare the damage of a Killer whale game (percent damage of ship * tier difference from your own ship) to an ultimate frontier or narai game then you can see the two cannot have the same multiplier.  While I find KW to being boring, I can still consistently score higher in it. 

I can kill 600k in UF and end up with the same score as a 280k in KW killing lower tier ships.

For a few patches after rework, I used to be able to get 3k base in UF but that got dailed back about 15 to 20% at some point for the same damage.

FYI - I can earn the most in Cherry with Atlanta - is the only remaining op where I can consistently get 2500-3k base.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What I like about the scenarios/operations is that the enemy spawn location, friendly bot movement, etc. can vary and affect the outcome.  I got lucky in terms of enemy spawns and positioning in Raptor Rescue today, and had a decent game in a cruiser.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/4/2024 at 7:36 PM, YouSatInGum said:

I firmly believe that was once of the motivations of the op rework was to stop those who had figured out how to get repeatable high reward games.

Yep. And ALL that in vain.



Just blue boosters 14728F2B-B3A1-4254-850F-95D0D4BC5353.gif 


Old ops cats will still be able to get nice results, while newcomers will have hard time learning ops AND ships, which was the biggest advantage of playing ops, besides the fun factor. 

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Had a great game playing Scharnhorst '43, and I helped carry the team to victory!MybestscoreinScharnhorst.thumb.PNG.88b276d452b705482d0c940a12da00c0.PNG

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5 hours ago, DoW_ said:

This team was determined to loose…


Compliments @DoW_, that’s impressive

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