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An opinion of the state of the game.


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33 minutes ago, Verytis said:

Funny thing is that T5-7 has this problem even worse. But why is it not a problem there?

Yes it is the entry point for new players, but the other thing is that there are often fewer people who'll stop you from wiping the floor with them.

It is a problem there...

The difference is that most people who experience that problem just leave the game. They aren't invested enough to complain about it.

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8 hours ago, USMC2142 said:

When the majority of the player base lacks the skill level necessary to even play a ship to it's strengths and weaknesses, why would WG even care about spending resources on effectively balancing. Why should they care if a ship is overperforming when played correctly if the other 70%+ of players just die immediately in it like any other ship? Why should WG care that submarines and carriers are unfun to play against if most players can't exceed 20-30k damage in them?

who cares if players don’t want to learn to game? The vast majority of people play this game simply to sail their fav ships from history and pew pew the other boats. Once players quit wanting the playerbase to improve and just take advantage of casual players mistakes, you’ll start having fun again. Randoms will always be random.  

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The unfortunate truth is that people don't want games that challenge them, but give them fun.  When confronted by challenge, people will always seek to avoid it rather than face it, to remove what makes things more difficult for them rather than see that difficulty as part of the meaning of their activity.


I could make a lengthy post about this, but the fact is that humanity is lazy and wants to be lazy.  They want lazy games and resent when a game increases in difficulty.  Trying to make a popular game that is challenging is working at cross purposes.


If people want games where everyone is striving to become the best, they must accept that the number of players in that game will be very few.  If people want many players in the game they play, then they have to accept the majority of those players will not strive to become the best players they could be.


WG could make a mode where only players who have demonstrated skill and drive to improve could be allowed to play in.  Would any of you give up playing other modes for the hours it would require to get 24 such players in a match, or would you decide it wasn't worth your time and go do something else?



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My opinion on the present state of this game: Three words. In terminal decline.

Edited by Aethervox
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30 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

My opinion on the present state of this game: Three words. In terminal decline.

And, after the Exodus period of Mature games, those games end up with stalled populations of "die hard" players whom simply refuse to abandon what they spent a fortune on getting !   

I visit past games and read their forums and see the same game names, over a decade later, arguing about the same game mechanics !!!!  And, those 6,000 die hards still, to this day:  "buy everything" offered ! The 12th clone of the 12th clones of a Mech.....  Was just visiting my old account and PM'd a few of those I knew over ten years ago !  

On my.....   And yes, Mature game are either success stories or stalled entities or gone....  

Edited by Asym
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Well, just in time for me to git gud; we will be having a funeral.

Frankly, I do not think the game will die without an obvious competitor. At least, I hope not. If there are die-hards you could count me among them.

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I don't feel like playing this game recently but I still log in daily and grind 37000 xp everyday like it is a part time job. I don't think I have much fun, I am more look forward to play other games after finishing off the daily grind than playing this game.

I noticed Weegee is gradually cutback on the rewards for players, while asking for similar amount of effort from playerbase. I think it is a strategy to add some bump on player base to encourage spending money.

I just want to see whether Weegee further making the grind harder and nerfing the reward to the point that breaks my tipping point and quit.

I still have ~225 days of premium left, after that it maybe my quitting point as I estimate my blue econ bonus runs out and I will have to grind even more for the same reward. Maybe that will be my tipping point.

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On 7/18/2024 at 10:12 AM, a252 said:

I don't feel like playing this game recently but I still log in daily and grind 37000 xp everyday like it is a part time job. I don't think I have much fun, I am more look forward to play other games after finishing off the daily grind than playing this game.

I noticed Weegee is gradually cutback on the rewards for players, while asking for similar amount of effort from playerbase. I think it is a strategy to add some bump on player base to encourage spending money.

I just want to see whether Weegee further making the grind harder and nerfing the reward to the point that breaks my tipping point and quit.

I still have ~225 days of premium left, after that it maybe my quitting point as I estimate my blue econ bonus runs out and I will have to grind even more for the same reward. Maybe that will be my tipping point.

I started to feel that way, a while back... had 3 accounts I'd log into to maintain...

The obligation to maintain them wasn't a good thing.  You never recoup what time you put into it, but it was mainly to lighten the load.  The least developed account...if I got busy, I stopped playing for a while. 

On the main account, I was on the fence about renewing prem or not, but with so many ships, when reward time rolls around, usually another few hundred days get added back. 

Once upon a time, I used to fork over 10-20 a month for flag packs but WG own goaled that problem when they killed camo bonuses.  I'll never understand that decision from a business point of view - but they made the game basically costless to me so I shouldn't complain too much...

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11 hours ago, USMC2142 said:


This game's player base has a serious problem, and I doubt WG will ever have any real incentive to do things better until the player base puts in an equal amount of effort. It's not a matter of player's being bad at the game, but more so the complete unwillingness to even try to improve by a large portion of the player base. So many players actively defend their poor play and complete lack of even the most basic game knowledge.


My post volume on "state of the game" dropped precipitously when I decided that WG was intentionally giving the enthusiast players the middle finger in order to recruit the people you describe as an intentional Playerbase ReworkTM .

Good to hear your thoughts. 

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The one thing I wish WG would do is some form of beginning totorial. Something like they have in tanks with a bit more added. I know there are videos for players to watch and forum threads for players to read, but many just do not care to take the time. A beginning tutorial that you have to go through before you can play would be a good thing. Give the players at least some basic ideas about aiming, positioning, why sailing broadside can get you sunk, overmatch, why objectives are important, etc. 

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11 hours ago, USMC2142 said:

This game's player base has a serious problem, and I doubt WG will ever have any real incentive to do things better until the player base puts in an equal amount of effort. It's not a matter of player's being bad at the game, but more so the complete unwillingness to even try to improve by a large portion of the player base. So many players actively defend their poor play and complete lack of even the most basic game knowledge.

I've always seen WoWS as a mirror reflection of reality. What you describe is a situation happening well beyond the WG universe, firmly rooted in real life, what filters within the game is just the result of the overall situation we live in. 

Like it or not Mediocracy is now well entrenched in our society, pleasing the masses is what fuels the systems, doing 'the right thing' is not just optional but discouraged if it rubs people the wrong way and negatively impacts Grand Master Bottom Line Profit. How do you expect people to take WoWS seriously and make the slightest effort to learn the required game knowledge when they mindlessly feed on all the garbage disinformation pushed their way?  How do you expect they'll learn some game mechanic if they can't even understand the value of vaccines (just as example of acting idiocy)?

It's not the Game's playerbase that requires fixing, it's Life playerbase that requires fixing...

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1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

I've always seen WoWS as a mirror reflection of reality. What you describe is a situation happening well beyond the WG universe, firmly rooted in real life, what filters within the game is just the result of the overall situation we live in. 

Like it or not Mediocracy is now well entrenched in our society, pleasing the masses is what fuels the systems, doing 'the right thing' is not just optional but discouraged if it rubs people the wrong way and negatively impacts Grand Master Bottom Line Profit. How do you expect people to take WoWS seriously and make the slightest effort to learn the required game knowledge when they mindlessly feed on all the garbage disinformation pushed their way?  How do you expect they'll learn some game mechanic if they can't even understand the value of vaccines (just as example of acting idiocy)?

It's not the Game's playerbase that requires fixing, it's Life playerbase that requires fixing...

^This. And at least in WoWs, when they mess up it won't be their Jeep or whatever hitting you at 90mph on the freeway while they're looking at their phone, it'll just be them feeding and you having to carry them harder.

Though after the D-Day event and having to sweat past so many lethargic BBs with the possibility of getting 0 stars if you messed up and died early, that carry energy is very diminished for me lol. That Jervis camo was dearly bought, and that on the end of the Wisconsin dockyard.

Edited by MnemonScarlet
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I’d keep that little bit of information to yourself. Selling accounts is against the games ToS and there are a couple WG staff that lurk around here. If they happened to see it, all your accounts including the sold one would get a perma ban.

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9 minutes ago, MBT808 said:

I’d keep that little bit of information to yourself. Selling accounts is against the games ToS and there are a couple WG staff that lurk around here. If they happened to see it, all your accounts including the sold one would get a perma ban.

WG has no power here mate. Even in that case They'll need to find hard proof about the account being sold other than Gummy's statement (he might as well be joking), and that's considering the WG 'snoops' take the time to report and file the case which they most likely wouldn't anyway as that's not their job or why they visit here. 

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1 hour ago, Zysyss said:

The one thing I wish WG would do is some form of beginning totorial. Something like they have in tanks with a bit more added. I know there are videos for players to watch and forum threads for players to read, but many just do not care to take the time. A beginning tutorial that you have to go through before you can play would be a good thing. Give the players at least some basic ideas about aiming, positioning, why sailing broadside can get you sunk, overmatch, why objectives are important, etc. 

Looks like we'll be restarting "Training Tuesdays" focused on exactly that sort of knowledge base training. It'll be on the DevStrike discord server, which you can hit here: https://discord.gg/J6DNy4QW

Oddly, unlike WG, we think that Discord is a thing for voice comms, not for trying to run an amnesiac message board...

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Thank you for all the replies. Some agree with me and some do not, and that is fine. Everyone has the right to their own opinion, and I respect that. 

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2 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

WG has no power here mate. Even in that case They'll need to find hard proof about the account being sold other than Gummy's statement (he might as well be joking), and that's considering the WG 'snoops' take the time to report and file the case which they most likely wouldn't anyway as that's not their job or why they visit here. 

I mean, they wouldn't ban you here of course. I clearly specified in game accounts. Cause I somehow doubt @HogHammer nor @I_cant_Swim_(when he started Devstrike) are in WGs pocket giving them clandestine control over Devstrike.

Irregardless, its nothing new but its still not something you generally want to be disclosing publicly in any game. WoWs isn't unique in that their ToS explicitly does not allow for the transference or sale of accounts, the vast majority of games have this clause.

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36 minutes ago, MBT808 said:

Cause I somehow doubt @HogHammer nor @I_cant_Swim_(when he started Devstrike) are in WGs pocket giving them clandestine control over Devstrike.


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3 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

 Even in that case They'll need to find hard proof about the account being sold other than Gummy's statement (he might as well be joking), and that's considering the WG 'snoops' take the time to report and file the case which they most likely wouldn't anyway as that's not their job or why they visit here. 


Er.....a statement by the player themselves would constitute an admission, and that's pretty hard proof.  Joking about it would be pretty risky, especially when the context of the post doesn't appear humorous in any form.  Also, we are not talking a court of Law, but a gaming company, so they can act on their own liberty based solely on their own determination of what's 'reasonable doubt' within their own corporate guidelines.


"Baggins?  Sure, I know a Baggins!"



Edited by Jakob Knight
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Technically, WG could just ban someone for any reason or no reason whatsoever...

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8 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

No new players?

8 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It is a problem there...

The difference is that most people who experience that problem just leave the game. They aren't invested enough to complain about it.

It is a problem in the lower tiers. But we tend to focus on higher tiers because that is where we're more likely to encounter at least partially competent opponents.

Those are the ones that force us to look to teammates for support, but then struggle to find it.

In lower tiers, a veteran cares far less. The skill difference is often overwhelming enough that it lets them mope up the opposition by themselves with minimal assistance.

You don't complain if you can just do it yourself.

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19 hours ago, USMC2142 said:

I rarely posted in WG's forum, and this will be my first in this one. I am pasting in a post that is on Reddit that says just how I feel about what is going on with the game. I know this will not change anything, but what is going on in tier 8-superships makes me sad. 

This game's player base has a serious problem, and I doubt WG will ever have any real incentive to do things better until the player base puts in an equal amount of effort. It's not a matter of player's being bad at the game, but more so the complete unwillingness to even try to improve by a large portion of the player base. So many players actively defend their poor play and complete lack of even the most basic game knowledge.

But looking at this makes me really understand WGs actions, or lack thereof when it comes to trying to make this a balanced game. When the majority of the player base lacks the skill level necessary to even play a ship to it's strengths and weaknesses, why would WG even care about spending resources on effectively balancing. Why should they care if a ship is overperforming when played correctly if the other 70%+ of players just die immediately in it like any other ship? Why should WG care that submarines and carriers are unfun to play against if most players can't exceed 20-30k damage in them?

I feel a lot of the non-monetization related complaints about WG all stem from the fact that we assume they want to cater to the players who care about being good at the game, when in reality we're in the minority who they realistically don't need to care about. Personally, I doubt that WG will ever fix most of the glaring balancing issues and broken mechanics this game has. Why would they when they will always have a loyal portion of the customer base that lacks the game knowledge to even understand what balanced means?


Welcome to the forums and man, what a legendary post to start it off. I couldn't agree with you more, we blame WG for so many things but most of the people doing the blaming are apart of the issues themselves.

Now are they completely innocent, no not at all. They have done some weird and questionable things, however I think it's mostly overstated.

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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Technically, WG could just ban someone for any reason

This^. This is even in their EULA which explicitly states WG can do whatever they want, whenever they want. Dissent? You want to do that? WG crushes it just like you are a bug on the sidewalk underneath WG's boot (which is the perfect analogy of how WG operates). Historical examples: We (WG) will alter anything in the game we want to (see the CV rework farce as a prime axample) & the WG Forums (too many independent voices) so that ant nest gets exterminated. 😁

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