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8th Anniversary Event Flake Progress Thread (PVE)


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So far, I've been working down from Tier 10 (I don't have any supers) and have cleared out Tiers 10 through 7. Just 6 and 5 to go; a little under 130 ships.

Once that's done, I'll pick up Karl XIV Johan and decide whether I want to buy back my Tier 5 through 9 IJN Gunboat DDs. (I double-reset the line recently, but recouping Harugumo's points alone was enough to get me over the line for Illinois, and not buying the others back at the time saved me 27 million credits. However, it shouldn't be long before I can buy them all back and still stay over 100 million.) 

It would be nice to pull a ship out of the event supercontainers, BUT... one of the SC's in the Anniversary Twitch mission last week gave me the Siliwangi, so I've probably used up my Supercontainer RNG for a while. Alternatively, I still have just enough token potential to get the Commander Coupon and pick up the Vanguard for half price (I chose the Irian as my substitute ship for the Bayard).

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11 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

AND DONE!!!!!! 

Finished off the handful of T5's and even got 1 more bonus than I could use as the last game in Emerald was over 500 BXP (figures LOL).


Now I just have to decide how I will use all of these...



Holy c**p, @AdmiralThunder do you ever sleep?😵

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I'm a sick pup and need help. I'm a ship hoarder. Just finished the flakes and run out and get another one. 🤣


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1 minute ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I'm a sick pup and need help. I'm a ship hoarder. Just finished the flakes and run out and get another one. 🤣


Not to worry, it is a fairly benign addiction to have. There are far worse .... .

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5 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I'm a sick pup and need help. I'm a ship hoarder. Just finished the flakes and run out and get another one. 🤣


She's fun AT.

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5 hours ago, Efros said:

She's fun AT.

Played one game so far. Nothing epic (like 63K and a few kills) but over 100 MBH in a 4 min game. It will be great for those games where you need MBH and/or fires from a BB for sure.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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I've only got 121 ships (w/ 51 open ports slots 🫤).  I've cleared my T10s, T9s, and T8s.  Only gotten enough tokens for 10 SCs so far, but I have gotten the Tirpitz from one of them, so I'm good.  🙂

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only 20 or so left from my full allotment of SCs and the best I've seen is 7 days of Premium (3 times) a metric crapton of useless signals and a lot of grey bonuses. Not even a sniff of a ship, hardly surprising I will probably end up with a sub if I get anything.

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I have around 30 ships left to play out of 268. I used the Bayard buy to get the Pyotr Bagration. With the remaining flakes I'll get around 40 SC. Not expecting to get anything from them but we'll see.

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I did get Smaland from a crate today but not from a Festive one, she appeared out of one of the Battle Pass crates, which I didn't know was possible.

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1 minute ago, Efros said:

I did get Smaland from a crate today but not from a Festive one, she appeared out of one of the Battle Pass crates, which I didn't know was possible.

It's a  good thing there are only three months left to the year because you've used all your luck for the year already. Congrats!


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As far as crates and boats are concerned I really don't have much to complain about. Over the years I've had more than a fair few lucky crates, Mainz, Graf Zeppelin, Kii, Bearn, Munchen, Kutuzov, Belfast and numerous others have come from crates. One Christmas my haul was 13 premiums from two lots of big gifts. My days of buying bundles of crates are over though, I have just about all of the ships in the lists and the compensation for pulling a duplicate ship is crap compared to what it used to be.

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1 hour ago, Efros said:

I did get Smaland from a crate today but not from a Festive one, she appeared out of one of the Battle Pass crates, which I didn't know was possible.

Any standard crate like we get from the daily missions can turn into a SC regardless of how you get it. I have had a couple standard crates I got out of the BP turn into them.

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I knew this to be the case for the ones from the Clan treasury, really didn't think it applied anywhere else, not going to complain about it either!

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31 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Any standard crate like we get from the daily missions can turn into a SC regardless of how you get it.

More or less, but there's a bit more to it than just that.

Every daily crate (eco boosts, signals, camos, coal, and try your luck/small crates) received counts toward progress, regardless of where it is from. For a while, there was a bug with the battle passes where those crates weren't counting toward progress, but that was subsequently fixed once it was identified.

However, not every source can convert to a SC. For example, crates from the daily login rewards will count for progress but cannot convert to a SC. Missions may also be unconvertible, based on some PTS sessions where missions would give lots of crates and not convert, but then you'd get multiple daily xp crates in a row converting to SCs.

The daily xp crates obviously can convert to SCs when they cross the threshold, as can crates from the armory and clan treasury, and (now) crates from battle passes. If you cross a threshold with a crate that can't convert, the next crate that can be converted will be a SC. (And if you manage to cross the threshold multiple times without getting any convertible crates, you'll build up a "backlog" of owed SCs that will clear before any convertible sources will drop normal crates again). 

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