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Depressed about Furutaka... :(


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Well mine is ok WR wise even if other metrics ar not that great if anything Agano seems like more of a cursed boat for me given the av damage and PR in comparison to the WR result...


Edited by Yedwy
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22 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

Well mine is ok WR wise even if other metrics ar not that great if anything Agano seems like more of a cursed boat for me given the av damage and PR in comparison to the WR result...


Well, you are only 5 matches into Agano, the difference between 40% and 60% is literaly one match. Can't talk about cursed trends until 15-20 matches. A couple victories should 'fix' her ez, I'm sure you'll make it happen. 

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Funny,  the Furutaka was one of the ships i couldn't lose in.     But that was back when everyone was a newb.    Even with it being matched against bots these days i'm too afraid to take it out in fear i'll ruin it's beautiful win rate.

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29 minutes ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Funny,  the Furutaka was one of the ships i couldn't lose in.     But that was back when everyone was a newb.    Even with it being matched against bots these days i'm too afraid to take it out in fear i'll ruin it's beautiful win rate.

The "Furry Taco" was a love / hate for many. In the old version (I think, it's been so long now...) it was equipped with the original pyramid single turrets on its stock hull. That was pretty rough. I also don't remember exactly but I think they buffed it at some stage with thicker belt armor that made it pretty tough if angled. The guns always hit quite hard, especially with HE at that tier.

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55 minutes ago, xamdam said:

The "Furry Taco" was a love / hate for many. In the old version (I think, it's been so long now...) it was equipped with the original pyramid single turrets on its stock hull. That was pretty rough. I also don't remember exactly but I think they buffed it at some stage with thicker belt armor that made it pretty tough if angled. The guns always hit quite hard, especially with HE at that tier.

It didn;t have the aoba setup when i played it.     Apparently it has upgradable guns as well.    I never understood why they changed it's gun layout.    that 6x1 setup is what made it so unique.       I do remember i found the ships rate of fire too slow and accuracy too bad vs dd's so apprently i sold it after grinding by it never to be seen again. (Edit 1-I probably also needed the credits.  Edit 2- and port slot, oh man 😣)

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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When tier 5 was actually populated with players I had a blast in it

For a real good time, La Argentina is hilarious

Screenshot 2024-06-26 101154.jpg

Screenshot 2024-06-26 101532.jpg

Edited by Nautic_Hunt
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11 hours ago, Nautic_Hunt said:

For a real good time, La Argentina is hilarious

Whenever I have a citadel ribbon mission that I'm failing in with other ships, for some reason La Argentina is just the freaking GOAT. While I'm pretty sure it doesn't have British short-fuze AP, the shells just seem to bite hard and stick into every thin-skinned cruiser (including the heavies, e.g. Pensacola) in its match-making bracket. 

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I know this relatively well. There are some ships one just cannot do well in. It's even worse when you do great in very similar ships, if not copies.


I'm all purple with Yumihari and Adatara, but Bungo refuses to work with me.

Harugumo is a bit of an exception: I do very well with Akizuki and Kitakaze, but the ship is different enough, and I really dislike sailing her.

I'm quite decent in Shikishima, but can't improve in Yamato.

Yuudachi, a side-grade to Shiratsuyu, is one of my best performing DDs.

And finally I have no issue with the four ARP copies of Kongou.

I gave up with these 5 and accepted I am bound to lose when I pick them. I could certainly fix the "issue", but there isn't much point to it, and it's more fun to just sail in ships I enjoy playing AND that get me victories.

It's like when you try to make some crops grow in your garden, and despite doing absolutely everything right, there are some that refuse to. Surely there's a good reason it happens, and it could be fixed, but there's no pressure to absolutely make tomatoes grow, so I guess I'll have more bell peppers and eggplants this year. Maybe hot peppers?

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19 minutes ago, Viridem said:

I know this relatively well. There are some ships one just cannot do well in. It's even worse when you do great in very similar ships, if not copies.


I'm all purple with Yumihari and Adatara, but Bungo refuses to work with me.

Harugumo is a bit of an exception: I do very well with Akizuki and Kitakaze, but the ship is different enough, and I really dislike sailing her.

I'm quite decent in Shikishima, but can't improve in Yamato.

Yuudachi, a side-grade to Shiratsuyu, is one of my best performing DDs.

And finally I have no issue with the four ARP copies of Kongou.

I gave up with these 5 and accepted I am bound to lose when I pick them. I could certainly fix the "issue", but there isn't much point to it, and it's more fun to just sail in ships I enjoy playing AND that get me victories.

It's like when you try to make some crops grow in your garden, and despite doing absolutely everything right, there are some that refuse to. Surely there's a good reason it happens, and it could be fixed, but there's no pressure to absolutely make tomatoes grow, so I guess I'll have more bell peppers and eggplants this year. Maybe hot peppers?

I've got cucumbers coming out of my... err, umm... garden faster than we can eat them. My first planting of sweet corn didn't go well though so it got yanked and reseeded. Tomatoes on the way with some eggplant on the side.

Should we start a gardening subforum section? 😄


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4 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

Very Nice results for Furutaka!👍

Thank you.  🙂 

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9 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Whenever I have a citadel ribbon mission that I'm failing in with other ships, for some reason La Argentina is just the freaking GOAT. While I'm pretty sure it doesn't have British short-fuze AP, the shells just seem to bite hard and stick into every thin-skinned cruiser (including the heavies, e.g. Pensacola) in its match-making bracket. 

That would be Konigsberg for me.  That AP is just nasty at Tier 5.

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