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Weekend Spree, 7 to 9 June 2024

Ensign Cthulhu

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Decided I would do what internet troubles stopped me from doing two weeks ago and being on call made unwise last week, and finished off the Yorktown-Essex grind. On went the blue boosters and into Randoms I went, taking six battles to polish off the just over 100,000 ship XP remaining on that grind. Spent most of the rest of my playing time this weekend finishing off Naval Battles for my clan.

Having dealt with that piece of deferred business, I am now definitely in slow-until-anniversary mode.

Took a look at which ships I wanted to grind moving forwards. Noted that new lines had been announced in French destroyers (beginning at Tier 5) and Pan-American battleships (beginning at Tier 8). Bought back the Tier 4 French DD, Bourrasque, and put her and the T7 Coronel Bolognesi into the grind shortlist, where they join Riga and Brindisi. Decided that said shortlist was getting a bit long, so I removed Yumihari and Pobeda and have whittled it down to four. Whatever the difference is in BXP between those four ships and a 1500 BXP nightly quota gets made up by playing US premium carriers to retrain my new Essex commander and her replacement in Yorktown. 

Bourrasque won't be in that list long. I'll probably play her out to 12,000 ship XP just to be sure that I can grab the new French T5 on release day, assuming I don't play hard enough to get her in pre-release.  Either Yumihari or Pobeda will move back onto the shortlist at that point. Bolognesi will take somewhat longer to regrind, as I anticipate needing 140,000 XP to be sure of unlocking the T8 Pan-Am BB when she arrives, but we've only just heard about those ships and I'll almost certainly have that grind done by the time they're in open release, even at only 1000 XP a day.

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Posted (edited)

Actually, you know what? Screw it, let's do it.


I'll hold on to the ship until I'm absolutely sure what the grind price is for the new T5 (and in case we ever get a line of French carriers), but I think we're done with that one.

Shimanto comes in to replace her. On review, Shimanto turned out to have far less XP to grind than Yumihari and the chances of finishing her before the Anniversary is over are much higher.


Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Screw it, let's do it.

This phrase reminded me of a song...  🙂 



I once met a man with a sense of adventure
He was dressed to thrill wherever he went
He said “Let’s make love on a mountain top
Under the stars on a big hard rock”

I said “In these shoes?
I don’t think so”
I said “Honey, let’s do it here.

“So I’m sitting at a bar in Guadalajara
In walks a guy with a faraway look in his eyes
He said “I’ve got as powerful horse outside
Climb on the back, I’ll take you for a ride
I know a little place, we can get there for the break of day.”

I said “In these shoes?
No way, Jose”
I said “Honey, let’s stay right here.”

No le gusta caminar. No puede montar a caballo
(She doesn’t like to walk, she can’t ride a horse)
Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo
(But the way she dances, it’s a scandal)

Then I met an Englishman
“Oh” he said
“Won’t you walk up and down my spine,
It makes me feel strangely alive.”

I said “In these shoes?
I doubt you’d survive.”
I said “Honey, let’s do it.
Let’s stay right here.”

No le gusta caminar. No puede montar a caballo
(She doesn’t like to walk, she can’t ride a horse)
Como se puede bailar? Es un escandolo
(But the way she dances, it’s a scandal)


Kirsty MacColl – In These Shoes? (Later Archive 2000)


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"Holy Mackerel, Batman! That's a wall of text." "Not to worry, Boy Wonder, that's a 'whale' of a tail." 

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3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Naval Battles for my clan

On both my accounts, EU & NA.


3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

into the grind shortlist,

I have quite a number of ships requiring Cpt exp grinding so I have several lists. I, also, like to 'random' what ship I play so there's that too.

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Pretty sure I just played one Kitakaze game each day Friday - today. Other than that the wife and I watched a ton of movies, and went out to eat today. 


The only "new" movie we watched was the 4th Matrix film, I don't see myself watching it again for a long time if ever. 

Edited by GandalfTehGray
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Looks as though both my clans will prevail in Naval Battles this weekend.

In EU my clan participates enough whereas, in NA, I & another are carrying. Still, it looks to be two clan wins this time (which is nice).

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I played enough to tidy-up a couple of the Wisconsin dockyard missions.

Didn't sail in Naval Battles over the weekend, even though I did qualify.

Recovered from a muscle strain in my right thigh.  

Ordered some additional parts for my recently acquired motorcycle. 
~It only came with one key, so I ordered a couple of spare blanks, for a locksmith to cut, later.
~Some engine oil and an oil change kit which contains some spare o-rings, crush-washers & seals.
Previously ordered parts include a new set of "scrambler" style handlebars with extra length cables, new tires & tubes, chain-cleaning products, a larger front sprocket and a new chain.  Tentatively, these should arrive on Wednesday.  I plan to have a local shop install them when I bring the bike in for an government required inspection.

Speaking of the government, I ordered a "vanity plate" during the process of registering my motorcycle at city hall, early last week.
My Clan name, WPORT, will be my motorcycle license plate.

Also had a pleasant surprise from my friend who's been helping me with my motorcycle.
When we picked-up my bike, he mentioned that a rider should always check the tire pressures.
I asked, "Do you have an inflation pump with you?"
The answer was no, at the time.  He did have a pressure gauge, though.
Which brings us to his visiting me on Friday, whereupon he gifted me a compact rechargable tire-pump.
He was shopping online and saw them for a great price and decided to get two of them, one for him and one for me.  🙂 
Yay!  🙂 

Played enough Star Trek Online during the past 5 days to get my two recently created characters (one Klingon, one Romulan) to Level 65.
They can now access all the in-game features and side-activities within the game.
Their "Admiralty Fleets" are still growing, though.
And their Duty Officer rosters also need to be increased in size and quality.
But, for now, they're off to a good start.  

Viewed various Twitch streams during the past week, including those of @Ensign Cthulhu and @Lord_Zath.
Recently learned that @Gaelic_knight is also a Twitch streamer.   So, I adjusted my Twitch preferences to alert me when he's broadcasting live.

Now, it's Monday morning.  Welcome to the new week, everyone.  🙂 

Edited to add:  Also watched the first two episodes of Star Wars Acolyte.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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4 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I played enough to tidy-up a couple of the Wisconsin dockyard missions.

Didn't sail in Naval Battles over the weekend, even though I did qualify.

Recovered from a muscle strain in my right thigh.  

Ordered some additional parts for my recently acquired motorcycle. 
~It only came with one key, so I ordered a couple of spare blanks, for a locksmith to cut, later.
~Some engine oil and an oil change kit which contains some spare o-rings, crush-washers & seals.
Previously ordered parts include a new set of "scrambler" style handlebars with extra length cables, new tires & tubes, chain-cleaning products, a larger front sprocket and a new chain.  Tentatively, these should arrive on Wednesday.  I plan to have a local shop install them when I bring the bike in for an government required inspection.

Speaking of the government, I ordered a "vanity plate" during the process of registering my motorcycle at city hall, early last week.
My Clan name, WPORT, will be my motorcycle license plate.

Also had a pleasant surprise from my friend who's been helping me with my motorcycle.
When we picked-up my bike, he mentioned that a rider should always check the tire pressures.
I asked, "Do you have an inflation pump with you?"
The answer was no, at the time.  He did have a pressure gauge, though.
Which brings us to his visiting me on Friday, whereupon he gifted me a compact rechargable tire-pump.
He was shopping online and saw them for a great price and decided to get two of them, one for him and one for me.  🙂 
Yay!  🙂 

Played enough Star Trek Online during the past 5 days to get my two recently created characters (one Klingon, one Romulan) to Level 65.
They can now access all the in-game features and side-activities within the game.
Their "Admiralty Fleets" are still growing, though.
And their Duty Officer rosters also need to be increased in size and quality.
But, for now, they're off to a good start.  

Viewed various Twitch streams during the past week, including those of @Ensign Cthulhu and @Lord_Zath.
Recently learned that @Gaelic_knight is also a Twitch streamer.   So, I adjusted my Twitch preferences to alert me when he's broadcasting live.

Now, it's Monday morning.  Welcome to the new week, everyone.  🙂 

Edited to add:  Also watched the first two episodes of Star Wars Acolyte.

wolfie my friend. wish you a speedy recovery muscular injurys can be painfull . 

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29 minutes ago, Gaelic_knight said:

wolfie my friend. wish you a speedy recovery muscular injurys can be painfull . 

I'm mostly feeling better.  
Today might be a good day to "walk it off" by mowing our lawn.

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39 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Which brings us to his visiting me on Friday, whereupon he gifted me a compact rechargable tire-pump.


I have a small one, with an inbuilt pressure gauge, that plugs into the cigarette lighter holder/12V accessory socket of a car; but I'm not sure motorbikes would have those (for obvious reasons), so I can see why a rechargeable one would come in handy.

I thought at first that I had mislaid the power adapter for it, so I bought a second one as a replacement. On examination, I found that it was in fact built into the base of the device, in a little hatch, so I gifted the first one to my wife's car in case she ever gets stuck with a "flat". 

44 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Recovered from a muscle strain in my right thigh.  



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Got back from vacation Saturday afternoon. Did enough BXP by last night to finish the Dockyard “bonus” stages 29 and 30 to grab 500 (+50 clan bonus) steel. The win that got me over the top was a Ranked win that pulled in 200 (+20) more steel.

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1 minute ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

Got back from vacation Saturday afternoon. Did enough BXP by last night to finish the Dockyard “bonus” stages 29 and 30 to grab 500 (+50 clan bonus) steel. The win that got me over the top was a Ranked win that pulled in 200 (+20) more steel.


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5 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
49 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Which brings us to his visiting me on Friday, whereupon he gifted me a compact rechargable tire-pump.


I have a small one, with an inbuilt pressure gauge, that plugs into the cigarette lighter holder/12V accessory socket of a car; but I'm not sure motorbikes would have those (for obvious reasons), so I can see why a rechargeable one would come in handy.

I thought at first that I had mislaid the power adapter for it, so I bought a second one as a replacement. On examination, I found that it was in fact built into the base of the device, in a little hatch, so I gifted the first one to my wife's car in case she ever gets stuck with a "flat". 

Indeed.  As a "preparedness" item, it's a convenient piece of kit.

Motorcycles can get a cigarette lighter style or a USB style (or one of each) wire-harness to install for supplying power to a cell-phone or something.
The usual concern is how much power-generation the motorcycle's electrical system can provide.
Too much "draw" and not enough "supply" will burn-out the power-generating parts.
Upgrade parts are available for some motorcycles.
But, older 6-volt systems will need to be completely replaced and upgraded with 12-volt systems.

My bike has a 12-volt system and, if I estimate it correctly, a modest power-generation output.
Enough to charge the battery and perhaps keep a cell-phone powered while using a navigation app.  I don't expect to power a heated vest or gloves, though.

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Let's see, took a road trip to Friendship Indiana to revisit, the NMLRA shoot they have yearly.  I was last there 31 years ago....  They have every possible black powder tool, accessory, part, support items and rifles you could ever imagine in one place.  My best friend (a master rifle builder) and I spent quite a while discussing new barrel configurations;  and,  Rice barrels had a swamped octagon, bronze barrel there.  Personally, I'd never buy one but.......art is art. 

So, I didn't play WoWs at all.  A long drive we have made several times over the decades....  And, another coming up in August to wander the other way to the CLA yearly convention in Lexington KY....  I think picking up a finished project is on the list for my friend and discussing another will ensue.   Sigh, gun builders are really "artists" and because they are, one is never satisfied.....ever it seems.  For me, I love "just going" to add to my "as close to real" clothes, accessories and support items for my Living History stuff I do.....  This year's project is a "possibles bag" that matches the era of a Flintlock I had made....  Now, a "possibles bag" is an old term that really isn't what I am seeking to have actually made (a hunting bag is actually a closer definition) but, the current era of artists interchange the words for convenience.....sigh...  I have the powder horns from decades ago that are correct....  Now, the rest is near !   (at least in a period correct way !  I know, details , details, details....)

BTW, if anyone is looking for some of the best constructed moccasins, I now own a pair and will order another pair in the fall.  All hand made to your exact foot sizes.  I got really lucky that she had a pair I wanted that exactly fit !!!  See, all that driving was worth it !  No kidding guys, these are the real deal....  Let me know.

Edited by Asym
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2 minutes ago, Asym said:

Let's see, took a road trip to Friendship Indiana to revisit, the NMLRA shoot they have yearly.  I was last there 31 years ago....  They have every possible black powder tool, accessory, part, support items and rifles you caoul ever imagine in one place.  My best friend (a master rifle builder) and I spent quite a while discussing new barrel configurations and Rice barrels had a swamped octagon, bronze barrel there.  Personally, I'd never buy one but.......art is art. 

So, I didn't play WoWs at all.  A long drive we have made several times over the decades....  And, another coming up in August to wander the other way to the CLR yearly convention in Lexington KY....  I think picking up a finished project is on the list for my friend and discussing another will ensue.   Sigh, gun builders are really "artists" and because they are, one is never satisfied.....ever it seems.  For me, I love "just going" to add to my "as close to real" clothes, accessories and support items for my Living History stuff I do.....  This year's project is a "possibles bag" that matches the era of a Flintlock I had made....  Now, a "possibles bag" is an old term that really isn't what I am seeking to have actually made (a hunting bag is actually a closer definition) but, the current era of artists interchange the words for convenience.....sigh...  I have the powder horns from decades ago that are correct....  Now, the rest is near !   (at least in a period correct way !  I know, details , details, details....)

BTW, if anyone is looking for some of the best constructed moccasins, I now own a pair of her and will order another pair in the fall.  All hand made to your exact foot sizes.  I got really lucky that she had a pair I wanted that exactly fit !!!  See, all that driving was worth it !  No kidding guys, these are the real deal....  Let me know.


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Naval Battles: EU 86 - 74 Win vs an EU clan (by 8 players in my clan of 23), NA 17 - 10 Win vs an Asian clan (by just 2 of us, myself & one other).

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4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Speaking of the government, I ordered a "vanity plate" during the process of registering my motorcycle at city hall, early last week.
My Clan name, WPORT, will be my motorcycle license plate.


Great now I can recruit you in real life if I see that plate 😛

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7 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Edited to add:  Also watched the first two episodes of Star Wars Acolyte.

Snip: Congratz to your bike.

Also watched the Acolyte. Are an old Star Wars fan but I am not sold yet. Mandalorian was OK. But it is a principle to watch them. Have lots of Dark Horse cartoon books.

Play somewhat less now, but got the CT tokens from the 3rd PT. It is European Championships in Athletics , which is something I enjoy. Soon football which will take up much free time. So this new update suits me fine. 

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1 hour ago, Gnirf said:

Snip: Congratz to your bike.

Thanks.  🙂 

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This afternoon, I mowed part of our lawn (the entire front of the house, and select portions of the side & back of the house).
It took extra time because I used a push-mower instead of our riding mower.
I wanted to get the tight-spaces that I couldn't get during the last mowing with the riding mower.
Also, there were several low-hanging tree-branches to cut or break and then toss into the woods, to preserve my height clearance.
Used a bagger attachment on the final few passes of the front lawn, to clean-up the left-over grass clippings.

Rain is due to arrive at any minute.  But, I got some exercise and 5,872 steps counted on my pedometer.  That's enough for today.  🙂 

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Following a discussion in @Lord_Zath's Discord, I'm no longer so certain that the Bolognesi is the Pan-Am cruiser I need to be grinding.

I'll be keeping a careful eye on which out of her and Ignacio Allende loses its Elite status. That will be the ship to grind. 

So Bolognesi goes off the list, and Felix Schultz goes back on it.

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The colonel bolognia is alright. Allende is fantastic, though.

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On 6/10/2024 at 7:40 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

I played enough to tidy-up a couple of the Wisconsin dockyard missions.

Didn't sail in Naval Battles over the weekend, even though I did qualify.

Recovered from a muscle strain in my right thigh.  

Ordered some additional parts for my recently acquired motorcycle. 
~It only came with one key, so I ordered a couple of spare blanks, for a locksmith to cut, later.
~Some engine oil and an oil change kit which contains some spare o-rings, crush-washers & seals.
Previously ordered parts include a new set of "scrambler" style handlebars with extra length cables, new tires & tubes, chain-cleaning products, a larger front sprocket and a new chain.  Tentatively, these should arrive on Wednesday.  I plan to have a local shop install them when I bring the bike in for an government required inspection.

Speaking of the government, I ordered a "vanity plate" during the process of registering my motorcycle at city hall, early last week.
My Clan name, WPORT, will be my motorcycle license plate.

Also had a pleasant surprise from my friend who's been helping me with my motorcycle.
When we picked-up my bike, he mentioned that a rider should always check the tire pressures.
I asked, "Do you have an inflation pump with you?"
The answer was no, at the time.  He did have a pressure gauge, though.
Which brings us to his visiting me on Friday, whereupon he gifted me a compact rechargable tire-pump.
He was shopping online and saw them for a great price and decided to get two of them, one for him and one for me.  🙂 
Yay!  🙂 

Played enough Star Trek Online during the past 5 days to get my two recently created characters (one Klingon, one Romulan) to Level 65.
They can now access all the in-game features and side-activities within the game.
Their "Admiralty Fleets" are still growing, though.
And their Duty Officer rosters also need to be increased in size and quality.
But, for now, they're off to a good start.  

Viewed various Twitch streams during the past week, including those of @Ensign Cthulhu and @Lord_Zath.
Recently learned that @Gaelic_knight is also a Twitch streamer.   So, I adjusted my Twitch preferences to alert me when he's broadcasting live.

Now, it's Monday morning.  Welcome to the new week, everyone.  🙂 

Edited to add:  Also watched the first two episodes of Star Wars Acolyte.

How was Acolyte?

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