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What is the ugliest, tackiest, most vomit-inducing camo in the game?


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How about most of those listed above. They are all UGLY. This is why I almost never use camoes of any kind (even the less insane ones).

An indication, if any is needed, that WG panders to 'juveniles' & doesn't care at all about WoWS, as a game. WG only cares about 'money'.

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1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

How about most of those listed above. They are all UGLY. This is why I almost never use camoes of any kind (even the less insane ones).

An indication, if any is needed, that WG panders to 'juveniles' & doesn't care at all about WoWS, as a game. WG only cares about 'money'.

I like having camos as an option. Many of them are hideous and I won't use/buy them but a lot of them look really good. I don't think wanting the ships to look good makes me a juvenile.

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Pretty much all of the 'colorful' camos put me in mind of the end product of a pack of diarrhetic hyenas. 

Aesthetically I think it looks frankly bizarre to make a warship to look like a cruise ship painted by a flamboyant artist on hallucinogens.


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What have you done to me. Do you have any idea of the # of camos I have that you made me look through? The pain and torment you caused will require therapy as well as a trip to the ER to stop the blood running from my eyes. The "HORROR"!!!


Despite how we generally applaud the art department at WG, or did before the split anyway, good lord do they make some buttass ugly camos; perma and one time use. I have a ton of perma camos and so many one time use/linkable ones (11,377 one time use down from 15k+ at the peak - slowly selling off and 64 of the new linkable ones) it isn't funny.

I went through them ALL and these are the most horrendous, painful to look at, nightmare inducing, monkey butt fugly, abominations of them all (IMHO YMMV). They will be in random order as picking the worst of the worst is impossible...

Permanent Camos:

Note there are some themed/series perma camos that are available on multiple ships that are absolutely hideous. Not showing those but will make mention of them below:

  • Vanguard Series Camo (not the camo on the BRN T8 Premium BB Vanguard - it is a green/red/white series camo that also has a one time use/linkable version)
  • Master of the Water World
  • ALL of the Halloween/Monster/Sea Creature type camos

Irian & Siliwangi Garuda




Admiral Schroder Default Brown



Emerald 2017 LFD Perma



Warspite Mid-Autumn Festival (this is a crime doing this to such a legendary ship)



Scarlet Thunder Perma/Skin 



Roma Kobayashi Beer Can



Halland, Admiral Hipper, & North Carolina King of the Sea (NC would look good if not for the gold tentacles which ruin it - the other 2 are blech) 





Delhi Indian Tiger



Cataluna Celestial Dragon



Atlanta Blazing Tropics (I know many love this one but I detest it)



WV44 Risen from the Ashes (I get the metaphor here but think the camo is gaudy)



One Time Use/Linkable Camos:

Autobot Ark (the Decepticon one looks good but the Autobot one is awful)



Blue Digital






Canada Day (this could have been good with more and bigger white areas, and red instead of maroon, like the perma Canada ones but as is yuck)



Dumpling (what in the ever loving F where they thinking - someone had to have lost a bet)



Early Morning



Fall Cornucopia



Fields of Tuscany



Flying Dutchman



Frosty Fir Tree (the nightmares this brings back from past Christmas events and the thousands of them I got - surprised it looks ok on Monty actually)



Halloween Camos (there were 2 similar - they are called Sirocco & Telesto now but both were Halloween camos back in the day)




La Fheile Padraig



Lunar Warrior



Red Threat (just what???)



Rust (aptly named for sure)



St Patrick's Day



Summer (it's like Atlanta's perma camo yuck)



Vanguard (same as the perma camo series)



Yellow (the old school bus camo)



This was interesting, if not painful, to go through them all. Found camos I forgot I had or never even knew I did. Also discovered I have way too much stuff and apparently time on my hands to do this post LOL.


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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Huh, I'm honestly surprised not to see any of the AL or ARP camo's.  haha

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20 minutes ago, Volron said:

Huh, I'm honestly surprised not to see any of the AL or ARP camo's.  haha

It's funny, I have zero use for the AL Captains (they creep me out) but most of the camos are kind of nice. The ARP camos are pretty flamboyant and not my cup of tea but so as not to rile up the weebs (they are a prickly bunch and easily enraged) I left them out.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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3 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

This was interesting, if not painful, to go through them all. Found camos I forgot I had or never even knew I did. Also discovered I have way too much stuff and apparently time on my hands to do this post LOL.

Admiral Thunder, that took a lot of work on your part and it was fun to scroll through and have a laugh while reliving old memories in the game. It's been eight years for me.

You really do enrich this forum with your posts.

Thank you! 🍻 

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14 minutes ago, BCGrog said:

Admiral Thunder, that took a lot of work on your part and it was fun to scroll through and have a laugh while reliving old memories in the game. It's been eight years for me.

You really do enrich this forum with your posts.

Thank you! 🍻 


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For me. This is the worst camo they have ever released.


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1 hour ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

For me. This is the worst camo they have ever released.



These people have no idea about Australia, I would have accepted the Camo of a Frilled  neck lizard over this !!!!!! 

Edited by tm63au
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Just a quick question at this point, is everyone seeing the imgur stored images posted by @AdmiralThunder without any issues? Nobody's getting this:


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4 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Just a quick question at this point, is everyone seeing the imgur stored images posted by @AdmiralThunder without any issues? Nobody's getting this:


there was  a few that didn't show up, others were slow to  come onto the screen.

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I saw them all without issue (except for some eye irritation and burning).

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22 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

VI Juruá Doubloons

Okay, I want this abomination. How absolutely silly do you have to be to design this?

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10 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

Okay, I want this abomination. How absolutely silly do you have to be to design this?

Maybe one of the designers has a pet and they wanted to immortalize it? Who knows.

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Jurua is Brazilian. And the Amazon river is in Brazil. And Anaconda snakes are in the Amazon and are big and scary. And drugs, always drugs. That camo is over the top and in a good way. Unlike poor Cerberus.

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7 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Just a quick question at this point, is everyone seeing the imgur stored images posted by @AdmiralThunder without any issues? Nobody's getting this:


I have used imgur for years and never seen that come up or even heard of it happening. I checked my post in 3 different browsers (all logged out and cookies cleared just to be safe) and all images come up fine.

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3 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Okay, I want this abomination. How absolutely silly do you have to be to design this?

It's in the current battle-pass, I think.  🙂 

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57 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I have used imgur for years and never seen that come up or even heard of it happening. I checked my post in 3 different browsers (all logged out and cookies cleared just to be safe) and all images come up fine.

Just so you know, I can't see any, @tm63au had issues, I don't know if everyone else sees them without problems, though, but one possibility is this is connection speed related issue which makes it user specific. Regardless, last we looked at Imgur ToS, they did not allow hotdlinking, only embedding of images which you can't do on any Invision platform.

That's why our FAQ does not include any options for using Imgur. While this link may look like shameless self promotion, it's actually a legit DevStrike! FAQ. ☺️


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58 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

It's in the current battle-pass, I think.  🙂 

Ooh. And I have Jurua already.

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