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Somme Collection Progress


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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Each 2 duplicates can be exchanged for 1 puzzle piece.
Click on an empty square of the puzzle, a menu should appear for the exchange.

Yes I know, what I am saying is that I have a VERY specific number of duplicates that I can get without missing finishing the collection and this collection has given an unusually high number of duplicates for me even early on, which is what I am upset about.  In my final 12 Somme containers I can get no more than seven duplicates, well I opened three containers and got one duplicate, so now I only can have a maximum of six duplicates in my final nine Somme containers.  I finish a mission and get the mission chain reward, so I have a total of six Somme containers.  Out of those six containers five are duplicates, FIVE!!!!!!!!!!  😭😠🤬  Now this means for my final and last three Somme containers I cannot get more than one duplicate and the way things are going I will probably get two or even all three.  As of right now I have 40 elements of the Somme collection and 35 duplicates with three more containers.  Although I could get three more containers (or even six) if I complete the two stand alone sub missions, credits and flooding, but those look too much in too little time.

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WG lost their mind on this event task wise. I just finished up week 2 of the dockyard just now by finishing off the last task (16 million Potential Damage) and I still needed one more game to finish Somme week 3 1.8 Million Spotting. Leaving basically no time to finish week 4. Thankfully I had a very good drop rate on the crates I did get and it only took $12 US to get enough crates to finish so I could ignore the asinine stuff at the end.

So, I could do an entire dockyard week set of tasks in a day by grinding my butt off yet it took 2 weeks to do that one stupid spotting mission for Somme despite tons of CV games. What WG has asked of the players task wise to get crates for Somme is way too much. It reminds me a bit of the OG Puerto Rico dockyard. 

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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5 hours ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

I have 37 with 29 duplicates and I am stressed TF out.  Seriously, I have never seen so many duplicates this early on than I have in this stupid Somme collection.  I have 12 more possible containers and I cannot get more than seven duplicates from those 12.

Duplicates you say?  yep, 12 crates, all dupes.


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7 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

WG lost their mind on this event task wise. I just finished up week 2 of the dockyard just now by finishing off the last task (16 million Potential Damage) and I still needed one more game to finish Somme week 3 1.8 Million Spotting. Leaving basically no time to finish week 4. Thankfully I had a very good drop rate on the crates I did get and it only took $12 US to get enough crates to finish so I could ignore the asinine stuff at the end.

So, I could do an entire dockyard week set of tasks in a day by grinding my butt off yet it took 2 weeks to do that one stupid spotting mission for Somme despite tons of CV games. What WG has asked of the players task wise to get crates for Somme is way too much. It reminds me a bit of the OG Puerto Rico dockyard. 

This, so much this

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The week 3 task of getting 1,800,000 spotting damage was particularly time consuming. While I did most of it using the Jäger in Random Battles, the complicated way spotting damage works in the game makes it a very challenging metric.

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This was one nasty grind and I hat to buy 2 crates as I dont have the will to go playing thjat much submarine to get the 2 sub only tasks...


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My final result is 44 collected with 43 duplicate


I missed out the sub flooding mission but done everything else, also the crate from PTS.

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I finished most of the missions, garnering 55 out of 60 pieces to the puzzle.
Then I went to the Armory and begain purchasing containers (2 containers for 1,000 doubloons)
I opened the containers and added pieces to the puzzle, either with a piece that fit or by purchasing with duplicates.
I had to repeat this proces until I'd spent 4,000 doubloons.

But, now my puzzle is complete and I've welcomed the Somme to my Port.




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RNGeesus heard my bitching and and complaining and saved me from having to purchase any containers with doubloons.  My final three Somme containers I could only afford one duplicate and thats what I ended up getting.  Finished with 42 elements and 36 duplicates.  As others have mentioned and noticed these missions were more tedious than usual, granted it is for a t9 premium ship (albeit a clone of a tech tree ship), especially some of the missions in both week three and four.  I guess its now on to the unnecessarily and overly complicated Anniversary event.

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21 hours ago, Frostbow said:

The week 3 task of getting 1,800,000 spotting damage was particularly time consuming. While I did most of it using the Jäger in Random Battles, the complicated way spotting damage works in the game makes it a very challenging metric.

I also found that particular task to be the most arduous. I ended up powering through it mostly over the weekend playing CVs in Coop. The thing to remember about spotting damage is that as long as you are spotting a ship and someone is dealing damage based on that spotting you get the spotting damage. You do not have to be the  only one spotting a target, the shooter just needs to be unable to spot the target themselves.

I found that in most cases it was pretty easy to keep the enemy bot CV spotted and pick up 30-50k average spotting damage per game (CVs don’t have guns to increase their detection range and ensure everyone can see them). There were a few less rewarding games sprinkled in there and it took quite a few battles, but I was able to make consistent progress nonetheless.

Edited by Nevermore135
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Well, I was one of those unlucky folks who couldnt complete the collection totally free. From 78 containers (skipped the sub missions) I got 40 pieces and 38 duplicates, so had to buy 2 crates, but 1000 dubs for tier IX DD I like (had great time in Jutland in ranked) is not a bad deal. I thought that I would not be able to finish the cruiser missions and would have to buy the bigger (20 crates for 6000 dubs) bundle since I barely play cruisers, but gave it a try with Lazo and was pleasantly surprised, finished all 3 cruisers missions in 29 battles with it.



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On 8/22/2023 at 4:24 PM, Frostbow said:

The week 3 task of getting 1,800,000 spotting damage was particularly time consuming. While I did most of it using the Jäger in Random Battles, the complicated way spotting damage works in the game makes it a very challenging metric.

its funny but the most easy class to get this are submarines.

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Finished yesterday, ended up with 1 duplicate left over. Was very close to needing to buy a few boxes. 

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I gave up on this collection. Needed 10 more puzzle pieces and nowhere near close to finishing it. Trying to shoot down 150 planes in battles with no CVs is unrealistic. Sorry I couldn't finish it but my sanity is more important 

Edited by Marmmadog
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Just got Somme today.  I did not have very good luck on the mosaic tile drops.  I was hoping to just have to finish two of the "top 5 in x-type ship" missions, but nope!  I needed to do three to get the final containers I needed.

Heh, Somme was quite the battle!

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Even though I bought a few crates to finish early ($12 USD) because of the asinine tasks in this event (looking at you 1.8 Million Spotting Damage) I just finished the actual event a few minutes ago. Had 5:56 Hrs left when I did the last crate task in stage 4. Most likely I would have got Somme totally free as I had a very low duplicate drop when I bought the few crates I did. This event was way too difficult for what we got. This was almost OG Puerto Rico dockyard levels of nuts. 

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22 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Even though I bought a few crates to finish early ($12 USD) because of the asinine tasks in this event (looking at you 1.8 Million Spotting Damage) I just finished the actual event a few minutes ago. Had 5:56 Hrs left when I did the last crate task in stage 4. Most likely I would have got Somme totally free as I had a very low duplicate drop when I bought the few crates I did. This event was way too difficult for what we got. This was almost OG Puerto Rico dockyard levels of nuts. 

  Yeah, spotting damage was, by far, the worst mission.  After 8 day of trying and not getting past that hurdle, I took a chance and switched gears to the sub flooding mission, which I originally expected to be more difficult.  I got it done in 2 days, though.  I'm not a sub main, probably my least favorite class, but I am grinding them.  Timing your torps for a permanent flood is key, and many times the lower damage, homing torps worked out for the better.

   Got the Somme with one mission to spare.  Sounds like some put in even more grinding and still didn't get the ship.  Something is wrong with that picture.  Leaving that last little bit to cross the finish line up to chance - seems kind of crummy to me. 

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15 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

its funny but the most easy class to get this are submarines.

That may be the case for some, which is good. Me, I just can't bring myself to play submarines yet. 

Personally, one good thing about using the Jäger to complete the mission (and I'm not a DD player) was getting Combat Scout achievements. Earned also a decent amount of credits and Elite CXP along the way.


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19 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

That may be the case for some, which is good. Me, I just can't bring myself to play submarines yet. 

Personally, one good thing about using the Jäger to complete the mission (and I'm not a DD player) was getting Combat Scout achievements. Earned also a decent amount of credits and Elite CXP along the way.


Me in my Jutland running into you in your Jager while we're both fishing for spotting damage:


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10 hours ago, Frostbow said:

That may be the case for some, which is good. Me, I just can't bring myself to play submarines yet. 

I refuse to play them period despite having all of them (for flakes) other than T8/T10 BRN (edit - I just went and grabbed them with FXP so I have them for the Anniversary event) and Gato. I just will NOT play them in the manner they have been implemented in the game. I just flat out refuse to contribute to the problems and unrest among the players they have caused.

Others have the right to do as they please seeing as they are added to the game but I can't in good conscious blast WG for how broken, unbalanced, and unfun to play against they are (IMHO) and then go out and play them myself. That would make me a hypocrite and I won't do that.

To this point WG has made sure we have "options" in events and such to avoid HAVING to play them. In the Somme event you could bypass the 2 Sub only tasks (1 each week 1 and week 3) and still, in theory, get enough crates to get the ship. IF the time comes where they make us play them to complete something (like say a building phase token in a dockyard) then I will really go nuts and it will be the 1st event I do not participate in/finish.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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