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Those like me playing since 2016/2017 How do you keep playing


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I switched to strictly co op unless I've got a time restraint om bxp missions. Sure with co op you have to play more to get your dailys and battle pass. Players are more polite also. No toxic behavior or random reporting by team mates or opponents. I also spent half the time playing that I used to when the game was in it's hayday. Atm I'm playing Mech Warrior5 Mercenaries, infact they just came out with a new dlc last week.

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I quit worrying about crap like win rates a few years ago.  I can't control it, so why stress about it?  Matchmaking monitors are, in my opinion, like snorting asbestos.  That crap will kill you, so why do it?

I don't give a flip about the matchmaking, anymore.  I check the team lineups to see if I should play a bit more aggressive (top tier), or a bit more protective (bottom tier).  After that I just focus on playing my best game.  My angriest in-game moments are when I screw up and get sunk early.  I certainly feel a bit of aggravation if a team mate is a moron, but I just don't let it consume me, anymore.  If we lose, we lose.  I can still enjoy a loss.  Wins are better, of course, but losing is inevitable, so why boil your blood over the W/L percentage?  One thing I have found to be true in many aspects of life is, if you decide your fate before you get to work, you are likely going to contribute heavily to achieving that expected fate.

And, I ain't gonna lie...I actually can enjoy Randoms this way.  I highly recommend it!

Another thing that keeps the hook set is WG's shiny new premium ship gimmick.  The "collector" and/or "fear of loss" tactics for premium ships is a proven winner...but I want them for free or for as cheap as I can get them.  If I have to spend full price I'll pass, unless the ship offers something truly unique (and good luck with that 8 years in without getting stupid) AND I haven't spent much money recently.  I keep track of my annual donations to WG, and every year since 2018 that number has decreased.  It isn't because I am necessarily protesting (although I certainly don't like subs and stupid 'new ship gimmicks'), but I have a ship for every need already and more darned ships than I know what to do with (202 premium/special, 436 total).

Lastly, I play for mission completion.  That gives me something to work toward and usually the missions aren't that ridiculous, especially since I have a ship suited for any mission WG can dream up.  If I don't complete a mission string it is because WG was drunk when they conjured up the requirements.

I have never played a game for 8.5 years until this one.  WoWS is a great game, and despite a few moronic WG decisions, I'm still in it.

Edited by desmo_2
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33 minutes ago, desmo_2 said:

I quit worrying about crap like win rates a few years ago.  I can't control it, so why stress about it?  Matchmaking monitors are, in my opinion, like snorting asbestos.  That crap will kill you, so why do it?

I don't give a flip about the matchmaking, anymore.  I check the team lineups to see if I should play a bit more aggressive (top tier), or a bit more protective (bottom tier).  After that I just focus on playing my best game.  My angriest in-game moments are when I screw up and get sunk early.  I certainly feel a bit of aggravation if a team mate is a moron, but I just don't let it consume me, anymore.  If we lose, we lose.  I can still enjoy a loss.  Wins are better, of course, but losing is inevitable, so why boil your blood over the W/L percentage?  One thing I have found to be true in many aspects of life is, if you decide your fate before you get to work, you are likely going to contribute heavily to achieving that expected fate.

And, I ain't gonna lie...I actually can enjoy Randoms this way.  I highly recommend it!

Another thing that keeps the hook set is WG's shiny new premium ship gimmick.  The "collector" and/or "fear of loss" tactics for premium ships is a proven winner...but I want them for free or for as cheap as I can get them.  If I have to spend full price I'll pass, unless the ship offers something truly unique (and good luck with that 8 years in without getting stupid) AND I haven't spent much money recently.  I keep track of my annual donations to WG, and every year since 2018 that number has decreased.  It isn't because I am necessarily protesting (although I certainly don't like subs and stupid 'new ship gimmicks'), but I have a ship for every need already and more darned ships than I know what to do with (202 premium/special, 436 total).

Lastly, I play for mission completion.  That gives me something to work toward and usually the missions aren't that ridiculous, especially since I have a ship suited for any mission WG can dream up.  If I don't complete a mission string it is because WG was drunk when they conjured up the requirements.

I have never played a game for 8.5 years until this one.  WoWS is a great game, and despite a few moronic WG decisions, I'm still in it.

Thanks for the post.


I still win and have good games. But its just so tiresome! 

I wish they would have tier 10 operations. 

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22 minutes ago, Folded_1000_Times said:

I wish they would have tier 10 operations. 

Tier-9 and Tier-10 Scenario Operations would be nice.

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Been playing since switched from WoT to WoWS at start of WoWS beta.

WoWS is still the best naval game platform available.  I have enough ability to competently compete and have never obsessed over stats.

How do I manage to continue in this game?

I play 2-3 evenings per week for couple hours each session on nights designated by clan where we all get together.  Our clan has been together for many years.  Otherwise most clan members just play other games or do other things and we naturally drift apart on the currents of life. 

I no longer grind for anything.  Have accumulated more than enough resources.  Have enough ships in port for my needs.

I IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE all the WG stupidity as WG drives the game to greater degrees of ruination.  People who fail in this are driven to uninstall.

I IGNORE the game mechanic issues / defects - all players suffer from same game issues, so it is an EVEN playing field.  I can live with that.

So I guess the secret to WoWS longevity as a player is ....................... IGNORE WG.

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7 minutes ago, Klebs said:

So I guess the secret to WoWS longevity as a player is ....................... IGNORE WG.

Amen and Amen.

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21 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

I got into the HuangeHe when the tier 10 gameplay just became too predatory

Same here. (Huanghe is fun to play 😉 )
Most of the times I try to play ships that bring fun : Huanghe, Orkan, Shchors or Tromp (don't judge me !)
The list is relatively short, though...

It helps a lot not to lose mental balance  🙂

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The reason I am staying around is because of the free premium being given from WG.

I have been thinking of quitting this game for a while, I am somewhat still cling to it because I know once my premium runs out, without the premium my grinding effort will significantly reduced.

I still do 1 win in ranked for 12 days every sprint for 200 dub. I am not having fun in ranked but I do it because of dub, and I am not motivated to grind to rank 1.

I feel tired about about the way coop works, there are too many people in coop game that makes me feel nervous whether I will have a fun time blasting bots or either the bots run away from the side, or having efficient teammate on my side to finish off quickly. I wish there simply not that many human player to provide a fun and engaging environment.

I think by the end of the premium, I will have enough fxp for 7-8 resets, so I can just come back for the x2 reset and maybe anniversary and christmas to harvest. Or maybe just forget about this game and move on, just like what I did with WOT.

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How do I keep playing?  Because I like World of Warships - period.  Does it have its faults - sure, it does.  As time goes on and you get a little older/mature, you discover not everything is in your control, and any bugs in any game are far less important to me than real life.  Warships is my escape for a period of time each day.  I love the way the game looks, the detail of the ships, and most importantly, the fine Captains I have met over the years.  Some are a pain in the rear at times, but I still appreciate the conversations, their opinions, and the battles I join in, regardless of their skill.  I enjoy the game so much that I now have three accounts - one, a former competitive account with a sole focus on DDs and cruisers, a general most-played account (both NA server), and just opened an account on the EU server - call me crazy, I don't mind.  I'm having fun!

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27 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Some are a pain in the rear at times

HEY! I represent that remark!

I'm a relative newbie, but there are a bunch of folks who are just fun to play with. Since WG has been nerfing their events, I no longer stress about "missing out" because the rewards are "meh". I occasionally do a bit of grinding for something cool, but with multiple T10 ships in my port it takes a bit for me to want to grind for the recent crop of "prize" ships.

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8 minutes ago, SureBridge said:

HEY! I represent that remark!

Not to worry, you're not on my naughty list.  🤣 

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On 10/1/2023 at 10:18 PM, Folded_1000_Times said:

Honestly more often im hating the game due to the lack of braincells in tier 10.

Dump all of that junk overboard and set a course to the nearest port that brought you here in the first place. WoWs has always been a Virtual international Interactive Museum to me. With that in heart, God willing its never gotten old for the past +8 years for me. I still mostly use the same port and imo it keeps getting better. Only the political partys have gotten worse.

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My son got me started with this on Dec 2014 on his account and I made one in Jan 2015. It’s just a habit to play now, exclusively Operations and Co-op. Bot subs and CVs don’t bother me much.

Again, it’s now just routine and a way to rest my brain from work which is why I have no interest in learning or dealing with CVs or subs. I have enough complicated nonsense from people IRL that lack forethought and planning that I don’t need to go look for it on my downtime.

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I play for my clan mates whenever they are on. I  do not like 10 tier or Rank Battle matches anymore. WG has cheapen their value now. I am waiting for Asymmetric to come back to be permanent. 

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