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I think Wedgie messed up aiming again.


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33 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

However, being a very complicated game with a byzantine internal logic, it is far more likely that a given player is ignorant of its weird-isms than that something is actually malfunctioning. 


Is that a roundabout way of saying the game is made of spaghetti code?

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3 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

You don't understand how bad WGs reputation for quality control has become.

I follow the 'bugs' section on the WoWS discord; I have a fairly good idea of where the game's quality is stronger/weaker. Aiming has had consistent issues with edge cases (islands in particular), but by and large it works the way it was intended to. 

The problem with "Reputation" is that it is a collective opinion of many individual humans, whose motivations are rarely pure. When it comes to aiming, there is a very strong incentive to label personal ineptitude as a "game bug." 

This is different than someone claiming e.g. that the armory is broken. There is far less to be gained from fabulating about a topic that doesn't directly affect how you are perceived as a player. 

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1 hour ago, torino2dc said:

I follow the 'bugs' section on the WoWS discord; I have a fairly good idea of where the game's quality is stronger/weaker. Aiming has had consistent issues with edge cases (islands in particular), but by and large it works the way it was intended to. 

The problem with "Reputation" is that it is a collective opinion of many individual humans, whose motivations are rarely pure. When it comes to aiming, there is a very strong incentive to label personal ineptitude as a "game bug." 

This is different than someone claiming e.g. that the armory is broken. There is far less to be gained from fabulating about a topic that doesn't directly affect how you are perceived as a player. 

FYI, WG discord has actively discouraged bug reporting in that channel by WG staff...after I made several bug reports of a visual issue with torpedo bomber reticles.

I was told directly that no member of WG staff actually reviews what is posted there.

Claiming that this is the place where most bug reports are made and therefore indicative of the state of the games quality is flawed.

WG actively hinders bug reporting.

Do not take what happens on Discord to be in any way representative or truthful about the game.

If you do, you are being played for a sap.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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13 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

FYI, WG discord has actively discouraged bug reporting in that channel by WG staff...after I made several bug reports of a visual issue with torpedo bomber reticles.

I was told directly that no member of WG staff actually reviews what is posted there.

Respectfully, I don't believe you. 

I used to be a WoWS discord moderator. There were long conversations internally about how to optimize the bug-reporting pipeline on discord. WG's quality guys are an earnest, if understaffed bunch.

I have also submitted a serious game mechanic bug through the same process. The documentation requirement was high, as the number of spurious submissions is obviously considerable, but the report was taken seriously. 

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1 hour ago, torino2dc said:

Respectfully, I don't believe you. 

I used to be a WoWS discord moderator. There were long conversations internally about how to optimize the bug-reporting pipeline on discord. WG's quality guys are an earnest, if understaffed bunch.

I have also submitted a serious game mechanic bug through the same process. The documentation requirement was high, as the number of spurious submissions is obviously considerable, but the report was taken seriously. 

Don't care if you believe me or not. Doesn't invalidate the facts.

I was told by a WG CM not to bother posting bug reports on Discord, as no one was actually reviewing those reports. I was told to submit bugs through the customer service system instead.

Discord was not wanted to be used as a place to publicize bugs...there seemed to be an aversion to 'negative hype.'

Hopefully that silly position has changed...but I'd need clear, and long term WG staff behavior change to trust it.

Furthermore, admitting to be WG staff is not a plus in terms of making you seem more trustworthy. I've known too many WG staff to believe anything they have to say.

Been lied to too many times.

Sorry bud. WGs past bad behavior has consequences.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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14 hours ago, torino2dc said:

Respectfully, I don't believe you. 

lol this made me laugh +1 

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Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, torino2dc said:

In order to prevent an inflation of baseless accusations that "xyz is broken" we must insist on proof. 

That's true and i have no intention to spread misinformation. If i can I go to great length to get to the bottom of things.

 This is hardly singular,  i did that also on the old forums with various issues. I'm interested in a healty game experience.

Now, indeed it is hard to judge aiming, being highly subjective, the RNG mechanics and because of the various possible system differences. 

Usually if I suspect something, I take Irian into an op (bots, being scripted, don't "dance" around that much, her guns are fairy accurate) and i can tell, admittedly based on my experience, with the ship and the op. 

In this case i suspected that the "sekrit stuff"  (the buffs) interfered with the normal gameplay. There was some quite weird stuff goin' on as in the Utah scenario and not only.


With this update  didn't noticed any unusual eggregiuousness, apart from the reticle  not staying stable (as  the range  is closing, the reticle "moves up") but that's an old problem.

Edited by Andrewbassg
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32 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

With this update  didn't noticed any unusual eggregiuousness, apart from the reticle  not staying stable (as  the range  is closing, the reticle "moves up") but that's an old problem.

If your ship is closing with a targeted ship, the reticle "moves up" because the reticle is portraying the predicted point-of-impact if you were to shoot with your gun-barrels in their current elevation/traverse position.

I suggest viewing pages 29 through 33 of the linked document.

The concept (explained in one sentence) could be expressed as "aim where your target will be".

Edited to add an image found on another site.

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Posted (edited)
36 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

If your ship is closing with a targeted ship, the reticle "moves up" because the reticle is portraying the predicted point-of-impact if you were to shoot with your gun-barrels in their current elevation/traverse position.

Yes. But this is not how it worked before, it started with the camera rework .  And also it is NOT how is supposed to work,coz tracking is automated. And induces dizziness, one has to literally fight the lock  on. Once the lock is on and the range acquired( i.e one has aimed at the ship), the tracking should go on,  automated.

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2 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Yes. But this is not how it worked before, it started with the camera rework .  And also it is NOT how is supposed to work,coz tracking is automated. And induces dizziness, one has to literally fight the lock  on. Once the lock is on and the range acquired( i.e one has aimed at the ship), the tracking should go on,  automated.

Your experience differs from my own.
I've had to continuously adjust my aim to account for ship movements since I've started playing this game.
Perhaps we are using different reticles?    (Dynamic compared with Static reticle?)
I'm not using any "mods".


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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Perhaps we are using different reticles?    (Dynamic compared with Static reticle?)
I'm not using any "mods".

Neither do I. The stock dynamic crosshair. I don't need fancy crap, i just need a stable reference point.

Which is exactly why the camera rework was and is a total crap. Frakked up everything AND induces dizziness which not even today(!!) got solved.

Edited by Andrewbassg
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I must be blind but I have no troubles. I hit something usually I aimed good I miss something usually I aimed bad. The RNG is a problem but what can you do it’s like zero and double zero on the roulette table when playing red and black it’s the house vig. 

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