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Super Tester Applications Open 28 June


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I would recommend joining! It's a fun group and gives a far better way to try and Influence the game than just complaining here. 

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Do they actually read the SuperTester reports these days?

Back in they day, they admitted to not even reading them.

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1 hour ago, WES_HoundDog said:

So,  technically are these people Scabs?

More like people who think they are changing something but they actually dont

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So, between this topic and the in-game news accessed via my Port screen, I learned that communication for the supertesters is done via discord.
I don't participate in discord.
Thus, this is a non-starter for me.

Good luck & have fun.  🙂 

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22 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

So, between this topic and the in-game news accessed via my Port screen, I learned that communication for the supertesters is done via discord.
I don't participate in discord.
Thus, this is a non-starter for me.

Good luck & have fun.  🙂 

I don't actually have a clue how they communicate. I looked at the post by Killerbin34 on Discord about what you needed to do to apply, and I'm glad I'm not planning to apply since I am still clueless. The links they posted on Discord announcements, the same ones I posted above, are to some kind of a weird forum.

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3 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I don't actually have a clue how they communicate. I looked at the post by Killerbin34 on Discord about what you needed to do to apply, and I'm glad I'm not planning to apply since I am still clueless. The links they posted on Discord announcements, the same ones I posted above, are to some kind of a weird forum.

Interesting how a forum is the optimal form of communication, eh?  😉 

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Volunteering is a double edged sword. One must evaluate the effort vs. the return.

This seems like way too much free work and the return is unclear.

Whoever presses forward, my best to you.

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I love how they didn't specify anywhere what a super tester does exactly.

We have to meet some requirements to be have a chance to become a supertester. We have to be free at some specific times, using specific hardware and software, and complete their test all to be able to get an interview that will determine if we can become a supertester.

And once we're one... then what?

What does a supertester does? What are his obligations? What's in it for him?

It feels like I have to study and pass exams to be able to do an actual real work but with no pay.

No thanks.

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Interesting how a forum is the optimal form of communication, eh?  😉 

That is the first thing I noticed.  They use the same platform (Invision) that ran the old WoWs forum.  We (DevStrike) also use Invision as our forum platform. 


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28 minutes ago, Viridem said:

what a super tester does exactly

A super tester is someone who allows a Wargaming employee to sit back, relax, and have coffee. Maybe, and just maybe, the super tester's efforts frees up more time for a Wargaming employee to, you know, talk about Hawk Tuah with that attractive female supervisor over at Marketing. LOL!

56 minutes ago, thornzero said:

This seems like way too much free work and the return is unclear.

Of course it is grossly disadvantageous to the super tester. I take it one cannot even talk about the ships in testing, unlike the old days.


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5 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Of course it is grossly disadvantageous to the super tester. I take it one cannot even talk about the ships in testing, unlike the old days.

Testers have never been able to talk about ships in testing. CCs were allowed to play test ships and show footage in videos and streams during their test phase, and that was considered one of the perks of CC over the other volunteer programs. Everyone else (ST/CST, privateers, wiki, etc) couldn’t talk about a ship until the NDA was lifted, usually when it released. 

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Just now, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Testers have never been able to talk about ships in testing. CCs were allowed to play test ships and show footage in videos and streams during their test phase, and that was considered one of the perks of CC over the other volunteer programs. Everyone else (ST/CST, privateers, wiki, etc) couldn’t talk about a ship until the NDA was lifted, usually when it released. 

Ah yes, you are correct. CCs, they were able to do that before.

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5 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

That is the first thing I noticed.  They use the same platform (Invision) that ran the old WoWs forum.  We (DevStrike) also use Invision as our forum platform. 


And parts of their forum seem to be in Russian. We (DevStrike) don't have that.


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It looks like CC's are still able to talk about ships prior to "official" release - you will see streamers showing ships that "will be" released in the upcoming weeks.

Supertesters (and discord mods, and wiki editors and...) don't talk about Bruno.

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17 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Testers have never been able to talk about ships in testing. CCs were allowed to play test ships and show footage in videos and streams during their test phase, and that was considered one of the perks of CC over the other volunteer programs. Everyone else (ST/CST, privateers, wiki, etc) couldn’t talk about a ship until the NDA was lifted, usually when it released. 

This! There is no advantages to be a Supertester except for the illusion that you are able to influence WG´s balancing decisions (which you wont). And as far as I know there are a bit of work and deadlines etc you need to abide to if you want the "gig". So its pretty much un-paid work that will account to ..... fook -all.


16 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Ah yes, you are correct. CCs, they were able to do that before.

I think they still can.

Carbine Carlito shows of ships (Im pretty certain) that is still under development of how they phrase it. ("Work in progress"?). So if you become a CC, you can show some before the ship is released (hence a lot of "I thought this ship was OP but then WG nerfed it last second" debacles), and they can then save a lot of games they played in the ship under NDA and then release them onto Youtube the second the NDA gets lifted for maximizing views/clicks.

He even mentions in the video "Svea" is under NDA right now.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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I do use Discord, but I'm fairly certain I would never be accepted for a Supertest position.

1) I don't have that much free time 

2) Certain WG staff and volunteers have an emotional response just from my presence. Apparently I got in their head about stuff.

Examples of things that triggered the emotions: Asking for an update to a promised communication that had not happened yet about once a month, and declaring that I wasn't interested in Viribus Unitus at tier 5 during the release event, since I preferred the nerfed tier 4 version.

Or in other words, they didn't like that I occasionally made negative hype.

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7 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I do use Discord, but I'm fairly certain I would never be accepted for a Supertest position.

1) I don't have that much free time 

2) Certain WG staff and volunteers have an emotional response just from my presence. Apparently I got in their head about stuff.

Examples of things that triggered the emotions: Asking for an update to a promised communication that had not happened yet about once a month, and declaring that I wasn't interested in Viribus Unitus at tier 5 during the release event, since I preferred the nerfed tier 4 version.

Or in other words, they didn't like that I occasionally made negative hype.

Believe me your not missing anything (see my post above). Its like an un-paid internship. And if you ever mention your a Supertester in a forum you most likely be blamed for whatever shitstorm/unbalanced monstrosity WG released that update.

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33 minutes ago, SureBridge said:

It looks like CC's are still able to talk about ships prior to "official" release


30 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I think they still can.

They can show ships in port and talk about stats (anything publicly available listed in the game or on the dev blog), but so can anyone else. They can’t show any in-battle footage or talk about their experience playing the ship.

33 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

and they can then save a lot of games they played in the ship under NDA and then release them onto Youtube the second the NDA gets lifted for maximizing views/clicks.

Only of the final release version. That’s usually the last version that gets tested, but they also get early access to the final ships before they release to create content in case a ship changes before release. The main/English wiki team usually does too (although our content is text rather than videos or streams like it is for most CCs). 

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1 hour ago, Frostbow said:

Hawk Tuah with that attractive female supervisor over at Marketing. LOL!



Hawk Tuah is all over the place now! I wonder how many people are going to name their kids that! lol

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25 minutes ago, yss_turtleship said:

Hawk Tuah is all over the place now!

Who or what is that? (Yes I need to showcase ignorance in public)

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6 hours ago, thornzero said:

Volunteering is a double edged sword. One must evaluate the effort vs. the return.

This seems like way too much free work and the return is unclear.

Whoever presses forward, my best to you.

That was my feeling in the end.

I did it for a while, and if they allowed testing in ranked then it might have worked for me, but I don't have the gaming time that I once had.

It was fun having access to test ships, but you have to remember that you won't necessarily get access to them all, and there are reports that you are expected to fill out and a certain amount of participation is expected.  If you have the time.... might be fun for you. 

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