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THE Most Toxic Player I've Ever Come Across


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1 hour ago, USMC2145 said:

WG can't ban MMM; it does not work in the game, and they have no way to tell if someone is using it. It works off the API, which is just what all the stat websites use. The MMM works on your home screen, not in the game. So it really is not a mod, but a program on your computer that reads the game and knows what your match teams are. The only way they could stop it would be to shut down the API, and they will not do that. API- An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs or components to communicate with each other.

You are correct. 

1 hour ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Anyway, in my humble opinion, mods like MMM should be banned by weegee because they certainly don't help the player base in any way.

Read USMC post

1 hour ago, clammboy said:

I think this might be a good idea +1

Read USMC post

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If these are deal breaking or tilting for you, it's time to play a different game.

I do. I play sims 4 alot. Also Planet Coaster and Stray and No Man Sky.


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4 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I have no way to see if the guy I'm beating is brand new to the game or has years of failure under his belt.

It is, practically speaking, exactly the same experience for me...since I don't run any account monitors.

Assuming somebody at tier 10 automatically has lots of experience is to be naive. That is no longer how WG runs the tier progression.

Time to upgrade expectations to the current reality


5 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

You are basing all on the premise that the T10 player has years of experience, that's a risky assumption. As far as I can tell, many of those T10 players are the same T6 players with just a month or two more of experience. In exchange for those few extra weeks of experience, you are engaging them with much more lethal tools with diminished RNG padding at T10. At least engaging them at T6 provides some extra RNG padding for them and you get blunted tools for the clubbing. 

I see no practical difference between mid tiers and high tier newbies, I find the moral objection funny given the easiest tier to club people is T10 (and T11 but we don't talk about Bruno) if you are a good player: you have the best tools, always top tier, the complexity of the scenario is a comparative advantage for you as an experienced good player... In a way it is more fair to fight them at a tier where they have a more suitable environment for their experience than where the environment favors you.

I presume neither of you run Potato Alert/MMM? 

Because I do. And I can tell you right now off the top of my head 70% of a pure T10 lobby have AT LEAST 1,500+ battles. 

Drop down by even 1 tier and the amount of people you see with under 1k battles DRASTICALLY increases.

And regardless of whatever excuses you can make about "more rng" the simple fact is that you are playing against people that probably have less games played overall than you have in your most played ships. You are expected to be the better player.

Time spent and expectations aside, you simply have a massive advantage at mid tiers that they cannot hope to match with rare premium ships and high level captains.

How is John Doe, 1 month into the game in his  13 point Colorado supposed to compete against a 21 point Lütjens AL Heinrich?

I just don't see how this equates to beating bad players at Tier 10. 



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Just now, Lady Anesjka said:

I do. I play sims 4 alot. Also Planet Coaster and Stray and No Man Sky.


Good games, those.

I'm enjoying Tears of the Kingdom...a bit of Motorsport Manager at the moment...

I need to get back to War in the Pacific, Admiral's Edition...but its on the PC, not the laptop...and I don't get much gaming time on that.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I need to get back to War in the Pacific, Admiral's Edition...

You give me a game to look up, I love true to history games.

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8 minutes ago, Unlooky said:


I presume neither of you run Potato Alert/MMM? 

Because I do. And I can tell you right now off the top of my head 70% of a pure T10 lobby have AT LEAST 1,500+ battles. 

Drop down by even 1 tier and the amount of people you see with under 1k battles DRASTICALLY increases.

And regardless of whatever excuses you can make about "more rng" the simple fact is that you are playing against people that probably have less games played overall than you have in your most played ships. You are expected to be the better player.

Time spent and expectations aside, you simply have a massive advantage at mid tiers that they cannot hope to match with rare premium ships and high level captains.

How is John Doe, 1 month into the game in his  13 point Colorado supposed to compete against a 21 point Lütjens AL Heinrich?

I just don't see how this equates to beating bad players at Tier 10.



I don't run potato alert or MMM.

I fully expect that players even in tier 10 battles will have fewer battles than I do overall...

I have >4200 random battles played...with only 413 at Tier X. I am still better than most players at tier 10 in randoms.

I fully expect to be better than most players at tiers 2-8.

I only have one 21 point captain...because I love Midway. He is not special.

I have no special captains with flare special abilities. I only have three other captains greater than 18 points.

The VAST MAJORITY of my captains are between 10-13 pointers.

I really don't see much difference in average skill level between tier 10 matches and tier 6 matches.

Now, the root cause of those differences might be different by tier...but I can't tell when playing the match if the guy is bad from inexperience or bad from just not caring. Plus, it doesn't actually matter.

The guy is bad. I have to adjust to deal with it. The cause for his 'bad' is irrelevant to me. I can't do anything about it..and I don't expect WG to do anything about it.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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Regarding banning MMM:

Using these types of incidents to support banning MMM doesn't really make sense imo. These types of players that tilt extremely easily will do this sort of thing, MMM or not. Both Potato Alert and MMM let you know if someone else is using the application and 99% of the time I've seen other users being entirely silent or not saying anything related to stats. 

It doesn't make sense to ban these applications that the majority can use without tilting themselves over the actions of a few exceptional individuals. 

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10 minutes ago, Lady Anesjka said:

You give me a game to look up, I love true to history games.

Beware...it's very much a time sink.

It's from 2009, so don't expect great graphics...

But it has every ship in the Pacific theater of World War 2...down to the littlest cargo ship and LS(A). It tracks army units down to the regiment and battalion level. It tracks every airman from the forces involved...pulling names from the government records...

The game is about logistics as much as fighting...

It is very...VERY detailed.

I have known people to play the game at slower than real time speed (i.e., completing the game took longer than the actual war).

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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13 hours ago, Wowzery said:

And some wonder why I don't play random anymore.  I know there was a way at one time to hide your stats.

you can still hide your stats  

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2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

I presume neither of you run Potato Alert/MMM? 

You are right, I don't so I concede you may be better informed.

2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

the simple fact is that you are playing against people that probably have less games played overall than you have in your most played ships.

That would be 82 matches btw... 

2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

Time spent and expectations aside, you simply have a massive advantage at mid tiers that they cannot hope to match with rare premium ships and high level captains.

How is John Doe, 1 month into the game in his  13 point Colorado supposed to compete against a 21 point Lütjens AL Heinrich?

Well, nobody is forcing you to run a rare Premium with high level Captains unless you indeed aim to sealclub. My Aoba with a 10 pt Captain is a more balanced match for that 13pt Colorado... 

Look, you'll find indeed some very new guys who are totally clueless at mid tiers that is more difficult to find at high tiers (tho they can still be found), but the bulk of the players are similarly mediocre to the point high tiers are comparatively easier, with the only caveat of finding Unicum Divs more frequently. 

I repeat, if you are a good player T10 is the easiest tier to play, the one that provides you the greater comparative advantage... the game IS designed tha way!

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15 hours ago, Wowzery said:

And some wonder why I don't play random anymore.  I know there was a way at one time to hide your stats.

There still is a way to do so. Sign in to your WG account on the WoWS website. After that, in your player profile, navigate to the SUMMARY tab, then select the Profile privacy link. Then a form is displayed where you can adjust your profile privacy settings.


Edited by 100 Krakens
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3 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

None of these issues are going to change, because WG staff don't want them to change.

If these are deal breaking or tilting for you, it's time to play a different game.

MARK THESE WORS. Very well said! 

Moreover, there is a different game right inside this one: Clan Battles 🙂
I used to whine a lot about poor players in my team too. It took time for the understanding to sink in, but I finally got there — my winrate dropped from around 60% to around 55% give or take, but I couldn't care less. I play for fun now 🙂


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8 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If you want a challenge, play clan battles.

That's where the good players are.

I'd say if you want to play alongside skilled players against skilled players every battle, clan battles is your only choice.
I personally don't have that much free time anymore, so I just switched to PvE, with occasional ventures into Random/Ranked Battles.


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7 hours ago, Lady Anesjka said:
7 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If these are deal breaking or tilting for you, it's time to play a different game.

I do. I play sims 4 alot. Also Planet Coaster and Stray and No Man Sky.


I also play Star Trek Online.

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22 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

So you played a match with Flamu?


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9 hours ago, 100 Krakens said:

MARK THESE WORS. Very well said! 

Moreover, there is a different game right inside this one: Clan Battles 🙂
I used to whine a lot about poor players in my team too. It took time for the understanding to sink in, but I finally got there — my winrate dropped from around 60% to around 55% give or take, but I couldn't care less. I play for fun now 🙂


You should always play for fun, no matter what your stats are. If this game becomes a job but it's not making money for you, time to stop playing it for awhile.

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17 hours ago, Gaelic_knight said:

you can still hide your stats  

Yeah, I went and looked.  I turned my stats to private years ago when this first became a thing.  And its not like I'm bad, actually have an overall 55% win rate, I just wanted them to think I was bad, as the thought was only bad players hide their stats.  Especially if I was in a ship I was really good at.

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On 6/21/2024 at 8:39 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

a BB who fragged his own carrier

Although, I suppose, reprehensible players were responsible for removing team killing ability, it made one play better to avoid doing team damage. I, for one, wish it was still in the game.

On 6/21/2024 at 8:39 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

we finally nailed him, one of the remaining Red team players thanked us

&, rightfully, so.

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8 minutes ago, Wowzery said:

Especially if I was in a ship I was really good at.

Oooo. Combining 'stealth' mode with 'Concealment' 😎

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8 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

I, for one, wish it was still in the game.

As a co-op player who has been back-shot by his own bots and had his green bots turn into torps that were easily avoidable had they been red bots, I don't. 

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I don't recall who might have been the most toxic player I've ever run across, unless it was myself? I've been known to be  toxic in battle chat but, then, I got punished.


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21 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Players who think they are good, complaining about bad players. ???? Talk about first world problems.


Why complain about your food? Those bad players are the very reason why you think you are good. Without those bad players to pad your stats with, you would be just another mediocre sap with very little clue how to actually win the game. (Like me of course - I know I am mediocre at best).

The really good players, those with 60%+ solo win rates rarely engage in stat shaming. Heck even Flamu (that very epitome of Toxic) has stopped stat shaming newer players. I've seen it with my own eyes when pulling up the stats of someone who did dumb, looking, then closing and saying "he's new, so fair enough". If the king of toxic can move on, why can't the other "good" players.

Anyway, in my humble opinion, mods like MMM should be banned by weegee because they certainly don't help the player base in any way.

The problem is when all the sorry saps die in the first 5 minutes. Your left either fighting everyone or no one.  And in either case you can't really put your skills on full display.

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

I don't recall who might have been the most toxic player I've ever run across

I had to seriously think about this as I don't normally look at chat.

Had a guy cuss at me the entire game once.  Didn't notice it until the end of the game.  Almost felt bad for him as he raged for 10-15 minutes in chat and I missed it all until the end. I don't even remember what triggered him.  Just a lot of cuss words and poor insults that showed bad spelling.

Seen a few arguments in chat, but nothing serious.

I pretty much play coop now over random and you just don't get much chat in that mode.

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I think what bugged me the most about this guy was he sailed to the edge of the map in his Chikuma2 and sat in H1 and H2 the entire match and proceeded to agitate the whole team and broadcast his comments in all chat.

He didn't even try to help.

I get it if someone wants to be angry about how a match is turning out, but to write it off before Battle Start as a waste of time and deliberately not participate in helping the team is a whole nother thing.


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2 hours ago, Wowzery said:

Yeah, I went and looked.  I turned my stats to private years ago when this first became a thing.  And its not like I'm bad, actually have an overall 55% win rate, I just wanted them to think I was bad, as the thought was only bad players hide their stats.  Especially if I was in a ship I was really good at.

i dont hide my stats because ive nothing to hide 

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