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7 day ban for winning 37 games in a row


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12 hours ago, Unlooky said:

WG has recently issued a ban wave for players caught exploiting the invincibility bug (or perhaps in general.)

Are you 100%, absolutely sure that there was 0 actual cheating involved? Because I've seen the messages from multiple people who had their account's banned performing that exploit, and they have the exact same date and ban reason. 



Good, I hope they ban every single player who used that exploit. These folks knew it was an exploit and used it anyways. 

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1 minute ago, Zysyss said:

Good, I hope they ban every single player who used that exploit. These folks knew it was an exploit and used it anyways. 

I generally agree. It’s one thing if a player activated it once by random coincidence (unlikely considering the specific requirements, but not impossible), but if it happened multiple times on someone’s account it’s fairly obvious they knew what they were doing.

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13 hours ago, Unlooky said:

WG has recently issued a ban wave for players caught exploiting the invincibility bug (or perhaps in general.)

Are you 100%, absolutely sure that there was 0 actual cheating involved? Because I've seen the messages from multiple people who had their account's banned performing that exploit, and they have the exact same date and ban reason. 



This is the first I've heard of the "invincibility bug".
What's the story?

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15 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

This is the first I've heard of the "invincibility bug".
What's the story?

Me too, sounds fantastic. I mean.. not in the sense I'd obviously want it but... conceptwise, how can you even theoretically have an invincibility bug unless it's related to HP somehow.

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44 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

This is the first I've heard of the "invincibility bug".
What's the story?


27 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Me too, sounds fantastic. I mean.. not in the sense I'd obviously want it but... conceptwise, how can you even theoretically have an invincibility bug unless it's related to HP somehow.





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3 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:






Thanks for the reply.

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29 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:






Thanks. I can see how this could happen accidentally once or twice.

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15 hours ago, Unlooky said:

WG has recently issued a ban wave for players caught exploiting the invincibility bug (or perhaps in general.)

Are you 100%, absolutely sure that there was 0 actual cheating involved? Because I've seen the messages from multiple people who had their account's banned performing that exploit, and they have the exact same date and ban reason. 



So here it is, the real reason! Apparently, it was not enough of an advantage, for the fella OP wrote about, to play in an overpowered division: they had to cheat as well. But it doesn't stop there: when caught, he has to lie about it too.

This super-unicum and his accomplices are also super-toxic.

Edited by Sambo_Cigars
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2 hours ago, Sambo_Cigars said:

So here it is, the real reason! Apparently, it was not enough of an advantage, for the fella OP wrote about, to play in an overpowered division: they had to cheat as well. But it doesn't stop there: when caught, he has to lie about it too.

This super-unicum and his accomplices are also super-toxic.


It's important to differentiate suspicion and supposition from fact.  We have suspicions, some of which would match the facts (length of ban and date), but no confirmation as to the reason for the game ban.


WG won't release specific reasons why players are banned for the same reasons 'Name and Shame' is prohibited. Remember this is all coming second-hand from the person who was banned, not WG, so we're only getting one side of the story (and assuming the incident event actually happened without confirmation of that as well).


That all said, I agree everything points to more going on than the contact either knew or spoke about.  The number of wins in the timeframe is suspicious (even if it was COOP, they'd likely end up with at least one team that didn't know what they were doing or were mostly bots themselves), and the punishment was extreme enough that it was not an automatic penalty but one assessed after review.  Just winning alot is not going to make WG ban you, but it might have them investigate you and the results of that investigation can certainly make them decide the ban is worth more than having those players in the game.


My opinion is that the information from the source should be taken with a good degree of skepticism on its accuracy and completeness, and any evaluation of it should be done with a healthy dose of salt to account for the important information we're missing.





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On 6/8/2024 at 8:23 PM, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

It's definitely possible to have a very high win rate in a small number of games.

I am a average at best player, with a reasonably steady 52% winrate with just under 5k games on my main account.

I rolled a second account to feed oil into my small clan (6 members) and played randoms only, taking full advantage of protected match making to see what was possible. I had a 90% solo win rate on the completion of those 200 games and move into the general population match making. It sits on 60% now with around 1500 solo games in randoms.

So, a good player who rolls a new account, and then only ever plays randoms in a triple division with other unicum players can very easily maintain that very high winrate. It perfectly within the games TOS and rules. Is it fair to the other players just trying to do their best playing solo? Of course not, but also yes - because everyone can do what they do given opportunity.

After reading the banned offense and the first page of the thread. My thoughts are the following.

A 7 day ban is far so little for their offense.. Yet, its the ASIA server in where cheating is the norm and not the exception.

This is the same server, putting out lists of banned players on a WEEKLY basis by their CM.

From a statistics POV.. I can see why and how the players' in question, received the ban attention from WG.

It comes down to the human factor or things humans do, affecting your ability to perform. Because of these factors it was determined, the WR% results were artificial.  One of the factors can be

  • Fatigue
  • Brain farts.

In the lower ranks... Its possible to win 30 games in a row as long, all 30 games are RANDOM with bots AND you have an OP div.

I do not think this is the case here.. You can win a lot of games in a row, one thing I've like to point out... WG knows (as do I), you win a lot of games, you lose a lot of games. Its part of the principles and theories in play in Random battles.

However, this notion that someone who plays everyday for X hours a day can manage a very high WR%.. Is false and your friends have to fess up and tell the truth.

I'll use the example of the graph chart of a stock. If you see a chart trending up or going up at a 45O... Its suspect until further analysis to confirm viability. ( A 45 degree growth all the time is an unsustainable proposition).

Different example. You can't throw a no-hitter every single time, you go out on the mound. Its not humanly possible. YES you can win games and go undefeated.. But that is very exhausting (one of the factors above) leading to mistakes.

I hate to say it.. But I'm with WG on this one...

  1. ASIA server have priors on cheaters
  2. No player, who plays everyday.. Can manage a high WR% without artificial help that's UN-human.
  3. Not to mention, any ban over 24 hrs.. Requires a hands on review.

So I think.. Your friends explanation of being "too good" for being banned is just saving face for being caught red handed.

My disappointment.. Only 7 day ban and its in the ASIA server of all places.. They gave more bans there then, promotional codes in the entire history of WG existence.

Edited by Navalpride33
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5 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

This is the first I've heard of the "invincibility bug".
What's the story?

I know the Flamu video has been linked but here's the short version of the timeline.

1) One of my friends see that it's possible to bring support consumables from CB into Random Battles

2) We hop on and try to figure out how it's done, resulting in the famous video of the unkillable Marceau (none of us knew that was going to happen.) The bug becomes widespread at this point and many people start to exploit it to their advantage. 

3) WG patches it by making the bug more difficult to perform (but still possible)

4) Another friend releases a new video demonstrating that it's still possible, and WG disables CB for multiple days until they finally fix it. 

And no, at no point did I ever abuse the invincibility bug, although I did use a smokescreen as Schlieffen the first time I attempted to perform it. Submitted a ticket to WG and everything. 

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5 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

That all said, I agree everything points to more going on than the contact either knew or spoke about.  The number of wins in the timeframe is suspicious (even if it was COOP, they'd likely end up with at least one team that didn't know what they were doing or were mostly bots themselves). 

Good post, just responding to this though, it's been since subs were added in random/coop since I've lost a coop game. And that's almost all solo aside from some dockyard grinds. Possibly even longer than that. 

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21 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:

Good post, just responding to this though, it's been since subs were added in random/coop since I've lost a coop game. And that's almost all solo aside from some dockyard grinds. Possibly even longer than that. 


I've lost on a few occasions, almost always because there were a large number of bots on my team that died quickly and I was in a unit not designed to engage directly, but also once because the other human players on my team actually got killed without taking more than one or two bots with them (amazing, I know, but once in a blue moon....).


Most players should be able to beat multiple bots, so losing is very rare these days.  But if you play as many games as was stated in so short a period of time, odds of probability are that you will hit one or two that are similar to what I described.  Even if not, the extremely high number of wins in COOP is -expected- and would not be cause to look at.  Based on that alone, I am almost certain the wins were in normal matches, which -really- strains credibility that such a win streak could be natural.


It's all academic, really.  WG won't reveal the reasons, and all of our speculation won't change the outcome.  It is what it is, and I for one trust WG more than what the players in question seem to be saying. 

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Too good at the game. Will be waiting with bated breath for my 7 day ban .....


PMSL some players are "special"

The "You were reported" message only pops up if you are reported by 2 or more players (as far as I have been able to identify as it only happens when my karma goes down by 2 or more points at once).

I included my account random battle stats to show this game isn't completely out of the ordinary for me in this ship. And nobody claims Ibuki is a strong ship.






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4 hours ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Too good at the game. Will be waiting with bated breath for my 7 day ban .....


PMSL some players are "special"

The "You were reported" message only pops up if you are reported by 2 or more players (as far as I have been able to identify as it only happens when my karma goes down by 2 or more points at once).

I included my account random battle stats to show this game isn't completely out of the ordinary for me in this ship. And nobody claims Ibuki is a strong ship.






Reports is a terrible metric, and I'm appalled that WG would base ANYTHING on them.

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5 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Reports is a terrible metric, and I'm appalled that WG would base ANYTHING on them.

“Misbehavior in chat” reports are the only in-game reports that can result in real consequences, as accumulating enough of them in a short period of time will result in an automatic chat ban. I believe it is 24hrs for “non-repeat” offenders, but I’ve heard stories of some prolifically toxic players getting slapped with longer bans.

The rest of the in-game report options are just there to provide a pressure release valve and reduce toxic behavior in battle or port. People don’t get game bans for these types of reports, but rather based on tickets submitted to and reviewed by CS.

Although, since those who exploited the recent invincibility bug reported not getting credits, XP, etc. after the battle, I suspect there is something on the server that allowed WG to keep track of those that were abusing said exploit. I can see that being used to hand out automatic bans with no CS reports/review required.

Edited by Nevermore135
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22 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

(even if it was COOP, they'd likely end up with at least one team that didn't know what they were doing or were mostly bots themselves)

No. It's normal to go hundreds of games in co-op between losses. WG knows this, and any red flags on high winrate in co-op are probably a lot softer for that reason.

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This is how you introduce a self-serving conspiracy theory. OP's contact should go into politics. He's a natural.

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2 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

Although, I suspect that since those who exploited the recent invincibility bug reported not getting credits, XP, etc. after the battle, I suspect there is something on the server that allowed WG to keep track of those that were abusing said exploit. I can see that being used to hand out automatic bans with no CS reports/review required.

Huh? Wouldn't that be kind of... well, a dumb thing to do to call attention to yourself?

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28 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Huh? Wouldn't that be kind of... well, a dumb thing to do to call attention to yourself?

The same people who were showing the bug also showed battles without post-battle screens or rewards credited. What I meant was that something strange was going on server-side in those battles, so it was possibly something WG could track down to hand out penalties, separate from and in addition to players filing tickets against those players.

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46 minutes ago, Sambo_Cigars said:

This is how you introduce a self-serving conspiracy theory. OP's contact should go into politics. He's a natural.

Bug reporting, especially for artillery bugs, which we have had several of lately...

...Is not conspiracy theorizing.

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4 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Bug reporting, especially for artillery bugs, which we have had several of lately...

...Is not conspiracy theorizing.

Is it exercising in futility perhaps?

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

No. It's normal to go hundreds of games in co-op between losses. WG knows this, and any red flags on high winrate in co-op are probably a lot softer for that reason.


Okay.  The reply I was typing made me pause and go back to check my data, and I have to issue something of an apology here.  I got into the swing of the conversation and, in doing so, some things said by some people who replied got mistakenly attributable to the case at the heart of the discussion.  That produced erroneous conclusions about the situation that are not supported by the actual statements by the OP.  So let me detail what has actually been stated by the OP isolated from other replies and unsupported assumptions.


OP states that their Chinese contact informed them on Discord that the contact and the two members of their Clan they were Divisioned with received a 7 day ban on Tuesday the 4th of June by the Asian server WG staff.  Their Chinese contact stated they were not using cheats or hacks, and were not synch dropping.  The reason stated by WG for the ban was undermining the fair play principle or disrupting normal gameplay.  The only source for all of this information is one of the offenders.


We do not know the number of games the div in question played, the modes played, what their actual win rate was, or what conditions they were playing under (what mods were installed, what tactics they were using, what their conduct in game and in chat was).


So, I erred in basing my evaluation on the number and modes of matches involved.  There is no indication that COOP was at all involved nor what the win rate per number of battles were.  We don't have that info (as a matter of fact, when looked at, we don't have a lot of info that isn't suspect or subjective assumption).


I would simply caution further discussion in this thread that losing sight of what is known and not known in the sea of what has been postulated, discussed, brought up as tangent discussions, or assumed can lead to unneeded drama and divergence.  


That out of the way, I think we agree @Ensign Cthulhu that winning streaks in COOP are not going to make WG raise an eyebrow.  Not unless there was something very unusual about them, but that's not something detailed here, so impossible to speculate.


Edit:  Upon reading my post, I feel pretty confident that the reason the OP's contact and their divmates were banned is rooted in their conduct.  Taking actions that worked against the spirit of working with the others on their team, abusive and disruptive chat behavior, or even collusion with members of the opposing team are all actions I could see of a Clan Division wanting to be known as a Unicum Division and determined to make sure others accepted that.  

This remains, however, only my own speculation.




Edited by Jakob Knight
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