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Reference Section - Guide Update


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Although the "General Discussion" section is the cornerstone of the DevStrike forum, work continues to add new resources to the forum's "Reference Section" to broaden the scope of player knowledge.

This week, we added two new sections: FlimsyLunchTray's World of Warships - New Player Guide Series and FlimsyLunchTray's World of Warships - Intermediate Guide Series, both done by @FlimsyLunchTray.  

The "New Player Guide Series" goes well beyond what is provided by WG's tutorials.  (Ironically, even WG is finally promoting their "Definitive World of Warships Guide).  There have been many comments regarding new/newer players to the game - perhaps pointing them in the right direction will help them learn and improve (if they so desire) with a short after-match message where learning/tutorial resources are available.  We make every attempt to consolidate good information in one place for this very reason.  For ANY new player, this is really a very good series and is highly recommended.

Flimsy's "Intermediate Guide Series" may be a good source of additional information for many more advanced players who need that additional knowledge to become better.  There are some really good videos that cover a variety of topics you may find interesting.

We are also updating information regarding "Ships" within the Reference Section. Due to the high number of ships in the game, this will be a summer project. Again, we are attempting to make this as comprehensive as possible so players don't have to hunt the internet for information regarding ships currently available in the game.

Two lines are now complete:  Pan-European (Europe) Destroyers - Resources and Discussion and  Commonwealth Cruisers - Resources and Discussion.  Both sections are currently designed to accommodate changes or additions in the future.


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