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Is the patch today the CV changes?


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9 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Instead of spotted, not spotted...adjust dispersion based on the class of the ship. DDs get essentially improvements like what the concealment module and / or dazzle gives, for example...but with even greater effect.

Ship spotting is based on the view range of each ship / plane type based on their spotting equipment.

This would massively change the game, and require rebalancing of everything...

Obviously just an idea at this point, I'm not religiously tied to it.


Intersting, it reminds me of some of the first fps games though that had permanent blips for every enemy. I generally did not like that setting as people would just stare at the minimap. 

It would be basically impossible to ambush someone, cvs would always be shot at in the higher tiers. 


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17 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The trouble is that WG staff and most players are unwilling to even consider a concealment rework...even though that is what they are asking for...because it will change the game too much.

It's not worth the time to go into details which will be resented by WG staff because the idea is not from 'in house'.

All I'm doing is talking ideas to spur interest...but no one is interested.


It's hard to take the moaning about plane spotting seriously if concealment can't be changed.


I think many of those complaining about plane spotting are doing so from the standpoint of it working against them, not working for them, and don't really have an alternative system that would work better.  Personally, I work with whatever systems the games I play feature because that's the game I knew I was getting when I sat down to play it, so CV spotting is just another variable to account for in my battle plans.  I'm happy when my own CV knows their jobs and gives me good intel, and try just as hard to keep the enemy CV from getting Intel on me.


As an example, I think the idea I saw here about a delay in having CVs put their contacts up for the team might be something that could be done, but that it wouldn't really change what those who complain about CV spotting don't like...it would just delay it a few seconds.  I actually am interested in looking at other ideas players may have, but many have even bigger flaws than what we have now because the suggestions are only formulated from a single perspective and ignore other impacts and problems that would arise from actually implementing them.



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17 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

I actually am interested in looking at other ideas players may have, but many have even bigger flaws than what we have now because the suggestions are only formulated from a single perspective and ignore other impacts and problems that would arise from actually implementing them.



Reworking concealment is basically reworking almost everything...because most of the game is affected by concealment.

Which is why the minor adjustments to plane spotting won't work...they just don't make enough change.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The trouble is that WG staff and most players are unwilling to even consider a concealment rework...even though that is what they are asking for...because it will change the game too much.

It's not worth the time to go into details which will be resented by WG staff because the idea is not from 'in house'.

All I'm doing is talking ideas to spur interest...but no one is interested.


It's hard to take the moaning about plane spotting seriously if concealment can't be changed.

So ... model the game with reality?
Real physics.  Real weather effects.  Real underwater acoustics.

Real complicated.  😉 

I'm guessing the developers wanted simpler stuff to make the calculations easier on computers and internet bandwidth?

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Unfortunately, folks have said repeatedly that mini-map spotting can't be implemented... It's the only real solution.  You shouldn't "see" a ship that is spotted directly if you don't see it yourself.

It should be like a spotter calling in shots... as long as the spotter retains his view of a target, folks accuracy should get better over time (like how 2ndary build BB's improve) but never as good as direct sight.  If your spotter loses sight, then you start over.  Same with Radar and sonar...

It would make plane spotting a non issue.  Then it would just be a case of cutting down the endless planes that CVs get to use 🙂 

And I want the ability to PICK my AA focus like in the old days...

Ah, well...

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3 hours ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:


🙂And I want the ability to PICK my AA focus like in the old days...

Ah, well...

(Sorry... can't delete emojis on my phone... it's not part of what I'm quoting).

In the old days you could only pick a single squadron to attack at a time...

Now (since the 0.8.0 rework) you target every squadron in your AA range at once...so you don't need to individually select any squadrons...

But here's the catch:

When you select a  priority sector it increases the efficiency of that sector (as the Dothraki women would say...)...this is known...

But...what is not widely known & understood is this:

The sector that is not the priority sector...has it's efficiency decreased the amount that the priority sector is increased.


Basically both sides start out at 100%\100% (that would be 100% of your continuous damage on each side of he shipk...& if you never select a priority sector that is the base damage you will always get (& the damage that DFAA is applied to [aka multiplied by] when it is used).

So let's say you have a 35% continuous damage buff for a selected sector...what occurs is your numbers (once you select a priority sector) now turn to:

135%/65%...135% being the selected side & 65% being the unselected side (& 65% of your continuous damage being what is being applied to your DFAA instead of the base 100% as it should stay)...but wait...

Say you use the commander skill to increase the priority sector percentage even more (not sure if there is an upgrade also for that)...that just nerfs the unselected side even more.

Don't know what % the commander buffs (also nerfs) provide or the base selector percentages any more because it's just too damned easy for planes (flying in as fast as they do) to jump from your priority selected side to the unselectdd side once they see which side the increased AA is coming from & negate all those buffs for nerfed AA instead...

& once you select it you can't change it for 20 seconds (a skill can lessen that time...but what's the point) so planes have plenty of time to dodge to the unselected side & attack against nerfed AA long before you can change it over.

So in most instances it's almost better to never select a priority sector so you can keep getting 100% AA damage at all times everywhere...but there is a instant percentage damage for selecting it that might cause a plane to be instantly killed reducing the squadrons efficiency...but being able to keep up on all of that in the heat of battle as a selected victim of a CV would require a walking calculator of infinite magnitude...

So most just push to select a sector & don't have any clue how much their AA is being nerfed...or (more importantly that they actually paid commander skills to nerf the unselected side even more & there is zero indication to it in the commander skills (unlike every other commander skill that has red numbers & negative signs "-" to indicate nerfs).


Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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Under the old CV/AA system a carrier would have multiple squadrons in the air and attacking at once, so the ability to manually select a specific squadron to focus damage on was a tactical trade off. For example, focusing fire on the torpedo bombers setting up to drop on your broadside could be considered a worthy trade off for doing less damage to the less threatening HE bomber squadron also attacking you.

Under reworked CVs, each CV has only one active squadron attacking at a time. Most CV matches still have one CV per side, so the old manual targeting system would no longer involve any kind of trade off, but would simply be a straight up buff to AA performance against the single squadron attacking you. Hence WG’s different implementations of the “sector” system since the rework.

Edited by Nevermore135
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16 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

but being able to keep up on all of that in the heat of battle as a selected victim of a CV would require a walking calculator of infinite magnitude...

Not at all.

It's not even that difficult unless you are being targeted by multiple CVs at once.

I can do it just fine....

...though I did enjoy the RTS CVs, which might make me a walking calculator of great magnitude...

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14 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:
16 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

but being able to keep up on all of that in the heat of battle as a selected victim of a CV would require a walking calculator of infinite magnitude...

Not at all.

It's not even that difficult unless you are being targeted by multiple CVs at once.

I can do it just fine....

...though I did enjoy the RTS CVs, which might make me a walking calculator of great magnitude...

I agree with @Daniel_Allan_Clark
Simply by maintaining some situational awareness with the mini-map, one can observe plane's movements.
Thus, one can anticipate being targeted and adjust course & speed according to the situation.

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23 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

So most just push to select a sector & don't have any clue how much their AA is being nerfed...

Here obviously are 2 perfect examples:

6 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I agree with @Daniel_Allan_Clark
Simply by maintaining some situational awareness with the mini-map, one can observe plane's movements.
Thus, one can anticipate being targeted and adjust course & speed according to the situation.

(^^^Assuming [please correct me if I'm wrong] this means you line up your AA to intercept the planes as they're incoming...which equates to a building up of damage [takes 10 seconds to get to maximum buffed damage] to planes for the few seconds it takes them to set up their attack before actually attacking & going into immunity...& then the planes exiting out the other side of your ship while your maximum buffed [selected] AA is active...into the maximum nerfed [unselected] AA??? Show me the math on that being the best optional use of your buffed [selected] AA).

Do you vary your usage depending on whether its a full squadron*** or partial squadron...if partial...how partial?

What are your mathematical variances/parameters used to maximize your most efficient use of your maximum buffed AA at the time it is mamximumly buffed as opposed to having your AA maximumly nerfed.

6 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Not at all.

It's not even that difficult unless you are being targeted by multiple CVs at once.

(^^^hybrids/fighters/other ship's squadrons that might also be spotting you).

I can do it just fine....

...though I did enjoy the RTS CVs, which might make me a walking calculator of great magnitude... (<--The math I'm referring to was irrelevant to RTS CVs as the AA didn't have the nerfed parameters I'm referring to...

But thanx for volunteering to be a perfect example of exactly what I was referring to in my above quoted comment).

Can either of you guys show any of the relevant math in your general statements of how easy it is to keep up on it (take note: you both specifically quoted the comment about "walking calculator"...calculators are used for math equations...so any examples of your math equation calculating abilities for reference?).

Show me the numbers.

***Just for reference...against a full squadron that (let's face it...if it dodges all of the flak) is not gonna take enough damage to kill a plane...it is actually better to select the planes just as they're leaving the other side of your ship after the attack where they will take the instant damage & full AA damage of your selected side with no immunity & actually be caught in it long enough for it to buildup to max damage & have all the flak chasing it out...unless of course it gets the "F"(key) out of there...but if it lost no planes on the attack there would be no reason for it to F key out while it still has a full squad.

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8 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Here obviously are 2 perfect examples:


Can either of you guys show any of the relevant math in your general statements of how easy it is to keep up on it (take note: you both specifically quoted the comment about "walking calculator"...calculators are used for math equations...so any examples of your math equation calculating abilities for reference?).

Show me the numbers.

***Just for reference...against a full squadron that (let's face it...if it dodges all of the flak) is not gonna take enough damage to kill a plane...it is actually better to select the planes just as they're leaving the other side of your ship after the attack where they will take the instant damage & full AA damage of your selected side with no immunity & actually be caught in it long enough for it to buildup to max damage & have all the flak chasing it out...unless of course it gets the "F"(key) out of there...but if it lost no planes on the attack there would be no reason for it to F key out while it still has a full squad.

It's actually fairly easy.

You always want to front load your damage against enemy planes (remember, I main CVs). The more damage you do to the first strike, the less likely a second strike is going to happen.

Watch for the plane indicator on your HUD to turn red, not amber. That tells you your AA guns are in range. If you are not bow in or stern in...use priority sector immediately. For SOME ships, you want to wait until the enemy planes get in your mid-range AA before using priority sector...but that's usually only on ships that have specialized AA that you build into...so, in general...use priority sector the moment the enemy planes are in range on the side that they are approaching you from. (Basically, you want have that first pulse multiply your most effective AA...so with ships that have most of their DPS in a longer ranged medium range...like 4km or so, it makes sense to wait.)

If they are approaching you from bow or stern or close to it...then don't bother using priority sector as its just best to leave it alone. The enemy CV will just dodge to the less prioritized side. This is where situational awareness helps. Like I said, I started this game to play RTS CV. I can and do know what my ship is doing, plus the minimap tells me what the rest of my team is doing and I keep that all in my head.

It's that simple.

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20 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

(^^^Assuming [please correct me if I'm wrong] this means you line up your AA to intercept the planes as they're incoming...which equates to a building up of damage [takes 10 seconds to get to maximum buffed damage] to planes for the few seconds it takes them to set up their attack before actually attacking & going into immunity...& then the planes exiting out the other side of your ship while your maximum buffed [selected] AA is active...into the maximum nerfed [unselected] AA??? Show me the math on that being the best optional use of your buffed [selected] AA).

Do you vary your usage depending on whether its a full squadron*** or partial squadron...if partial...how partial?

What are your mathematical variances/oarameters used to maximize your most efficient use of your maximum buffed AA at the time it is mamximumly buffed as opposed to having your maximumly AA nerfed.

I can be looking at one target while keeping the "corner of my eye" on the mini-map.

If planes are heading towards my ship, I can usually determine if they're going to attack me (or a nearby team-mate).
So, if they're torpedo bombers, I'll make a hard turn and possibly juke my speed to dodge torpeodes.
If bombers, I'll try to present them with my broadside (unless they're skip-bombers) and my AA suite.  (Most bomb patterns are an oval, so the least amount can fall upon my hull if the oval pattern is flying over me port/starboard instead of bow/stern).
I activate my "O" key priority sector of AA reinforcement on whichever side I plan to receive the planes upon or whichever side I believe will be aimed at the planes for the longest period of time/distance.

With Rocket planes I tend to present my bow/stern to them, to minimize their target and maximize the amount of armor thickness the rockets will have to deal with.

It helps to have the "map" menu settings switched on to display one's AA circle (normally an amber circle around one's ship).
The aerial detection circle is useful for DD's and Submarines, but less of a concern for bigger ships.

Edited to add:  If I notice planes approaching my ship, and I have a Fighter-plane consumable available, I'll launch fighters when the red-planes are about one to two km beyond my AA radius.
The fighter-planes take a few moments to launch and reach their patrol altitude.
So, if I time it properly, they'll latch-on to the attacking planes, to either shoot them down or force them to retreat.

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41 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It's actually fairly easy.

You always want to front load your damage against enemy planes (remember, I main CVs). The more damage you do to the first strike, the less likely a second strike is going to happen.

Watch for the plane indicator on your HUD to turn red, not amber. That tells you your AA guns are in range. If you are not bow in or stern in...use priority sector immediately. For SOME ships, you want to wait until the enemy planes get in your mid-range AA before using priority sector...but that's usually only on ships that have specialized AA that you build into...so, in general...use priority sector the moment the enemy planes are in range on the side that they are approaching you from. (Basically, you want have that first pulse multiply your most effective AA...so with ships that have most of their DPS in a longer ranged medium range...like 4km or so, it makes sense to wait.)

If they are approaching you from bow or stern or close to it...then don't bother using priority sector as its just best to leave it alone. The enemy CV will just dodge to the less prioritized side. This is where situational awareness helps. Like I said, I started this game to play RTS CV. I can and do know what my ship is doing, plus the minimap tells me what the rest of my team is doing and I keep that all in my head.

It's that simple.


40 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I can be looking at one target while keeping the "corner of my eye" on the mini-map.

If planes are heading towards my ship, I can usually determine if they're going to attack me (or a nearby team-mate).
So, if they're torpedo bombers, I'll make a hard turn and possibly juke my speed to dodge torpeodes.
If bombers, I'll try to present them with my broadside (unless they're skip-bombers) and my AA suite.  (Most bomb patterns are an oval, so the least amount can fall upon my hull if the oval pattern is flying over me port/starboard instead of bow/stern).
I activate my "O" key priority sector of AA reinforcement on whichever side I plan to receive the planes upon or whichever side I believe will be aimed at the planes for the longest period of time/distance.

With Rocket planes I tend to present my bow/stern to them, to minimize their target and maximize the amount of armor thickness the rockets will have to deal with.

It helps to have the "map" menu settings switched on to display one's AA circle (normally an amber circle around one's ship).
The aerial detection circle is useful for DD's and Submarines, but less of a concern for bigger ships.


^^^Thanx for quoting the assumed best use of AA based on the falsely assumed fact that no AA is nerfed.

Still missing the math as opposed to the assumed "best use" of AA based on "attack it before it attacks us" w/out taking any of the actual math into account as to what will actually cause the most damage (& there for the most chance of actually killing a plane) to the squadron.

Now next time you're attacked by a full squadron do exactly what you just said & after the squadron leaves you AA bubble (that yellow circle) check how much damage you actually did to it.

The next time (has to be the same ship for same AA against the same type of full squadron as the instantaneous damage is a percentage & used against a different type of squadron will result in different parameters) wait until after the attack & select the squadron on the opposite side it attacked from just after it passes your ship (after to make sure it takes the instant damage because the instant damage only occurs to squadron on the selected side of the ship)...then compare the numbers & tell me which squadron took the most damage.

You guys seemed to miss the math...I didn't say it was hard to keep track of plane attacks... anybody can robotically follow the rhetoric you guys just typed out that is assumed to the best way to use AA...

What takes a walking calculator is taking into account the nerfed parameters of AA & knowing when to use it for the maximum efficiency.

Or if it's best to not use it at all & the standard 100%\100% is best for the individual situation you may find yourself in at any particular instance.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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5 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

^^^Thanx for quoting the assumed best use of AA based on the falsely assumed fact that no AA is nerfed.

Anti-aircraft guns are not capable of providing air defense. Full stop, period. Never have been able to, never will be able to...plus, historically, they did not provide air defense either.

I didn't 'falsely assume' anything.

6 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Still missing the math as opposed to the assumed "best use" of AA based on "attack it before it attacks us" w/out taking any of the actual math into account as to what will actually cause the most damage (& there for the most chance of actually killing a plane) to the squadron.

The math doesn't matter.

You do the most impactful damage to the first strike wave. Apply the priority sector when the first attack wave gets into appropriate range.

Whether or not you actually kill the enemy planes is down to the enemy CVs ability to dodge flak and his captain skill selections with respect to plane armor and hp.

This isn't complicated...there is no massive amount of calculations to decide which side of the ship to prioritize. It's SIMPLE. Prioritze the side of the ship that is being attacked with the first wave. If the side of ship to be attacked is not clear, wait until it is clear.

8 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Now next time you're attacked by a full squadron do exactly what you just said & after the squadron leaves you AA bubble (that yellow circle) check how much damage you actually did to it.

...and your point is, what, exactly?

I will have done the damage I expect to have done...which is usually not enough to prevent the first strike (known dumb balancing choices by WG)...but usually enough to prevent the second strike...unless my ship just has bad base AA, in which case I will have to rely on maneuver. But I knew that going into the battle.

10 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

The next time (has to be the same ship for same AA against the same type of full squadron as the instantaneous damage is a percentage & used against a different type of squadron will result in different parameters) wait until after the attack & select the squadron on the opposite side it attacked from just after it passes your ship (after to make sure it takes the instant damage because the instant damage only occurs to squadron on the selected side of the ship)...then compare the numbers & tell me which squadron took the most damage.

Why would I do that?

Sure, I 'did more plane damage'...but I took a full on strike without doing heavy damage to the enemy...and he now gets to decide whether he wants to come back around or just recall / get out.

No matter whether you do the damage to the first attack wave, or the second on his way out...he still gets to decide to make that second attack or not.

You really aren't making much of a dent in his offensive capability by foregoing damage in the hope of doing some later...plus, you are spotted for longer because you delayed telling him to 'go away, you took too much damage to stay.'

But, if you really want to persist...just do the math yourself. You don't even need to do it in game...just look up LWM's tables and the hp and armor values for planes and do the math.

But practically speaking, it won't actually matter for most cases.

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It would be funny if the way to kill planes was actually to fire sector to the exit vector of squadrons. It'd be so nonintuitive. Gotta try it sometime on some mediocre aa ship. 

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8 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:


^^^Thanx for quoting the assumed best use of AA based on the falsely assumed fact that no AA is nerfed.

Still missing the math as opposed to the assumed "best use" of AA based on "attack it before it attacks us" w/out taking any of the actual math into account as to what will actually cause the most damage (& there for the most chance of actually killing a plane) to the squadron.

Now next time you're attacked by a full squadron do exactly what you just said & after the squadron leaves you AA bubble (that yellow circle) check how much damage you actually did to it.

The next time (has to be the same ship for same AA against the same type of full squadron as the instantaneous damage is a percentage & used against a different type of squadron will result in different parameters) wait until after the attack & select the squadron on the opposite side it attacked from just after it passes your ship (after to make sure it takes the instant damage because the instant damage only occurs to squadron on the selected side of the ship)...then compare the numbers & tell me which squadron took the most damage.

You guys seemed to miss the math...I didn't say it was hard to keep track of plane attacks... anybody can robotically follow the rhetoric you guys just typed out that is assumed to the best way to use AA...

What takes a walking calculator is taking into account the nerfed parameters of AA & knowing when to use it for the maximum efficiency.

Or if it's best to not use it at all & the standard 100%\100% is best for the individual situation you may find yourself in at any particular instance.

You're welcome.
I'm well aware of the trade-off (hitting the "O" key boosts one side of a ship's AA and reduces the other side).

Apparently, "the math" is something you're more enthusiastic about calculating than I am.  🙂 
The actual numbers will vary according to each ship in question and the build used on that ship.
My time is not free. 
Either I charge you ridiculous amounts of money, or you do your own homework, eh?  🙂 

The "rhetoric" is methodology I have years of experience in using.
I play all ship types, including CV's. 
So I've experienced the AA interactions from both sides of the figurative coin.

Feel free to develop your own methods, derived from your math. 
If we're lucky, you'll share your insights, as I and @Daniel_Allan_Clark have shared ours.  🙂 


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4 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

It would be funny if the way to kill planes was actually to fire sector to the exit vector of squadrons. It'd be so nonintuitive. Gotta try it sometime on some mediocre aa ship. 

I hope you'll share the results of such an experiment.

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We should be careful when looking at damage output of AA though. Remember that your AA damage is like HE damage against a ship with a superheal.

Yes, you can get the enemy down in HP, for a short period of time. But he will be back, with new HP from his regenerative abilities.

This is part of why I talk about hitting the first wave being most effective. The main point of AA is to tell the CV to go somewhere else...very few ships can actively try to drain a same tier CVs planes with success. For most ships, success is having the CV go away for a time.

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Can someone please explain something about AA?

There is the 'O' key and the 'apostrophe' key. I normally take that as 'O' for port and ''' for starboard but once in a while, if I press 'O' it activates on the starboard side instead of the port side and vice versa.

The reason I bring this up is @Wolfswetpaws has repeatedly mentioned the 'O' key but not the ''' key.


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8 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Why would I do that?

Sure, I 'did more plane damage'...but I took a full on strike without doing heavy damage to the enemy...and he now gets to decide whether he wants to come back around or just recall / get out.

Because the first strike is easier for You to 'dictate the terms' and dodge, the following strikes present a greater risk. Also there's the damage mitigation of the attack sequence acting against your sector. If you reinforce after the attack on the exit vector, you'll get more net damage. 

Of course it depends on your AA values and squadron comp, if You know there's no chance for a second attack, there's no point in delaying your sector.

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32 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Can someone please explain something about AA?

There is the 'O' key and the 'apostrophe' key. I normally take that as 'O' for port and ''' for starboard but once in a while, if I press 'O' it activates on the starboard side instead of the port side and vice versa.

The reason I bring this up is @Wolfswetpaws has repeatedly mentioned the 'O' key but not the ''' key.


The 'o' key reinforces the sector that your view is facing.

21 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Because the first strike is easier for You to 'dictate the terms' and dodge, the following strikes present a greater risk. Also there's the damage mitigation of the attack sequence acting against your sector. If you reinforce after the attack on the exit vector, you'll get more net damage. 

Of course it depends on your AA values and squadron comp, if You know there's no chance for a second attack, there's no point in delaying your sector.

If you want to try to optimize doing damage and have the time to activate right when he crosses over your ship...sure, it might do more damage. However, do we know that damage limitation ends when the ordinance is dropped...or when the player returns to controlling his squadron?

If the latter, then it doesn't actually help to activate late...as the damage limitation still applies and would be the same effect in both scenarios.

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44 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

However, do we know that damage limitation ends when the ordinance is dropped...or when the player returns to controlling his squadron?

I can't even find information of which planes have it and when. All I know from playing carriers is that rocketplanes can't die in the machine gun period.

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3 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

I can't even find information of which planes have it and when. All I know from playing carriers is that rocketplanes can't die in the machine gun period.

Every plane type has it.

When you enter the attack aiming animation, you take less damage from the constant DPS. If the attack flight is your last flight, there is an additional bit of protection (which is a straight buff to Russian planes).

When you are in the drop animation, your planes take no damage. This is the rocket plane invulnerability you observed.

The question I have is when does AA damage start getting applied normally to the planes that were not in the attack? Is it right after the drop, or is it when the player returns to main squadron control?

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1 hour ago, thornzero said:

Can someone please explain something about AA?

There is the 'O' key and the 'apostrophe' key. I normally take that as 'O' for port and ''' for starboard but once in a while, if I press 'O' it activates on the starboard side instead of the port side and vice versa.

The reason I bring this up is @Wolfswetpaws has repeatedly mentioned the 'O' key but not the ''' key.


The O key will activate AA boost on whichever side you are viewing towards (when you press O ).
If you are looking towards the starboard, then the starboard AA will be boosted.
And if you're looking towards the portside, then your portside AA will be bosted.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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13 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The O key will activate AA boost on whichever side you are viewing towards (when you press O ).
If you are looking towards the starboard, then the starboard AA will be boosted.
And if you're looking towards the portside, then your portside AA will be bosted.

Glad AA is minor or I would have really gotten it wrong all this time. Cheers.

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