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Zulu - Movie of the Month for July 2024


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Movie of the Month for July 2024


Try having the movie watched by the next weekend or so, that's SAT/SUN July 6 to 7.


Note! Recommended that you use the link to watch the movie in an adjacent tab or new window for ease of reference.


Zulu on Wikipedia:


And on IMDB:



Spoiler Warning!


If you have no clue about the movie previously, watch the movie first before going into the discussion.


General discussion of the movie to follow below.

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  • Admiral_Karasu pinned this topic

If the above link does not work in your country (I'm in NA, and it is blocked), try this one.

Zulu Full Movie - US, perhaps all of NA link (click here)

Depending on where you live, you may have to search for "Zulu Full Movie" in YouTube search.

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8 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

If the above link does not work in your country (I'm in NA, and it is blocked), try this one.

Depending on where you live, you may have to search for "Zulu Full Movie" in YouTube search.

Can you see this one?



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2 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

"Video unavailable"
"This video contains content from Studio canal who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds"

Give my link a shot @Wolfswetpaws

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1 minute ago, HogHammer said:

Give my link a shot @Wolfswetpaws

I did.  Your link worked, for me.
I'll view it later, perhaps.  I've seen the movie Zulu, years (decades?) ago.  I remember why the movie would be age-restricted.  😉 

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1 minute ago, HogHammer said:

Give my link a shot @Wolfswetpaws

Which seems to be unavailable to me. As long as everybody can see some video we should be fine....

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