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Lesta is goin' PaytoWin


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On 6/19/2024 at 2:47 AM, ArIskandir said:

I've seen you play

Holy smokes. I thought you already forgotten about it. That was totally embarrassing! You saw how little was my contribution and impact to the team. LOL!

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13 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:


New Devblog aaand ....... 


Sometimes there may also be cases where a limited number of elite signals can be obtained either for activity or for doubloons. For example, they may be among the Shipyard rewards in the part that can be obtained for free by completing combat missions. At the same time, it is possible to get them for doubloons.



You mean the way red boosters are now?


The text of the devblog is as follows:



06/19/2024 08:30
  • Development Blog

Closed testing 13.6 - changes to the new signal system

Find out what will change in the new signaling system.


Last week we  announced  an update to the signal system. The planned change caused a strong reaction. We have received a lot of feedback about the new system and would like to thank you for it. We have carefully analyzed all the feedback received and are ready to talk about the planned changes and answer the questions that you highlighted:

  • Elite signal bonuses are too strong.
  • Signal conversion.
  • Propagation of new signals.
  • The influence of signals of different levels on competitive modes.

Elite Signal Bonuses

Many players found the Elite Signal bonuses to be too strong, which would create significant disparity between players with different signal levels. We would like to note that in this sense, the essence of the signal system has not changed: even now, someone plays with all the signals, someone can afford only a part, and someone does not use them at all. In the new system, there will be fewer types of signals, and thanks to the compensation rules, when often two or three old signals will be replaced by one new one, players’ signal reserves will increase.

However, we have seen your concern and will change the bonuses of signals of different levels:

  • Bonuses for some standard signals will become higher.
  • Special signal bonuses will change or not depending on the signal.
  • Bonuses of all elite and rare signals will be reduced. Now among them there are no bonuses that significantly exceed the standard ones.

The updated table with bonuses of new signals looks like this. Standard bonuses now provide a significant portion of the bonus provided by Elite bonuses, reducing the gap between the two significantly.



Standard Special Rare Elite



Ship's combat capability +2.5% +3% +3.5% +4%
Fire extinguishing time -12.5% -15% -17.5% -20%
Time to eliminate flooding -12.5% -15% -17.5% -20%


(Damage dealt)

Maximum dispersion of main battery shells -2.5% -3% -3.5% -4%
Maximum dispersion of squadron ammunition -2.5% -3% -3.5% -4%
Possibility of arson +1.25% +1.5% +1.75% +2%
Possibility of causing flooding +12.5% +15% +17.5% +20%


(Auxiliary weapons)

Maximum dispersion of secondary battery shells -5% -6% -7% -8%
Secondary battery reload time -5% -6% -7% -8%
Constant air defense damage +5% +6% +7% +8%
Torpedo speed +2.5% +3% +3.5% +4%
Speed of aircraft torpedoes +2.5% +3% +3.5% +4%



Ship speed +5% +6% +7% +8%
Squadron afterburner time +10% +12% +14% +16%



Time to prepare and reload ship equipment -5% -6% -7% -8%
Squadron equipment reload time -5% -6% -7% -8%
Ship equipment operating time +5% +6% +7% +8%
Operation time of squadron equipment +5% +6% +7% +8%


(Damage Resistance)

Dispersing projectiles from an enemy attacking you +2.5% +3% +3.5% +4%
Damage taken from depth charges -5% -6% -7% -8%
Damage received from air defense shell explosions -10% -12% -14% -16%



All signals available to players will be converted to standard ones. We would like to explain in more detail why we made this decision.

First of all, thanks to the same conversion rules for everyone, it will be fair: no one will have significant advantages after the update is released, everyone will be on equal terms. At the same time, all players will have the opportunity to receive a limited number of rare and elite signals for free.

In addition, we do not want standard signals to become worthless immediately after the new system is released. Their bonuses, as we have already said, are basically equal in value or similar in principle to the bonuses of old signals. Thus, they will be the most frequently used consumables in battles. 

Propagation of new signals

In the initial announcement, we shared how we planned to distribute the new signals. However, there are still questions about this that we will now answer:

We do not plan for unlimited distribution of elite signals.

Our intent is that elite signals represent extremely valuable and rare rewards, and unrestricted sale would reduce their value. The main way they will be distributed will be through in-game activity, but we accept that they could become rewards on truly special occasions (for example, the game's Birthday, where a lot of Super Containers are traditionally distributed). But even in these cases, we will strictly limit the amount distributed. Sometimes there may also be cases where a limited number of elite signals can be obtained either for activity or for doubloons. For example, they may be among the Shipyard rewards in the part that can be obtained for free by completing combat missions. At the same time, it is possible to get them for doubloons. (That is, you can get this reward for free for completing the Shipyard's BP, but the mechanics provide for the opportunity to open any, including the “free” level of the Shipyard for doubloons. In this case, technically, by purchasing the construction stage, you also acquire the property issued for its passage.)

Most often, in events and activities, we will distribute standard and special signals, sometimes rare ones (but their number is also limited).

I would also like to mention the distribution of rare and elite signals for achievements: as we have already said, the game will have two permanent weekly chains of combat missions, available to all players. To remove all questions, we share their conditions:

Task chains:

First chain




1 Get any two achievements. Two rare signals each: November, Yankee and Foxtrot.
2 Get any two achievements. Two rare signals each: Sierra, India and Charlie.
3 Get any three achievements. Two rare signals each: November, Yankee and Foxtrot.
Final reward   Two rare signals each: Sierra, India and Charlie.

Second chain




1 Earn any one Heroic Achievement. One elite signal each: November, Yankee and Foxtrot.
2 Earn any one Heroic Achievement. One elite signal each from Sierra, India and Charlie.
3 Earn any two Heroic Achievements. One elite signal each: November, Yankee and Foxtrot.
Final reward   One elite signal each from Sierra, India and Charlie.

Chains will be completed in Random and Ranked battles, as well as in Operations on Tier III-X ships and superships. They can be completed in parallel: obtaining heroic achievements will be taken into account in the progress of both chains at the same time. The conditions can be fulfilled for any number of battles. The chains will take into account achievements obtained in battles.

Competitive Modes

A separate issue raised by players was the potential impact of new high-level signals on competitive modes: Clan battles and tournaments. We understand your concerns and also want to ensure that competing players are on a level playing field.

We will definitely work on the issue of signals when preparing tournaments after the release of 13.6 and ensure equality for all players.

We also want to provide equal conditions for players competing in Clan Battles. Activity outside of Clan Battles, which allows you to accumulate more high-level signals, should not affect the performance of clans. To do this, starting from season 26, which starts in version 13.7, signals will not be consumed in Clan battles. 

Thank you for your concern for the project and feedback, commanders! We will be glad to hear your opinion regarding changes in the new signal system.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced changes and innovations may change many times during testing. The final information is published on the official portal.



Please note, from the above:

Chains will be completed in Random and Ranked battles, as well as in Operations on Tier III-X ships and superships. They can be completed in parallel: obtaining heroic achievements will be taken into account in the progress of both chains at the same time. The conditions can be fulfilled for any number of battles.

So Lesta's low tiers are going to get some love, it seems.


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3 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Holy smokes. I thought you already forgotten about it. That was totally embarrassing! You saw how little was my contribution and impact to the team. LOL!

Your videos might be 'cherrypicked' but they Showcase good understanding of the Game, I'm confident about having You in my team any day. Otoh SLM is nothing particularly amazing, the bar is not that high 🤭

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On 6/19/2024 at 1:28 PM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If each of us had a headstone for the end of our time in this game, I suspect yours would read "Life would be better if only..."

But let's keep things on the level of players who are running premium time, just to make the comparison fairer. Take a look at @Lord_Zath - he's been in the game just two years longer than me - Alpha in 2015 as opposed to mid 2017 - but he has disproportionately more resources. He's spent just $20 US on the game, and has leveraged his skill to gain important positions (supertest, CC) and in-game success that gave him even more gains. Might he have been where he is now if he'd stayed free-to-play? Don't know. 

If I were less charitable, I would be pointing to him and trying to name ways in which it was so unfair that he had so much more than I do: more premium ships, more 21 pointers, more boosters, so much ECXP and FXP and doubloons and premium time that it causes Wargaming staff's eyes to bleed just looking at it. But that would be stupid. HE leveraged HIS skills and the opportunity the game afforded HIM (the same opportunity I had when I started), in order to be where he is now. He's earned his "disproportionate gains", and there is no sane way on God's earth that I could ever be jealous of him. 

I know exactly what I would need to do in order to have what he has, but that's not the way I choose to play the game. So no, some of my ships don't have 21 pointers and probably never will, and that's fine. On the occasions when I choose to compete in Randoms or Ranked with tech-tree ships in order to grind them, I'll take what I've got and take my chances. I made my choices as to where my ECXP was going to go, and I'm prepared to live with them.

Thanks for the kind words!!!

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On 6/18/2024 at 7:05 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

In update 13.6 we plan to update the signal system: they will be divided into 4 levels, similar to economic bonuses: standard, special, rare and elite*. At the same time, there will be fewer types of signals. In addition, the detonation mechanics have been removed from the game, and it will again be possible to receive signals for achievements.

What the hell ever.

I cannot deny eco bonus change ultimately benefited me; but do these folks really have nothing better to do?


On a different note; How many Distant Voyages containers are we supposed to be able to collect in the 13.6 PTS? I think I have at least 35, and the last time I tried, the button was still active...

Edited by Estimated_Prophet
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