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Is the patch today the CV changes?


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Before I went to work I got a patch for WoWs. I am at work now so can't check game.


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  • USMC2145 changed the title to Is the patch today the CV changes?

Last Thursday in the twitch stream, Killerbin was asked about cv changes and he said there is nothing to report, they were still working on it. But this mostly had to do with spotting.

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Posted (edited)

Hmm, wonder what the patch was about. It forced me to install it. Guess I will find out after work, lol.


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28 minutes ago, USMC2145 said:

Before I went to work I got a patch for WoWs. I am at work now so can't check game.


8 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Last Thursday in the twitch stream, Killerbin was asked about cv changes and he said there is nothing to report, they were still working on it. But this mostly had to do with spotting.

This video refers to WoWs Legends and NOT the PC version of the game.

As @thornzero points out, WG is still working on any previously announced planned changes to CVs.  Once that is complete, it will roll out to the PTS server before being introduced into the game.  WG has been tight-lipped regarding any development in this area and probably will remain so until any changes hit the PTS server.

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Perhaps it is a fix for the myriad aiming bugs. (One can only hope...)

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28 minutes ago, HogHammer said:


This video refers to WoWs Legends and NOT the PC version of the game.

As @thornzero points out, WG is still working on any previously announced planned changes to CVs.  Once that is complete, it will roll out to the PTS server before being introduced into the game.  WG has been tight-lipped regarding any development in this area and probably will remain so until any changes hit the PTS server.

Hopefully it won't be as overcomplicated and plain rubbish as so many other "reworks" of WG. These changes will indeed affect many, both those who have CV and those who would like to have CVs erased from game. Anyhow, this will pretty surely cause dissatisfaction and anger.  

Edited by OT2_2
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Regarding the carrier changes in general:


I'm looking forward to the day when you all scream at your CV player for not spotting and realize half a second later that the nerfs you wanted prevent him from doing so. 

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23 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Regarding the carrier changes in general:


I'm looking forward to the day when you all scream at your CV player for not spotting and realize half a second later that the nerfs you wanted prevent him from doing so. 

yeah they wont scream, provide aa fire support, help me CV, noob CV, yeah they really dont have something to say

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Patch I think is for the next and third iteration of D-day this week.

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I've heard it's also the early access for French DDs 

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3 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Hopefully it won't be as overcomplicated and plain rubbish as so many other "reworks" of WG.

Do you think Leopards change their spots? 'plain rubbish' is my prediction. 😁

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4 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

Before I went to work I got a patch for WoWs. I am at work now so can't check game.


Also, the proposed CV changes are in testing (testing began mid April) and are not guaranteed to ever be implemented. 

There has been no news on how the testing is going (other than it is ongoing they have said on stream). 

There is no estimate or time frame for when this MIGHT be implemented.

This is not the 1st time WG has proposed changes to CV's/AA. There have been times in the past where the proposed changes were abandoned after testing.

Right now don't hold you breath for these proposed changes. We don't know when or even if we will see them added to the live server nor do we know what they will actually be (ie; changed in testing) if we do get them.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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4 hours ago, USMC2145 said:

Hmm, wonder what the patch was about. It forced me to install it. Guess I will find out after work, lol.

The last D-Day Op should come online this week iirc. Maybe is that.

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4 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Hopefully it won't be as overcomplicated and plain rubbish as so many other "reworks" of WG.

Have you seen the proposed changes? “Overcomplicated” would be putting it lightly.

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14 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Have you seen the proposed changes? “Overcomplicated” would be putting it lightly.

Amen. Not only that but CV's really take it in the shorts not being able to even spot for themselves. I really hope WG realizes how dumb that is. I know a lot of people really hate that class but even they can't possibly think it is fair that a CV can't spot red ships with its planes even just for itself. WG is so clueless at times it defies logic.

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13 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Have you seen the proposed changes? “Overcomplicated” would be putting it lightly.

- Don't have to worry about Damage Control - check

- Don't have to worry about Fire Extinguishing -- Check

- Don't have to worry about AA or ASW defense --- check

- Don't have to worry about too much navigation ---- check

- Don't have to worry about running out of a/c ----- check

Do you mean "Over - Easy" is done?


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21 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Have you seen the proposed changes? “Overcomplicated” would be putting it lightly.

Honestly I don't see a way for those changes to "fly". People already struggle with stuff as basic as ship Concealment and are baffled by the way Sub Concealment works, this third rule being even more gnomish... I don't think it will be greenlighted

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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Also, the proposed CV changes are in testing (testing began mid April) and are not guaranteed to ever be implemented. 

There has been no news on how the testing is going (other than it is ongoing they have said on stream). 

There is no estimate or time frame for when this MIGHT be implemented.

This is not the 1st time WG has proposed changes to CV's/AA. There have been times in the past where the proposed changes were abandoned after testing.

Right now don't hold you breath for these proposed changes. We don't know when or even if we will see them added to the live server nor do we know what they will actually be (ie; changed in testing) if we do get them.

^^^This, 100 percent spot on^^^

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4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I'm looking forward to the day when you all scream at your CV player for not spotting and realize half a second later that the nerfs you wanted prevent him from doing so. 

I remember from one of your numerous pro-WG posts over at the defunct NA Forum where you adamantly maintained that any balance changes Wargaming implements in the game is the result of their comprehensive homework and analysis of data, and not because of what the player base has cried out for. So, you're looking forward to blaming your fellow players again now, eh? 😄

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7 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Amen. Not only that but CV's really take it in the shorts not being able to even spot for themselves. I really hope WG realizes how dumb that is. I know a lot of people really hate that class but even they can't possibly think it is fair that a CV can't spot red ships with its planes even just for itself. WG is so clueless at times it defies logic.

WG has been consistently clueless about how CVs are played for literal years now...going back way before the CV rework.

I have yet to see any change in that knowledge department.

7 minutes ago, Musket22 said:

- Don't have to worry about Damage Control - check

- Don't have to worry about Fire Extinguishing -- Check

- Don't have to worry about AA or ASW defense --- check

- Don't have to worry about too much navigation ---- check

- Don't have to worry about running out of a/c ----- check

Do you mean "Over - Easy" is done?


Don't have any control over DCP, so can be locked into lots of damage by those who know how to abuse the system.

Can't optimize fire extinguishing, but have to take full damage.

Have to accept substandard AA output, plus no control over ASW plane timing because WG wants everything automated.

Have to constantly worry about and babysit an autopilot system that is garbage and designed to kill you at every opportunity.

Managing strike aircraft for losses and appropriate targets every second of the match.

Are CVs overpowered? Yep.

Do you understand why? Based on your post, probably not.

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4 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:


I knew there had to be an explanation ..... Gnomes* .... "they are the guilty party, your Honour."

*Gnomes = small Dwarves, mythological sources sometimes depict them as evil & as tricksters. 😁

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4 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I remember from one of your numerous pro-WG posts over at the defunct NA Forum where you adamantly maintained that any balance changes Wargaming implements in the game is the result of their comprehensive homework and analysis of data, and not because of what the player base has cried out for. So, you're looking forward to blaming your fellow players again now, eh? 😄

EC is consistent...

Everything is the fault of the players. The saints at WG HQ can do no wrong, it seems.

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24 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

I knew there had to be an explanation ..... Gnomes* .... "they are the guilty party, your Honour."

*Gnomes = small Dwarves, mythological sources sometimes depict them as evil & as tricksters. 😁

Also within Fantasy/Gaming lore, gnomes are known for their 'technical prowess' to the point of making so overly complicated designs that may fail or explode on your face when used. 

We used to roll a d6 to check if a 'gnomish invention' would work or fail in various degrees, a 6 would be catastrophic failure and the thing would explode on your face! It was a fun rule 🙂 

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38 minutes ago, Musket22 said:

- Don't have to worry about Damage Control - check

- Don't have to worry about Fire Extinguishing -- Check

That is the same thing for a CV as they don't have heals; just DCP. And while I would be fine with DCP being manual it is not at all unreasonable to make it automatic. If it's manual a CV has to F back to the CV to do it under the current mechanics (assuming they even realize the ship is on fire/flooding). A normal surface ship knows the instant they are on fire or start to flood and hitting R is very easy. The second it takes to engage DCP on a surface ship doesn't impact your game play whereas for a CV having to bring the planes back to do it absolutely does.

38 minutes ago, Musket22 said:

- Don't have to worry about AA or ASW defense --- check

Well, AA is automated for all ship classes with it. So that is no different for a CV. If a CV player wants the maximum benefit of their AA they have to be in control of the CV (ie; not flying planes) to engage the priority sector like everyone else. ASW is automated for CV's yes but as with DCP I am ok with it either way; manual or auto. Having to F back to the CV to drop ASW on a Sub that appears is an issue (once again assuming you are even aware it is near you). For people in BB/Cruiser/DD it is easy to realize a Sub is nearby either from torps appearing, ping markers, or the Sub being spotted but if you are off flying your planes on the other side of the map a CV wouldn't be able to see these things (mini map possible for the Sub itself) and react to them in time. Just as with DCP there is a legit case for this being automated.  

38 minutes ago, Musket22 said:

- Don't have to worry about too much navigation ---- check

This makes me chuckle. The WOWS autopilot, which CV's rely on the most hands down, is an absolutely useless hunk of crap. It runs you aground on islands all the time, suddenly stops and reverses for no reason, and/or goes off towards somewhere completely opposite of where you set the course to go. You have to be very aware of where the CV is going if you aren't in control of it manually and if you are underway, in even the remote vicinity of islands, you need to be extra cautious and monitor it so it doesn't ground you out, leave you stuck in the open backing up, or suddenly go right when you said go left causing your CV to yolo half the reds because the auto pilot borked it again. I have been there and done that and it is not fun. If you mean because they sit stationary a lot fine but so do a lot of ships.

38 minutes ago, Musket22 said:

- Don't have to worry about running out of a/c ----- check

You do if you suck at dodging flak or you are a potato and keep attacking clustered up ships. While you won't technically run out you can be in a position to have no planes available as you are waiting for new ones to regen. This is especially problematic on CV's such as Saipan with small plane reserves and extra long regen times. On some CV's this isn't an issues I agree. I have seen CV's basically get deplaned (post rework I don't mean RTS days) and I have seen them have full squads all game. Honestly, it depends on the CV being used and the person playing it as to how long the CV can keep throwing full or almost full squads at you.

I mean no offense but it sounds like you have never played CV's even though I know you have. You know the things you posted are exaggerated or even outright false. Come on dude. Don't be like that. If you want to complain about CV's complain about how they don't detonate which they 100% should. That is 100% a huge advantage for them that has no basis IRL (to the contrary Carriers were very vulnerable to it). I would also support complaints about how badly WG neutered the AA system giving CV's an unfair edge. For the most part what you complain about above, IMHO, aren't all that unfair and some is necessary (or at least reasonable).

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5 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

And while I would be fine with DCP being manual it is not at all unreasonable to make it automatic. If it's manual a CV has to F back to the CV to do it under the current mechanics

How many moronic design choices are secondary to CVs not being able to freely switch between planes and hull? 

I do wonder what's the rationale behind not being able to do something as elementary as switching back to your hull without needing to recall the planes. 

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