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D-Day: Atlantic Wall Defense


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54 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Finally, a 5-star Operation with the Z-39 after a few days of playing solo with sometimes unbelievable Random Teams.

There was a secondary task of shooting down 15 enemy planes, and for a time I thought we will not be able to complete that. There were 3 of us left, and the two were nearer to the Forts than the Furious' planes. I had to take the calculated risk of delaying the use of my smoke consumable while the escorting Benson was doing its best to sink my low health destroyer.

Fortunately, we finished all tasks, and the last wave of torpedoes I launched destroyed the carrier Furious and her escort Benson in quick succession.

9 destroyed, 245140 damage, and 1778 Base XP.


That is one hell of a game, well done and compliments @Frostbow 🫡

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Hi all,


21 hours ago, Captain_82 said:


Leo, you were "lucky" to have this team.

Take a look at what I had to endure/experience - first match this morning btw. Playing Gaede while they had T7-DDs.

Survived until the end before I was killed in the last seconds while watching the Defeat screen. 🙁

Over 1k BXP while the rest ... managed 200 or less. ☠️

I`m not exaggerating in saying that except two they have died like flies. That even applied to the last two; they lasted just a tiny bit longer.

Z-33 with 147 BXP: Created account 3 days ago. 7 Randoms (14.29% W/R), 8k average and 3 Coops.

Like *what the doodle* bro. Thanks for spoiling other ppls experiences with your pitiful, almost nonexistent stats.

The rest was the usual ... way below-average potatoes with only a couple hundred matches played at best.

WoWs_Gaede 164k failteam Atlantic Wall.png

WoWs_Gaede 164k failteam Atlantic Wall_scoreboard.png

Oh Boy... 😞


Leo "Apollo11"

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On 6/23/2024 at 11:51 PM, DDG44_Vet said:

That is one hell of a game, well done and compliments @Frostbow 🫡

Thank you! @DDG44_Vet

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Managed to score a new record.

This equalled only 1k BXP. 😲

WoWs_Gaede 213k Atlantic Wall.png

WoWs_Gaede 213k Atlantic Wall_scoreboard.png

Edited by Captain_82
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Just watched the preview vid for the final stage. So much of this series of Ops was taken from Dynamo / Dunkirk (rescuing crews was part of that as well, same with minefields (static) and Schnell Bootes. Which makes me wonder what their excuse is for not returning Dynamo to the random queue now?

While maybe not the best Op, it was a blast with friends / divs. 

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Posted (edited)

A few hours from now, Operation Atlantic Wall Defense will close and will be replaced with Part 3 of the D-Day Themed Event. I particularly enjoyed it, and I find it more engaging than the first Operation, Utah Beach. 

Looking back, I think it is likely due to players using the same ship type—destroyers—unlike in the previous Operation where certain ships were more powerful and impactful than others. 

I've tried the Z-39, T-61, and the Z-33. The first two, with their smoke consumable (and hydro), allowed for a relatively more comfortable gameplay, particularly when those Bensons start hitting targets. Both were fun to play but it was with the smoke-less Z-33, where I had the most fun. I had to use the smoke of allies and dead bots, and be vigilant of where the enemy torpedoes are coming from. 

Atlantic Wall is in my book is a fun and engaging Operation. I like it and I hope WG will offer it again. It certainly has its challenges, and the use of Confidential Documents add a layer of control that enlarges the possibilities.

For my last game, I returned to the Z-33 (I just love this ship) and made 351,054 damage, my highest in Atlantic Wall Defense. 



Edited by Frostbow
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6 hours ago, Frostbow said:

For my last game, I returned to the Z-33 (I just love this ship) and made 351,054 damage, my highest in Atlantic Wall Defense. 

A really stunning result that should fill you with pride. Outstanding, congrats!

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34 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

A really stunning result that should fill you with pride. Outstanding, congrats!

Thank you! I couldn't believe it at first. Prior to this, the best I could do was around 245,000 damage. On this last game for Atlantic Wall Defense, it went to 351K!

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