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THE Most Toxic Player I've Ever Come Across


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9 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

True, but it's still seal clubbing either way...as the motivations of other people isn't really within our control.

Killing a clueless tier 10 player who refuses to learn is no greater or lesser challenge or game experience than killing a new tier 6 player.

True, but the main problem is that those players at high tier ruin high tier gameplay. Those players should stick to the lower tiers. They do not care about how good players feel, so they should not get upset when we call them on it. You see, we want a challenge at the high tier, but not the type of challenge of having to try and carry every game due to bad players. We want the type of challenge of playing against other good players. 

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6 hours ago, BCGrog said:

He sails to the map edge and proceeds to just sit there and spam torps and lob a few shells while spouting off about who is doing what.


6 hours ago, BCGrog said:

To add to his obnoxious toxicity, as each player fell on our side he hit them with a "Well Done!" Three times.

I do believe I know who you are talking about, or at least he has a doppelganger in Ranked if not (though the unicum stats indicate I may be horribly wrong as this person isn't that good...though I have never checked because I don't do MMM)...but just to clarify...

Was his very 1st communication in the game, "enjoy your win" in open chat to the red team?

IGN kinda reminiscent of somebody who creates electricity.

But anyway:

6 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Potentially enough for a charge of collusion. Put in a ticket with the replay. 


6 hours ago, HogHammer said:

I agree 110% here with Ensign Cthulhu.  Send in a ticket to CS.

Please send in a ticket!


5 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Send in a customer support ticket.

What's to report in that?

That is the SOP of every unicum in the game to play that way...

There'd definitely be no more KOTS tournaments if everybody that plays that way got banned (not that that would be a big loss on my account...don't bother watching them) because there'd be nobody left to play them.

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23 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

True, but it's still seal clubbing either way...as the motivations of other people isn't really within our control.

Killing a clueless tier 10 player who refuses to learn is no greater or lesser challenge or game experience than killing a new tier 6 player.

I think playing tier 6 knowing that half your opponents probably installed the game a week ago is morally worse (for whatever that's worth) than playing tier 10 against other players who have years of experience under their belt. In both scenarios, you're killing bad players, but beating someone because you were able to get better in the same amount of time is much less objectionable than beating someone who's brand new to the game. 

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19 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

What's to report in that?

That is the SOP of every unicum in the game to play that way...


If this was true, then this wouldn't warrant a post tilted "the most toxic player I've come across" 

Frankly I've seen more of this type of behavior from mediocre or even bad players who can't see the irony in them running Potato Alert/MM. 

Edited by Unlooky
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7 hours ago, BCGrog said:

He complains that only two players have over 50% win rate on our side.

Well ...... I can be pretty salty too, however stats never play a part. Never used any stat revealing app, to me matters what one does in battle and I adhere to the  innocent til proven principle. I see ships in battle, not players. Always do my best,  never back down and expect the same.

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2 hours ago, Zysyss said:

Oh, we do, but then we get accused of seal clubbing, lol!

If you are able to play low-mid tiers without tilting, I recommend bringing up that exact mindset to high tiers. It's all the same.

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6 hours ago, Asym said:

Because, he/she/they/them/those can and the "rules simply don't apply" as an active deterrent  here....it seems.   It's all after the fact....  Proactive, this game is not.

Toxic behaviors usually mean all is not well with a players.  Some act out.  Video games simply are not "physical constructs" that can and do limit "aggressive, anti-social behaviors".... 

If the rules don't work  -  and, many of us are now asking that question these past several weeks  -  maybe it's time for another game....?

This is just a huge leap considering that this is more then likely a random ahole being a jerk. Report him if it makes you feel good and move on but it's certainly not time for a new game because some idiot is drinking to much and spouting toxic crap. I have no clue what happened the past couple of weeks and I don't care I have rarely seen this type of behavior in my 8 years here. If it makes you feel better report and move on time for another game no.

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36 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

I think playing tier 6 knowing that half your opponents probably installed the game a week ago is morally worse (for whatever that's worth) than playing tier 10 against other players who have years of experience under their belt. In both scenarios, you're killing bad players, but beating someone because you were able to get better in the same amount of time is much less objectionable than beating someone who's brand new to the game. 

You are basing all on the premise that the T10 player has years of experience, that's a risky assumption. As far as I can tell, many of those T10 players are the same T6 players with just a month or two more of experience. In exchange for those few extra weeks of experience, you are engaging them with much more lethal tools with diminished RNG padding at T10. At least engaging them at T6 provides some extra RNG padding for them and you get blunted tools for the clubbing. 

I see no practical difference between mid tiers and high tier newbies, I find the moral objection funny given the easiest tier to club people is T10 (and T11 but we don't talk about Bruno) if you are a good player: you have the best tools, always top tier, the complexity of the scenario is a comparative advantage for you as an experienced good player... In a way it is more fair to fight them at a tier where they have a more suitable environment for their experience than where the environment favors you.

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1 hour ago, Zysyss said:

True, but the main problem is that those players at high tier ruin high tier gameplay. Those players should stick to the lower tiers. They do not care about how good players feel, so they should not get upset when we call them on it. You see, we want a challenge at the high tier, but not the type of challenge of having to try and carry every game due to bad players. We want the type of challenge of playing against other good players. 

If you want a challenge, play clan battles.

That's where the good players are.

Randoms are full of random players...most of whom won't give you a challenge, at any tier.

1 hour ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:


I do believe I know who you are talking about, or at least he has a doppelganger in Ranked if not (though the unicum stats indicate I may be horribly wrong as this person isn't that good...though I have never checked because I don't do MMM)...but just to clarify...

Was his very 1st communication in the game, "enjoy your win" in open chat to the red team?

IGN kinda reminiscent of somebody who creates electricity.

But anyway:



What's to report in that?

That is the SOP of every unicum in the game to play that way...

There'd definitely be no more KOTS tournaments if everybody that plays that way got banned (not that that would be a big loss on my account...don't bother watching them) because there'd be nobody left to play them.

The report was for the chat where he was insulting folks on stats...and spamming 'Well Done' for offending him.

I see too much of that toxicity and WG probably should do something about it, IMO.

1 hour ago, Unlooky said:

I think playing tier 6 knowing that half your opponents probably installed the game a week ago is morally worse (for whatever that's worth) than playing tier 10 against other players who have years of experience under their belt. In both scenarios, you're killing bad players, but beating someone because you were able to get better in the same amount of time is much less objectionable than beating someone who's brand new to the game. 

I have no way to see if the guy I'm beating is brand new to the game or has years of failure under his belt.

It is, practically speaking, exactly the same experience for me...since I don't run any account monitors.

Assuming somebody at tier 10 automatically has lots of experience is to be naive. That is no longer how WG runs the tier progression.

Time to upgrade expectations to the current reality.

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Maybe Angry Turtle has an alt account. He behaved like that for years. I haven't seen him for ages so maybe WeeGee finally banned his sorry ass.

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11 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Assuming somebody at tier 10 automatically has lots of experience is to be naive. That is no longer how WG runs the tier progression.

And that is the part where WG is as much at fault. 

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7 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

The most toxic player I ever met was a Red in a BB who fragged his own carrier (back when that was still possible) because he thought the CV was a scriptbot. 

When we finally nailed him, one of the remaining Red team players thanked us in all-chat.

(Sorry about the loss of quality at the critical moment; the rig I was working with at the time I made this video didn't always have enough grunt to handle the load.)

There was a time ( maybe still is, have not see that account or similar in awhile )

There was a handful of account that always have the same pattern of name. If I remember right, was XXXXX12 or something. Was maybe like 15-20 account like this.

Always play CV
Always soon as match start, send no planes, sail to middle and die instant.

I do not care who you are. If one team have a CV and you team does not.
May as well go back to dock and accept the pink and time better spend cleaning house or doing something that matter.

Edit: I too use MM. If I see someone on my side have very bad stats, and I do not mean win rate, I mean, low PR, low damage, high battles.
If I see I will be abandoned in that flank because this player will die quickly.
I will abandon them. Sorry, Not Sorry.
If they will not try, I refuse to be they crutch.

For people who spam Well Done.
This is usually 40 - 48 % win rate players who watch twitch streams, average age probably under 25, which mean they have the brain of a 7 year old.
They seen the streamers who also act like them, do things like this, and they copy it. They spam "Well Done" thinking by you dying and they still alive, they must be better than you or something.
I do not even engage with these children.

Fastest way to end up on my block list.

Edited by Lady Anesjka
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3 hours ago, Zysyss said:

Oh, we do, but then we get accused of seal clubbing, lol!

If they're matched with me, then they're out of the protected matchmaking.  In other words, "they're fair game".

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2 hours ago, Zysyss said:

Those players should stick to the lower tiers.

That decision is not yours to make for them.
I suggest simply factoring the "bad player" phenomena into your plans to have fun.  🙂 

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32 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

That decision is not yours to make for them.
I suggest simply factoring the "bad player" phenomena into your plans to have fun.  🙂 

The problem is that people still think tier 10 is a prestige thing which denotes skill.

The reality is that randoms are random.

This disconnect is the source of their angst...not the unskilled random player.

That, and WGs poor choices with tier progression gates because profits are more important than gameplay.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The problem is that people still think tier 10 is a prestige thing which denotes skill.

The reality is that randoms are random.

This disconnect is the source of their angst...not the unskilled random player.

That, and WGs poor choices with tier progression gates because profits are more important than gameplay.

I don't consider it a "problem".
I consider it a feature of the game environment.

Have ship?  Can play in the game modes that the ship can access.

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1 hour ago, Lady Anesjka said:

This is usually 40 - 48 % win rate players who watch twitch streams, average age probably under 25, which mean they have the brain of a 7 year old.

I resemble this remark it hits close to home except the under 25 part.


1 hour ago, Lady Anesjka said:

Fastest way to end up on my block list.

Don't ever want to be on your block list my lady.

Edited by clammboy
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9 hours ago, BCGrog said:

We eventually lost, so he was proven right, and I checked his stats, and he is a unicum player. I'll give him that.

A Purple narcissist?

Aren't they all?  :classic_ninja:


I'm going to get so focused now...by players that know how to shoot.🥩


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Sailing to the cv's in a 2 cv match is not sailing to the back

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Players who think they are good, complaining about bad players. ???? Talk about first world problems.


Why complain about your food? Those bad players are the very reason why you think you are good. Without those bad players to pad your stats with, you would be just another mediocre sap with very little clue how to actually win the game. (Like me of course - I know I am mediocre at best).

The really good players, those with 60%+ solo win rates rarely engage in stat shaming. Heck even Flamu (that very epitome of Toxic) has stopped stat shaming newer players. I've seen it with my own eyes when pulling up the stats of someone who did dumb, looking, then closing and saying "he's new, so fair enough". If the king of toxic can move on, why can't the other "good" players.

Anyway, in my humble opinion, mods like MMM should be banned by weegee because they certainly don't help the player base in any way.

Edited by UnderTheRadarAgain
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Just now, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Why complain about your food? Those bad players are the very reason why you think you are good. Without those bad players to pad your stats with, you would be just another mediocre sap with very little clue how to actually win the game.

Oh my gosh, finally I feel appreciated!


Me usually:

Tough Crowd Comedian GIF - Tough Crowd Comedian Fix Tie GIFs

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18 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Anyway, in my humble opinion, mods like MMM should be banned by weegee because they certainly don't help the player base in any way.

WG can't ban MMM; it does not work in the game, and they have no way to tell if someone is using it. It works off the API, which is just what all the stat websites use. The MMM works on your home screen, not in the game. So it really is not a mod, but a program on your computer that reads the game and knows what your match teams are. The only way they could stop it would be to shut down the API, and they will not do that. API- An application programming interface (API) is a way for two or more computer programs or components to communicate with each other.

Edited by USMC2145
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22 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Anyway, in my humble opinion, mods like MMM should be banned by weegee because they certainly don't help the player base in any way.

I think this might be a good idea +1

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3 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The problem is that people still think tier 10 is a prestige thing which denotes skill.


If I have to make a list of problems with this game, this makes it.

  1. Players rushing up a tree to 10 with very few battles and very little knowledge of game, types of ships, strategy or game mechanic.
  2. Bots. They exist. You know it, I know it,  WG know it.
  3. Players who start on one side and soon as game start, abandon flank and sail to other side.
  4. Player with 30 total battle 41 % win rate, hide in back, spam well done when you die. Instant block.
  5. WG offer no speedbump for progression to give players time to learn game. Should be video tutorial as you move to each tier, to learn about angles, certain ship mechanic for each country and roles of each ship. Should be minimum battle requirement to move to a next tier.
  6. Should be no premium LIKE THEY PROMISE for sale after tier 7.
  7. Players with equal account battle and battle in a submarine. something like 47 total battle, 47 total battle in Undine. Stupid. Game should force players using certain ships at low tier when in co-op and entry level random, so they can learn.
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13 minutes ago, Lady Anesjka said:

If I have to make a list of problems with this game, this makes it.

  1. Players rushing up a tree to 10 with very few battles and very little knowledge of game, types of ships, strategy or game mechanic.
  2. Bots. They exist. You know it, I know it,  WG know it.
  3. Players who start on one side and soon as game start, abandon flank and sail to other side.
  4. Player with 30 total battle 41 % win rate, hide in back, spam well done when you die. Instant block.
  5. WG offer no speedbump for progression to give players time to learn game. Should be video tutorial as you move to each tier, to learn about angles, certain ship mechanic for each country and roles of each ship. Should be minimum battle requirement to move to a next tier.
  6. Should be no premium LIKE THEY PROMISE for sale after tier 7.
  7. Players with equal account battle and battle in a submarine. something like 47 total battle, 47 total battle in Undine. Stupid. Game should force players using certain ships at low tier when in co-op and entry level random, so they can learn.

1) Encouraged by WG business strategy. Ignorant players are easier to manipulate into spending money.

2) Encouraged by WG's desire not to spend (waste) money on actual oversight of the gaming space.

3) Encouraged by WG's poor map design and inability to make the game anything more than World of Tanks on water.

4) Encouraged by WG's desire not to spend (waste) money on actual oversight of the gaming space.

5) Encouraged by WG business strategy. Ignorant players are easier to manipulate into spending money.

6) Encouraged by WG business strategy. WG developers are too incompetent to understand that the tier of a ship can be irrelevant to its asking price.

7) Encouraged by WG business strategy. Ignorant players are easier to manipulate into spending money.

None of these issues are going to change, because WG staff don't want them to change.

If these are deal breaking or tilting for you, it's time to play a different game.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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