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Somme Collection Progress


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Done week 3, reached 41/28, just need <=10 to get the new boat.

Spotting wasn't as bad as thought.  Sub flooding damage is harder and co-op is hopeless.   Brawl and Ranked gave me the most of the flooding. 


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I finished week 3 couple of days ago. The spotting mission was achievable but it was a pain in the neck to finish it. I don't play subs and CV's so I have gotten less free containers than the maximum available. I am currently at 34/18 with another 11 unopened containers. If I get 18 containers in week 4, I figure I only need to get 5 more not duplicated pieces and I'll get somme without buying more containers.

Edited by BigHeadShrimp
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16 minutes ago, meatgrindr said:

Damage upon spotting mission is not going well.  Did the rules change?


The rules did not change. You just have to spend a lot of time grinding. I am a PVE main. Even if you select the right ship in Coop, getting damage upon spotting is hit or miss. I found out getting spotting damage playing ops was more certain even though you only get 50% of the damage. Random matches may be better but that's not my cup of tea.

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I've only completed 2 of the week 3 missions. Being a PVE main, I'll be lucky to complete week 3 by the end of the time frame afford fur the white mission. The fire damage and damage upon spotting are hard to do on that mode. I could do them in ops but the rewards are halved and the games last about 3 times longer than coop. 

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I'm at 40/60 with 20 duplicates. I really like round numbers.

I've found the spotting mission to be worse than subs. The sub missions were doable but frustrating.


If I'm lucky I'll get the Somme this weekend.

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19 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

I'm at 40/60 with 20 duplicates. I really like round numbers.

I've found the spotting mission to be worse than subs. The sub missions were doable but frustrating.


If I'm lucky I'll get the Somme this weekend.

I also have 20 duplicates. I don't think I'll be getting the Somme. And I do not want to spend to get doubloons for Somme containers—I think it will only give me additional duplicates. LOL

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2 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I also have 20 duplicates. I don't think I'll be getting the Somme. And I do not want to spend to get doubloons for Somme containers—I think it will only give me additional duplicates. LOL

I'm pretty certain the event boxes will be available for coal later on, plus the Somme is just a premium Jutland anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I also have 20 duplicates. I don't think I'll be getting the Somme. And I do not want to spend to get doubloons for Somme containers—I think it will only give me additional duplicates. LOL

Depending on how many you have, 20 duplicates now can guarantee completion. Next week you can get 21 more elements, so if you have I think at least 40 right now, you should be good.

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4 hours ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Depending on how many you have, 20 duplicates now can guarantee completion. Next week you can get 21 more elements, so if you have I think at least 40 right now, you should be good.

The problem is that some of these people can't jump the hurdle to get to week 4. If you can't finish the spotting mission in time, either a big win in PvP (I think it's 2300 BXP?) or flooding in subs is necessary. 

Events have always offered the easiest path to completion for the player who has all types and can leverage them effectively. This is that turned up to eleven, and looking forward, I wouldn't be surprised to see more events where one or the other is a requirement. If you're not going to play CV or sub on principle, you'll be hobbling yourself.

I will be honest with you - ten million credits in subs was a #$%*^% steep learning curve, and the flooding damage was frustrating as hell. Too many things had to come together, especially in co-op - and yes, I did make my displeasure known in Discord. If it were me, I'd probably have specified torpedo damage.

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34 minutes ago, o4x4 said:

Finished collection with 45 unique and 30 duplicates.


Congrats.  I'm still making slow progress.  Only about half of my "puzzle" is completed.

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Got it with 48 uniques! 😅

Using it to retrain Jutland commander for a different Daring build now as Somme/Daring can share commanders 

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I'm ashamed to say, I cheated, and bought a few crates; I was finding the fires/floods damage missions deeply tedious (Coop bots tend to hit DCP immediately, and when they can't, they tend to die too soon to clock up decent numbers).

Anyway, I now have her, and don't have to waste my time playing battle/ship combinations that don't appeal.

Incidentally, this is probably not WG breaking the letter of their word, but I do somewhat feel it is breaking the spirit:


They would presumably argue that the 'Somme' permaflage is the default, and the - essentially - standard one is an extra, but I do think it's shabby charging 4K gold for those who think the huge 'Lest We Forget' down the side is a bit tacky? Personally, I would rather mark remembrance with a flag (which I already have).

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My next set of three crates is guaranteed to do the job; I am at 15/25 on the "Get top 5 in a cruiser" mission, so it looks like I will get the ship.

I found the submarine flooding mission the most annoying of the lot.

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I'm not far off, but getting duplicates all the time 😕 But I should have her soon. I like Jutland, it will be nice to have premium one where I can use my Daring cap 🙂 

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6 hours ago, Verblonde said:

Incidentally, this is probably not WG breaking the letter of their word, but I do somewhat feel it is breaking the spirit:

Why is that? Because you're going to quibble over aesthetics?

(I finished with nine containers still for the asking. I'm going to pick them up because some of them have a nice little handful of Elite Commander XP in them.)

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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8 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Why is that? Because you're going to quibble over aesthetics?

On silver ships, the 'default' first permaflage is available for cheap (quite reasonably, given that they don't do anything functional), with the non-standard ones costing more thereafter (assuming you're starting from scratch after the economy rework when permaflages got split into their aesthetic and bonus components).

On premium (and special) ships, the first permaflage is included and is something non-controversial, and extras can be added after that. For example, this is the vanilla cammo for Texas:


Standard, unremarkable.

If I find that insufficiently interesting, I can buy another (or bag it in a mission - I typically run the terribly unsubtle Stars & Stripes on mine):


My point is that Somme doesn't get an 'unremarkable' permaflage which is inconsistent with what has gone before (and with the spirit of what WG said they'd do about this whole area).

Of course, you could argue that Somme is in the same category as things like the various Weeb/Sci-Fi ships, and so doesn't get a more conservative permaflage. Leaving aside the tackiness of implying analogy between ostensibly a remembrance thing, and improbably pneumatic cartoon women, why then provide a plain option (besides it already existing for Jutland, and so being just a copy-paste effort)?

This isn't really a big thing; ultimately - these days - I can just run the thing neked and she looks perfectly sensible. I've just got rather weary of WG cutting corners and/or being excessively money-grubbing...

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59 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Why is that? Because you're going to quibble over aesthetics?

I think it's a fair point honestly.

No one had this ship prior to the econ rework, meaning they would not have had the permanent camouflage/bonus beforehand, which I was told by CS is the only reason you should be expected to pay full price for the first camouflage purchased post rework.

Since no camouflage was purchased, and we did not have the permanent camouflage/bonus combo before the rework(obviously), I think it's a fair ask that the first purchased permanent camouflage follow the discount rule. In all honesty though, I don't expect that will happen.

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Finished the grind with 46 unique pieces and 29 duplicates, 75 crates in total. With some luck I managed to get Somme without resorting to paying for crates, banging my head against the two submarine-specific tasks or complete the last directive in full.

The event's start coincided with the abrupt official forum closure and its own repercussion. AFAIK, many players from my country, who are "veterans" of the recent Jaeger event, are shocked to find that the missions are almost as grindy as a proper Dockyard marathon or, in another analogy, as repetitive and mind-numbing as the historical Battle of the Somme for an ordinary soldier, for essentially a decorated clone ship (in contrast, Jaeger is a new model with very interesting, though not that competitive, parameters).

Yet for those who have bitten the bullet many have already completed the event. For me, a part of the drive is that I have to convince myself that I can get the event ship for free (or at least at huge discounts), that I skipped the Colourful Regetta event (I have been busy at real life those days before being able to make up my mind about what to do) mainly due to the only a token value of ships can be paid by freely-earned tokens without gambling with random crates and the SHS-firing Mk6 naval guns have never grown on me (and it's a relief that I managed to do so). The grind is indeed intensive, for example the last stage alone needs at least 50 battles with good enough performance (I spammed enough in Ranked while grinding Cataluna out). The spotting damage task almost broke the entire grind; I completed it with practicing with various mid-tier destroyers while also grinding their research. I ground out Fubuki, Icarus and Shiratsuyu during the third week.

I agree that Somme should have a "regular" premium camouflage in addition to the decorative "Lest We Forget". Besides she should also have her name and hull number added.

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7 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

the missions are almost as grindy as a proper Dockyard marathon

That's because the prize is a T9 premium ship... even if it is a clone of a tech-tree vessel, it's still a T9 premium. And unlike the dockyard, there was no compulsory money component. You should expect to have to sweat for that, and we did. 

7 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

or, in another analogy, as repetitive and mind-numbing as the historical Battle of the Somme for an ordinary soldier

That was the entire point of the event IMO.

10 hours ago, Verblonde said:

Of course, you could argue that Somme is in the same category as things like the various Weeb/Sci-Fi ships, and so doesn't get a more conservative permaflage.

I suspect this is the case.

10 hours ago, Verblonde said:

Leaving aside the tackiness of implying analogy between ostensibly a remembrance thing, and improbably pneumatic cartoon women,

Drawing an analogy between this event's ship and that event's captains seems to be stretching it IMO. It's perfectly legitimate to keep the comparison between the ships - but since you bring up the sci-fi thing, most of those characters are NOT 'improbably pneumatic'.


Here's a theory for you - the camo is there to remind you every time you use the ship. There's a reason WG doesn't want you to just be able to switch it off and forget

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44 individual pieces + 34 duplicates here. 6 tokens left in missions (sub flooding, and DD 25 top5).

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37 minutes ago, Ocsimano18 said:

44 individual pieces + 34 duplicates here. 6 tokens left in missions (sub flooding, and DD 25 top5).

The duplicates can be exchanged for pieces.  Two duplicates per one piece of the Somme puzzle.
Simply click on an empty puzzle square, and a menu for making the exchange should appear.
34 duplicates can yield 17 pieces.  You could finish the puzzle.

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