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Is WR even worth trying to improve?


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I'm a totally average player.  I know the basics of the game and have played long enough to know where I stand.  I trashed my WR several years ago leveling up multiple tier nine ships in Randoms.  I haven't played much Random since.  I have been dipping my toe in recently, but honestly, the level of play is baffling.  I can't really carry a game, but between the afks, suicides and just really stupid play I don't really know how I can beef up my stats.  So is it even worth it or should I just give up?

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The question is why do you want to improve your WR? 

WR is a reflection of your play, so improving your WR means improving your gameplay... in time, if there's not a big baggage your WR will equalize to your current play skill just by playing. The question hence is, do you want to play Randoms?

There's of course other meanings to 'improving your WR', like 'doctoring' your WR to look better than it would be organically... best case scenario, you'll be deceiving others but you can't deceive yourself...

And then there's OCD 'forcing' you to improve your WR... if you fall into this category, I totally understand and I'm sorry for you brother, 'normies' don't get how it feels to watch all those red numbers 😫

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15 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

The question is why do you want to improve your WR? 

WR is a reflection of your play, so improving your WR means improving your gameplay... in time, if there's not a big baggage your WR will equalize to your current play skill just by playing. The question hence is, do you want to play Randoms?

There's of course other meanings to 'improving your WR', like 'doctoring' your WR to look better than it would be organically... best case scenario, you'll be deceiving others but you can't deceive yourself...

And then there's OCD 'forcing' you to improve your WR... if you fall into this category, I totally understand and I'm sorry for you brother, 'normies' don't get how it feels to watch all those red numbers 😫

Now, if the playing field was balanced or even "regulated", I'd be all in for WR improvement efforts.  But, this game is only for fun - because, the rest of the game and it's obtuse mechanics and somewhat questionable RNG, makes it almost impossible to improve....  Stomps in PVP and spawn points in PVE simply make game play so difficult that even trying to "be a better player" is impossible when your team is mostly dead in 5 minutes in Randoms or you spawn at a point where there is no bots to fight.....

The game is too chaotic to have expectations of success;   so, player like me only play for the fun of it.....  Otherwise, I'd have left at the RTS carrier changes or the cruiser line split....

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WR is only there so pretentious people with no life have something to argue and/or feel smug about. 

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Yes and no. Yes because it is always good to work at getting better. But no because you really shouldn't hyper focus on that number. At the AVERAGE stage of play it will just stress you out when it goes down potentially making your play worse, or you get too excited as it goes up potentially making your play worse. At the average level you should just focus on continually improving your skills as best you can, because right now of course you can't carry a game, but you can contribute to wins more than you do losses. You will always get bad teams, and good teams, and average teams, over time how much you contribute will show as you improve. 

Concentrate on picking the best targets, positioning, and staying alive for now. I know lacking in those departments kept me from being more than average when I did play randoms. Just don't have the energy to bother these days.

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55 minutes ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

I'm a totally average player.  I know the basics of the game and have played long enough to know where I stand.  I trashed my WR several years ago leveling up multiple tier nine ships in Randoms.  I haven't played much Random since.  I have been dipping my toe in recently, but honestly, the level of play is baffling.  I can't really carry a game, but between the afks, suicides and just really stupid play I don't really know how I can beef up my stats.  So is it even worth it or should I just give up?

Really depends on a lot of factors but the most important, imo, is how much you care. I definitely care about my winrate, but I don't care enough to go out of my way to artificially increase it (playing low tiers, only playing in divs with comptent players) outside of how I would normally play. 

It also depends on what you mean by "fixing" your winrate. Grinding Randoms until your WR is something you wish it was? Or using the aforementioned methods to raise your winrate? I play this game because I find it fun, first and foremost. I imagine if I played with the sole goal of raising winrate I would get burnt out very, very quickly.

IMO the goal should be to become a better player, with raising WR as the side effect, not the main goal. 

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Like others have said, depends on what makes you happy. 

If you enjoy measurably getting better at something, even if on a moment-to-moment basis it might not feel that way -- go for it. Remember, flipping 1 game in 20 from a loss to win is a +5% bump in WR, but that still leaves another 19 where you might not have much say. 

If you just want good fun and some fond memories, focusing on WR can be counterproductive. Find a ship or three that you really like and play them as close to their limit as you can. Yes you'll blow up a bit but you'll have some great games sprinkled in there. 

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I think the idea is to have some sort of evidence that you are actually improving and the metrics we have are not ideal to measure actual improvement.

So we focus on wr from time to time to see a measurement that fits with our personal growth.

My goal is to become a better player. To be a 'talented' captain. Randoms is exciting to me short of the lack of control over 23 other different players. I am not interested in low tiers nor divisions; but would rather become a better solo player so when the time comes to play more competitively I would be ready for that challenge. I would then be a better team mate. 

There are guys who maintain mid 5o% + with not too many problems. Partly, I suspect they are able to carry. I am not really able to carry yet at least in randoms. But, because these guys exist, there is the opportunity to be like them some day. It is possible to carry and maintain winning numbers.

The other problem with wr is if you are losing often. This becomes a detriment to your attitude and your performance will most likely suffer. No one likes losing.

Regarding the other 23 players, well some of them will have little to no experience. Not much you can do, they are just going to have to play more and the other team will get their fair share.

Brawls seems to attract a certain type of player. I've played a lot of brawls since last autumn and it has helped my pvp play; however, the teams are far worse than randoms. These guys have little to no experience in randoms and it can be very frustrating. Sometimes I wonder if I am a glutton for punishment. Sometimes there is nothing you can do but shake it off and try again.

I have seen some goofy things on twitch with not so good players engaging in tier 1o who have no business in the major leagues. The problems are everywhere.

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1 hour ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

I'm a totally average player.  I know the basics of the game and have played long enough to know where I stand.  I trashed my WR several years ago leveling up multiple tier nine ships in Randoms.  I haven't played much Random since.  I have been dipping my toe in recently, but honestly, the level of play is baffling.  I can't really carry a game, but between the afks, suicides and just really stupid play I don't really know how I can beef up my stats.  So is it even worth it or should I just give up?

Do you want to make yourself a slave to a number, or do you want this game to be fun? 

I've seen what happens to some people who try to improve their WR on stream. Every loss is like driving another sewing needle under their fingernails, until by the end of the stream they're raging and ready to quit. Don't be those people.

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2 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I've seen what happens to some people who try to improve their WR on stream.

Even excellent players suffer losses. I am reminded by the fact that a 6o% unicum still loses 4 out of 1o on the regular.

What we are talking about is a matter of winning 1 or 2 more out of ten. That's really it and it isn't impossible especially if one finds randoms to be a riveting experience.

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1 hour ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

I'm a totally average player.  I know the basics of the game and have played long enough to know where I stand.  I trashed my WR several years ago leveling up multiple tier nine ships in Randoms.  I haven't played much Random since.  I have been dipping my toe in recently, but honestly, the level of play is baffling.  I can't really carry a game, but between the afks, suicides and just really stupid play I don't really know how I can beef up my stats.  So is it even worth it or should I just give up?

As you improve you game-play, your win-rate will naturally improve.  
It's a slow process.

Learning about the game, your ship(s) and the fundamentals like gunnery and torpedo launching and managing one's detection status and etc. & etc., will help.

Personally, I don't lose sleep over my win rate. 
It's gone up, incrementally, over the years, as I've improved my random battles knowledge & wisdom.
Some days are a "one-step-forward & two-steps-back" experience, for me.
Oh well.  I've likely made progress on a mission task or something.  So, even a "loss" can bring me closer to my goals of the moment.

We play this game to have fun.  🙂 
What feels fun for you (in the context of playing World of Warships)?

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17 minutes ago, thornzero said:

There are guys who maintain mid 5o% + with not too many problems.

Even this hard to achieve rate is only a bit above 50% over time. Over 5,000 games, they win 2,750 and lose 2,250 games. That's a lot of losses.

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24 minutes ago, thornzero said:

I have seen some goofy things on twitch with not so good players engaging in tier 1o who have no business in the major leagues.

I recommend stop thinking T10 is 'major leagues'... It's just another tier, the more substantial difference is on the economy; about fun & skill?  Not really.

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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

I recommend stop thinking T10 is 'major leagues'... It's just another tier, the more substantial difference is on the economy; about fun & skill?  Not really.

Well I am not ready for it for sure; part of the reason I think that way. Ok, though.

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Just now, thornzero said:

Well I am not ready for it for sure; part of the reason I think that way. Ok, though.

Each tier bracket has it's own dynamic, T10 is not that different. It's more a matter of complexity and number of variables to consider (more gimmicks & longer ranges mean more variables to track). But the extra complexity kinda gets balanced by the comparative advantage of not being handicapped by 1-2 levels on 60-70% of matches. If You have a solid foundation, T10 is actually easier, not harder.

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1 hour ago, thornzero said:

My goal is to become a better player. To be a 'talented' captain.

Admirable ! 

But, think about the "how" of that quest....  Since we don't have a skill system at all..... We are not even a meritocracy nor have skill gates.  Which means, you aren't playing on teams that are skill balanced....  A new player playing a Barney level player all day long?  And, that is the case most days !!!

Now imagine:  if every game were "skill balanced +/- 2"  46 SR players could only play +2 in either direction and Barney's could never get near you !

Then, your actual "talent" is based on your actual skills.......not RNG....

A great goal - almost impossible to do !  It's why I left randoms:  stomps and constant losses to "truly unbalanced teams" stalls growth and is a retention nightmare !

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3 hours ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

I'm a totally average player.  I know the basics of the game and have played long enough to know where I stand.  I trashed my WR several years ago leveling up multiple tier nine ships in Randoms.  I haven't played much Random since.  I have been dipping my toe in recently, but honestly, the level of play is baffling.  I can't really carry a game, but between the afks, suicides and just really stupid play I don't really know how I can beef up my stats.  So is it even worth it or should I just give up?

I think it's always worth it, my advice is to first select a class that you're comfortable with and then find some ships in that class that you enjoy playing. Repeat that for every class you play and slowly you'll get better. Also remember we all have bad games, even the unicums do. We all win and lose, we all carry and die, we all have our moment. As long as you're willing to put in the work to see what you're doing wrong and how you can fix it then you'll progress and get better!

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Aside from the already excellent points made in this thread, I'll note that paying CLOSE attention to your WR can be a mistake.

Yes, WR can be a metric for how well you are doing ... but it's only useful as a long term stat.

WG run events (dockyards, the current personal challenges, etc) which can cause periods where the others on your team in Randoms just are not trying for the win, but for other stuff. Periods like that are almost inevitably going to depress your WR so if you are watching it closely you may well get disheartened.

Just sayin'

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I'd say don't bother staring at the WR itself. Pay attention to some of the other statistics like your average damage with a chosen ship and how often you survive for over half the game. Improving your positioning, target selection, and how well you apply damage while keeping yourself afloat will all eventually impact your WR positively.

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Some years back I cared about winrate.  When it seemed there were more " Serious " Players and what we see today was the exception not the norm.

If you care too much about WR you will quit FAST!

I'm betting there isn't a single person on this forum that hasn't had EPIC games.. 6 - 7 kills,  capped every cap solo earned every medal that the games have JUST to have a few people suicide, get frustrated with MM and just quit like lil babies, Have a cap 90% Capped for the WIN but LEAVES it to chase the CV.

The list is LONG.

SO many losses like these that have ZERO to do with the good players so why let a stat that includes these people in it and take it to heart?

Play , have fun, Raise your OWN personal numbers,  Kills , Damage etc and just have fun.

Your Ulcer will thank you : )

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Yes "IF" you are going to do it for YOU because YOU want to improve. No "IF" you are going to do it because of what others think.

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51 minutes ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

WG run events (dockyards, the current personal challenges, etc) which can cause periods where the others on your team in Randoms just are not trying for the win, but for other stuff. Periods like that are almost inevitably going to depress your WR so if you are watching it closely you may well get disheartened.

That big dip in my win rate was the dockyard event where I wasn't playing for the win.  I can see from these charts that I'm getting better, and it will be a real long time before my rate will be purple.  But who cares?



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5 hours ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

I'm a totally average player.  I know the basics of the game and have played long enough to know where I stand.  I trashed my WR several years ago leveling up multiple tier nine ships in Randoms.  I haven't played much Random since.  I have been dipping my toe in recently, but honestly, the level of play is baffling.  I can't really carry a game, but between the afks, suicides and just really stupid play I don't really know how I can beef up my stats.  So is it even worth it or should I just give up?

No never... WR% is only (like all other WOWS stat) for admiration of what you have done. It doesn't reflect anything meaningful or worth improving.

From a statistics analysis POV.  WR% follows the same statistical properties and principles as everyone else.. But I'll sum it up really fast..

The more you play WOWS every single day (random battles, NOT Co-op), the more your WR (or anyone's WR) will land on the %90 percentile range.

So, what is that range?

  • %45-%55
    • This is the %90 percentile for all players (active or not) on all server regions. This has been the same figures now for over 7 yrs.

SO what do this means to you.. I'll sum it up...

Just play the game, when you just play the game... You'll see, your WR% will end up in the %90 percentile range explained above.

Now, to get over the %5 percentile of %56-%69 WR.... You''ll need to do some tricks like division up with some friends.

In the past, Divisions/guilds would sync drop so that if a number of them are in both sides.. The one side throws the match away in favor of the other side improving their WR.

There's also people tanking their WR on purpose. Why? I have no valid answer for it.

SO just play the game and dont worry about your stats. Statistical properties in play assures your WR will be respectable.

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No. This is not a prestigious sport or smth. 

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Improve your gameplay, and your WR will follow along.

Understand your mistakes, but don't over-constrain yourself. Avoid playing if you're tired or fatigued, so that you always execute tactics and maneuvers at high efficiency.


Don't let those sub-average players tell you that your efforts don't matter.

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