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I try to keep playing High Tier Randoms but.....


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I at least had a close game at tier 10 to round off the night.

Immelman against FDR with two subs on both teams. The reports were heavy!

We won after I got the CC_TV sub to wiff his second torp salvo at me and killed him with my depth charges... 😄

Got to love when you get the better of a unicum clan!

...and then I whittled away at their BBs and Minotaur until we won by more points at end of time.

175k damage, and I don't think I played all that well...but it was enjoyable.

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1 minute ago, Rollingonit said:

I will respect your opinion on the topic Daniel, because I remember you on the WG forum started posting around the CV rework. So when you was a true noob you saw some unicums + cv nuttiness. 

...and I joined specifically to play RTS CV...so I remember taking my Bogue and Independence against guys in a Saipain...

Man, those were the days when CV play was high stress and awesome.

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2 hours ago, Rollingonit said:

Im not talking about that. Pay attention to the discussion.

A new player will run through those tiers and experience what I said. Unless they buy past it.

It is not better at higher tiers. So better stay in mid tiers for a while and learn the things you have to endure more slowly and build up captains. 

Besides it is aproblem with a online game (not WGs fault) that when it has reached the mature stage it is more players that are veterans like myself, I started a few weeks after release in 2015 so the then 2 lines were learned together with others apart from those from Alpha/Beta stage.

So the proportion of new players will be low and much more lines, ships to memorize, mechanics etc. But that is difficult to do something about. 

As it is more complex now the new player should take it more slowly than ever but he has the means to do it faster than us veterans with all boosters.. 

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39 minutes ago, Gnirf said:


Maybe a language barrier here. Never said better in higher tiers. You seem not able to follow the discussion I originally started. The person I responded to couldn't seem to either.

No worries.

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This started as a TIRED OF PLAYING THE BLIMP MODE over and over again by force and turned quickly into a Clubbing thread.

Did anyone actually mention that?🤣

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Only played it once so far. Will need at least a few more rounds of it to have a real informed opinion on it. 

Just looks like some modified version of Hunted (Quakeworld Teamfortress) and/or payload (Overwatch).



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I've only played it twice, never played it when it was a separate mode.  Maybe once I understand where to be when, but otherwise, I don't care too much for it.  I don't think it should be in random battles.

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