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Development Blog - Lesta proposals on upgrades

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48 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

To be very clear and honest about it, you have not been playing devil's advocate. 

Your posts have long established your online reputation as the Defender of Wargaming and certainly not as a devil's advocate.

Remember how you repeatedly tried and yet failed to poke holes on LWM's review of San Diego? How about that time you blamed the entire playerbase for the Makarov fiasco, only to get a Makarov yourself? Or that time you derided a fellow player's experience in CVs only to find out that player's WR in CVs is at least 14% higher than yours?

If you desire to be the devil's advocate, the very least you can do is to focus on the discussion, and leave your ad hominems at the door.

Be nice now.....  To be honest for every Ensign Cthulhu there are 50 people here who only post how bad WG is and how horrible they are. How every event, every early access, ever dockyard, and every collab is a rip off. Yet I don't see many of you saying anything about that. Lol he is one of a few people who has the balls to say a lot of stuff is good WG does and that a lot of people are here just to bad mouth WG every chance they get.

Edited by clammboy
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2 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:


Look, people have long displayed a tendency to try to justify their own ideas for how the game should be changed for themselves as something intended in the interest of the game, so I don't take what he said as completely unfounded, just not applicable in this case.  And he and @HogHammer bring up a good point.  Lesta's game has diverged from WOWS enough that there is no more direct comparison of changes possible in terms of game balance...the factors of difference have become too great.  Mir Korablej is it's own game now, and the changes they are making are within their own environment.  If and when these changes come to WOWS, I will be rightfully angry and question WG's decision, but this particular time it's more like discussing changes to a game I never played.


I think it may be coming time to diverge any discussions of Mir Korablej into their own section and away from the ones discussing WOWS.

You have been around long enough to know the situation. I am all for people having their own views but this situation goes beyond that and into pure absurdity. When a certain someone stops always attacking and belittling others for their views about WG maybe so many of us will actually gain some respect for them. But until they change their tired and confrontational manner they will deserve any and all criticisms thrown right back at them (and I don't say that lightly). I can't respect or tolerate someone who constantly goes after others and starts these confrontations and then acts like they are a victim.

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42 minutes ago, clammboy said:

Be nice now.....  To be honest for every Ensign Cthulhu there are 50 people here who only post how bad WG is and how horrible they are. How every event, every early access, ever dockyard, and every collab is a rip off. Yet I don't see many of you saying anything about that. Lol he is one of a few people who has the balls to say a lot of stuff is good WG does and that a lot of people are here just to bad mouth WG every chance they get.

Yes, there are those who are the opposite of EC. They attack, vs defend, WG over everything they do. Neither position is right and makes the person look foolish. Reddit is full of the REEEEE WG BAD crowd. I routinely get into it with them for their unfair and unfounded criticisms of WG. A reasonable person takes each case on a per item basis and discusses it on its own merits. You don't just attack them no matter what nor, as in EC's case, defend them no matter what. To always choose one way of responding is just ridiculous. WG is not always wrong and they for darn sure are not always right. People who go to extremes in either direction deserve the push back they get especially when they are so confrontational and insulting about it as EC usually is. Just simple truth.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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2 hours ago, clammboy said:

Be nice now.....  To be honest for every Ensign Cthulhu there are 50 people here who only post how bad WG is and how horrible they are. How every event, every early access, ever dockyard, and every collab is a rip off. Yet I don't see many of you saying anything about that. Lol he is one of a few people who has the balls to say a lot of stuff is good WG does and that a lot of people are here just to bad mouth WG every chance they get.

My posts are not about people who only attack or defend each and every decision the company has made for the product. If you would read my previous posts in this thread carefully, you will understand what I have been saying—that there is absolutely no need to denigrate nor insult a fellow player because of his opinions about the game.

Nor are my posts about, to quote your own words, "few people who has the balls to say a lot of stuff is good." News flash: people who have balanced views are the ones with balls, not those who consistently go to extremes to attack or defend WG, and most certainly not those who insult people like what EC has been doing over at the old forums and here now at DevStrike.

If you want to put him on a pedestal because he defends WG, then by all means do it. But be prepared to face the harsh reality that his defense of WG has gotten so ridiculous that he has been insulting people who post reasonable and legit criticisms about the game and the company behind it.

As I have mentioned in my previous post, there was a time when a player wrote a clear, concise, and reasonable critique about CVs when the old NA forum was still around. That player seldom posted on the official forum, based on total number of posts he has made. Now here comes our Ensign Cthulhu (probably thinking the critique came from a new player because of the low number of posts) who immediately attacked the person, and not the critique, subtly telling everyone the said player does not know anything about CVs.

Lo and behold, the player he attacked was an above average (near unicum) player with a solo winrate in CVs that was around 14% higher than him. It was so hilarious that after his unprovoked insult was given the proper, stats-based response it rightfully deserved, he no longer participated in the discussions of that thread.

I can cite other well known instances, but that would be for another topic.

I hope you will not imitate his tendency to make sweeping statements. He has told me once in the past that I only have hate for the company behind the game, conveniently ommiting the fact that I've acknowledged and complimented WG many times before (chief among them for the graphics and music). And aside from that, I recently made a post at the the official WoWs Discord, praising the recent D-Day Event as one of the best PVE modes ever.

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Yester-day in the twitch stream it came up again, whether Russian changes will carry over to Wows and yet again the community managers reiterated that they are two totally different companies on two totally different paths and not to worry, Wows will not be following suit.

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I like the idea of upgrades rework as they're pretty stale atm, and some parts of it (flat AA damage upgrades = actual AA builds?) but not the execution. Less slots is weird since even now you have arbitrary power increases every odd tier. Supership buffs are demented in their magnitude. Still pretty much looks like it's so simple and several upgrades so important that you'd quickly have just a few cookie cutter builds that are better than anything else. 

The simple solution would be to just buff the bad ones.

A complex one would be to rework the entire system into one where each ship has upgrade slots on every system for some niche stuff instead of flat overall buffs. Like concealment upgrade slot could have faster gun bloom dropoff, delayed full draw (like radar) on outer edges of concealment or slowly increasing concealment bonus when staying still (quick brainstorming ideas so maybe horrible). 

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I actually learned a new thing watching this video that I before was clueless about. The module in 6 slot "Torpedo Lookout system" (Assurered Aquisition range), I actually thought this had something to do with how well the homing torps on Subs were homing, because if im not mistaken this came at the same time as subs. I didn't know it was a guaranteed range that you will always spot incoming torps.

I wonder how many players have equipped this module thinking it was something else ..... or clueless to the fact that it is quite useless and a waste of a module slot in the 6:th slot of all! ! 

I really recommend people who dont burst into flames by the simple mentioning of "Flamu" would look at more of his videos. I still pick up a lot new information and skill even after playing this game for 9 years, watching his videos.

Also a bit fun when he goes into a rage-fit regarding the BS balancing in this game and the fact that WG says its totally fine, while at the same time also banning 2 certain classes out of pretty much every comp. Also the fact that some ships are "sooo balanced" but still either banned or limited to only one in all comp, but they are totally balanced comrade! !

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Love how everyone here gets a fit about a minor nerf to US BBs, and totally ignores the truly silly thing in the announcement, which is a completely ridiculously powerful buff to superships in hopes of making Joe Average Terrible perform better in them, which will make them ludicrously OP in capable hands.

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50 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I actually learned a new thing watching this video that I before was clueless about. The module in 6 slot "Torpedo Lookout system" (Assurered Aquisition range), I actually thought this had something to do with how well the homing torps on Subs were homing, because if im not mistaken this came at the same time as subs. I didn't know it was a guaranteed range that you will always spot incoming torps.

I wonder how many players have equipped this module thinking it was something else ..... or clueless to the fact that it is quite useless and a waste of a module slot in the 6:th slot of all! ! 

I really recommend people who dont burst into flames by the simple mentioning of "Flamu" would look at more of his videos. I still pick up a lot new information and skill even after playing this game for 9 years, watching his videos.

Also a bit fun when he goes into a rage-fit regarding the BS balancing in this game and the fact that WG says its totally fine, while at the same time also banning 2 certain classes out of pretty much every comp. Also the fact that some ships are "sooo balanced" but still either banned or limited to only one in all comp, but they are totally balanced comrade! !


Actually, I think it's been around for a long time (at least six years, under the name Target Acquisition System Modification 1), but most people consider it a waste of an upgrade unless running a ship with Vigilance, and even then, it's using the 5th slot space (which has other important upgrade uses, such as Concealment System Modification 1).  

Edited by Jakob Knight
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39 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I actually learned a new thing watching this video that I before was clueless about. The module in 6 slot "Torpedo Lookout system" (Assurered Aquisition range), I actually thought this had something to do with how well the homing torps on Subs were homing, because if im not mistaken this came at the same time as subs. I didn't know it was a guaranteed range that you will always spot incoming torps.

I wonder how many players have equipped this module thinking it was something else ..... or clueless to the fact that it is quite useless and a waste of a module slot in the 6:th slot of all! ! 

It's been in the game for quite a long time I think, much longer than submarines? Hard to say since who the hell equips it. 

You could stack it with Vigilance to see torps from 2.25km. For TX battleships this mostly means you see your impending doom earlier what with most torpedoes anybody uses being blisteringly fast and almost all high tier battleships being gigantic lard tubs. 

For some smoke campers it could be intresting, but they can't get Vigilance. 

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2 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

It's been in the game for quite a long time I think, much longer than submarines? Hard to say since who the hell equips it. 

You could stack it with Vigilance to see torps from 2.25km. For TX battleships this mostly means you see your impending doom earlier what with most torpedoes anybody uses being blisteringly fast and almost all high tier battleships being gigantic lard tubs. 

For some smoke campers it could be intresting, but they can't get Vigilance. 

Its like Flamu says in the video, if WG actually had a clue or even played their own game they could probably realize that some captain skills and modules are crap and useless and no one ever slots them.

The consumables module he talks about in same slot (6), could as he says be quite good if they brought it up to 30% instead of 10. But they just so disconnected too their own game which makes it even more important for players to watch videos from them who actually are connected and play the game (also at a certain skill level) and then just ignore the sometimes-occurring toxicity.

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If we are talking about equipment I would welcome more worthwhile opportunities to customize the ship not less, so let's hope this stays as a Lesta pipe dream.

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did not read what the changes are but modules are supposed to bring variety and customization yet we  are always picking the same ones because the rest suck in comparison. if a module change is done i will welcome any change that brings more than 1-2 viable build to a given ship.


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3 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

did not read what the changes are but modules are supposed to bring variety and customization yet we  are always picking the same ones because the rest suck in comparison. if a module change is done i will welcome any change that brings more than 1-2 viable build to a given ship.


IF it brings more than 1 or 2 viable builds...

That's the bar for success, indeed. We haven't seen a lot of that over the years.

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8 hours ago, clammboy said:

Be nice now.....  To be honest for every Ensign Cthulhu there are 50 people here who only post how bad WG is and how horrible they are. How every event, every early access, ever dockyard, and every collab is a rip off. Yet I don't see many of you saying anything about that. Lol he is one of a few people who has the balls to say a lot of stuff is good WG does and that a lot of people are here just to bad mouth WG every chance they get.


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5 hours ago, thornzero said:

Yester-day in the twitch stream it came up again, whether Russian changes will carry over to Wows and yet again the community managers reiterated that they are two totally different companies on two totally different paths and not to worry, Wows will not be following suit.

Unless they think it will make them more money than the cost of labor hours for the changes in programming code?  😉 

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9 hours ago, Frostbow said:

To be very clear and honest about it, you have not been playing devil's advocate. 

Your posts have long established your online reputation as the Defender of Wargaming and certainly not as a devil's advocate.

If defending WG is not being a Devil's Advocate, WHAT THE HELL IS?

(I was delighted to get the Makarov. It had been a rare-as-rocking-horse-sh** ship for years by that point.)

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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

(at least six years, under the name Target Acquisition System Modification 1)

TASM1 was a different beast, and in addition to spotting torpedoes it extended the range at which you picked up a ship guaranteed to 3km. During the first Puerto Rico dockyard, they ran a 1v1 Ranked Sprint, which I used to finish off my Bismarck (and then some). I was able to charged smoked-up DDs, pick them up before they could see me, and slap them around in their smoke without them being able to do a thing about it. 

TASM1 was removed from the game some time ago.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I was delighted to get the Makarov. It had been a rare-as-rocking-horse-sh** ship for years by that point.

Hilarious that you should proffer once again that excuse when you were blaming players left and right for the dumpster fire Wargaming made with that Makarov fiasco. Back then you were telling everyone not to believe the increasing amount of documented cases. Then you yourself got 'Makarobbed' by the very same company you were vigorously defending. 🤣 

And when the voice of the player base became too massive to be ignored, when the true extent of their deception was revealed, Wargaming started offering refunds, which left you no choice but to change your tune to "I'm delighted etc., etc." on the old NA forum. Now I understand you and the excuses you put forward, EC. Your devotion to defending Wargaming is truly noteworthy. It's just that it was so absolutely hilarious that Wargaming also 'Makarobbed' you, its most consistent defender. 🤣

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54 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

TASM1 was a different beast, and in addition to spotting torpedoes it extended the range at which you picked up a ship guaranteed to 3km. During the first Puerto Rico dockyard, they ran a 1v1 Ranked Sprint, which I used to finish off my Bismarck (and then some). I was able to charged smoked-up DDs, pick them up before they could see me, and slap them around in their smoke without them being able to do a thing about it. 

TASM1 was removed from the game some time ago.


TASM1 was different, but fulfilled the relevant function (increasing detection of torpedoes), and TLS was a direct replacement for it.  Both preceded Submarines by quite a bit.



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29 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Back then you were telling everyone not to believe the increasing amount of documented cases. Then you yourself got 'Makarobbed' by the very same company you were vigorously defending. 🤣

I give it to the 'squidhead' he was honest about it, he ackowledged getting 'Makarobbed'... A true 'piece of work' would keep denying anything going against their view Even if they know it to be true. 

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So tell me, Frostbow: are you actually going to discuss Lesta's changes in detail or are you just here to talk about lil' ol' me?



Getting back on topic:

Take a look at the changes Lesta is planning to make to the unique upgrades. A few are nerfs (including to Russian ships, e.g. Khabarovsk), some are nerfs with compensatory buffs, but some are just straight-up buffs, including that for the Yamato/ARP Yamato.

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14 hours ago, Frostbow said:

My posts are not about people who only attack or defend each and every decision the company has made for the product. If you would read my previous posts in this thread carefully, you will understand what I have been saying—that there is absolutely no need to denigrate nor insult a fellow player because of his opinions about the game.

Nor are my posts about, to quote your own words, "few people who has the balls to say a lot of stuff is good." 

If you want to put him on a pedestal because he defends WG, then by all means do it. But be prepared to face the harsh reality that his defense of WG has gotten so ridiculous that he has been insulting people who post reasonable and legit criticisms about the game and the company behind it.

As I have mentioned in my previous post, there was a time when a player wrote a clear, concise, and reasonable critique about CVs when the old NA forum was still around. That player seldom posted on the official forum, based on total number of posts he has made. Now here comes our Ensign Cthulhu (probably thinking the critique came from a new player because of the low number of posts) who immediately attacked the person, and not the critique, subtly telling everyone the said player does not know anything about CVs.

Lo and behold, the player he attacked was an above average (near unicum) player with a solo winrate in CVs that was around 14% higher than him. It was so hilarious that after his unprovoked insult was given the proper, stats-based response it rightfully deserved, he no longer participated in the discussions of that thread.

I can cite other well known instances, but that would be for another topic.

I hope you will not imitate his tendency to make sweeping statements. He has told me once in the past that I only have hate for the company behind the game, conveniently ommiting the fact that I've acknowledged and complimented WG many times before (chief among them for the graphics and music). And aside from that, I recently made a post at the the official WoWs Discord, praising the recent D-Day Event as one of the best PVE modes ever.

I gave you a like for this but you know in all honesty I have seen EC say bad things about WG also. I didn't mean to say you were one sided just pointing out that plenty of people only post here when they can bad mouth the big bad company but there never around for anything else they are no better.

Sorry that was the only point I was trying to make nothing personnel. I don't really like to even name names to be honest.




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20 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

...And he and @HogHammer bring up a good point.

"He" had nothing to do with that point...only HogHammer did...

He's talking as if the changes are coming here & we need to deal with them.

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11 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If defending WG is not being a Devil's Advocate, WHAT THE HELL IS?

Tell me you don't know the definition of the term "devil's advocate" w/out telling me...

Devil's advocate disagrees with everyone no matter what stance they take...

You would need to actually attack somebody else who was defending WG on occasion to be a devil's advocate...

IOW...no matter what stance they take you need to take the opposing viewpoint & argue against them...

If they change views...you change views.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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