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For those of you curious about the CV test....


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I was determined to participate in this "rework - test run", because I love playing CV under the current conditions. The so - called "rework" seems to make CV worthless, but I wanted to watch this first hand and not just relying on rumors and hear - say. The requirements though, 63,8 GB and an extra server, are far too extreme to attract me in any way. 

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Right, while the 100 dubs and 750 coal would make Dobby happy, I wouldn't be bothered to do more than a couple of clicks for that reward myself, certainly not go to the bother of installing another instance.

I take it, however, there are players who will leap at this chance and would do so regardless of the substantial reward WG is giving out.

I'm guessing that is why WG/WOWs is teasing us with the offer of a chance at certain ships as rewards.

The download may be 63 GB, but the installation is over 100 GB.  

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39 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I'm guessing that is why WG/WOWs is teasing us with the offer of a chance at certain ships as rewards.

The download may be 63 GB, but the installation is over 100 GB.  

I see... so it's like 1 doubloon per 1 gigabyte or so. Do you think WG could come up with a slightly more impressive test package, more in the ballpark of, say, 10 000 GB or so?

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12 hours ago, iDuckman said:

[insert some snark here, if you wish]

Not really necessary seeing how much of a joke this test is shaping up to be.

But I guess we can humor the devs while they run an analysis on this piece of crap to actually verify it smells like crap.

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Download for TST server is now available - earlier than expected for those of you interested to know.

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6 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Download for TST server is now available - earlier than expected for those of you interested to know.

Nice to know

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11 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I take it, however, there are players who will leap at this chance and would do so regardless of the substantial reward WG is giving out.

Well, I'm going to give it a try, if only so I'm not talking out my aft in future discussions. 


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I'm pretty sure someone(s) at WG HQ only creating these stupid ideas to be seen as useful, so they dont get fired. At least WG gonna get something again to balance for years to come, before a new rework is necessary.

There is no wonder that sometimes all the servers combined cannot reach the player number which the EU was able to produce alone years ago....

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14 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The download may be 63 GB, but the installation is over 100 GB.  

Heck...that knocks me out. Not enough room on my modest laptop. It's a pity, because I would have liked to take part. I wonder how many other players are in the same situation as me.

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4 hours ago, oldblackdog said:

Heck...that knocks me out. Not enough room on my modest laptop. It's a pity, because I would have liked to take part. I wonder how many other players are in the same situation as me.

I am as well, I'd have to uninstall the game to install the test, not gonna happen. Really wish they'd find a way for the tests to use the main game resources (ship models, voices, etc) when they are the same to at least trim the test client down some. 

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Flamus take on the article.


As far as I understand it from the video:

  • Test server download seems even bigger than vanilla game for some reason!?
  • There is 5 of each Premiums in total given out as reward to all server together, so I guess smaller than Benham drop chance.
  • Def AA being able to target planes in travel mode seems to be taken out completely so only way to damage planes in travel is by half-blind fighters.
  • Also in travel mode planes fly at maximum speed at all times.
  • Haku apparently have either 2 Harugumos or 2 Akizuki's (bit unclear) strapped to its sides which will have some 15 km range and will be manually controlled secondary's. One of the Germans apparently have a Mainz strapped os good luck Yoloing CVs in the future.
  • CV planes might be able to do some "Dolphining" just like subs could earlier apparently.
  • Barrage AA will not "blind" the CV any longer.
  • CV snipes will probably become a big thing in the future with full immunity max speed travel across the map, so I guess the team with capable CV player will nuke the team with worse/crap CV player in first 4 min and then one team will always have Zero spotting in every CV match.
  • "Buffs" to Def AA seems a bit Sus. Sure everyone gets 7 km range but it will only have effect if you use it pre-emptily, so if planes are already in you're Bubble it will do Fook-All? Also maybe a way for CVs to bait out Def AAs with the Dolphining's now when Def AA does nothing to planes in travel mode.


                             .........Minimap spotting only .................?

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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15km? Well why bother planing when you can div, smoke up a nakhimov/sekiryu and rain fire on anything? 

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How are the carrier skills then artillerywise? 

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41 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

15km? Well why bother planing when you can div, smoke up a nakhimov/sekiryu and rain fire on anything? 

Yeah, 2 strapped range built Haru´s? A strapped Mainz?! Feels like CV might become Super Hybrids with massive gunpower and range and also Super powerful plane attacks. Next well see CVs pushing into B at start just gunning shit down 🤣.

Im guessing with the guaranteed captain skill rework that will follow this debacle you probably going to be able to boost secondary gun DPM/Accuracy/range as a CV.....

As you say, another interesting question is will these CV secondary's also have no smoke fire penalty like rest of the AI secondary's....? Will WG even think about this...?! Smoke train Haku Memes.....? So many questions.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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49 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yeah, 2 strapped range built Haru´s? A strapped Mainz?! Feels like CV might become Super Hybrids with massive gunpower and range and also Super powerful plane attacks. Next well see CVs pushing into B at start just gunning shit down 🤣.

Im guessing with the guaranteed captain skill rework that will follow this debacle you probably going to be able to boost secondary gun DPM/Accuracy/range as a CV.....

As you say, another interesting question is will these CV secondary's also have no smoke fire penalty like rest of the AI secondary's....? Will WG even think about this...?! Smoke train Haku Memes.....? So many questions.

I am worried or (not) worried that if the secondarys become so good on CVs nobody will use planes.

So the whole concept might change, we will see CVs charging around, at least for fun or something. This whole feels like a big chaos. But gonna try it tonight and will give feedback after.

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Wait, so carriers also get the old planemode but for 30-60 seconds per... Something? 


Won't this mean that it will be super easy for Immelmann etc to snipe the enemy carrier since they can just hyperspace into the area, use spotting mode and proceed with assassination? Maybe you need to spec interceptors or something? Making high point captains a tremendous advantage? 

What is this convoluted mess 😂

I actually want to try it now. It sounds gloriously terrible. 


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15 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

Wait, so carriers also get the old planemode but for 30-60 seconds per... Something? 


Won't this mean that it will be super easy for Immelmann etc to snipe the enemy carrier since they can just hyperspace into the area, use spotting mode and proceed with assassination? Maybe you need to spec interceptors or something? Making high point captains a tremendous advantage? 

What is this convoluted mess 😂

I actually want to try it now. It sounds gloriously terrible. 


just look at their video at the wows news. they show planes not taking damage in travel mode, then you start attacking, you are under fire for just a few seconds, you start the attack and you are immune to the damage again.AND after you finish the attack your planes go to travel mode where there they are immune again.

Ultimate chaos

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That 15.6km range on Midway secondaries is ludicrous. Now I want to know how cheese the sixteen controllable 150mm on the Erich Loewenhardt will be. Also Kaga will have ten controllable 200mm cannons.

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1 minute ago, Wulf_Ace said:

just look at their video at the wows news. they show planes not taking damage in travel mode, then you start attacking, you are under fire for just a few seconds, you start the attack and you are immune to the damage again.AND after you finish the attack your planes go to travel mode where there they are immune again.

Ultimate chaos

It's gonna be silly. I mean, the reason I quit trying to CVsnipe with Immelmann was not because it didn't work or I lost too many planes, but because it took too much time to navigate around the enemy team. Skips do a ton of damage from afar... Will they now ascend to hyperspace immediately after they drop, not even taking the damage they do now? Going faster over the enemy for another pass? It sounds like WG has to make cap fighter an insurmountable obstacle. 

But maybe they mess it up and we'll enter a new era where one or both carriers always die first. 

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And all WG ( In my opinion) needed to do was to fix the spotting issues, But no that was to easy.


Why do i have a feeling that the test will show huge issues, WG will completely ignore them and introduce it as is, claim for months that all is good and then maybe fix a few off the new issues they created…..

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9 hours ago, oldblackdog said:
On 7/28/2024 at 7:40 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

The download may be 63 GB, but the installation is over 100 GB.  

Heck...that knocks me out. Not enough room on my modest laptop. It's a pity, because I would have liked to take part. I wonder how many other players are in the same situation as me.

Yeah.  I'm in a similar situation.
I'd need to remove the normal PTS installation, in order to install the new/test installation.

Why they couldn't simply use the normal PTS with a specific update?  I don't know.

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3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

CV snipes will probably become a big thing in the future with full immunity max speed travel across the map, so I guess the team with capable CV player will nuke the team with worse/crap CV player in first 4 min and then one team will always have Zero spotting in every CV match.

RTS era CV's were trashed and re-worked to mostly prevent one CV nuking an opposing CV, supposedly.

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1 hour ago, Wulf_Ace said:

I am worried or (not) worried that if the secondarys become so good on CVs nobody will use planes.

So the whole concept might change, we will see CVs charging around, at least for fun or something. This whole feels like a big chaos. But gonna try it tonight and will give feedback after.

Yeah, looks like this "Nerf" or "Balancing" of CVs just was a huge Buff to a new Superclass. Who would have thought ....? Surprised...?


1 hour ago, Itwastuesday said:

Wait, so carriers also get the old planemode but for 30-60 seconds per... Something? 


Won't this mean that it will be super easy for Immelmann etc to snipe the enemy carrier since they can just hyperspace into the area, use spotting mode and proceed with assassination? Maybe you need to spec interceptors or something? Making high point captains a tremendous advantage? 

What is this convoluted mess 😂

I actually want to try it now. It sounds gloriously terrible. 


Im no expert at CV sniping, that was before my time playing the class, but I guess the possibility to zoom over the map in 250 knots and not being forced to even maneuver to dodge flak or Def AA but just Bee-line to the enemy CV and then drop him with almost full immunity ........ will work quite well for a CV snipe.

So my fear is all the good CV players will Nuke all the mediocre crap ones at the start of the battle and then one team is marked for death/loss after 2 min. It will be like one team got a CV from start and one didnt and also had 1 less ship from start. Sounds good? Sounds fun? "Balanced"?!


1 hour ago, Wulf_Ace said:

just look at their video at the wows news. they show planes not taking damage in travel mode, then you start attacking, you are under fire for just a few seconds, you start the attack and you are immune to the damage again.AND after you finish the attack your planes go to travel mode where there they are immune again.

Ultimate chaos

Yup correct. Surface ships will have a window of maybe 2 seconds of limited damage during the attack and totally immune before and after. It will be literary impossible to get de-planed. But WG will still probably recommend us all to put all out surface skill points inte useless AA skills.


1 hour ago, Kynami said:

That 15.6km range on Midway secondaries is ludicrous. Now I want to know how cheese the sixteen controllable 150mm on the Erich Loewenhardt will be. Also Kaga will have ten controllable 200mm cannons.

Im also guessing that all CV secondary turrets will be 360 and superfireing so all turrets on target even to the Hull is running away only showing azz towards pushing surface ships. Why should CV turrets be limited by such things like physics or reality like the rest of the classes..... 


1 hour ago, Bai7200 said:

And all WG ( In my opinion) needed to do was to fix the spotting issues, But no that was to easy.


Why do i have a feeling that the test will show huge issues, WG will completely ignore them and introduce it as is, claim for months that all is good and then maybe fix a few off the new issues they created…..

Holy WG Spreadsheets will tell them this .....


Maybe I will become a CV Main instead.....

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I don't think it's going to be "good cv sniping bad cv". More like a stat check, who has the carrier that's better at this? It's not like hitting the bloaty carrier hull is difficult nor does it exactly ballerina dance around. And if that's going to be the case, it's rather terrible. 

Maybe you bring gearing - immelmann - komissar division. Advance in formation toward whatever decent position. Smoke up when necessary, the Komissar can also fire from there with decent range. Snipe the enemy carrier with help from komissar planes. Support gearing with komissar railguns and immelmann planes/artillery! 

Edited by Itwastuesday
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Just went and had a look at the article:

Recon mode completely obviates all the concerns I had about these proposed changes.

With respect to manual control of armament, I'm hoping this means CVs will be able to contribute to main-battery hit missions.

13 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yup correct. Surface ships will have a window of maybe 2 seconds of limited damage during the attack and totally immune before and after.

Against that, the attacking sub-flight won't get replenished the way it currently does. Right now a Hakuryu attacks with two planes up front, and the mechanic ensures that as long as you've got enough planes in the squadron to feed in, you will always have two planes up front until the moment you drop. With these changes, the two planes are all you get; and if they are shot down, the attack is aborted and you get thrown up to high level and have to try again. The whole squadron can't be used as a damage sponge to guarantee the attack going in at full strength.

The immunity also does not extend to fighters. If the rest of the squadron is orbiting while you go in for the attack, this means ship-launched fighters might actually accomplish something (since the most-damaged attackers will be the ones that orbit).

Your comments also make no mention of the changes to surface ship AA, a curious omission. 

25 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

and not being forced to even maneuver to dodge flak or Def AA but just Bee-line to the enemy CV and then drop him with almost full immunity

How are you going to know where he is, without dropping into recon or attack mode to look? Who's going to spot him for you, that early in the game? How are you going to avoid interactions with his integral CAP? I'm not sure it's going to be as easy as you think.

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