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How many radars does Tiger 59 have?


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Had a nice match last night where I was able to play "cruiser protect the BBs from sneaky DDs" game in my Tiger.  Just after catching one making a move on one of our team's BBs, followed by a team focus fire to destruction, I get the following response (next to last chat message below):



One of the key piece to Tiger's radar (and a feature of play) is the radar range is basically next to detection range.  So Tiger can push to detection, pop radar, and will catch a DD every time.  It's an extremely effective tactic. In the specific case above, one of our T9 BBs in an otherwise excellent bow tank position mid map was vulnerable to a sneak DD attack.  So I positioned myself in stealth along the possible DD attack vectors.  As this was a stealth positioning, the DD captain would only see the BB and not the cruiser (me) inbetween.  When my detect sign lit up, I popped radar and there he was moving in for a stealth torp attack on the BB.  Team focused and defeated the threat.

Edited by SoshiSone
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  • SoshiSone changed the title to How many radars does Tiger 59 have?

It's rare to see folks actually playing appropriate roles in Random Battles - rare enough even in Clan battles (where folks are supposed to be doing exactly that).

Glad you are still enjoying your "half a Mino" premium @SoshiSone 🙂

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3 hours ago, SoshiSone said:


One of the key piece to Tiger's radar (and a feature of play) is the radar range is basically next to detection range.  So Tiger can push to detection, pop radar, and will catch a DD every time.  It's an extremely effective tactic. In the specific case above, one of our T9 BBs in an otherwise excellent bow tank position mid map was vulnerable to a sneak DD attack.  So I positioned myself in stealth along the possible DD attack vectors.  As this was a stealth positioning, the DD captain would only see the BB and not the cruiser (me) inbetween.  When my detect sign lit up, I popped radar and there he was moving in for a stealth torp attack on the BB.  Team focused and defeated the threat.

That's what I miss about playing the Balti.

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One of the things that has flown under the radar (ha) from the last captain changes is that it's made rarely seen ships like Tiger '59 (or e.g. Ochakov) really hard to deal with when they're fully kitted out. 

Most DD players don't have an intuitive understanding of what normal Tiger '59 feels like to play against, let alone one with Jack Dunkirk and all the goodies: a 40s near-stealth radar up every 1m42s.  Faster even if the Tiger is running AA/ASW Expert and shot down some planes. Considering that caps are 60s randoms, that is not a lot of time to dodge the radar, reposition, and take a cap. 

I would predict that, as the game continually expands beyond even the most dedicated players ability to keep track, these niche ships with maxed captains and upgrades will only continue to flourish. Keep up the good work @SoshiSone.

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1 hour ago, torino2dc said:

Most DD players don't have an intuitive understanding of what normal Tiger '59 feels like to play against, let alone one with Jack Dunkirk and all the goodies: a 40s near-stealth radar up every 1m42s.  Faster even if the Tiger is running AA/ASW Expert and shot down some planes. Considering that caps are 60s randoms, that is not a lot of time to dodge the radar, reposition, and take a cap. 




Oh, and an often unknown Tiger feature is its bow.  It'll bounce 14 inchers.  I've squared off many times vs BBs with 14 inchers.  I can't do much with my pee shooter up front, but quite often the BB will attempt to finish off the "puny" cruiser facing it, while my teammates work over the BB.  This only works when reds can't get me broadside.  But it comes up now and then, and I'll use it.

That said, as much as I love playing Tiger, my win rate is about my average overall at 57%.  I play solo.  I suspect if a clan got together and matched up a good division, it would do much better.  But clan players worthy of Tiger probably already have a niche T8 CA/CL that they can work better.  So while Tiger is a fun ship.  Great in the right place.  It appears to have too many limits to be worthy of the best players.

Edited by SoshiSone
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