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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

  I wasn't alone in deciding not to migrate to "discord".

Just between you and me, I am on Discord. I probably wouldn't be if I hadn't been using Discord to begin with, though.

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9 minutes ago, Gillhunter said:

Guess I'm late to the party. Had to put together a new computer. Good seeing you all.

Welcome aboard!

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:
3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

  I wasn't alone in deciding not to migrate to "discord".

Just between you and me, I am on Discord. I probably wouldn't be if I hadn't been using Discord to begin with, though.

I'm not interested in inhibiting other people's choices, especially if they're doing "what works for them".
Personally, I don't use voice-chat, and, I'm not a fan of the site "discord" because of the very definition of the word discord.
I prefer the word harmony.

That said, others may find joy in that facet of infinite diversity in infinite combination and may find the tools there ideal for their purposes.
To each their own.  🙂

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4 hours ago, SureBridge said:

@tm63au welcome to the other side of the pond. 

You may find that the Spanish cruiser tech tree is more fun than Caranaris - Their (not gimmicked) ROF is... not great but their accuracy IMO is pretty good - on a par with the Japanese ships. My take is "good guns, "Meh" everything else". The torpedoes seem "French": low count, good angles and a bit slow. 

As for the moderation, you'll find that the rules are very similar to the "old" forum, but the auto-filter won't remove words like "Warthunder" because we don't have to worry about a competitor advertising on our board 😉 I've also noticed that with most of the "frequent fliers" in terms of moderating (yes, I was a mod on the old forums) a PM served as well as a formal warning in most cases. Thus far the majority of post "reports" were the OP realizing that they had made an error, and were past the "edit" timeline. 

I'm not sure if we will see WG's team showing up here, since this is (in a way) "competition" to their Discord "forum" so we will wait and see. I think that it is in everyone's interest to have a growing and active community whether that is on or off of WG's "official" sites. 

@Kratos The Unforgiving even more interesting might be ships running out of ammunition - Many of the CL's can expend their entire carried ammunition load in ~10 minutes of continuous fire, and DD's (and Subs) carried a very finite number of torpedoes... I have often wondered what WoWS would be like if DD's could only use their torp racks once!


On the Spanish subject I was excited when Canaris came out, I earned it the event didn't really play it much early on but after this current event i felt disappointed, I mean didn't expect a OP monster in any way shape or form but for the first cap off the rank I thought WG could have done a bit better effort.


Having said that and reading your view on the Spanish ships I will  give the line a second look, cheers


On the subject of my original Post in hindsight  " MODS " was probably not the right word as I was thinking in terms of the management.


But this is a community forum so I have absolutely no reason to fire broadsides here, however I may fire a few TAME broadsides at WG about there decisions and maybe the odd zany / whacky  post that has the community scratching there heads, which I'm certain the team here will keep me in check.

But I'm here to have fun and ask questions, get views.



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41 minutes ago, tm63au said:


On the Spanish subject I was excited when Canaris came out, I earned it the event didn't really play it much early on but after this current event i felt disappointed, I mean didn't expect a OP monster in any way shape or form but for the first cap off the rank I thought WG could have done a bit better effort.


Having said that and reading your view on the Spanish ships I will  give the line a second look, cheers


On the subject of my original Post in hindsight  " MODS " was probably not the right word as I was thinking in terms of the management.


But this is a community forum so I have absolutely no reason to fire broadsides here, however I may fire a few TAME broadsides at WG about there decisions and maybe the odd zany / whacky  post that has the community scratching there heads, which I'm certain the team here will keep me in check.

But I'm here to have fun and ask questions, get views.



I bought Canarias purely for the look of the ship. I knew a ship available for so cheap a grind would be not very good.

Didn't matter.

Real ship. Real camo.

Looked cool.

I enjoy her occasionally when I want to slum around in the kiddie pool and make a bad ship surprise people.

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17 hours ago, tm63au said:

Anyway been doing some serious playing of Canarias for the Spanish event just recently and my God that ship's ammunition is just woeful, shells bounce or break or if you hit something specially a BB and even some cruisers you barely do any damage, shell penetration is just terrible, and with no HE playing it is forgettable, I have 3 other Spanish cruisers from the tech tree which I have not played yet and going by how bad Canarias is I don't think I will unless I'm missing something about these ships.

So, you really are The Spaniard, gladiator.

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16 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

Hmm...we're anonymous on here, but... I believe we're onto a continental jumper here...

tm63au -> petrol station (UK?) -> Game Server: NA

...and of course, mid Atlantic

I jumpeth to conclusions with glee...


Oh, and, Welcome!

most definitely an odd traceroute...

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3 hours ago, Crucis said:

So, you really are The Spaniard, gladiator.

If I could play as good as Maximus can fight I could pat myself on the back and say I am a unicum but sadly I'm a potato, technically you could say I was one of the guys who gets killed early in the movie battles, but I'll take the compliment and the name anyway.



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20 hours ago, SureBridge said:

even more interesting might be ships running out of ammunition

Your point about cruisers is well taken. However, of all the battleships in the game, I'm not sure any of the built-IRL or ordered-but-scrapped ones can come even close to running out. You need sixty rounds per gun or less for that to happen, and most of them had at least 80 (although not 80 of each kind, so IRL you would be forced to switch shell types).

Illinois comes to mind, but I'm not sure if the concept on which she is based on IRL had its planned magazine load-out published.

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On 9/4/2023 at 4:12 PM, tm63au said:

On the Spanish subject I was excited when Canaris came out, I earned it the event didn't really play it much early on but after this current event i felt disappointed, I mean didn't expect a OP monster in any way shape or form but for the first cap off the rank I thought WG could have done a bit better effort.

If you do a bit of looking under rocks, you might find some commentary from the test group: apparently Canaris was supposed to have the burst fire "F" key gimmick that the rest of the Spanish ships have, so a lot of her other stats were "adjusted" to ensure that she wasn't an OP monster as a result. This included removing the 4 x 3 torpedo tubes (which were added as a refit later in her life).

And then they nuked the burst fire just before release...

Flagship of the Spanish Navy until 1973, lots of history, but a mediocre "conversion" to WoWS. A bit like Maya - a great cruiser with great history, but a bit underwhelming to play.

You'll find that the tech tree T6 is a bit "meatier" than Canarias: I've actually enjoyed the mid-tier Spanish cruisers, playing them without the "F"unny button. Higher tiers you need that burst fire, somewhat like the French cruisers need their reload booster...

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