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PSA: Dasha Commanders Being Retired

Jakob Knight

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1 minute ago, Aethervox said:

I don't care. Most of my Cpts are approaching 10 pts anyway (if I recall correctly).

At least now you're making decisions with correct information.

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2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Has Dasha gotten the boot? Did they send her to Gulag?! Isnt she still an employee of WG?

I really dont mind, I really would like to see less BS commanders, especially all the new ones with Tripple D´s, and would rather see a few more actual historical commanders. WG should stop throwing money at the Steven Seagals and BS Russian streamers no one ever heard of and care about of this world and instead throw them at whatever entity (maybe estate) of real dead heroes who has fought and been victorious in battle so we could have them instead.

Horace Hood, Friedrich Bonte and all the legendary commanders (Cunningham, Sansonetti, Lutjens, Halsey, Yamamoto, Swirski, Auboyneau, Kuznetsov) want a word with you. 

Leroy Jenkins served in the Cold War, as did Jingles. 

Yi Sun Sin died fighting.

Michiel de Ruyter was real, and fought.

A lot else depends on the estates of the dead. Apparently they tried for Admiral Grace Hopper and got no bites.

"Dusty" Rodes and Arleigh Burke are historical figures in-game.

Anyone else you particularly want?

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13 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I think Seagal was a special case. It's worth noting that the Ovechkin commanders have not changed. Whether this is because WG negotiated the contract with him differently, I cannot say. 

I would expect the Dasha commanders to remain as they are. Odd that they are being withdrawn, but I guess there's a content-sharing arrangement with Lesta and/or Dasha herself that's due to run out and she/Lesta opted not to renew. Comparison with Mir Korabley is advised.

If I remember, Seagal was involved in another sexual assault scandal like a week or two prior to the sudden change, so I'm not surprised if WeeGee didn't want to be associated with him, regardless if it was true or not.

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16 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Last time I checked, all the Dasha Perova Commanders in the Armory had 10 skill points and a pleasant (russian language only) speaking voice.  🙂 

Dasha in fact can speak English, she did so in the WOWS New Year celebration video posted on Dec. 31 2021. (timestamp 2min02s)

It's a shame that her in-game voice doesn't include that.

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2 hours ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

Dasha in fact can speak English, she did so in the WOWS New Year celebration video posted on Dec. 31 2021. (timestamp 2min02s)

It's a shame that her in-game voice doesn't include that.

She doesn't fluently speak English...she studied the lines necessary to do that video at that time just to send that message.

If she was fluent in English they wouldn't have needed to dub over her in the update videos.

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8 hours ago, Volron said:

If I remember, Seagal was involved in another sexual assault scandal like a week or two prior to the sudden change, so I'm not surprised if WeeGee didn't want to be associated with him, regardless if it was true or not.

It was the 1st sexual assault scandal he was involved in...the others came out shortly after that.

They wouldn't have taken him on in the 1st place if there was 1 already pending.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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12 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Horace Hood, Friedrich Bonte and all the legendary commanders (Cunningham, Sansonetti, Lutjens, Halsey, Yamamoto, Swirski, Auboyneau, Kuznetsov) want a word with you. 

Leroy Jenkins served in the Cold War, as did Jingles. 

Yi Sun Sin died fighting.

Michiel de Ruyter was real, and fought.

A lot else depends on the estates of the dead. Apparently they tried for Admiral Grace Hopper and got no bites.

"Dusty" Rodes and Arleigh Burke are historical figures in-game.

Anyone else you particularly want?

Uhm...I do believe all those you listed (& all the others already in the game that you didn't list) were covered by:

15 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I...would rather see a few more actual historical commanders.


He did also mention "maybe estate"...& there's nothing under his comment that says it was edited after you posted this...

So your whole post there is kinda redundant.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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20 hours ago, Helstrem said:

On reddit there was a post saying they were being withdrawn from Lesta's game too as the contract with the actress had finished.

If that's true that puts the possibility of a return at a later date...

After negotiations for a contract renewal can be reached of course.

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Sad as it is, she was the face of World of Warships to me she since I started playing over eight years ago.

But since she stopped doing NA content a long time ago, she isn't really relevant anymore. 

I could imagine newcomers wondering who the hell she is and why there are ten international captain versions of her in the armory.

I hope she's doing well, whatever she is doing now.

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1 hour ago, BCGrog said:

I hope she's doing well, whatever she is doing now.

Amen to that.  ^^^^

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On 6/10/2024 at 9:52 AM, Jakob Knight said:

From the Content Changes section of Update 13.5:


"With the release of 13.6, Commander Dasha Perova for all nations will be removed from the Armory.  All players will receive two coupons for a 50% discount on any Commander Dasha that will be active in the last 2 weeks of Update 13.5."


So, if you have been thinking of putting Dasha in command of a ship, this is probably going to be your (last) chance.  No word on if Dasha Commanders will be changed at a later date as they did with Seagal.



I would think she would still be on the RU armory. Sadly, events have taken her away from the other servers. She was a joy to have as a spokesperson for WG. 

Edited by Zysyss
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I audited the personnel files of my Fleet, looking specifically for which variations of Commander Dasha Perova are already in my Port.

Dasha Perova

Japan?  Yes.  Currently assigned to the Amagi
USA?  Yes.  Currently assigned to the Benson
Russian?  Yes.  Currently, Reserve Barracks.  Trained for the Kotovsky
Germany?  Yes.  Currently assigned to the Konig
British?  Not yet (06-12-2024)
French?  Yes. Two, actually.  One assigned to Cruiser Henri IV (13 skill points).  One in reserve barracks (6 skill points).
Italy?  Yes.  Assigned to V. Cuniberti.
Pan-Asian?  Yes.  Reserve Barracks.
European?  Not yet.  (06-12-2024)
Dutch? Not yet (06-12-2024)
Commonwealth?  Not yet.  (06-12-2024)
Pan-American?  Not yet. (06-12-2024)
Spanish?  Not yet.  (06-12-2024)

Versions available in the Armory (that I don't yet have)?

Versions not available in the Armory?

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