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Division Stars - a Suggestion


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I was looking at the Division Star event and was wondering why, Divisioning is restrained to your Clan ??? 

In reality, our clan actually is three clans that Division together for different events.  And, there are other very small Clans we interact with all of the time, almost everyday, that simply can't even get a single benefit from this event (two players in two clans...)

So, if the game wants to encourage a greater level of participation, I wonder:  why not allow anyone whom divisions to receive rewards for their invested time>?

And, in some clans, there is some out right hostility about "divisioning" !  They are the "Individual clans" where players are there to exploit the reward mechanics the game has for teams !  With zero intention of working together as a team....  That's not a bad thing I guess;   but,  geeze......talk about a paradox.

So, what are your thoughts>>>???

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3 minutes ago, Asym said:

I was looking at the Division Star event and was wondering why, Divisioning is restrained to your Clan ??? 

In reality, our clan actually is three clans that Division together for different events.  And, there are other very small Clans we interact with all of the time, almost everyday, that simply can't even get a single benefit from this event (two players in two clans...)

So, if the game wants to encourage a greater level of participation, I wonder:  why not allow anyone whom divisions to receive rewards for their invested time>?

And, in some clans, there is some out right hostility about "divisioning" !  They are the "Individual clans" where players are there to exploit the reward mechanics the game has for teams !  With zero intention of working together as a team....  That's not a bad thing I guess;   but,  geeze......talk about a paradox.

So, what are your thoughts>>>???

I'm the Clan Commander of a Clan with a nominal population of two members.
One of them is on an approved indefinite leave of absence and has not been heard from in over a year.

So, looks like I won't be participating in this particular divisioning thing.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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I joined a clan that is specifically for people who don't want to do clan things lol. 

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7 hours ago, Asym said:

I was looking at the Division Star event and was wondering why, Divisioning is restrained to your Clan ??? 

In reality, our clan actually is three clans that Division together for different events.  And, there are other very small Clans we interact with all of the time, almost everyday, that simply can't even get a single benefit from this event (two players in two clans...)

So, if the game wants to encourage a greater level of participation, I wonder:  why not allow anyone whom divisions to receive rewards for their invested time>?

And, in some clans, there is some out right hostility about "divisioning" !  They are the "Individual clans" where players are there to exploit the reward mechanics the game has for teams !  With zero intention of working together as a team....  That's not a bad thing I guess;   but,  geeze......talk about a paradox.

So, what are your thoughts>>>???

Personally...I think the paragraph "And, in some clans...paradox" is irrelevant to the subject at hand...

Agree with the subject at hand...

The event should be open to more players that would like to join...

But why the dig at those that don't care to join?

Kinda derails your own thread.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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17 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I joined a clan that is specifically for people who don't want to do clan things lol. 

Same here : my clan was born after the same constatations and we opened a shelter for players who don't want to be bothered ingame by undue sollicitations.  🙂 

To be a bit more serious, I understand the initial suggestion... But I am pretty sure that "Wealth Greedy" will not see that with a friendly eye.

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15 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Personally...I think the paragraph "And, in some clans...paradox" is irrelevant to the subject at hand...

Agree with the subject at hand...

The event should be open to more players that would like to join...

But why the dig at those that don't care to join?

Kinda derails your own thread.

Again, it's a paradox built into the narrative of the game itself.........and, because of it, that is,  if a clan has say 40 players and 30 of them don't want to team up with anyone else, the remaining 10 simply are deprived an event reward !  So, logically, if the game itself opens the event  to "any divisions", those 10 players then have an "opportunity" to participate.........which, is really what the game itself should want versus, having to leave a clan or the game....

It's a retention safety valve and makes it easier to earn event rewards that were unattainable without changing clans...

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On 6/12/2024 at 9:30 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

I'm the Clan Commander of a Clan with a nominal population of two members.
One of them is on an approved indefinite leave of absence and has not been heard from in over a year.

So, looks like I won't be participating in this particular divisioning thing.

That's sad.......  But, you are not alone !  As I said, we interact with two clans that have two members left...

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1 hour ago, Asym said:

That's sad.......  But, you are not alone !  As I said, we interact with two clans that have two members left...

I created my Clan to forestall sleazy, low-effort, used-car-salesman recruiting "offers" that I felt were annoying.
It worked.

I can survive a division-with-clanmates event that I won't be able to participate in.  🙂 

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if i get any then fine . if i dont well thats fine also most players in my clan prefer playing on there own  . after my fellow retired 2nd in command passed away back in march  i only have 1 clan member who frequently  does divisions with me all the time  . so division stars are the last thing  i ever think off 

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12 hours ago, Asym said:

Again, it's a paradox built into the narrative of the game itself.........

Actually the narrative of the game (WG's game... so I'm assuming we're going by their narrative) is for clans members to div together to help advancement...& these division stars are a set of missions to help clan members do just that...if they choose to do so.

Nowhere has WG suggested players start clans with this intention:

On 6/12/2024 at 7:26 AM, Asym said:

...the "Individual clans" where players are there to exploit the reward mechanics the game has for teams !  With zero intention of working together as a team....

That is in no way the narrative of WG...can't blame them for that...& the fact WG doesn't suggest clans do that means that there is no paradox on their part.

It is a preference certain clans have chosen to take & is their prerogative to choose to do so...but it doesn't make it a paradox on their end either as they consciously chose to not participate in WG clan related events & are just there to reap the clan base rewards (apparently now aka: "exploiting the reward mechanics the game has for teams)...w/out the need to participate in Clan Battles(CB).

Seeing as clans were around before the Division Star(DS) missions became a thing it has created a paradox for certain members that were in clans whose majority of members don't participate...& the paradox for those members is to join another clan to be able to participate or stick with the clan they are in because the base rewards outweigh the DS mission rewards...

On behalf of those players I agree that the missions would be more beneficial to a larger percentage of players if they were to become available in a merc type system.

That being said...the wording of that paragraph is a straight up attack against clans who don't wish to participate as if they are doing something wrong & being at fault for the paradox...as if they are intentionally keeping their members that wish to participate down despite the fact they started their clan with no intention of joining in WG clan based missions long before those missions ever became a thing.

For those that had no intention of doing CBs & willingly joined them for the very same reason they we're formed (to reap the clan based rewards w/out needing to do CBs)...to then badger them about wanting to do the DSs despite knowing they prefer not to div...sounds like reasonable grounds for "hostility" if the subject is not dropped after repeated attempts clarify their lack of interest...

The option to join another clan is there...blaming them for still not wanting to join in as opposed to just respecting their choice in the matter puts the paradox solely on themselves.

You say:

On 6/12/2024 at 7:26 AM, Asym said:

That's not a bad thing I guess

But terms like:

On 6/12/2024 at 7:26 AM, Asym said:

And, in some clans, there is some out right hostility about "divisioning" !  They are the "Individual clans" where players are there to exploit the reward mechanics the game has for teams !  With zero intention of working together as a team...


"Out right hostility" & "exploit" aren't usually used to define a "good" thing...

Especially odd viewpoint to admonish those clans on behalf of the ones that are not able to do the DSs now that they have become a thing...yet...

Had zero problems being 1 of those that "exploited" the ability to reap the benefits of the clan base w/out needing to participate in CBs to do it (with zero intention of working together as a team...as that was the only "working together as a team" ability in a clan before DSs became a thing)...& surely did not consider it a bad thing while they were doing it.

Edit out the attack bro...it really does derail the intention of a reasonable request to expand DSs to a merc system as it isn't relative to the subject whether they're hostile or exploiting anything.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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