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Lesta is goin' PaytoWin


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3 hours ago, ArIskandir said:
3 hours ago, Verblonde said:

Based on WG's previous form, the chances of the better boosters not being available in crates that you pay money for are so small as to require new words to be invented to describe the magnitude of the smallness.

🤣ROFL... nice one.

+1  🙂 

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4 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:


There is skill involved when you know the mechanics.  To be detonated, you have to have already taken some damage, the hit has to be large enough to penetrate (so no small hits like secondaries or DD gun hits), and that hit has to be on a magazine.  Thus, a skilled commander will limit the visibility of their magazine spaces, control where torpedoes hit their ship as possible, and evaluate the condition of the engagement to limit the conditions that cause detonations.  Unskilled commanders will keep their magazines exposed, disregard the condition of their ship, and not be mindful of risking detonations.  It's RNG that the players can control to some extent when it will be applied based on their chosen actions.

And yes, you can use the flag to temporarily alter standard gameplay to remove detonations.  But you can't do it forever...sooner or later, you will have to default back to relying on your skill as a player to avoid detonations.

Torpedoes automatically do penetrating damage equivalent to a heavy cruiser or battleship AP shell (or more), so yes..they do have heavy individual alpha strike damage that is applied below the waterline.  The target you detonated was probably already damaged (had to be for Detonations to be enabled), so the conditions were met and the target got unlucky when they had the roll result.  Against a light cruiser or destroyer shell, it would not have detonated.

In either case, the enemy had to weigh the risk in where they were and what they were doing with a detonation as a known wildcard rather than being confident that you could not sink them, as it would be without.

Before the Musashi came out I had a top damage/potential damage game in the Izumo in which I detonated a full life Benson with a single 2ndary (Izumo held that top spot for a loooong time & shortly after I got Musashi I topped those stats with the Musashi)...

1 of my biggest regrets was not apologizing to him because I was totally oblivious to the fact until after the game was over.

Me & a DD went west & the whole rest of the team lemminged east & we took out their DD & cruiser at the cap & 3 red BBs that went west w/them immediately started running east (because there was my DD & they had nothing to screen for it)...

So as they kited away I just stuck to AP & rather than focusing any 1 of them every reload I aimed for the present most broadside of the 3 while bow tanking & staying at full speed to be able to occasionally (quite often actually) maneuver to bring my rear turrets around between return fire.

(The potential damage record was due to the fact I was their only target as my team had lemminged to the other side of the map)

Somewhere along the lines a Benson appeared in my 2ndary/his torp range & smoked up but before he went dark a single 2ndary shell detonated him (left a single dot of smoke where he was).

He typed, "Well... that's my game" in chat...I did see that in chat eventually but didn't realize I had anything to do with it as I was mostly in binoc mode while firing & maneuvering like crazy when not in binoc mode so wasn't until the post battle I had seen I had killed him & the single 2ndary hit as the only damage I did to him.

As for "full life" (in today's 75% mechanic world)...any ship can detonate from full life from just 1 volley as long as the damage taken is more than 25% of it's total life...you don't need to be down 25% already (happened to me just days after the 75% mechanic was introduced... went to forums to inquire what was up & somebody quoted the reference & if you read it you will see it is ambiguously worded to imply you have to be already down to 75% but actually can be (& is) interpreted to say being brought down to 75% on the 1st hit can also do it.

If you think avoiding detonations are skill based I challenge any unicum that always uses det flags to live stream 10 battles w/out det flags...

The LOLs will be epic...


At 1st I never used det flags & about once every 2 months a det would occur...then I had a full life Yammy get detted & got bent & put them on every ship T8 & higher (had around 750-800 saved up at the time...I literally never used them before)...

Then a few months later I ran out...& Guess what?

Det flags do not "prevent" dets...the just delay them.

1st battle detonated...

After the 1st det I got 10 det flags (this was way back then)...so I (logically) thought... OK... that's my det for the next 2 months...no use wasting a flag for awhile because that's out of the way...

Next battle detonated...

"WT??? OK...so I'm definitely covered for the next couple months"...

3rd battle detonated...

OK...now I've gotta test this & see just how long this goes on for...

After 9 detonations in 11 battles I went to the forums to rant about WGs definition of "prevent"...

Take note that out of those 9 detonations...because that was all the same day I still only had 10 det flags to show for all of it.

Players didn't seem to care but it ("you got the flags..why didn't you use them")...

Definitely shows that skill has ZERO to do with avoiding dets...if you used det flags for a long period of time if you stop using them you WILL get detonated multiple times as the game stocks up those dets for you to use at a later date & all the skill in the world will not stop them from occuring to you unless you stay parked behind an island all battle & never come out to play...but seeing as that is the unicum way...I guess they have nothing to worry about.

BTW..stopped using det flags altogether just to see how long it would continue after that & it took about 2 months for things to go back to normal...obviously wasn't as bad as that 1st day those 2 months but was still multiple times a day for 1st week to multiple times a week for the rest of the month to few times a week & gradually stopped & only happened every couple months after that 2nd month ended.

BTW...that Izumo battle wasn't an isolated incident... I've detonated quite a few DDs with Shlief 2ndaries so HE shells can detonate.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

So, I'm still curious to know why some people consider it to be a big deal or a "sky is falling" event?

Not a sky falling event. A small step, among many, which are constantly devalue and cheapens the game. Eventually the sky will fall, exactly because of them.

I predicted the game becoming deadlier (especially for cruisers) the moment the camo rework was revealed. And here we are, nobody questions that cruisers are in a very bad spot and rolfstomps are increasingly happening, leading to good players leaving, which in turn further degrades game quality.

The domino effect is very much working.....

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3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

If I study the armor scheme of a ship and realize that a torpedo which travels under the bow of a ship and hits the underside of the hull (just below the turret and magazine) has a good chance of triggering a detonation check, then I might try to aim so that I can improve my chances of sinking an opponent in a spectacular fashion.

Will it work every time?  Probably not.
But when it does ....   🙂 

Lol out Wolf if you are actually doing that you need to find some new hobbies my boy.

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2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

An RNG instant death mechanic that can be completely ignored by paying extra is neither interesting nor deep. It adds absolutely nothing besides "laugh at this guy who is too poor to spend 100k extra every game." It's far from WoWs' most egregious display of poor game balance, but it's certainly something you can point to. I'd argue it's P2W by all definitions of that term. 

The "want more realism" advocates cannot simultaneously clamor against detonations, in my opinion.

There are real-life examples of ships during WW-II getting blown-up or mission-killed or damaged badly enough to be abandoned and given a coup-de-grace by friendly ships to prevent capture.

The "lucky hit" phenomena is a real-life phenomena.

Playing without detonations as a game mechanic is simply less "Mui-Macho Manly-Man", as I reckon it.  🙂 


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1 hour ago, Unlooky said:

I would hesitate to call SLM anything more than an average player, especially when it comes to high tier play.  


OMG. I have better stats in selected ships. (Yes, I know, I'm cherry picking with that comment. But it's true.)

1 hour ago, Unlooky said:

the metric to determine whether someone is talking out of their rear

In this nautical context, I prefer to say "talking out of their aft". 😈


1 hour ago, oldblackdog said:

For the record, I almost always choose coal containers, so I doubt this will have much effect for me.

I do too, but the free track of the battle pass always seems to shower us with More Signals containers, so it's not a bad idea to cast an eye over whatever final form comes to Mir Korably. Because that's almost certainly what we're going to get - if we get it - with no additional testing.

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10 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

Not a sky falling event. A small step, among many, which are constantly devalue and cheapens the game. Eventually the sky will fall, exactly because of them.

I predicted the game becoming deadlier (especially for cruisers) the moment the camo rework was revealed. And here we are, nobody questions that cruisers are in a very bad spot and rolfstomps are increasingly happening, leading to good players leaving, which in turn further degrades game quality.

The domino effect is very much working.....

It could be just me, but I don't feel that Cruisers are in *that bad* of a spot, at the moment.
Essentially, I still enjoy playing them.  🙂 

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2 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I do too, but the free track of the battle pass always seems to shower us with More Signals containers, so it's not a bad idea to cast an eye over whatever final form comes to Mir Korably. Because that's almost certainly what we're going to get - if we get it - with no additional testing.

Yeah...accumulating signals and eco bonuses has never been a big deal for me (I have thousands). Just curious to see how this part of the proposed changes will work out. 

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14 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Essentially, I still enjoy playing them.  🙂 


On 5/31/2024 at 10:42 AM, Andrewbassg said:

I''m a cruiser main .....

On 5/31/2024 at 11:03 AM, Yedwy said:

My condolences 🤐


On 6/1/2024 at 11:33 AM, Itwastuesday said:

You can always abandon the path of high effort low reward and become a happy kruppstahl driver. 


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4 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:
24 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Essentially, I still enjoy playing them.  🙂 


On 5/31/2024 at 3:42 AM, Andrewbassg said:
  On 5/31/2024 at 3:42 AM, Andrewbassg said:

I''m a cruiser main .....

On 5/31/2024 at 4:03 AM, Yedwy said:

My condolences 🤐


On 6/1/2024 at 4:33 AM, Itwastuesday said:

You can always abandon the path of high effort low reward and become a happy kruppstahl driver. 


 🙂 DrinkingWolfKampai_facebooksticker_saved_08-10-2022_.jpg.0377579576815b619e5af96bb3539fd8.jpg  

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PSA... There's something funky in the first 2 pages of this thread. It keeps triggering my Malwarebytes antivirus. Only the first two pages and only this thread. If I close Chrome, reopen a new window and view the forum nothing happens until I return to this thread (either of the first two pages, entering from page 3 on is fine). I'm assuming it's a link that's been quoted from the first page to the second but I'm no expert in this field...

The fact that it ends with a ".ru" does leave me a bit paranoid though.


Closeup of the warning...


For some reason I also don't seem to be able to tag admins. Maybe harmless but...

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@xamdam it appears likely to be a false hit, but I'll add a note of caution to the text. Thanks for the report.

..and btw - you could always tag admins and staff.

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9 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Can you buy containers that drop blue boosters?

Go check, please.

Economic boosts are not P2W. They give no combat advantage. They are P2A (A = Advance).

These new flags would fall under P2W although not some massive advantage but an advantage all the same.

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, xamdam said:


Hmmm....... the meme is from my attachments  from this forum..... the link could be triggering?


Edit Actually the second one is not.

Edit : there is its link




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I don't want to see this crap come to WOWS NA/EU/SEA and hope WG can somehow resist the urge to do so. This is a bad idea on every single level. Just NO please. I won't sweat it until it does come here though. What happens on RU stays on RU (hopefully) and is a different game. 

But I do have to wonder. I see a lot of people comparing this to WOT Gold Ammo but it sort of looks more to me like Lesta may finally be trying to shoehorn the old RB type stuff (NTC or whatever it was called in) into game but going the flag route.

Buying improvements in incremental levels. Was ship upgrades in NTC, as I recall, that made up the crap in that NTC debacle everyone revolted over. Maybe Lesta is trying to work the same basic idea in via a different route.

Let's just hope this nonsense stays on RU.

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1 minute ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Let's just hope this nonsense stays on RU


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36 minutes ago, xamdam said:


Not to worry, I get the same on Malwarebytes (on MS Edge).  I run it at a pretty aggressive setting, FYI.


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28 minutes ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

@xamdam it appears likely to be a false hit, but I'll add a note of caution to the text. Thanks for the report.

..and btw - you could always tag admins and staff.

@I_cant_Swim_It was in my post where I attached the photos. After uploading the photos "@" wouldn't trigger a tag list. Does it have to be at the beginning of my text? It did the same thing in this post when I tried using it at the end (until I tried again with it at the beginning).

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usually, typing "@" followed by a letter should provide a list of users whose names start with that letter. If you type "@" and space, the list can take a long time to load (or just doesn't). 

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4 hours ago, Unlooky said:

I would hesitate to call SLM anything more than an average player, especially when it comes to high tier play.  




I don't think I've ever watched more than 1 of his videos, I feel further justified for that choice. 


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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The "want more realism" advocates cannot simultaneously clamor against detonations, in my opinion.

Please link a single post from me on this website (or anywhere) where I advocate for more realism in World of Warships. 

I'd say I'm on the other end of the camp in fact. Gameplay should always come first, and history/realistic elements used to enhance the gameplay (like how Japanese torpedoes do massive damage, or American damage control and repairs are improved), not added at the cost of gameplay. Otherwise, you're not developing a game, but a simulator. 

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2 hours ago, xamdam said:

It keeps triggering my Malwarebytes antivirus.

Malwarebytes has been programmed to treat everything even remotely Russian as potentially hostile. 

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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Economic boosts are not P2W. They give no combat advantage. They are P2A (A = Advance).

These new flags would fall under P2W although not some massive advantage but an advantage all the same.

Pay2Advance is commonly lumped under pay2win mechanics in this genre.

After all, having a ship or item definitely beats not having it...so having a ship or item sooner is a gameplay advantage... especially when you consider the game to be more than just the battles, which is clearly the case.

1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I don't want to see this crap come to WOWS NA/EU/SEA and hope WG can somehow resist the urge to do so. This is a bad idea on every single level. Just NO please. I won't sweat it until it does come here though. What happens on RU stays on RU (hopefully) and is a different game. 

But I do have to wonder. I see a lot of people comparing this to WOT Gold Ammo but it sort of looks more to me like Lesta may finally be trying to shoehorn the old RB type stuff (NTC or whatever it was called in) into game but going the flag route.

Buying improvements in incremental levels. Was ship upgrades in NTC, as I recall, that made up the crap in that NTC debacle everyone revolted over. Maybe Lesta is trying to work the same basic idea in via a different route.

Let's just hope this nonsense stays on RU.

It is indeed the old NTC monetization strategy coming back to life.

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its always been pay to win they dont even payout for items you already had 

for example the recent philippines sea mission . i already had the marianas turkey shoot flag ( because this always repeated every year )and no compensation in credits as normal 



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