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Tiger Power


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As most know, I'm an avid Tiger 59 player. This is a fun ship.  Not the best, but pretty darn good in the right spot.  It's a team ship.  And it up tiers VERY nicely because a team ship magnifies the capabilities of the team.  If I'm surrounded by T9 and T10, I magnify T9 and T10 capabilities.  Just had a T9 match where everything seemed to come together.  I play solo, but sometimes, teamwork just comes together.

One nice trick Tiger has over most other radar ships is the ability to be more aggressive because of the smoke.  So even though the match described below included two red radar ships, I was able to go where they didn't and provide radar spots on red DDs that my teams could engage.  Although many contributed to the kills, I show the ships that achieved the kill.  My actual damage contribution on all four DDs was relatively small.  I can seldom solo kill a DD over my radar duration (40+ seconds!).  Just don't have the DPM.  But when I have friendlies engaging that do have the DPM, that's where it really counts.  I ran out of radar and smoke in this match, and every time I popped radar, a DD was detected and focused.  All kills did not occur under radar, but a good bit of damage leading to kills did.




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Damn.. now for some reason I can't get that Mud song out of my head.

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