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Lesta is goin' PaytoWin


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Posted (edited)
48 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

No direct sale. That's actually a nerf to P2W.  


Not really. Like it was mentioned, crates. While not direct sale, its even worse coz the gambling mechanics involved. " We sell 'em, under the counterr. How much U wanna comrade?? "


48 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

And somehow this was missed in the noise...

Not at all.  But one minor plus  doesn't make up for the huge minus. Coz....


23 minutes ago, Kruzenstern said:

Uhhh... Looking at the signals that I actually consider useful and their new standard stats:

Flooding and fire extinguishing time nerfed from 20% to 10%

Chance to cause flooding gets nerfed from 19% to 10%

Ship speed nerfed from 8% to 5%

Fire chance get halved for small calibers, stays same for large ones

Hydro and Smoke time bonus halved

HP bonus on repair is just removed with no replacement? Seriously? One of the best signals imho just gone...

Same for the ramming flag (I actually used that in Coop!)

........which means the game is goin; to be even deadlier. Ergo quicker matches.


43 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

to parrot Mountbatten.

Yoo.....I didn't even watched the full video!!53EB5C0D-3B99-4A7E-8E10-0AD06C0F515D.gif 1 min was enough.

And quote him, where he says what I just wrote. Smile_glasses.gif.ad42a1d7c6a3da5c4b37a0

43 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Veteran players frequently buy coal and resource ships which deplete those resources and put them back on the level of newbies. 


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As far as I can tell, this change just moves Lesta's value proposition to a bit more stingy with respect to the players. It's 'more' pay2win.

But that's not a huge deal since the game already contains these elements.

I still enjoy playing, even though I know I'm gimping myself some by not paying money. The same will be true of this change...as long as the game is still fun without having to change spending habits...it will be fine.

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29 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:


To me it sounds like they're really reaching for revenue. Running fully flagged doesn't have me wishing I could mount one more. Generally a lot of flags are really only useful for certain classes, and this is apparent with only a minor understanding of how the flag system works. It feels like more of a resource sink than a dumbing down.

I've always maintained that the split was bad for this game, reasons for it aside.


Well, player numbers translate directly into revenue.  If you don't have enough players spending enough on your game, the management becomes panicked.  I also think MK is in a desperation loop to make themselves different from WOWS to prove they are as good or better than WOWS and attract players from other regions.


Flags are really only important to the segment of the playerbase that chases min-max and can't stand the idea of playing anything but the best of the best.  I regularly sail without any functional flags and do just fine, but the same players who will spend for the new flags are spending for the current flags, for the same reasons.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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10 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

I understood it. But you can still buy blue boosters, albeit randomized. There is a precedent for them to be purchased indirectly and still adhere to the wording of the devblog.


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You posted this:

2 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

Flags are really only important to the segment of the playerbase that chases min-max and can't stand the idea of playing anything but the best of the best.  I regularly sail without and functional flags and do just fine, but the same players who will spend for the new flags are spending for the current flags, for the same reasons.

just as I was in the middle of typing this:

Maybe my attitude to flags is coloured by the fact that I very rarely use them, except when blue or red econ boosters are involved. The people who ARE worried are the ones who throw a full set of eight onto every ship for even the most inconsequential random battle. 

The only really important flag, the one we would secretly all want an infinite supply of, is the one they are about to make redundant anyway. 

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1 minute ago, Jakob Knight said:

I also think MK is in a desperation loop to make themselves different from WOWS to prove they are as good or better than WOWS and attract players from other regions.

Agreed about the desperation loop, though the reason for being trapped in it could be any number of things, not the least of which being the current political state of the country they're based in.

3 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

Flags are really only important to the segment of the playerbase that chases min-max and can't stand the idea of playing anything but the best of the best.

Yes and no? When I used to play randoms occasionally, I used at least the speed flag and det flag because not doing so made me feel gimped otherwise as a DD. Sure, detonation is gone under this devblog, but knowing there will be DD players with a blue speedboost in almost every game would be very discouraging.

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9 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:



Though this game hasn't been based on out thinking opponents for a while now.

Mores the pity...


I can tell you that all of my frustration at my battles for the last few years has had nothing to do with what ships were involved, what battle mode was used, or any idea of what flags my opponent was running.


It was that my opponents or teammates didn't give me a good fight.



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9 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

I can tell you that all of my frustration at my battles for the last few years has had nothing to do with what ships were involved, what battle mode was used, or any idea of what flags my opponent was running.


It was that my opponents or teammates didn't give me a good fight.

A unicum without boosters is still going to trash a potato with all the best ones mounted, never mind who is the free player and who is the whale. That's not going to change, regardless of how loudly the potato screams from the bottom of the dumpster he just got flung into.

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1 minute ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Agreed about the desperation loop, though the reason for being trapped in it could be any number of things, not the least of which being the current political state of the country they're based in.

Yes and no? When I used to play randoms occasionally, I used at least the speed flag and det flag because not doing so made me feel gimped otherwise as a DD. Sure, detonation is gone under this devblog, but knowing there will be DD players with a blue speedboost in almost every game would be very discouraging.


I try to stay away from sociopolitical topics so I don't want to follow that thread here even if it does have an impact.


But my experience is that the few knots speed you get from the flag isn't as critical as your choices in position, attack, and defense.  I work with the speed I have and modify my actions on that.  It's nice to have those extra knots of speed, but hardly critical unless you've already made a mistake.  Getting discouraged thinking you are at a disadvantage to your enemy is the first step in doing that.





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7 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

A unicum without boosters is still going to trash a potato with all the best ones mounted, never mind who is the free player and who is the whale. That's not going to change, regardless of how loudly the potato screams from the bottom of the dumpster he just got flung into.


To be honest, ever since the day I started playing, I have craved the chance to play against Unicum players.  That's how you learn and get better.


The number of times I have encountered them are very, very rare.  Hence my frustration.


Yes, this game is still about out-thinking your opponent, and I just wish I had opponents who did that more often.



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36 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

Like it was mentioned, crates. While not direct sale, its even worse coz the gambling mechanics involved. " We sell 'em, under the counterr. How much U wanna comrade?? "

1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

make no mistake, the easiest way to obtain these signals will be to buy containers or event items.

'No direct sales' is irrelevant to the concept of pay2win


44 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

But you can still buy blue boosters, albeit randomized. There is a precedent for them to be purchased indirectly and still adhere to the wording of the devblog.

As per the phrasing on the articule, only the more signals and supercontainers have a chance to drop rare and elite signals... Those 2 are not straight for sale afaik. There's no way I know to consistently get your hands on more of those other than playing more, which is the apparent objectives of that rework, not more P2W per se but 'play more'. 


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6 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

To be honest, ever since the day I started playing, I have craved the chance to play against Unicum players.  That's how you learn and get better.

Of the notable unicums, I've met Notser in battle twice, William the Dank from 07 twice (he cleaned me up fast, both times), and Lord Zath once.

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40 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

I also think MK is in a desperation loop to make themselves different from WOWS to prove they are as good or better than WOWS and attract players from other regions.

I don't see the point if those foreign players can't be monetized due to the ongoing sanctions

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Posted (edited)
28 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

But my experience is that the few knots speed you get from the flag

You missing a crucial factor. Higher top speed modifies the acceleration curve. Smile_glasses.gif.ad42a1d7c6a3da5c4b37a0


As or the rest, flags won't win you a match. But UNDOUBTEDLY will help you win the match

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46 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

.....which means the game is goin; to be even deadlier. Ergo quicker matches.

On the Big scheme I think it is more a move to 'equalize'. It is the 'experten' who consistently worry about min-maxing signals and who Will be more impacted by the changes; average Joe probably doesn't pack full signals on every Match anyway. The change is comparatively favorable to Joe as it diminishes the advantage of the 'experten' 

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Man I can't go not even 5 min into the video without fact checking the author...

WOWP was never *AGAIN* Never developed by Lesta Std. of St Pete. (this is as absolute insult).

WOWP was developed by a company based out of Ukraine.

*AGAIN* Lesta std back in the day.. ONLY developed WOWS content for WG.

LEsta studios NEVER did WOT (Its exclusivity to WG. That MEANS, WG is the sole body governing its development.)

LEsta Studios NEVER did WOWP. (Its under contract with Persha std since their creation. Lesta never had a hand on WOWP)

So simple question.. When there's contractual franchise development contracts that are still valid to this day.. Why would anyone think you can Void those agreements without punishments?

Its because of this neglect in reporting anything factual.. I can never take the author of the video seriously.

Neither should anyone else.

Edited by Navalpride33
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1 hour ago, SolitudeFreak said:

I understood it. But you can still buy blue boosters, albeit randomized. There is a precedent for them to be purchased indirectly and still adhere to the wording of the devblog.

Econ boosts do not impact gameplay and are not pay to win.  Buying econ boosts is an example of pay to advance which is baked into most games with a free to play tier.  

If Lesta makes the higher tier combat boosts available in a manner that is impacted by spending money on the game I agree that would be adding a p2w aspect to the game.


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12 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

As per the phrasing on the articule, only the more signals and supercontainers have a chance to drop rare and elite signals...

Nowhere does it say such a thing. It is just worded so that some people will read that into it.

The exact wording (of the translation mind you, have to rely on it being faithful here) is:

"Rare signals will be somewhat easier to receive. They will appear more often as part of various event rewards. At the same time, the number of signals available in this way will also be limited. Like elite signals, they have a small chance to drop from the “More Signals” container and the Super container. In addition, players will have the opportunity to receive them as a reward for achievements in battles.  They will not be freely available for direct sale."

Which means they can put them into lots of containers that can be classified as 'event rewards' yet are for sale all the time, like they did with blue boosters. And them not being 'freely' available for 'direct' sale means they CAN occasionally be available for direct sale as well, just like blue red boosters sometimes are (albeit at such ridiculous prices that I never was tempted). I am certain from past experience that WG will milk this cow using shady shenanigans.

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10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

As per the phrasing on the articule, only the more signals and supercontainers have a chance to drop rare and elite signals... Those 2 are not straight for sale afaik. There's no way I know to consistently get your hands on more of those other than playing more, which is the apparent objectives of that rework, not more P2W per se but 'play more'. 


We don't know if and how they gonna change the "composition" of crates, and new crates appear ALL the time.

And the very fact that they are making categories is indicative of...... intentions.

6 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

On the Big scheme I think it is more a move to 'equalize'. It is the 'experten' who consistently worry about min-maxing signals and who Will be more impacted by the changes; average Joe probably doesn't pack full signals on every Match anyway. The change is comparatively favorable to Joe as it diminishes the advantage of the 'experten' 

Well.....we gonna disagree on that. On certain ships is mandatory to have certain flags. And we don't know howz the "average Joe" is actually thinking.

If anything this certainly will deepen the already massive skill gap and will disadvantage newcomers even more . Which will lead to even more roflstomps  and even more good players leaving.

The effects of this change will appear in 3-5 months.



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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:


Translated text of the MK blog:


Closed testing 13.6 - signal processing

Find out more about upcoming changes.


In update 13.6 we plan to update the signal system: they will be divided into 4 levels, similar to economic bonuses: standard, special, rare and elite*. At the same time, there will be fewer types of signals. In addition, the detonation mechanics have been removed from the game, and it will again be possible to receive signals for achievements.

*Together with updating the signals, we will change and systematize the names of the “red” in-game entities. Unique economic bonuses and “red” signals will be called elite. This word better describes them, since uniqueness presupposes the existence of something in a single copy and uniqueness, and the number of signals and bonuses a player has is not limited. Accordingly, the “Unique Bonuses” container will be renamed “Elite Bonuses”, and unique upgrades will also be called elite to preserve the consistency of names.

New signals

There are currently 14 signals available in the game, and each of them has its own specifics and is not effective on all ships, and you can install no more than 8 of them. After the changes, there will be 6 signals in the game, the bonuses of which will suit all ships in the game. Thus, it is easier to understand the new system, and the player will not accumulate unnecessary signals that may not be suitable for the ships he is playing on. In addition, the limit on the number of signals on the ship will be removed: you will be able to install everything at the same time. Finally, the prices of the new signals are unified to simplify the system.



Each of the new signals enhances a specific aspect of the ship: survivability, damage, auxiliary weapons, speed, equipment and damage resistance. In the table below you can see the names and bonuses of the signals depending on the level.


Standard Special Rare Elite



  • Ship's combat effectiveness +2%
  • Fire extinguishing time -10%
  • Flood elimination time -10%
  • Ship's combat effectiveness +3%
  • Fire extinguishing time -15%
  • Flood elimination time -15%
  • Ship's combat effectiveness +4%
  • Fire extinguishing time -20%
  • Flood elimination time -20%
  • Ship's combat effectiveness +5%
  • Fire extinguishing time -25%
  • Flood elimination time -25%


(Damage dealt)

  • Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -2%
  • Maximum dispersion of squadron ammunition -2%
  • Chance of arson +1%
  • Chance to cause flooding +10%
  • Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -3%
  • Maximum dispersion of squadron ammunition -3%
  • Chance of arson +1.5%
  • Chance to cause flooding +20%
  • Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -4%
  • Maximum dispersion of squadron ammunition -4%
  • Chance of arson +2%
  • Chance to cause flooding +30%
  • Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -5%
  • Maximum dispersion of squadron ammunition -5%
  • Chance of arson +3%
  • Chance to cause flooding +40%


(Auxiliary weapons)

  • Maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells -5%
  • Secondary battery reload time -5%
  • Constant air defense damage +5%
  • Torpedo speed +2%
  • Aircraft torpedo speed +2%
  • Maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells -6%
  • Secondary battery reload time -6%
  • Constant air defense damage +6%
  • Torpedo speed +4%
  • Aircraft torpedo speed +4%
  • Maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells -8%
  • Secondary battery reload time -8%
  • Constant air defense damage +8%
  • Torpedo speed +6%
  • Aircraft torpedo speed +6%
  • Maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells -10%
  • Secondary battery reload time -10%
  • Constant air defense damage +10%
  • Torpedo speed +8%
  • Aircraft torpedo speed +8%



  • Ship speed +5%
  • Squadron afterburner time +10%
  • Ship speed +6%
  • Squadron afterburner time +12%
  • Ship speed +8%
  • Squadron afterburner time +16%
  • Ship speed +10%
  • Squadron afterburner time +20%



  • Preparation and reloading time for ship equipment -5%
  • Squadron equipment reload time -5%
  • Ship equipment operating time +5%
  • Squadron equipment operating time +5%
  • Preparation and reloading time for ship equipment -6%
  • Squadron equipment reload time -6%
  • Ship equipment operating time +6%
  • Squadron equipment operating time +6%
  • Preparation and reloading time for ship equipment -8%
  • Squadron equipment reload time -8%
  • Ship equipment operating time +8%
  • Squadron equipment operating time +8%
  • Preparation and reloading time for ship equipment -10%
  • Squadron equipment reload time -10%
  • Ship equipment operating time +10%
  • Squadron equipment operating time +10%


(Damage Resistance)

  • Dispersion of enemy shells attacking you +2%
  • Damage taken from depth charges -5%
  • Reduced damage from air defense shell explosions -5%
  • Dispersion of enemy shells attacking you +3%
  • Damage taken from depth charges -6%
  • Reduced damage from air defense shell explosions -10%
  • Dispersion of enemy shells attacking you +4%
  • Damage taken from depth charges -8%
  • Reduced damage from air defense shell explosions -15%
  • Dispersion of enemy shells attacking you +5%
  • Damage taken from depth charges -10%
  • Reduced damage from air defense shell explosions -20%


All signals on player accounts will be replaced with new standard ones. Most of the bonuses of these signals are equal in value or similar in principle to the bonuses of converted signals. At the same time, the value of some of the standard signal bonuses will be less than in the old system in order to reduce the excessive impact on the ship’s efficiency. The exchange will take place according to the following rules:

  • India Delta, India Yankee and Juliet Yankee Bissotwo will be converted to November.
  • Victor Lima, India X-Ray and Juliet Whiskey Unaone will be converted to Yankee.
  • November Echo Setteseven and Mike Yankee Soxisix will be converted to Foxtrot.
  • Sierra Mike will be converted to Sierra.
  • November Foxtrot, X-Ray Papa Unaone and Sierra Bravo will be converted to India.
  • Juliet Charlie and Hotel Yankee will be converted to Charlie.


The number of new signals will be equal to the sum of the old ones converted into a new one. You will also receive one signal of each type and level to familiarize yourself with the new system. For example, if you have 100 India Delta, 30 India Yankee and no Juliet Yankee Bissotwo, you will receive 131 standard November signals, as well as one each of its special, rare and elite versions.

Signals installed on ships will also be converted. In this case, a new signal will be installed on the ship if, before the update, it had at least one old signal that is converted into this new one.

Related changes

Such a large-scale change could not but affect other aspects of the game. Let's take a closer look at the accompanying changes:

Range of secondary guns

The bonus to the firing range of the secondary gun, which the Mike Yankee Soxisix signal currently has, will be transferred to the Secondary Gun Modification 1 upgrade, installed in the third slot. Thus, it will provide +26%** to the firing range of the secondary gun, and the usual range of “secondary gun assemblies” will not change.

**The new upgrade bonus will be 26%, rather than 25%, to maintain the usual firing range. Let us give as an example the calculation of the firing range of the Massachusetts secondary gun, taking into account the modernization, signal and skill of the commander “Long-range shells of the secondary gun”. Before change: 7.5 x 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.05 = 11.34 km. After the change, upgrade bonus 25%: 7.5 x 1.2 x 1.25 = 11.25 km. After the change, the upgrade bonus is 26%: 7.5 x 1.2 x 1.26 = 11.34 km.


The new system does not have a signal to reduce the likelihood of the ship's ammunition magazine exploding. This is because in version 13.6 we will be removing detonation from the game. Ships detonate randomly, causing a predominantly negative reaction. Due to the way the mechanics work, the player cannot deliberately cause an enemy to detonate. At the same time, the game has the opportunity, available for credits, to completely protect yourself by installing the Juliet Charlie signal. According to statistics, artillery cellar explosions occur extremely rarely, even if you do not take into account the use of a signal. Thus, the existence of this mechanic seems almost meaningless.

Disabling detonation will remove the extra element of randomness from battles: you will no longer be able to lose a ship with the lion’s share of its combat capability due to a “stray” torpedo or shell hitting it. Due to the change:

  • The "Detonation" achievement will no longer be available for obtaining, but will remain on players' accounts if it has already been obtained. 
  • The Ammunition Cellar Modification 1 upgrade will be removed from the game. It will be debited from accounts with its full cost (125,000 credits) charged for each existing upgrade as compensation. If it is installed on a ship, we will dismantle it for free and leave the slot free. 
  • The Juliet Charlie signal, as mentioned above, will be converted to a standard Charlie, increasing damage resistance.

Signals as rewards

In most containers, the signals will be replaced with the corresponding standard signals. The exceptions will be the “More Signals” container (will contain signals of all levels) and the Super Container (will contain special, rare and elite signals). A detailed updated composition of containers will be available  on a special page on our portal  after version 13.6 is released on the main server.

The super container will undergo more significant changes: the probability of dropping ships, doubloons, steel, research points, free experience and elite experience of commanders will not change, however, in addition to special, rare and elite signals, elite economic bonuses will appear in the composition. In this regard, the probabilities of losing some content have been redistributed.

Contents and the likelihood of it falling out of the Supercontainer
  • 7500 units coal - 10%;
  • 1500 units steel - 1%;
  • 1500 research points - 1%;
  • 1000 doubloons - 4%;
  • 25,000 units free experience - 6.5%;
  • 75,000 units elite commander experience - 6.5%;
  • 7 days of Ship Premium account - 5%;
  • 25 special economic bonuses of one type - 27%;
  • 15 rare economic bonuses of one type - 6%;
  • 10 elite economic bonuses of one of the types - 2%;
  • 30 special signals of one type - 19.5%;
  • 20 rare signals of one of the types - 7.5%;
  • 15 elite signals of one of the types - 3%;
  • Premium or special ship (the list of available ships will not change) - 1%.

Signals issued as rewards in campaigns, for reaching access levels, and in special combat missions for beginners have also been replaced with similar standard signals.

Ways to distribute new signals

In the new system, high-level signals give larger bonuses than those existing now. We would like to outline the currently planned methods of distribution. Our intention is that they should be viewed primarily as rare and valuable assets.

The methods for receiving signals will depend on their level:

  • It will be possible to receive elite signals very rarely during events, and also with a small chance from the “More Signals” container and the Super Container. They will not be freely available for direct sale. At the same time, players will have the opportunity to receive them as a reward for achievements in battles.
  • Rare signals will be somewhat easier to receive. They will appear more often as part of various event rewards. At the same time, the number of signals available in this way will also be limited. Like elite signals, they have a small chance to drop from the “More Signals” container and the Super container. In addition, players will have the opportunity to receive them as a reward for achievements in battles.  They will not be freely available for direct sale.
  • Special signals will be available for direct sale at the Armory for coal (20 signals for 16,000) or research points (10 signals for 200). They will also be found quite often among the rewards of various events. They can also be obtained from the “More Signals” container and the Super Container.
  • Standard  signals will be easiest to obtain  . They will be available for direct sale in the Armory for credits (20 signals for 2,400,000) or coal (20 signals for 8,000). In addition, they will be part of a large number of containers and will often act as rewards in events. Also, as already mentioned, they will become a reward in most permanent activities instead of the signals of the old system previously available there. 

Along with the rework of the signal system, we will return the ability to receive  signals for achievements . The game will have access to constantly updated weekly chains of combat missions. There will be two chains in total. To complete the first one, you will need to receive any achievements based on the results of the battle, and its complete completion will bring 4 rare signals of each type. The second chain will require obtaining heroic achievements and, if fully completed, will bring 2 elite signals of each type.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced changes and innovations may change many times during testing. The final information is published on the official portal.

  • Vk

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I don't see pay-to-win in any of this. Where is the $$$??

Point to it, please.

Seems like a re-work of the signals process and an elimination of the detonation mechanic.
There are some processes for conversion of the old signals (which remind me of the economic booster conversions from special flags).
There will be signal rewards re-introduced for achievements.
Looks like some minor balance changes for "consistency" and to retain the same or similar performances from ships.

As I read the translation it seems like a reasonable effort towards simplification and long-term enjoyment of the game for players.
It's being done on the Mir Korabli version of the game.  No news yet about this being done on the NA/EU/ASIA version of the game.

So, now I'm honestly wondering what the fuss is about?

Since two of the four categories of signals cannot be directly purchased, where the <bleep> is the "pay to win", exactly?
  @Andrewbassg ?  🙂 

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2 hours ago, thornzero said:

It doesn't say it in the blog - but Mountbatton says in the video that he thinks they could be in the premium shop [not the armoury].


Objection!  Speculation on the part of the youtube-er!  🙂 


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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

In most containers, the signals will be replaced with the corresponding standard signals. The exceptions will be the “More Signals” container (will contain signals of all levels) and the Super Container (will contain special, rare and elite signals)

@Kruzenstern it is literaly the first thing they state on the section, all other containers will provide Standard signals. 

Of course this doesn't preclude future shennanigans but there's no Crystal ball to read the future, as it stated now no other container drops rare and elite signals.

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15 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

And we don't know howz the "average Joe" is actually thinking.

If there's any indication...

1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Maybe my attitude to flags is coloured by the fact that I very rarely use them, except when blue or red econ boosters are involved. The people who ARE worried are the ones who throw a full set of eight onto every ship for even the most inconsequential random battle. 


17 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

And the very fact that they are making categories is indicative of...... intentions.

I agree that's not reassuring. For me it's one of those things that 'feel wrong' Even if there's no apparent sign for alarm.

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As a matter of interest, does anyone have a sense of what proportion of changes to the 'Russsian' WOWS - since the split - have also made it to the other servers?

*If* the changes make it over here ('here' meaning NA and/or EU), the initial model looks an awful lot like that used for economic boosters. *If* that's the case in practice, regardless of the 'no direct sale' thing, you will get more of the better signals if you spend more money. Whether that counts as P2W comes down to your personal definitions (for me it would certainly be heading in that direction).

Mind you, there appears to be quite fierce opposition to P2W on both the EU and NA servers; for this reason, it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't get the 'full fat' version of the changes being proposed for Russia...

Edited by Verblonde
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33 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Since two of the four categories of signals cannot be directly purchased, where the <bleep> is the "pay to win", exactly?

The question was never about direct purchase. If the flag rework follows the same model as the bonus rework, there is the possibility of blue flag sets consistently being available through indirect purchase via event containers, similar to how you can currently purchase randomized blue bonuses.

This is of course speculation about MK and not WoWS, and as the two have been veering away from each other as far as development is concerned, there's no saying that it would have an impact about this system in WoWS.

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