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(SURFACE) Ships you get reported in for no reason. CVs and Subs excluded (known factor...)


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8 hours ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

- W. Virginia '44 (D-Day Ops)

Why would anyone report a WV44? All I ever saw it do was kill secure a few Schnellboats.

As for myself

- Smolensk ( Co-op ) When there's a fire ribbon, damage and main battery hit mission

- Kleber ( Co-op ) Salty BB mains who feel owed damage

- Mainz ( Operations ) See Kleber/If the Op has predictable spawn waves

- Weimar ( Old Operations )

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49 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

It always cracks me up when this happens. Imagine how petty and/or tilted one has to be to report someone in a PVE mode because they did a better job of farming the bots.

I've been straight out insulted in Coop, not just reported.  As a rule I only play 'fast' ships when I need to play Coop, and commonly I clean up my spawns bots (plus some cross shots for cits at the next spawn) before the guys next to me can do meaningful damage... I don't take it badly as I understand it was a big waste of time for them, but that's the game. 

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The bigger question is - does anyone CARE about karma??

It means nothing, it does nothing, who cares?

I never check my karma, do you get a notification if you've been reported? I've never seen one.

It's a game!!! I've never reported anyone but (very) occasionally I may compliment someone - like the time I was in my Colbert and I asked a DD to lay smoke and he actually did!!

Edited by Capt_Kremenski
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How do y'all even know? 

Once in a while it will tell me when I've been complimented in port. I've never seen it tell me I've been reported, although it certainly has happened. 

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A report on being reported doesn't happen unless 2 or more people report you. 1 report just dings your karma with no notification. Whereas a compliment will notify you of one.

If you do not have much karma it is easier to notice. 

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7 minutes ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

I never check my karma, do you get a notification if you've been reported? I've never seen one.


7 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I've never seen it tell me I've been reported, although it certainly has happened. 

It used to be You got reported notifications in Port, but people proved too flakey so now You only get notifications if You had múltiple reports on a single match

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10 minutes ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

The bigger question is - does anyone CARE about karma??

I kinda do, it's a 'soft' metric for support oriented roles

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5 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Didn't WG increase the number of available compliments at some point?

Before the old forum's take-down.

As I understand the situation, a player gets an allotment of karma they can give and reports they can make during a 24 hour period.
Let us imagine the initial allotment is ten of each (for the sake of example, I'm not sure of the specific amount).
Time goes by and the player plays games and gives karma often.  Every time they have a game session, they give out all the karma they can give.
The game program tracks this and incrementally increases their daily allotment of karma/reports up to the maximum daily amount.
I'm not certain if receiving karma compliments will increase the pace of this increase.  But, I figure it can't hurt, eh?  🙂

Anyway, let's check my murky understanding against actual reference material from the WOWs wiki-page, eh?  🙂 




During a battle and within a short time after its end, other players may be complimented or reported for their battle performance or conduct. In a team list, right-click on the player to see the available options.

  • A player's Karma is calculated as the difference between the number of compliments and reports received, and may not be less than zero.
  • Karma is displayed alongside the player's nickname in the Player Menu of the Port.
  • It is prohibited to compliment or report players within the same Division.
  • If a player is complimented or reported, a system message appears after a battle. A message for reports will be displayed only if the player has been reported by at least two others. The message for compliments or reports will show the number of people who did so without specifying their nicknames. The message is retained for the duration of the session in Notifications.
  • Reports for "Misbehaviour in chat" by multiple players can be used to levy chat sanctions.[1]

Your Karma level determines your daily limits on reports and compliments. It has no other known effect.

The following table is no longer correct. Now for example the limit is 11 when your Karma level is 0.

Karma Level Limit on reports and compliments
0 - 19 7 reports and 7 compliments
20 - 49 8 reports and 8 compliments
50 - 79 9 reports and 9 compliments
80 - 109 10 reports and 10 compliments
> 110 11 reports and 11 compliments


Edited to add:



Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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I’ve been playing since open beta and I almost never get the “you were reported”.  I think my karma is like 100+? I’m  pretty sure most players who take the time to report someone don’t do it because of the ship you’re playing, it’s how you played. 
It may seem like you were reported for playing a certain,  but how well did you do in the match you got reported for?

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26 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

I’ve been playing since open beta and I almost never get the “you were reported”.  I think my karma is like 100+? I’m  pretty sure most players who take the time to report someone don’t do it because of the ship you’re playing, it’s how you played. 
It may seem like you were reported for playing a certain,  but how well did you do in the match you got reported for?

It seems as if some people are suggesting they get reported for playing well.

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I find it odd as I have played many of the ships in question during OPs and have never had seen a 'reported' in the messages in port, nor have I lost karma.

In fact, several times I have received compliments.

So I have to ask, how are you playing those ships? What else are you doing during an Operation battle that you are not telling us?


One thing I do see some of those ships do during OPs is position themselves before a ship is scheduled to appear and torp/sink the ship just after its spawned. Personally, I don't really care about that, nor do I do it. If you want to snipe the bots on spawn go right ahead. But others may not appreciate that kind of gameplay, and report it.

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44 minutes ago, Lord_Slayer said:

. If you want to snipe the bots on spawn go right ahead.

Honestly that's a major design flaw, just shows how little care the Devs have for PvE

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Lord_Slayer said:

I find it odd as I have played many of the ships in question during OPs and have never had seen a 'reported' in the messages in port, nor have I lost karma.

In fact, several times I have received compliments.

So I have to ask, how are you playing those ships? What else are you doing during an Operation battle that you are not telling us?


One thing I do see some of those ships do during OPs is position themselves before a ship is scheduled to appear and torp/sink the ship just after its spawned. Personally, I don't really care about that, nor do I do it. If you want to snipe the bots on spawn go right ahead. But others may not appreciate that kind of gameplay, and report it.

Not sure if you're asking me or everyone in general. In my case, I'm simply playing the ships I mentioned "well" (well enough to top the board, or be near the top on most occasions) without doing any exploiting / spawn camping. I play for the win and as many stars as possible (Operations). I don't use chat much, if at all. I may F3 some targets, occasionally F9 (get back) someone that's obviously oblivious and wandering into certain death. I don't block, don't rub, just try to do my best.

That said, I've been keeping an eye on my "Karma" after playing certain ships and have noticed the trend. As has been mentioned, you need 2 or more to be able to see "You have been reported" in port but only 1 compliment to get a notification of that. I very rarely see the "you've been reported" one, so I have to look. Although it does happen from time to time. Maybe when there are divs in the match.

My "Karma" was hovering around the 'year' mark (365), an easy number to remember for quite a while and that's when I started to take note of looking at it after matches. The trend I noticed was, play TT ships and do well, number goes up. Play "OP" premium ships, number goes down... lol 

For example, I played mostly Baltimore, Cleveland, Mogami and Tallinn for the past week. The number steadily increased up to 376. Almost every time I mixed a Mainz game (or Brandenburg most recently) a sneaky suspicion told me... and sure enough, -1... In those cases, I do a before / after check of my Karma number just to be sure.

Do I really care about Karma? Not really... I hand out compliments quite often, since getting "You were complimented" is nice to see in port. I do it for various plays. Good players that had a major impact on the battle. A DD that smokes cruisers, in Hermes or the CV in Raptor rescue, the final transports in Aegis. That player may be the bottom guy on the scoreboard but often helped save us a star. Even CVs that do well AND help the team (like spotting the first DD in Raptor, instead of heading straight for the Aoba and Fuso. Or waiting to spot in Aegis, although this was more of a problem when it was T6 only, so the DD wouldn't smoke too early).

I had the karma mod on for a long time (999) so I could just forget about it. Game issues a while back made me decide to cut back on the mods I use to the bare minimum and I removed it. That's when I started keeping an eye on it just for kicks. It tells me a little about the type of people I'm playing the game with. 

Edited by xamdam
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34 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Honestly that's a major design flaw, just shows how little care the Devs have for PvE

well yes and no.

In many of the OPs, the location the ships spawn are a given and pretty much set. Others, there's a bit more random nature to where they appear.

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7 hours ago, xamdam said:

Do I really care about Karma? Not really...

I always considered this "karma" as a huge joke : it's like giving a virtual weapon to  everybody, from experts to utmost bad players, and anyone can pull the trigger for anything.

I rarely report people. I do it for the ones leaving the game considering it's lost even before the countdown stops, or for spamming the chat uselessly.

But I give far more compliments than reports.
I got devstriked in my poor A. Nevsky yesterday evening by a GK far on the other side of the map.
Lucky shot maybe but he clearly well anticipated my move (it taught me a good lesson).
Instead of complaining, I told him in the chat that it was a pretty nice shot. He just replied "Thx,+1 for not crying 🙂". Gave him a+1 too.

I certainly prefer this kind of conversation than useless insults.

But Im a not a good example: I fight a lot to remain at 0 in karma => other players tend to pay less attention 🙂
And, if by miracle I go through my limit of 3 points, I immediatly put a lot of salt in the chat, in order to fall back to this zero.
Works pretty well usually...  


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13 hours ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

I never check my karma, do you get a notification if you've been reported? I've never seen one.

You used to get a notification when you were reported by only one player, if you were reported by more than one you got a popup in port on top telling you, you were reported and by how many people. That is no longer the case, if this is on purpose or another bug i don't know.

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I've never been reported for playing a particular ship. Ever.

What the hell are some of you people even doing?

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There is literally no way of you saying that with any level of certainty. Especially given how long you’ve been around this game. 

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43 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

What the hell are some of you people even doing?

Playing with people getting angry that they get close to nothing out of a given match by their own misplays or just being way too slow. Probably because they are running boosters in some instances. Or are getting frustrated trying to get a campaign or combat mission with obtuse requirements done fast. Point being play well and have some people get annoyed because all they have left to get is scraps.

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44 minutes ago, DoW_ said:

There is literally no way of you saying that with any level of certainty. Especially given how long you’ve been around this game. 

I know how infrequently I've been reported. It's rare as hell. Usually I told some jerkwad off for doing something stupid that cost us the game. 

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5 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I know how infrequently I've been reported. It's rare as hell. Usually I told some jerkwad off for doing something stupid that cost us the game. 

It's hard to even notice you were reported, even more if you get a somewhat constant positive karma income (usually not too rare in Coop). People may report you frequently but you won't notice because you get more positives and all you see is karma going up... I only notice when I pay close attention, for example yesterday I got a +1 but my karma didn't move, someone did report me but I've no way to know when or why. 

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Probably over the whole of my account, Yamato (I just don't play DDs or most of the DPM cruisers enough). The 32mm overmatch triggers a lot of BB players who are used to doing it to others, and not having it done to them. And well, it's easy to microplay so the cheek cits they think they'll get don't happen. When you mid-close range another BB down like that who thought he had you dead to rights and kill him through the bow, the frustrated reports tend to follow. At least, that's my suspicion for it anyway.

A lot of ships you also get reported for just killing someone or not dying to them, but I don't think that has much to do with the ship and is more HOW DARE YOU energy.

Edited by MnemonScarlet
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Karma as it currently works atm, is mostly a popularity contest. It is about perception and expectation management.


Play some benign looking ships with utility, that noone expects you to carry in. Then surprise them when you punch well above your weight.

Meanwhile at the opposite of the spectrum, you got CVs and Sub players who suffer from the burden of expectations while simultaneously receiving some of the most unfair abuse for just existing.

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Lost some karma today because a Yamato wanted my Pobeda to spot the enemy Elbing, which was covered by a smoked up Minotaur's AA.

I told him that.

He then proceeded to push that area and asked for spotting again about a minute later. I think, ok...Minotaur won't be smoked anymore, I'll go find Elbing. Elbing sees me coming, smokes up, and starts firing at Yamato.

I point out in chat Elbing is in smoke (which should be obvious as he is actively shooting at Yamato) and then go deal with the enemy Michaelangelo who is dueling with our Henri IV at close range and we can get him together. Henri IV dies, but his torps and my fire means Michaelangelo dies.

I come back to my hull and watch as Yamato eats Elbing AND Minotaur torpedoes and dies to Minotaur guns.


He then reports me for not spotting.


I told you he was there. I forced him to smoke up. I told you not to go there. And now it's MY fault you died?

Karma is just WG being lazy about actually having to deal with how toxic their playerbase is encouraged to be.

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12 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I told you he was there. I forced him to smoke up. I told you not to go there. And now it's MY fault you died?

Recently i warned someone in OPS to get back, because he was poking the hornet's nest, which he ignored and because of that got deleted by the bots a short while later. As so often in the past that resulted in me loosing Karma, so i decided i finally learned my lesson and stopped warning people, unless it's someone i know of course.

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