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interesting timing to do maintenance during peak use hours?....


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1 minute ago, YouSatInGum said:

interesting timing to do maintenance during peak use hours?....


More interesting that WOWs-Legends is running?

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10 minutes ago, Wulf_Ace said:


This thread was started 24 hours ago before that was applicable.

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10 minutes ago, YouSatInGum said:

interesting timing to do maintenance during peak use hours?....

This is happening across all servers at once so it's only peak use hours for us on the NA server...

What's odd is doing it on Father's Day...could have picked a non holiday weekend.

Sure...plenty of fathers are probably busy but some (probably most due to the average player age of WOWS) have no kids in the house anymore & were probably hoping to play ships today.

12 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

More interesting that WOWs-Legends is running?

Completely different client...case in point...

They've already implemented certain CV changes that have just been announced recently in the PC version.

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so as soon as i finnished my random game doing naval battle attempts i was diconected at 3:20pm ( mountain time today (sunday ) for the scheduled  maintanince  

so for anyone who thinks its a problem on there end . no it was clearly mentioned in the news ( not may read the news ) 

dont panic it will be back tomorrow 

should of still been able to play the game as the news mostly mentioned about items on there website 



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10 hours ago, FltCaptAlan said:

Who schedules non-emergency maintenance on a Sunday? Unless all the mothers paid for it to happen to force fathers to celebrate Father's Day

Well... if it's their name on the credit card...

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What I found odd today.. The armory was disabled all day today... No access to it at all. it would only say

Server down.

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16 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Sent a follow up comment and screenshots to WG in my open ticket.

I'll assume I'm going pink again.

By the way I'm on Telus Pure fibre optic.

Wait a second... Is this the same TELUS telecom company that serves the British Colombia, Canada area ???

If it is.. You're SOL and its %100 your ISP and NOT WG servers...

I hate to tell you this... Telus users have reported erratic issues with WOWS or other web sites for years... Im talking about pre Covid era.

  • Not all of Canada have bad service with Telus just in certain areas (Just to be clear).

I really dont know if there's any Telus customers here on the Forums to confirm this information i'm relying. I know, there was a medium size thread in the old NA forums on this terrible company.

Disregard my old recommendations. This is now out of your control and its has to be settled at the ISP level. HOWEVER...

You should be doing my recommendations every 6 to 9 months. Unplug all devices with connectivity and PC related when not in use (constant usage without a proper turn off... Will just degrade your performance over time).

Now, your crappy ISP/routing situation. I forgot what the other users did to fix their problem. I would try to use contact them and try to get a high level Network technician (not a home visit its a waste of time for some users they'd reported).  Explain to them why is your traffic sent to a heavy congested routing... Causing the signal to lose strength, on certain web activities. 


Right now, players without fiber are FASTER then your connection.. Why? As I pointed out earlier (which now I feel certain its the issue), a more reliable routing network performs faster then the top roadrunners fiber...

Different example, you got a Ferrari F1 race car for a connection (far from it but its an example). What good is that Ferrari if you're going to be stuck in traffic on the Hwy 401 in Toronto. MEANWHILE.

I take my crappy 91 Toyota and make it to my final destination faster because I used the toll roads... How elitist of me..

I hope you keep me informed.. You're not the first with this problem nor will you be the last.


Cancel your WOWS ticket.. After what i informed you just now.. I know for a fact the answer to your issue cannot be solved there... Its not their fault this time. Other times... I will hold them to Captains Mast for behavior unfitting of an Officer of a company!

Edited by Navalpride33
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Navalpride I will follow your advice.

Just one question, as I alluded to in an earlier post. 

This disconnection only happens when I've hit the battle button and after the server has found a match and is loading into it. 

When the anchor is pinwheeling.

It never disconnects while in port, or in a match, or when I'm loaded in and looking at the roster prior to battle start, nor after a battle at the results screen.

It never disconnects me while in any other module ie: in the Armory, or any other tab.

ONLY when the anchor is pinwheeling while loading into a match.

Being that the failure is ONLY during that particular specific time, I'm having trouble with blaming Telus.

If it was Telus, wouldn't the disconnections be more random regardless of what I'm doing at the time?

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10 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Being that the failure is ONLY during that particular specific time, I'm having trouble with blaming Telus.

If it was Telus, wouldn't the disconnections be more random regardless of what I'm doing at the time?

The other option (its not telus)... Its your physical home network routing  (home wiring, Any interference, If its wifi.. How far are your components to the WIFI router.) which again its Telus to fined and fix. **CAREFUL** Because some have reported in the old NA server of bad techs not knowing what the issue is. 

Now, since I'm not a network wiz to correctly answer your question.. My only here to inform you as to Telus prior infractions with their customers when connecting to WOWS.

I can't give you more info because those giving the account of the incident..  Never reported back, their final resolution.

I dont know if they used a VPN to log in that way or what. I just dont know.


If you did all other remedies in my first post.. The problems you've outline should've disappeared.

Once you mentioned the name Telus... I already knew, none of the remedies I gave was going to help because, Its out of your jurisdiction (make sense?).


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Wargaming got back to me and asked me to install WGCheck and run a Game Check report and then a Network Check report.

I got disconnected again at around 7 pm, and again at the anchor pinwheel loading into a match.

I am now so penalized from disconnects that I'm now banned from all but Co-Op games.

The Network Check asked me to play matches while it was running the report so that it could gather all the network data. I managed to play 7 matches, working my way down from 12 mandatory Co-op matches to burn off the penalty going from red status to pink with 5 to go.

Then it disconnected me again, and I'm back up to red status and now I have to burn off 9 Co-op games.

Interestingly, I have well over 10,000 games over 8 years on Telus and never had a problem.

I'll keep you posted what they say after they analyze my reports.

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42 minutes ago, BCGrog said:

Wargaming got back to me and asked me to install WGCheck and run a Game Check report and then a Network Check report.

I got disconnected again at around 7 pm, and again at the anchor pinwheel loading into a match.

I am now so penalized from disconnects that I'm now banned from all but Co-Op games.

The Network Check asked me to play matches while it was running the report so that it could gather all the network data. I managed to play 7 matches, working my way down from 12 mandatory Co-op matches to burn off the penalty going from red status to pink with 5 to go.

Then it disconnected me again, and I'm back up to red status and now I have to burn off 9 Co-op games.

Interestingly, I have well over 10,000 games over 8 years on Telus and never had a problem.

I'll keep you posted what they say after they analyze my reports.

Maybe its time to replace your modem and anything else thats been used for 8 yrs...

I already know, WG will not solve it. Since everyone else is doing fine, they'll conclude its on your end.

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4 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Wargaming got back to me and asked me to install WGCheck and run a Game Check report and then a Network Check report.

I got disconnected again at around 7 pm, and again at the anchor pinwheel loading into a match.

I am now so penalized from disconnects that I'm now banned from all but Co-Op games.

The Network Check asked me to play matches while it was running the report so that it could gather all the network data. I managed to play 7 matches, working my way down from 12 mandatory Co-op matches to burn off the penalty going from red status to pink with 5 to go.

Then it disconnected me again, and I'm back up to red status and now I have to burn off 9 Co-op games.

Interestingly, I have well over 10,000 games over 8 years on Telus and never had a problem.

I'll keep you posted what they say after they analyze my reports.

turn of your router for 10 mins then turn it back on 

as i mentioned in an earlier post  telus updates router software but doesnt give notification  so it could be a router software update 

it it continues after a couple of resets report to telus there might be a problem with your router 

dont do a WGcheck as WG will blame your computer  even if its just days old . they wont do anything 

check your cables also they might need replacement 

but still get a telus tech to come out if problems persist


Edited by Gaelic_knight
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I'll check it all again but the PC is hardwired with an Ethernet cable to the router.

And the fiber equipment and router are only a year old.

Windows updates are all up to date.

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5 hours ago, BCGrog said:

I'll check it all again but the PC is hardwired with an Ethernet cable to the router.

And the fiber equipment and router are only a year old.

Windows updates are all up to date.

anything can happen in a year 

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has anyone recieved there compensation tactical container yet  i havent and they were supose to be handed out on the 19th 

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So I sent them the WG Check reports. Now customer service asked me to download Ping Plotter and run it every time I play until I get the failure so that I can send them a report.

Murphy's Law - I played about 15 matches in Co-Op between last night and this morning to burn off the latest red ban and pink status.

It didn't fail once. Yay. 

Tried everything mentioned in this thread by y'all. Maybe it's fixed.

Who knows.

Now I'm dreading hitting the Battle button and going pink.

Oh and Ping Plotter is only free for a few more days. Then I have to buy it. 

Can't hurt to have it guess. 


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22 hours ago, Gaelic_knight said:

has anyone recieved there compensation tactical container yet  i havent and they were supose to be handed out on the 19th 

Can't say that I have, but I don't really keep track of my containers as such.

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They said 3 days after the downtime so it should be tomorrow.

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ok but it went down on the 16th so 3 days after is 19th 






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23 hours ago, BCGrog said:


So I sent them the WG Check reports. Now customer service asked me to download Ping Plotter and run it every time I play until I get the failure so that I can send them a report.

Murphy's Law - I played about 15 matches in Co-Op between last night and this morning to burn off the latest red ban and pink status.

It didn't fail once. Yay. 

Tried everything mentioned in this thread by y'all. Maybe it's fixed.

Who knows.

Now I'm dreading hitting the Battle button and going pink.

Oh and Ping Plotter is only free for a few more days. Then I have to buy it. 

Can't hurt to have it guess. 


dont waste time on a ping plotter test your modem here Speed test: Check your Internet speed | TELUS Support

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7 hours ago, Gaelic_knight said:

ok but it went down on the 16th so 3 days after is 19th

You are right except all of the services were not ready when the servers came back. At least on EU it was hours later than the scheduled downtime which was still not sorted on the morning of the 17th.

I'll be happy to take a Tactical container in time for the week-end.

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