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3 part question for T10 destroyers:

What is the best "overall" destroyer?

What is the best "torpedo" destroyer?

What is the best "gunboat" destroyer?


Edited by HuskerBill
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No correct answer to something like this. Anyway, opinion, TX because it's weird to consider if some random T3 destroyer is the best :

Småland best overall and gunboat according to winrates and my theory. Otherwise Daring best overall. 

Yueyang best for torpedos, doesn't matter if it can't hit other destroyers since that's such a crapshoot anyway. It can unleash a massive wall of skill that just pops up out of nowhere from the perspective of the target, and it gets to use either a very good smoke or radar (I do latter to help my team deal with other triangles). 

Other than Småland, best gunboat is possibly Gdansk for high DPM, speed and the ability to radar. Could be Kleber or Marceau also. Plenty of contenders for this title. I'll say Gdansk.

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38 minutes ago, HuskerBill said:

3 part question:

What is the best "overall" destroyer?

What is the best "torpedo" destroyer?

What is the best "gunboat" destroyer?


I'm assuming this is tech tree only for my answers.

Overall? Daring.  Really flexible, doesn't have any major weaknesses beyond low speed. 

Torpedo DD goes to Gearing for me. Really comfortable torpedoes to use while having sufficient firepower to defend itself if need be. American Smoke and UU is also really nice for team play. 

Gunboat, IMO Kleber. Pretty much works in all scenarios, massive pain in the ass to deal with as an enemy team. 

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The answers depend on what Tier you are talking about, what nationalities you have ready, what your playstyle is, what game mode you are in, and what your preferred tactics are.


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Former 'average' player view (don't play Randoms any more, so my view is pre-submarines):

  • Best overall will depend on how important stealth is to your play style; for me it matters, so I avoid anything that can be seen from low orbit. My nominations would probably be Smaland, Daring, and Vampire II.
  • Best torp DD - for me - at the tier is arguably Shima for the sneakiness, although LU Gearing runs her close (and I find her to be more fun a lot of the time).
  • I've always struggled to make pure gunboats work; with my limited skillset here, I'd probably pick Marceau...
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4 hours ago, Unlooky said:

Torpedo DD goes to Gearing for me. Really comfortable torpedoes to use while having sufficient firepower to defend itself if need be. American Smoke and UU is also really nice for team play. 

You listed Gearings UU as "nice for team play" but forgot to mention it's necessity in order to classify Gearing as a torp DD...

Sure.. it's torp range gives it plenty of utility w/out the UU but torp DD are generally clarified by their better stealth capabilities & 5.9 detection is kinda cheesy for a torp DD classification...

Especially with all the 5.4 KM Kagero clones out there...not that it tops the IJN detection with it but puts it in acceptable range to spot them back w/out having to charge 1/2km after being spotted by them.

But with the UU Gearing gets my vote at T10 also.

&...if you happen to get a Double Strike with Halsey it ends up with the best detection at any tier at 5.04km detection.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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21 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

You listed Gearings UU as "nice for team play" but forgot to mention it's necessity in order to classify Gearing as a torp DD...

Sure.. it's torp range gives it plenty of utility w/out the UU but torp DD are generally clarified by their better stealth capabilities & 5.9 detection is kinda cheesy for a torp DD classification...

Especially with all the 5.4 KM Kagero clones out there...not that it tops the IJN detection with it but puts it in acceptable range to spot them back w/out having to charge 1/2km after being spotted by them.

But with the UU Gearing gets my vote at T10 also.

&...if you happen to get a Double Strike with Halsey it ends up with the best detection at any tier at 5.04km detection.

I consider Gearing a torp boat even without UU because of how strong her torpedoes are versus her guns relative to other DDs. Her base concealment is solidly within the upper echelon of destroyers. Do you consider Halland to not be a torpedo boat because it has 6km concealment? 

The only DDs outspotting Gearing at Tier 10 are either Shima (5.6) or 5.8km conceal ships like YY and Vamp 2. I'd argue that the 0.1 km spotting difference isn't that significant in Random Battles.  

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For torpedoboats, probably Yueyang. Short of hitting DDs, the torps have everything: damage, speed, range, stealth, TRB and possibly a special captain that also helps. The smokes are arguably the best in the game.

Overall it might be Gdansk, though I haven't played her much yet. She has bad concealment but she can still stealth-radar (short duration, but half the normal cooldown) and stealth-torp (with 86 knots speed, too). High top speed. Vampire 2 levels of fire-starting but with Kléber ballistics. High hp pool. Smoke, which imho is better than a heal imho.

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14 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Could be Kleber or Marceau also.

Speedy smokeless gunboat DD is a style that doesn't sit well with all DD players. There are some people who will say Kleber/Marceau/Khaba without pausing, and there are those who will say "Never in a million years!". Both groups are correct.  

Others have a middle ground and move from one side to the other.  It took me ages to make French DDs work for me in co-op, but when it finally clicked, they worked spectacularly and the grind to Kleber was never in doubt. Likewise the Soviet ditch-the-smoke-for-heal thing with Kiev-Tashkent-Khaba (as it then was). I was just into the Tashkent when they announced Khaba was becoming a coal ship, and grinding that one out was a pleasure, something I wouldn't have said 12 months previously.

14 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

and it gets to use either a very good smoke or radar (I do latter to help my team deal with other triangles)

I did a lot of Radar Hsienyang and Radar Chung Mu in Randoms on the grind up to YY (I think the TRB buff came in just as I was finishing the grind). It made for a challenging game, not having smoke to hide in or disengage, but I liked the challenge. It's not so useful in co-op, although it defeats Italian destroyers nicely (since you can see them but they can't see you, and if you stay out of smoke penalty range you can gun them down with impunity until the radar runs out) and is sometimes useful if a cruiser or BB is hiding in the cloud a bot DD coughed out and you need to see them to torp them (with them likewise blind to you as they nose through the smoke).


I think the torp boat question is up in the air now that we have a new line coming in that has fast, relatively hard-hitting (even at distance, they can be spicy) torpedoes that can outrange the longest radars. I'm not saying the new French DDs are the best thing since sliced baguettes, but we need some time once they come in to see how they fit into the meta.

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15 hours ago, HuskerBill said:

3 part question for T10 destroyers:

What is the best "overall" destroyer?   Shima 

What is the best "torpedo" destroyer?  Shima

What is the best "gunboat" destroyer?  Haru/smaland  



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15 hours ago, HuskerBill said:

3 part question for T10 destroyers:

What is the best "overall" destroyer?

What is the best "torpedo" destroyer?

What is the best "gunboat" destroyer?


  • Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
  • Mongol: The open ocean, swift hull, signal-flags on your mast, and the wind in your hair.
  • Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
  • Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their shipyards.
  • Mongol General: That is good! That is good.

    I slightly altered the wording, to fit this topic.  😉 
Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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12 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:
  • Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
  • Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their shipyards.

I could never imagine Conan saying anything like that. I hear him saying:

”Swedish bikini team women prefer tall, geeky American redheaded men. This is best.”

Yep, that would be much more like what Conan O’Brien would say.

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5 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:
12 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:
  • Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
  • Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their shipyards.

I could never imagine Conan saying anything like that. I hear him saying:

”Swedish bikini team women prefer tall, geeky American redheaded men. This is best.”

Yep, that would be much more like what Conan O’Brien would say.

We're discussing two different Conans.  🙂 

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1 hour ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

I could never imagine Conan saying anything like that. I hear him saying:

”Swedish bikini team women prefer tall, geeky American redheaded men. This is best.”

Yep, that would be much more like what Conan O’Brien would say.


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To quote Tywin Lannister:

"There's a tool for every task and a task for evety tool"


That said, while there are select groups of "best", what exact DD is the absolutely best in specific role is a question that will vary abit depending on player preferences, game mode, map and so on.


Daring is the most multi role T10, but it's also the slowest T10 which limits her ability to quickly cover distance and secure positions.

Kleber & Marceau are Fast as Greased Lightning, but highly visible and do not have smoke, limiting their ability to play the vision/break off game

Elbing is effectively 8" AP cruiser that does Cruiser things while wearing DD trenchcoat

Z-52 has theoretically amazing cap bully potential, but that is reliant on team lineup & map giving you tripple 6's to work. Otherwise it's pretty mid-meh depending on situation

Edited by aleksi111
Fixed typo
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11 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

We're discussing two different Conans.  🙂 

Yes. That was the intent.

That subtlety evidently eluded the Tidewater Area of Virginia.

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