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Here's a real 'pearl'


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1 minute ago, meatgrindr said:

  More advice you may not want to hear, but might help:

   I don't ignore my WR (I think at 52%), but keep it in context.  48/100 is very much on par with 52/100, 4 percentage points is basically negligable.  So, easy to discern about half wins and half losses, like much of the playerbase.  I would go on a limb and say MM is not messing with you.  Does it fail on a regular basis?  I would say yes, I would also say that fail is spread across the playerbase fairly evenly.

   Another thing on WR- div'ing up or not, has an effect.  So does concentrating on ships or lines one plays well, and then there are re-rolls.  So while one can mostly control their own actions in game, you have little to no control over the other 92% of your team.

  I hope I don't come across the wrong way.  A few years ago I was becoming very untrusting of this MM (I was always noticing the greens, blues, and purples were "always" on the other team). so I grabbed my pencil and notepad to prove it.  I assigned number values to the colors of winrates, to prove my hunch through math.  After a few weeks, all I could prove through math was that MM was much more fair that I thought, and proved my hunch false.  Did I have bad games, bad streaks, and even bad days?  Yep.  But my notes proved to me that those were offset with good games, streaks and days.  Maybe take some notes for a decent sample number of games, and check out the results.

  Hey, with your OP, you had to expect some critcal responses- you didn't play well, as a number of players on your team didn't play well, and that snowball effect is no joke.

Negativity bias is a real thing. Give yourself more credit though, there's definitely a big difference between a 48%er and 52%er. 

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On 6/22/2024 at 9:00 AM, Frostbow said:


  Again, unless one assumes that WG is out to get them, this will be spread across the base.  Degrading the gameplay in general, yes, but affecting one's actual WR?  Not too sure about that.

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16 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

Negativity bias is a real thing. Give yourself more credit though, there's definitely a big difference between a 48%er and 52%er. 

You are correct of course.  But I look at things wierd sometimes.  Say a basketball game where the final score is 100 to 96, 4% difference.  Skill may have been the difference, but so close that factors outside of skill (lucky bounce, bad call..) may have been the difference between a W and L.

  I would probably consider a game like that very evenly matched.

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48 minutes ago, meatgrindr said:

Again, unless one assumes that WG is out to get them, this will be spread across the base.  Degrading the gameplay in general, yes, but affecting one's actual WR?  Not too sure about that.


WG doesn't care about our winrates at all...except in so far as those WRs affect our choices to continue playing and spending.

The metrics WG cares about are 'did you play the game and what did you choose when you played'...and 'did you spend money on the game and what did you buy'.

EVERYTHING in game is designed to try to get us to spend more or play more. Does WG screw around with various parameters in game to make this happen? You bet!

Is it likely those methods are targeted at win rate? Very, VERY unlikely.

The methods are targeted at spend rates and play rates.

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Lol I blame everything on subs intro into the game it's all been down hill since. Oh boy I'm going to take some sh#t for this.

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On 6/22/2024 at 12:36 PM, Wulf_Ace said:

I am just amazed when all of your team goes one flank against only a few enemy players and they all manage to die, and you stand there and question yourself how?

Sad part is that this is more the norm now. Bad players seem to want to group and die together. First, they must find a nice, cozy island to hide behind. In no time, there are too many to hide behind that island. They get picked off one by one. We all know how it ends!

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10 minutes ago, clammboy said:

Lol I blame everything on subs intro into the game it's all been down hill since. Oh boy I'm going to take some sh#t for this.

  I recommend donning of appropriate apparel...


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On 6/23/2024 at 9:08 AM, Aethervox said:

Clearly, another of the thousands of WG MM examples of an intentionally skewered WG MM. This is one of their dirty little secrets that many are in denial about.

The ironic thing I take from this thread is, you may be exactly the player you complain is sabotaging your games.

Quit blaming others.  Critique your own play and improve.  Everything isn't always someone else's fault.  It is perfectly okay if you are not good at this game, but don't rage about others if you are not. 

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