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German Rental Destroyers


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Just logged in to see those KMS Destroyers leaving my port not that I used one of them on the event I stopped after the first section.

As I watched them disappear into the pixel blue yonder I thought to myself well we will never see them again, then I thought why not do something constructive with them, sell them cheap ? or make a semi sub branch ? , something just don't let them go to waste ! I don't surely they can come up with something for them instead of having them disappear into code never to be seen again until the 100th anniversary !


I assume there just clones with different numbers but maybe WG could get off there rear ends and create a Operation which involves them at least.


Oh well maybe my grandchildren one day will be searching my place find my secret room where they find my skeleton sitting in front of a dust covered ancient computer, pushing my bones off the chair turn the PC on find its working log into WOWS download patch 60.09 and find a operation with these very same KMS Destroyers in.


P. S. by then we will 15 Russian BB sub ranches, 23 Russian DD subbranches , 12 Russian CV subbranches etc etc          

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I was more interested to see if my modules, signals and boosters I mounted on them got returned. Didn't see anything about that...

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3 minutes ago, xamdam said:

I was more interested to see if my modules, signals and boosters I mounted on them got returned. Didn't see anything about that...

did you check in your message box, I assume you did if it says nothing about them put in a ticket 



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16 minutes ago, tm63au said:

did you check in your message box, I assume you did if it says nothing about them put in a ticket 



Yep, just now thanks. Upgrade demounted shows up for all (it seems). Nothing about boosters or signals but I'll assume they did too.

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The main reason the rental DDs were created (all variants of the same existing hull) was to add variety to an operation that would otherwise be restricted to only four tech tree ships (T-22, Gaede, Mass, and Z-31) and three premium ships, of which two (T-61 and Z-39) are no longer available.

Each of the ships borrowed features from other ships/playstyles/national flavors that were already implemented elsewhere in the game. What data was collected might be used to implement future ship ideas (for example, if one ship was very popular, the devs might adapt its concept into a future premium), but I doubt we’ll see a slew of tier VII premium German DDs or another German DD line coming out of this.

Edited by Nevermore135
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1 hour ago, tm63au said:

but maybe WG could get off there rear ends and create a Operation which involves them at least.

You mean the one they just got finished being used in? 🤪

Not gonna lie, there's promise in some of those. I'd have happily taken them into co-op. 

I think we'll see the best features of a few of them make an appearance in the future.

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