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Half Price Ship Upgrades Starts 13th September ×

Not happy with the timing of this


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WG released a DevBlog today and they announced that in update 13.8 the new Pan American BB's will enter Early Access. 



Early Access to Pan-American Battleships

Update 13.8 brings about Early Access to the new Pan-American Battleship line!...

I am actually looking forward to the new BB's as Atlantico is a favorite of mine. HOWEVER, what I think a lot of people are missing/will miss is that means the Early Access event for them will coincide with the final weeks of the new dockyard for the T9 Spanish Cruiser which starts next week with update 13.7.

The final 4-8 weeks of the dockyard will take place in update 13.8 (assuming it is a normal dockyard) and the back end is always the hardest (with at least a couple weeks being brutal). I am not looking forward to having to do that AND worry about the Pan AM BB event too.

I seriously doubt WG will take into account having 2 major events ongoing at the same time and make the missions easier or at least not work at odds against each other (ie; the 2 different events). 

Obviously, we need to see exactly what the missions will entail and such. I mean it COULD end up being no sweat but based on what we know about these types of events I just don't see how this isn't going to be miserable in 13.8.

This seems like yet another case of WG just not paying attention. This seems like poorly thought out scheduling that will be a PITB for us. I sure hope I am wrong.


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Don't stress about it. Early access to tech tree ships can just be ignored with little downsides. 

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Early access to tech tree ships can just be ignored with little downsides. 

You clearly don't know who you said that too LOL.


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Don't worry - they are just making sure you have plenty of practice in for the 9th anniversary patch which by my calculations should be 13.9 (September) - all fired up and in top form for those event tokens blowing off sessions.

They are doing it for you. 🎇

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Until we see the missions this is purely speculation at this point (already noted in the OP.) 

FWIW, the PTS only had 4 "weeks" worth of missions, so the EA may start the week after the final dockyard missions drop (in this case there may be an extra week of overlap since you typically get 2 weeks to finish the final missions in case you needed some extra time.  The other possibility is that there will be only 1 or 2 weeks of overlap.  If this is the case, then it shouldn't be an issue as historically the first sets of missions will be fairly easy (and probably do-able concurrent to the dockyard missions.)


Edited by HamptonRoads
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5 hours ago, HamptonRoads said:

Until we see the missions this is purely speculation at this point (already noted in the OP.) 

FWIW, the PTS only had 4 "weeks" worth of missions, so the EA may start the week after the final dockyard missions drop (in this case there may be an extra week of overlap since you typically get 2 weeks to finish the final missions in case you needed some extra time.  The other possibility is that there will be only 1 or 2 weeks of overlap.  If this is the case, then it shouldn't be an issue as historically the first sets of missions will be fairly easy (and probably do-able concurrent to the dockyard missions.)



The dockyard will be the standard 2 update cycles of missions and then 1 update where it can be bought. Tells us that in the devblog announcing it that it starts in 13.7, combat missions will run to the end of 13.8, and then it can be bought if you didn’t finish the missions in 13.9. All the standard format for a dockyard.

The only thing different is it only requires we buy 2 building phases (like Wisconsin which was the 1st for less than 3) and there are just 20 total building phases to the dockyard (a 1st for such a low number) instead of the usual 30 +/-. But that doesn’t mean easy. WG can just make fewer tokens needed while still making us do 5 tasks each week that are progressively harder (ie; looks easier but really isn’t).

So we need to wait and see what we have for missions for both events going on in 13.8 to really know how bad it will be. I am not optimistic based on this being WG but as always will admit when I am wrong and/or they surprise me and do something good.

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9 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I am not looking forward to having to do that AND worry about the Pan AM BB event too.

Nah, don't worry, missions overlap... it is always the same, farm X BXP, Y credits, Z hits/torps/fires etc. I just hope they forget about the stupid Potential Damage missions... gosh I hate those. 

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Posted (edited)
12 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Nah, don't worry, missions overlap... it is always the same, farm X BXP, Y credits, Z hits/torps/fires etc. I just hope they forget about the stupid Potential Damage missions... gosh I hate those. 

That is the issue though. They very well may NOT overlap (ie; be similar missions which lets us use similar ships for multiple event progress per game) and we end up with a much harder grind to do both (ie; 5 tasks for dockyard and 5 for EA and NONE really work together).

There has been many instances in the past where 2 ongoing events were at odds with each other mission wise which doubled our load. I mean this is WG after all.

The chances of them actually checking something like that, vs just creating the 2 sets of missions separately and throwing them out there at the same time, with no thought given to the mess they could be making is very high.

I am not saying that WILL happen just saying there is a good chance of it based on WG's past. 

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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9 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

That is the issue though. They very well may NOT overlap (ie; be similar missions which lets us use similar ships for multiple event progress per game) and we end up with a much harder grind to do both (ie; 5 tasks for dockyard and 5 for EA and NONE really work together).

There has been many instances in the past where 2 ongoing events were at odds with each other mission wise which doubled our load. I mean this is WG after all.

The chances of them actually checking something like that, vs just creating the 2 sets of missions separately and throwing them out there at the same time, with no thought given to the mess they could be making is very high.

I am not saying that WILL happen just saying there is a good chance of it based on WG's past. 

I understand what you mean, but of late (imo) the mission structure is rather generic. There's a mission fit for any of the archetypes (DDs, CAs, BBs. CVs are usually optional or parallel to some of the base 3), then there's mission that are plain grind like BXP or Credits (these overlap within the 'archetype' missions) and then there's a 'challenge' mission por PvP (because reasons...), this usually gets done along the way of doing the rest and doesn't require any particular attention.

So, honestly it doesn't matter much how many concurrent events are going on at the same time, it is always the same thing for everything... there's usually a singular mission that's the gatekeeper, the rest gets done on your way to unlocking that gate. 

To be honest, I much rather prefer to have multiple events and missions going on, because my play time is more rewarded. For the same effort I get to unlock different stuff. The trick is correctly identifying what missions are your gatekeepers and focus on that early on.  

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10 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

This seems like yet another case of WG just not paying attention. This seems like poorly thought out scheduling that will be a PITB for us. I sure hope I am wrong.

To me, this seems like WG folks decided to have another take at providing FOMO affected individuals with a perfect opportunity to pay their way through one (or maybe even both) of the overlapping events. 

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17 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

To be honest, I much rather prefer to have multiple events and missions going on, because my play time is more rewarded. For the same effort I get to unlock different stuff. The trick is correctly identifying what missions are your gatekeepers and focus on that early on.  

This. I call it the art of doing as many things as possible at the same time.


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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

This. I call it the art of doing as many things as possible at the same time.



I think it's more like they want constant events running because they are afraid the players who need something beyond the playing of the game (hence the reason the RB is here) will be lost and unable to function if there is any period where something 'special' isn't going on.



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  • 3 weeks later...

My 13.8 gripe...

All the Ops are Ops I hate for one reason or another. (Hermes, Newport, Ultimate Arf Ewe, Aegis and Cherry Blossom to a lesser extent.)

This despite there being ZERO losses in all the games I played.

It's such fun watching things constantly being blown the hell away before I can take a shot; (everything died so fast in a Hermes Op, I basically could never get Wiskey's F-button up,) or (playing a CV,) dropping on a reasonably healthy target, only to see it get blown the hell away.

Nothing about T10 Ops to like; as far as I'm concerned.


Minor confusion gripe; not exactly certain how the anniversary skip tickets are supposed to work this time. It seems different.

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On 8/19/2024 at 5:22 AM, Estimated_Prophet said:

Minor confusion gripe; not exactly certain how the anniversary skip tickets are supposed to work this time.

Okay, so at the end of our last episode, if you had so many ships in your port you could - by scoring sufficient base XP in a single battle - redeem more than one snowflake (depending on how many ships you had and how high you scored). The flake of the ship you were playing would be dusted in a win, or a loss over 300 BXP.

Now what happens is this:

1) For an individual ship, there is a certain amount of base XP you need to earn in it to dust its flake. But this is now CUMULATIVE. The bar for Tier 10, for example, is 600 BXP, but you get as many shots as you need to break it. This is to stop it from being completely unfair to co-op in the higher tiers. 


2) There is a general bar for all ships of 1000 BXP. When you hit that, you clear out however many snowflakes are determined by the ships you have in your port:


So if you have 100 ships in your port, then for every 1000 base XP you earn in ANY SHIP AT ALL (even the same ship over and over again), you will be able to clear four snowflakes. If you had a 2000 BXP game, you would be able to clear out EIGHT snowflakes. You have the option to select the ships manually or have the system choose them. This bar is also cumulative, so if you get a 1200 BXP game, it counts the thousand and then rolls the 200 into the next iteration. 

(I should make it clear that all the above is established by experiment, not just quoting devblogs. I went in there, played battles and observed the system at work.)

If you are grinding hard to get some of those juicy T10 ships into your port for the Anniversary and Christmas snowflakes, you won't have to put the grinds down to dust flakes once the Anniversary kicks off; you can keep on grinding, and your bonus snowflakes will accumulate for you. 

One other thing this should do, especially for players with large fleets, is stop Randoms mains from rushing into co-op to dust their flakes, now that yolo-dying and being carried to a low-BXP win by the co-op mains is no longer the easy way through. This incentivizes staying in randoms. I think.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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15 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

One other thing this should do, especially for players with large fleets, is stop Randoms mains from rushing into co-op to dust their flakes, now that yolo-dying and being carried to a low-BXP win by the co-op mains is no longer the easy way through. This incentivizes staying in randoms. I think.

As a PvP Main, this new system Indeed looks like I won't be visiting Coop to clear flakes. Just play as usual, I like that.

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On 8/1/2024 at 12:50 PM, ArIskandir said:

I just hope they forget about the stupid Potential Damage missions... gosh I hate those. 

Those are the easiest ones for me.  I'm an expert at getting spotted and shot at by the entire enemy team.  🤪

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Didn't care about this dockyard already, so this is a non issue. 

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On 8/2/2024 at 12:50 AM, ArIskandir said:

I just hope they forget about the stupid Potential Damage missions... gosh I hate those.

Maybe it is just me, but I loved it. Even in Co-op I was able to get at least 1,000,000 potential damage in a single game, with the Moskva, and then another 1,000,000 with the Republique. With the Conde it was even higher; but it took me more than the usual amount of patience not to shoot at the bot Edgar firing his guns on my bow-in French cruiser. The only downside is that my other stats took a beating—as if my stats in Co-op are on par with PVP stats in terms of fulfillment. LOL

In PVP, any Tier X BB, provided it is played decently, can easily do it.

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1 hour ago, Captain Slattery said:

I'm an expert at getting spotted and shot at by the entire enemy team.  

"That feeling when the string of ones and zeroes you typed into co-op all-chat turned out to mean something." 😜

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51 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

In PVP, any Tier X BB, provided it is played decently, can easily do it.

The problem for me is farming Potential Damage implies a very particular way of playing. Yes, I can farm 3M+ per match in GK (example)... but that implies I have to play GK (or something similar) for as long as it takes, and even as a GK tank build it is better to not get damaged that to get damaged as an absolut principle. 

For me it is particularly annoying because I'm good at manging stealth and tend to play sneaky ships, getting spotted would be a mistake and getting return fire is even worse, I try my best to damage you in ways you can't retaliate (thus farming as little potential damage as possible is a core directive for me). Even the BBs I prefer to play are on the sneaky side (Renown'44, Thunderer), and I'll play them as 'sneaky' as possible in order to position as close (decisive action is fought at close range) and advantageously as possible. 

For me this mission goes against a core principle of the game (avoid being shot while shooting the enemy, optimize the HP trades with the enemy), I dislike them not because they are particularly difficult but because they are very restrictive in the way you play (boring) and ship selection.

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On 8/1/2024 at 1:30 PM, 100 Krakens said:

To me, this seems like WG folks decided to have another take at providing FOMO affected individuals with a perfect opportunity to pay their way through one (or maybe even both) of the overlapping events. 

whats FOMO?

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1 minute ago, WES_HoundDog said:

whats FOMO?

Fear Of Missing Out

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Posted (edited)

It appears WG has made the new T8 Pan Am BB the final stage reward of the free side of the Battlepass in 13.8. The event perma camo for it will be the final stage reward on the paid side of the Battlepass. We can get up to 11 of the crates we need for the new Legendary Pan Am Capt from the Battlepass as well. While that is for the PTS I am pretty sure that will be on the live server as well.


The majority of the crates we need for the collection to get the Capt will require using anniversary tokens (flake rewards) it seems (up to 85 crates @ 200 tokens each). Also seems there will be a wishing well thing again through the armory that can drop crates but not sure really what is involved and how many we can get as details are limited in the Devblog.  



I don't see any mention, anywhere, of how the T9 and T10 will be obtained? Perhaps armory bundles or some such. 

So, it appears that there won't really be dedicated missions and tasks to get the new Pan Am BB's unless WG drops the info on us about it later on (for T9/T10). They seem to be an afterthought and extra set of rewards in the update (not to mention almost certainly $$$ for them). I mean that is good for us as we will already have so much going on (hence my OP to start the thread) but I also feel a bit sad at the way WG is adding the line as I was really looking forward to it.

I wish they were doing a full line T3+ (lots of real ships that could have been added and actual plans for some others) and that they got their own dedicated event. Also, PLEASE WG, give us a new Campaign to work on. Would have been a great way to add the new Legendary Capt vs another boring collection. Don't care for the way they are adding these new things but at least it will make what we have to do in 13.8 easier.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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12 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Okay, so at the end of our last episode, if you had so many ships in your port you could - by scoring sufficient base XP in a single battle - redeem more than one snowflake (depending on how many ships you had and how high you scored). The flake of the ship you were playing would be dusted in a win, or a loss over 300 BXP.

Now what happens is this:


Thanks for the explanation!

Realized torturing myself playing T10 Op last night that something was different, but not what.

Glad everyone else was so good; because I was consistently getting last place… ☹️

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