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Super Container Random & Temporary Event Drops


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Lucky you mate, I bought 5 containers for Arctic tokens and got nothing. Tbh I'm not bothered with black ships, I have all equivalents part Smolensk. But you have a nice strak this year, keep it up, Xmas are coming 😉 

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Well, after long time, I got 2 ships in span of 2 days from SC. Firstly I opened SC that I had from anniversary event (38 I believe) and besides some coal and premium time got also Molotov. And today I grabbed my monthly SCs and got Duke of York... the same DoY that is available for coal and that I exchanged for Sims during the trade-in event...


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I finally reached the monthly twin SC drop this morning.  Tier 7 German cruiser Weimar.  The other SC had 50 speed flags.  The guys on the fore deck weren't there cheering this time.



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Hi all,

My 3rd "More Coal" of the day brought this so-called "Supercontainer"...



Leo "Apollo11"

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Sometimes I get those 'surprise' SC's. This one didn't drop, it again just popped up. Along with another one.

1500 Steel

75000 Elite Commander XP

And two more SC's on EU,

25 x Free XP +600%

25 x Ship XP +200%


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Second container of the day turned into a 'SC':  75000 Elite Commander XP.  I was so overwhelmed I was shaking.  😄

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1 hour ago, Subtle_Octavian said:


Wut? Gold ship? Is that some kind of a super premium?

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8 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Wut? Gold ship? Is that some kind of a super premium?

I have a mod that makes the premium ships gold so it's easy to see them in the ship bar.

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Got this, this morning, in a medium X-mas container :
(To be honest, all the other containers were... meh...)


Played one game with it and a 10-points commander :


Definitely not to be build with secondaries, but interesting though.
And appears to be a good credity-maker.  🙂

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2 minutes ago...

Looks like a Nürnberg with Zieten's torps and a very good camo (8,7 km).
... but I fear the rest.  😁

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