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Who have you seen in battle? A New Thread for a New Forum.

Ensign Cthulhu

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Shared a battle with @trikke.  Good game.  Nice to see them.  🙂 

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Took my Yugumo into a random battle and ran into @Sailor_Moon in her Thunderer.  How did you stay afloat that long?  😉

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10 hours ago, Mono_De_Mantequilla said:

Took my Yugumo into a random battle and ran into @Sailor_Moon in her Thunderer.  How did you stay afloat that long?  😉

I honestly don't know, all things considered. But I'm glad I did lols! 😅

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Some minutes I did meet @Yedwy in a random battle on his Yorktown. I was at the helm of a T VIII Anhalt. Close and exciting fight. 

Edited by OT2_2
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33 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

Some minutes I did meet @Yedwy in a random battle on his Yorktown. I was at the helm of a T VIII Anhalt. Close and exciting fight. 


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Shared a battle with @GP_Fluffy, who is someone I've met while merc'ing for @Gaelic_knight's [MR-1] Clan. 
Good game.  🙂 

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Sailed in a division with @Lord_Zath during his Twitch stream, today.  Good session.  🙂 
Also saw several familiar faces from this forum, viewing & chatting in the stream.  🙂 

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4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Sailed in a division with @Lord_Zath during his Twitch stream, today.  Good session.  🙂 
Also saw several familiar faces from this forum, viewing & chatting in the stream.  🙂 

Two games with @Wolfswetpaws, practicing his CV skills. Great to have him on my team the first game as we won, pestered me in my Benny the second game as we rolled over his team.

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6 hours ago, hairoids said:

Two games with @Wolfswetpaws, practicing his CV skills. Great to have him on my team the first game as we won, pestered me in my Benny the second game as we rolled over his team.

I was working my Naval Battles grid, I think, at the time.  You were good at dodging ordnance and staying afloat, as I seem to recall.  🙂

Goid games.  🙂


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I just finished a coop game on Shatter with @Col_NASTY. I was in my Colbert and he was in Schiefflin. I noticed him at the end when both of us were in the same cap.

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Shared a game with @Vaffu.  Long time no see.  🙂 

For the curious, Vaffu was a member of the NA Forums.

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Hi all,

Met @UnrepentantSinner in CoOp today... I was doing my USN bombing missions for the "Community Tokens" while he was re-grinding his DD line... 🙂

Sadly I have spend all my "+1" for the day by the time we met... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

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34 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

Met @UnrepentantSinner in CoOp today... I was doing my USN bombing missions for the "Community Tokens" while he was re-grinding his DD line... 🙂

Sadly I have spend all my "+1" for the day by the time we met... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

It's the thought that counts, it was nice meeting a fellow forum member in battle. :classic_biggrin:

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Intermission :

I probably have seen some of you in game (Yedwy, Andrewbassg & Tocqueville for instance)... but do not hesitate to give a salute since I don't know all the nicks.

Now, you can go back to your favorite activities... 🙂

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Xairen the streamer lady from Germany was mine enemy to-day. She is 6o%+ player but my team was victorious.

I know she is not on the forum here but it was a rare occasion. 

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Just saw J_Simpleton in EU server as Simpleton_J (lol). He played his Wakeful & I played my Ishizuchi & Isokaze (a random 2 of my 12 T4s). We got 2 Ws & there weren't that many Bots down there (surprise, surprise - or is it players want to now avoid the two WG intentionally designed crap griefer classes - that's my thought).

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9 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

Just saw J_Simpleton in EU server as Simpleton_J (lol). He played his Wakeful & I played my Ishizuchi & Isokaze (a random 2 of my 12 T4s). We got 2 Ws & there weren't that many Bots down there (surprise, surprise - or is it players want to now avoid the two WG intentionally designed crap griefer classes - that's my thought).

My surprise was a full roster of humans and tier V ships on both sides.  Previous battles were a leisurely walk in the park.

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41 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

My surprise was a full roster of humans and tier V ships on both sides.

How can that be possible in protected mode? When I have been playing my T IV randoms I didn't encounter T V, but I think I know why. You were in a division with @Aethervoxx, who doesn't play under protected mode and you had to hang with. 

Edited by OT2_2
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53 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

How can that be possible in protected mode?

I initiated the division & I don't have protected mode in lower tiers (far from that, lol) & it was a random battle.

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15 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

I initiated the division & I don't have protected mode in lower tiers (far from that, lol) & it was a random battle.

Tha's what I wrote in my post above in the last sentence.


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1 minute ago, OT2_2 said:

Tha's what I wrote in my post above in the last sentence.


Pardon my reading comprehension - I probably did not read your whole response. I probably didn't even notice the one T4 battle with T5s - I was more intent on defending our DD (Simpleton's) & sinking any nearby enemy DD(s) & then I was on an enemy BB (which I sank).

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