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D-Day: Atlantic Wall Defense


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On 6/16/2024 at 11:31 AM, Gnirf said:


Compared to the first mission this at least gives reasonable stars steadily. Sadly the absurd stars for extra rewards gives little incitament, but I play a few more now that my DD is strong.

those d-day containers are a noob trap since they have a fraction of the reward the prem ones offered in the shop give

21% green booster

7.8% 1900 free exp

3.9% perma camo

0.4% 6 point commander

0.3%: belfast/stord nelson

0.1%: rodney/montcalm/orion

500 containers for the guarantee ship drop

1900 free exp as compensation if you have all the ships

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I got the Permanent Camo for the Baltimore. I'm liking it so far. 



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2 hours ago, Frostbow said:

I got the Permanent Camo for the Baltimore. I'm liking it so far. 



That's one dope camo!

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Hi all,


On 6/16/2024 at 4:31 PM, Gnirf said:

To not win considering it is enough to lay mines is a testimony to the player quality on some. 

But so far only wins (random teams no div) Standard result is 3 stars. 2 stars have happened once. At least 3 times 5 stars.

I have played enough to reach the last normal reward. I have used the rental Z32. Please hold out the buffs that comes with the rewards is quite large., so your ships both offensive and defensiv power increases a lot. I have chosen the the DDs directives + the battleship.

Which do you fellow players use?

One problem is both that players are too aggressive at the start, but also even if we have several ships left sometimes too passive near the end. If we are 3 DDs left , just Yolo the ships at point blank. If the time runs out or you are sunk does not matter IMO if that is what is needed.

For me the tasks that remains have been the CV and the cruiser/BBs (when I have got 3 stars).  


Compared to the first mission this at least gives reasonable stars steadily. Sadly the absurd stars for extra rewards gives little incitament, but I play a few more now that my DD is strong.

Unfortunately most players still have no clue how to play this one... 😞


4 Stars (CV excaped by few seconds)...


Leo "Apollo11"



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Got lucky again with my favorite Z-33. Another 5 stars playing solo. This was my highest damage done so far, around 206K.


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Five star game in my Maass with decent dmg and little rewards (credits etc.) on my second accountSkjermbilde2024-06-20073807.thumb.jpg.7e84ba5bcd454ab5140e176529e4e5b5.jpg. All my games / battles have been played in solo mode so far. 

Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 073750.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 073842.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 073905.jpg

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4 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Got lucky again with my favorite Z-33.

Actually, we should have this specific DD in game on a permanent basis. With a faster reload and higher top speed it could be real competition of either the French or Russian DD. 

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1 hour ago, OT2_2 said:

Actually, we should have this specific DD in game on a permanent basis. With a faster reload and higher top speed it could be real competition of either the French or Russian DD. 

Is Z-33 better than Z-32?

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19 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Is Z-33 better than Z-32?

She is a or could be a real "Elbing" on TVII. T - 32 is nice and I like her, but T - 33 is more specialized as strong gun boat. With AP a real monster at distance. You should absolutely try her.

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51 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

She is a or could be a real "Elbing" on TVII. T - 32 is nice and I like her, but T - 33 is more specialized as strong gun boat. With AP a real monster at distance. You should absolutely try her.

That probably explains why I've used the Z-32 more, because I like the concealment and I'm more of a torp boat player myself.

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

That probably explains why I've used the Z-32 more, because I like the concealment and I'm more of a torp boat player myself.

I liked the z-34 with the 5 second reload gun ship. The 4km torps are not so good but I can not understand how to torp boat to be honest. 

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20 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

s Z-33 better than Z-32?

Had a blast playing her in my last "Atlantik - Wall" game today so far. The Tier VII Elbing. 😁 Give her at least a try.

Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 172550.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 172606.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-20 172622.jpg

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20 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Had a blast playing her in my last "Atlantik - Wall" game today so far. The Tier VII Elbing. 😁 Give her at least a try.

Really nice! 203,324 damage with the Z-33! 

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Out of curiosity, I tried the T-61. What happened next was my highest damage dealt so far at 212,412. In terms of bots sunk, I made six. 



Unfortunately, this was just a ★★★★ game. Not all players turned their AA on, and the Furious was destroyed faster than it could feed planes to our anti-aircraft guns.



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The whole team was dead with 6:30 on the clock.

Had fun killing some Destroyers until the end.

WoWs_Z-34 163k Atlantic Wall.png

WoWs_Z-34 163k Atlantic Wall_scoreboard.png

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7 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Unfortunately, this was just a ★★★★ game. Not all players turned their AA on, and the Furious was destroyed faster than it could feed planes to our anti-aircraft guns.

Sadly that star is such a pain to secure. Too reliant on RNG and not killing the carrier too fast, so you have to risk not sinking the carrier to assure the planes. Only part of this round that really bothers me, otherwise I have found it very fun.

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After getting a lot of fun with the gunboat Z-33, curiosity led me to try the T-61. This Tier VI German destroyer has smoke, and I am glad I chose this ship as it allowed me to use cover while waiting for the enemy aircraft carrier to come out and destroy the last target to secure another 5-star victory.


I'll try the Z-39 next. Having smoke, I realized rather belatedly, is a big help. That synergy of Baltimore radar + Benson smoke can be particularly lethal.


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Crazy game and dmg with my Z - 31 (!!). One of the most detested DD in the game delivers perfectly well when played correctly and getting the right captain skills and mods. 

Skjermbilde 2024-06-23 122056.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-23 122107.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-23 122120.jpg

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On 6/18/2024 at 9:25 AM, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Unfortunately most players still have no clue how to play this one... 😞


Leo, you were "lucky" to have this team.

Take a look at what I had to endure/experience - first match this morning btw. Playing Gaede while they had T7-DDs.

Survived until the end before I was killed in the last seconds while watching the Defeat screen. 🙁

Over 1k BXP while the rest ... managed 200 or less. ☠️

I`m not exaggerating in saying that except two they have died like flies. That even applied to the last two; they lasted just a tiny bit longer.

Z-33 with 147 BXP: Created account 3 days ago. 7 Randoms (14.29% W/R), 8k average and 3 Coops.

Like *what the doodle* bro. Thanks for spoiling other ppls experiences with your pitiful, almost nonexistent stats.

The rest was the usual ... way below-average potatoes with only a couple hundred matches played at best.

WoWs_Gaede 164k failteam Atlantic Wall.png

WoWs_Gaede 164k failteam Atlantic Wall_scoreboard.png

Edited by Captain_82
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2 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Crazy game and dmg with my Z - 31 (!!). One of the most detested DD in the game delivers perfectly well when played correctly and getting the right captain skills and mods. 

Skjermbilde 2024-06-23 122056.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-23 122107.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-06-23 122120.jpg

That’s impressive @OT2_2, compliments 🫡

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1 hour ago, DDG44_Vet said:

That’s impressive @OT2_2, compliments 🫡

Thank you very much for your kind words.

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3 hours ago, Captain_82 said:

Z-33 with 147 BXP: Created account 3 days ago. 7 Randoms (14.29% W/R), 8k average and 3 Coops.

Holy mackerel, that's something!

3 hours ago, Captain_82 said:

Over 1k BXP while the rest ... managed 200 or less. ☠️

That's mighty impressive. You definitely did more than what was expected. 

3 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Crazy game and dmg with my Z - 31 (!!). One of the most detested DD in the game delivers perfectly well when played correctly and getting the right captain skills and mods. 

278K. Wow!


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As a matter of fact, I have had many more good teams, some exceptionally good, as bad ones in the course of this event! According to my stats I am a bad player, but improving or trying to improve all the time, so did and do many others . We would have almost perfect random battles when everyone would be so willing to perform as players do in "Atlantic Wall". 

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1 minute ago, OT2_2 said:

but improving or trying to improve all the time, so did and do many others

+1. I fully agree.

On my end, I have been trying to learn how to play destroyers in Atlantic Wall Defense, starting with the gunboat Z-33, then moving on to the T-61, and then to the Z-39.

How the bots dodge, move, use smoke to their advantage—I've been observing how they do it and I hope I can do learn a thing or two. 

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Finally, a 5-star Operation with the Z-39 after a few days of playing solo with sometimes unbelievable Random Teams.

There was a secondary task of shooting down 15 enemy planes, and for a time I thought we will not be able to complete that. There were 3 of us left, and the two were nearer to the Forts than the Furious' planes. I had to take the calculated risk of delaying the use of my smoke consumable while the escorting Benson was doing its best to sink my low health destroyer.

Fortunately, we finished all tasks, and the last wave of torpedoes I launched destroyed the carrier Furious and her escort Benson in quick succession.

9 destroyed, 245140 damage, and 1778 Base XP.


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