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Dev Blog 475 = 6 new Black Friday ships [2023] (plus other stuff :p )


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9 hours ago, majmac said:

From what I heard, it is considerably nerfed compared to the OG Smolensk. So, buyer beware!

I have never heard off a black version of any ship being nerfed it's an exact copy off the orignal ship. You are thinking of the DD black which was nefred before the event and black version of the black will be the same as the already nerfed version . So Smolensk is not nerfed it's an exact copy of the ship out there now.

Edited by clammboy
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3 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

if they only make one thing that makes sense of getting those ships ...

Well, it doesn't have to "make sense", if a player likes the ship in question, eh?

Example:  I welcomed the ARP Takao to my Port, and I enjoyed her game-play enough to welcome each of her "sisters".
Thus I have the ARP Takao, the ARP Maya, the Atago and the Atago-B in my Port.  I also have the Tier-7 Maya, too.  🙂 

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3 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Well, it doesn't have to "make sense", if a player likes the ship in question, eh?

Example:  I welcomed the ARP Takao to my Port, and I enjoyed her game-play enough to welcome each of her "sisters".
Thus I have the ARP Takao, the ARP Maya, the Atago and the Atago-B in my Port.  I also have the Tier-7 Maya, too.  🙂 

Lol I have both versions of the Massachusetts and the Scharnhorst because they looked so good in black. I believe I got one in a container but I bought the other one. 

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55 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

And, @Asym, on top of everything that @Ensign Cthulhu and I have mentioned, the "dash-B" or "Black Ships" are one more ship in one's Port when "snowflakes" or seasonal event indicators are temporarily placed on ships and rewards are provided when a player plays the ship.
More ships in one's Port means more potential in-game rewards.

Really?  You mean, this year, we're going to "get something" from snowflakes?  Like, thousands of useless camo?  Again? 

I hear what you two are saying and appreciate the thoughts.... 


Edited by Asym
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31 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Well, it doesn't have to "make sense", if a player likes the ship in question, eh?

Example:  I welcomed the ARP Takao to my Port, and I enjoyed her game-play enough to welcome each of her "sisters".
Thus I have the ARP Takao, the ARP Maya, the Atago and the Atago-B in my Port.  I also have the Tier-7 Maya, too.  🙂 

dude ARP camos you cant buy but black camo you can get for any ship for very little credits.

Also do you enjoy having Atago and Atago B

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51 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

dude ARP camos you cant buy but black camo you can get for any ship for very little credits.

Also do you enjoy having Atago and Atago B

The black camos for sale are not the same as the camos on the black ships there are ugly with no details. The black ship camos are different. 

Edited by clammboy
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I don't understand why Smolensk is removed from sale or special...

...it's not that scary of a ship to face.

Shoot HE at it and it flees.

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36 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I don't understand why Smolensk is removed from sale or special...

...it's not that scary of a ship to face.

Shoot HE at it and it flees.

Smolensk was nerfed pretty heavily by the concurrent IFHE/cruiser plating changes a few years back. 130mm HE still pens 27mm under the new IFHE rules, but the fire chance penalty is much more pronounced. She also lost her 30mm midsection that made her armor extremely trolly and her armor is now roughly in line with that of other “super light” cruisers with DD guns. She received another nerf with the loss of AFT, which increased the maximum range of her guns (which have very good ballistics) by 20%(?).

However, even in her original release state I never found Smolensk to be particularly dangerous. I feel like a lot of her reputation was due to the fact that she was the epitome of a long-range HE spammer (with smoke!) and a lot of players simply found her extremely annoying to deal with.

Edited by Nevermore135
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1 hour ago, clammboy said:

The black camos for sale are not the same as the camos on the black ships there are ugly with no details. The black ship camos are different. 


On the one hand, this looks like I've been a Bad Boy and need to be Punished:


Whereas this looks like I'm a scruffy Herbert who had an accident whilst sweeping chimneys:

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4 hours ago, Asym said:

It's called "Revenge of the Clones?

Lama Su, probably: "You will be pleased to hear that two hundred thousand Black Friday ship clones are ready, with a million more well on their way."

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1 hour ago, clammboy said:

The black camos for sale are not the same as the camos on the black ships there are ugly with no details. The black ship camos are different. 

yeah I see a potential buyer here haha

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36 minutes ago, Verblonde said:


On the one hand, this looks like I've been a Bad Boy and need to be Punished:


Whereas this looks like I'm a scruffy Herbert who had an accident whilst sweeping chimneys:

so you are buying better pixels

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3 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

Also do you enjoy having Atago and Atago B

And I wrote a story about it, once upon a time in a topic on the old forum.


Journal Entry, 12-02-2020

Unlike dime-store mystery novels, last night was not "dark & stormy".  Instead, an evening fog had rolled through and coated the streets with moisture that shimmered under the strong light of a full moon.

I was in my office and had just changed out of my uniform and put on a vintage-style suit.  As I was adjusting my tie, I heard a knock at the door.  Satisfied with my tie, I stepped out from behind the wooden panel room-divider and picked-up the fedora I had left on my desk and said, "Who is it?"

A figure stepped in from the hallway, wearing a white trench-coat, a huge gray fedora with a wide gold ribbon, and a pair of glossy-black stilettos.  With a grin she said, "Commander Atago".

"Of all the offices in all of the world, you walk into mine", I said with a smile.

"Then the rumors are true." she said.

"Which rumors are those?", I asked.

"That you are going to the film-noir festival, held in humorous honor of the recent 'Black Friday' occasion", she stated.

I settled my own fedora atop my head and said, "Yes, indeed.  I've even been playing some sultry jazz music on the Victrola, over there, to get me in the mood."

She paused a moment, glanced at the floor, and then, having made a decision, looked me square in the eyes and spoke her next words with care and resolve, "Alpha, I need your help."

"This sounds serious", I said.  "What is the situation?"

"I've got a line on a relative of mine, that until now I thought was lost to me.  A provberial 'black sheep' within my family went exploring a long time ago, and contact with them was lost.  With what I've learned recently, it is possible to get to where they are.  There is a window of opportunity that will open when certain celestial bodies align, later tonight.  But, I need a partner to help me welcome my black sheep to our fold, our home, our Port.
So, I am asking, will you be that partner, my partner, tonight?"

I said, "For this mysterious caper, I will be your partner."

"Thank you", said Commander Atago.

"When exactly will our opportunity open?", I asked.

"About an hour after the film festival has ended.  We still have time for dinner and a show, before the real action begins", she replied.

I asked, "As we are both dressed for the occasion, shall we go together?"

"Hai", she replied.

"Then let us be on our way." I said, and then added, "By the way, what is the name of your relative?"

Commander Atago replied, "Kanojo no namae wa Kurondesu."

And with that, we walked together, arm in arm, to the film festival.
We raised several eyebrows and started a flurry of rumors along the way.  But we remained true to our purposes, to enjoy the festival in our 'cosplay' attire, and to reunite sundered family beneath the moon and stars of our Port.  No more, no less.

But, you might be wondering, "How was it accomplished?"
Well, I can only tell you that those details are 'classified'.


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[Narrator]  The scene is a room in the long-term care ward of the Port Hospital.  Commander Atago is seated next to a bed, wherein lies her relative, Commander Kuron.  The Alpha of the Port, has just entered through the open doorway.

[Wolfswetpaws]  How is she?

[Commander Atago]  As unconscious as we found her in the sick-bay of the Atago-B.  The doctors don't know why.  They ran several tests, and her vital signs indicate she is of sound body.  

[Wolfswetpaws]  I've been reviewing the logs & reports of the Atago-B.  They were exploring uncharted seas and found an archipelago.  Then a storm blew-in suddenly.  The crew ashore had barely enough time to re-board the ship before the winds, rains, waves and lightning strikes tossed the ship around and played havoc with their navigational instruments.  The fury of the storm beached the ship, and they were stranded.
Interestingly, their logs have only a few weeks worth of entries, and the dates correspond to when they were lost from contact.
Yet, I recall you saying they've been lost for a long time.

[Commander Atago]  Normally, such phenomena are heard of in mysterious legends.  But for us, this is all too real.

[Wolfswetpaws]  According to the ship's roster, nearly a third of the crew are missing.  Some fell overboard.  Some never returned from foraging trips on the island we found the ship beached upon.  Some seem to have vanished into thin air.

[Commander Atago]  What can be done?

[Wolfswetpaws]  All remaining crew-members of the Atago-B are being medically evaluated as we speak.  They're getting rest and nourishment.  
The ship is in dry-dock being evaluated for repairs, and also being given a thorough scientific examination.
Our expedition brought the Atago-B here, with the intention of permanently welcoming her.  
The crew are welcome to stay in Our Port, and will be offered the opportunity to remain in our Fleet or to muster-out and join our civilian population.
If the sea-lanes to Azur Lane become open again, diplomatic channels will provide a full report of our recovery efforts, so that your relatives and the relatives of the crew can be notified of what has transpired.

[Commander Atago]  With Commander Kuron incapacitated, who will command the Atago-B?

[Wolfswetpaws]  Commander Hayato Nishi is the highest-ranking officer remaining from thew crew of the Atago-B.  But his knowledge and training are outdated.  Placement as a student of the Academy seems best, for now.  Therefore, Commander Moeka China and Commander Iona are likely candidates.

[Commander Atago]  They're both good.  I imagine it will be difficult to choose.

[Wolfswetpaws]  I intend to 'sleep on it', and to that end, I shall say 'goodnight', Commander.

[Commander Atago]  Goodnight, Alpha.


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Black B is such a meme, they did that on purpose.

Smol B is...well it won't be as annoying as Smol was on release at least.

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Smolensk on release was a fascinating bit of fear based reaction.

I remember the first time I faced one, I was in my Bismarck...bottom tier in a tier 10 heavy battle...so I had the HE loaded because LOL only 15 inch guns...

The enemy Smolensk rolled up and thought popped smoke to start to farm the bottom tier shlub...and got hit by three of my four front turret HE shells.

Yeah, he buggered off behind his island and didn't bother me again. He only took like 4k damage, but for some reason he didn't want to fight me anymore.

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4 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

yeah I see a potential buyer here haha

Proably not but it wont be because I'm worried abut the money it's because I'm not very good at tier 10 CA play. If I want it I will get it . The last thing I'm worried about are the the money police who feel it's neccesary to make fun of or tell people how to spend there money.

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3 minutes ago, clammboy said:

Proably not but it wont be because I'm worried abut the money it's because I'm not very good at tier 10 CA play. If I want it I will get it . The last thing I'm worried about are the the money police who feel it's neccesary to make fun of or tell people how to spend there money.

dont get me wrong I dont mind people who spend a lot of money beacouse they have it. But that spending effect all players, since we are getting these gambling events or auctions reserved only for those spenders. 

Kinda, they are ruining the balance

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4 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:

dont get me wrong I dont mind people who spend a lot of money beacouse they have it. But that spending effect all players, since we are getting these gambling events or auctions reserved only for those spenders. 

Kinda, they are ruining the balance

There was never any balance.

There will never be any balance.

Enjoy the game for what it is.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

There was never any balance.

There will never be any balance.

Enjoy the game for what it is.

dont give hope

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I keep kicking myself for not getting the Massachusetts B last year ... she would've been good to have for Ops 😔

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11 hours ago, Asym said:

It's yet another hard PASS.  Who the heck needs "black ships" anyway???  Gimmicks, they be........whale bait:  no more and no less...

Yes.  I don't see the point.  Exact same ship but "Black."  At least the Kongo and Maya clones were different ships - sorta.

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31 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

Shiny black pixels, with chrome accessories...!


dont change the topic on something I would pay 

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