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Weekend oh God my f#$%^& back, thank God that's over.

Ensign Cthulhu

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On 6/2/2024 at 7:31 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

This has been one hell of a grind, which I would never have embarked on if I hadn't already had the WV44 in port.


I'm 180* from that. I started this purely for the WV44, and things went so well I said F it and kept going. WG gives away enough free doubloons for me to swing it. 

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2 hours ago, oldblackdog said:

I miss those days.

Games grow old too and many fail at keeping the dynamic of their early days

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20 hours ago, clammboy said:

Daughter decided she's going to graduate school for teaching very proud of her looks like another long grind for me.

Good on her but they don't get paid enough...

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35 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Games grow old too and many fail at keeping the dynamic of their early days

It's because their "vision" of the future of the game was larger than the reality of their disposable cash....!  Big ideas take big money...    This game is right there:   as we digress into dime store gimmicks....

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12 minutes ago, Asym said:

It's because their "vision" of the future of the game was larger than the reality of their disposable cash....!  Big ideas take big money...    This game is right there:   as we digress into dime store gimmicks....

I don’t know we are almost 9 years in and I have been here almost 8 years. I seem to see the same people still here we may be complaining more and this includes me.

But there is something about this game that keeps you playing. Regardless of everyone’s personal complaints and all the analytical stuff and accusations of mistreatment all these reason why the game should be dead it’s not. It’s like a Timex watch takes a licking and keeps on ticking. Showing my age there!

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Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, Asym said:

It's because their "vision" of the future of the game was larger than the reality of their disposable cash....!  Big ideas take big money...    This game is right there:   as we digress into dime store gimmicks....

On the contrary I think it's because their "vision" is rather petty and limited. Imo the Game could be much more (as You Say it would require investing more money) but they prefer to singlemindly stick to their basic monetización (thus Game design idea)... That of a PvP ladder system to T10$ where everything is stupidity expen$ive. 

Imo it is their reluctance to go beyond that what has produced a castrated Game.

Edited by ArIskandir
Fudge it, I'm tired of fighting My stupid phone autotranslate
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7 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

On the contrary I think it's because their "vision" is rather petty and limited. Imo the Game could be much more (as You Say it would require investing more money) but they prefer to singlemindly stick to their basic monetización (thus Game design idea)... That of a PvP ladder system to T10$ where everything is stupidity expen$ive. 

Imo it is their reluctance to go beyond that what has produced a castrated Game.


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5 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Honestly, though. When was the last time you people checked how frigging many ships there are in this game. I wish WG would focus on something else than just ships contentwise.


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6 hours ago, SolitudeFreak said:
9 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

there are never enough Fletchers!

It's true, there aren't.


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6 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
On 6/2/2024 at 3:31 PM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


Or were you working at a grind hamster wheel...and you could have been enjoying the absolutely gorgeous weather over the weekend instead?


I forgot to mention - where I was, the weather was absolute f#$%^& s**t. I missed nothing.

8 hours ago, Frostbow said:

It is no one's trick, Wolf. I've seen plenty of players who have zero presence and participation on the old NA forum do it. On my end, I explored and maximized the PTS way before I 'discovered' and started participating on the old forum. 

I've always wondered why credits are a key consideration. Don't you guys have at least a year's worth of Premium Account? 

And how can 'testing' of a ship on the PTS be of meaningful value when there's not enough real players to test and fight against? 

Perhaps it is due to a player's self-imposed limitation, i.e., play Co-op only, paired with significant skill issues, that severely limit one's credit earnings and therefore, one's enjoyment in World of Warships. Imagine, a player with 20,000 Co-op battles still has to wait for the next round of PTS to be able to play and enjoy the fruit of his 'back-aching' grind because of 'credits'. PTS has been relegated to a crutch.


There is a saying: watch the pennies and the pounds (dollars, whatever) will look after themselves.

So it is with credits spent on module refits in the live server because you didn't do your homework in the place where credits are irrelevant. A couple hundred thousand here, a few million there - eventually it adds up. 

I don't need to play against humans to assess what the Wisconsin's secondaries will do to an opposing ship with an all-in build. I don't need to play against humans to see how she shoots if I take both APR mods and pour everything into the main armament, or forego APR2 for rate of fire. 

I also don't need you bringing skill issues into this. I play co-op because (a) I'm frequently on call for the local hospital, (b) I often have to get up and do things around the house, (c) I want a game mode that's fun, relaxing and lets me blow off steam.

Sometimes I play Randoms. My original plan for the weekend before last was to power-grind the Yorktown in Randoms on stream and pick up the Essex, but Friday brought a nasty thunderstorm which, among other things, molested my router and made that impossible. The weekend just past, I was on call and not willing to risk blue boosters in a  game I might have had to AFK from because of my job. This weekend coming, Little Miss Cthulhu has her final dance recital and I'll be sacrificing the stream to go watch that. But it does happen.

Availability of credits isn't an issue either; I have over 180 million, but I got that way by not wasting any on unwarranted refits, among other things.

PTS isn't a crutch. It's a test server. The function is all in the name. So I test things there. 

Go stick a burning Izumo up your aft sideways.

  😄 DrinkingWolfKampai_facebooksticker_saved_08-10-2022_.jpg.0377579576815b619e5af96bb3539fd8.jpg

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This game is a lot like golf you can play 17 holes of terrible golf be shooting a 99 . Tell everyone you are never playing again. Then on the 18 hole you hit a perfect 4 iron stiff one foot from the pin make birdie and then ask the guys what time are we playing tomorrow boys. Something about a good game with good teammates always seem to bring you back. 

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4 hours ago, Asym said:

And, unlike Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen et al., we don't have an "open Universe" to sail in.  We play on one planet on just a few small maps that never change or get added to.....

This ^^^^ is something that @ArIskandir posted about on the old forum.

At the time, the details might have varied.  But we were comparing various games, including Sid Meyer's *Pirates!", and Star Trek Online (for "away team missions" on planets), and the SIMS online game for creative & customized character items and scenery and the possiblity of doing "pub crawls" to visit other WOWs player's Ports for the fun of it.

The "open world" idea combined with some boundaries so that one doesn't actually lose their port to an outside invasion.
Yet, expanding the possible options for players to "do stuff" as actions at sea and/or interacting with each other's "avatars" or "characters" in more of a role-play environment for exploration and harmless shenanigans.

It would be nice to perform tasks and missions that didn't always involve some form of "arena combat".
Search & rescue work, for example.
Or perhaps exploration for its own sake (like what is done in Elite Dangerous).
Solving ancient mysteries and following clues to find long-lost artifacts or civilizations?
Seeking treasure using rough maps bought from sketchy vendors who might be luring us into a trap?
Breaking-up piracy rings?  Joining piracy rings?
Boarding actions?
Story-arcs that are entertaining and involve both "at sea" and "on land" activities to save us all from Pinky & The Brain trying to take over the world (again)?

Something fun while also being new and a bit challenging.  🙂 

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1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

Games grow old too and many fail at keeping the dynamic of their early days

All because Wedgie wouldn't leave a great game alone (the great wreck of the CV rework & other subsequent wrecks).

57 minutes ago, Asym said:

digress into dime store gimmicks....

I'm reminded of the fable of the golden goose

33 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

has produced a castrated Game

Do we see a pattern here? WoT & now WoWS continually being 'sliced' 😒

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20 minutes ago, clammboy said:

This game is a lot like golf you can play 17 holes of terrible golf be shooting a 99 . Tell everyone you are never playing again. Then on the 18 hole you hit a perfect 4 iron stiff one foot from the pin make birdie and then ask the guys what time are we playing tomorrow boys. Something about a good game with good teammates always seem to bring you back. 


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Now if some of us are quite f***ing done slagging on WG under the cover of a different post, can we get back to the topic of what we did on the weekend?

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20 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Now if some of us are quite f***ing done slagging on WG under the cover of a different post, can we get back to the topic of what we did on the weekend?

I had to work.

Gan we get more Fletchers in game now?

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

can we get back to the topic of what we did on the weekend?

I did a bit of NBs on EU server. Not a whole lot otherwise, see ....


2 hours ago, Aethervox said:

the great wreck of the CV rework & other subsequent wrecks

up to & including the current 'wrecks'. These two topics are related, you realize, don't you?

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Smash burgers on the griddle... great weekend.  😄 

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13 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I don't need to play against humans to see how she shoots if I take both APR mods and pour everything into the main armament, or forego APR2 for rate of fire. 

You instantly contradict your previous statement that you have to wait for the PTS in order to determine how to play the Wisconsin.

Of course that is your choice. However for a player like you with tens of thousands of battles under your belt who just completed a 'back aching' grind, deciding not to play the fruit of your labor is absurd. 

14 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I have over 180 million, but I got that way by not wasting any on unwarranted refits, among other things.

Which leads me to point out again the absurdity of the 'wait for PTS before playing the Wisconsin on live server' strategy. You have the credits and you have the experience (coming from tens of thousands of Co-op battles), and I suppose you have Premium Account also.

14 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

So it is with credits spent on module refits in the live server because you didn't do your homework in the place where credits are irrelevant.

Perhaps you are severely limiting yourself by not using your skills to earn more credits on the live server. Yes, not wasting unwarranted refits is a valid, but ultimately a weaker point; but\ even with a sub optimal build one can earn a ton of credits through good play. 

Moreover, a player with your experience can easily determine how to best build the Wisconsin. There's no lack of information about the ship and how to best configure it, and anyone can find it now without waiting for the PTS to return.

14 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

PTS isn't a crutch.

With everything that you've said so far, I honestly believe you are using it as a crutch. Or perhaps you are just petrified to play Random Battles, sir? 

14 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Go stick a burning Izumo up your aft sideways.

Go check it first in the PTS if it works for you. 

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14 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Well.  I'm glad that's cleared-up.
For a while there, you could have fooled me.
It seems that I over-reacted to the recipe of your words, the interpreted sentiments, and my own personal experiences with various people over the years.
For my over-reaction, I apologize.

No worries, Wolf. Hope the Wisconsin will give you a lot of fun. 

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26 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

deciding not to play the fruit of your labor is absurd.

For me as a PvE main, there's no real rush to play the Wisconsin a lot, since Co op is extremely meh for BBs, especially main gun focused ones. I've played one match so far and it's pretty much what you'd expect, which isn't unique for a main gun BB. You need luck and inattentive or bot allies to have a good BB match usually. The next run of Asymmetric should give Wisconsin something more to do.

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1 hour ago, SolitudeFreak said:

For me as a PvE main, there's no real rush to play the Wisconsin a lot, since Co op is extremely meh for BBs, especially main gun focused ones. I've played one match so far and it's pretty much what you'd expect, which isn't unique for a main gun BB. You need luck and inattentive or bot allies to have a good BB match usually. The next run of Asymmetric should give Wisconsin something more to do.

Agree. I believe Wisconsin and her accurate artillery is better experienced outside of Co-op. When Asymmetric returns, I will surely play it many times in that mode.

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5 hours ago, Frostbow said:
19 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Go stick a burning Izumo up your aft sideways.

Go check it first in the PTS if it works for you. 

Just for the sake of clarity.  Check the Izumo or your aft?  😉 

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1 minute ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Just for the sake of clarity.  Check the Izumo or your aft?  😉 

Let Ensign do first to himself what he suggested. 😂

Or better yet, we can choose not to dignify Ensign's ad hominems. 😊

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5 hours ago, Frostbow said:
20 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Well.  I'm glad that's cleared-up.
For a while there, you could have fooled me.
It seems that I over-reacted to the recipe of your words, the interpreted sentiments, and my own personal experiences with various people over the years.
For my over-reaction, I apologize.

No worries, Wolf. Hope the Wisconsin will give you a lot of fun. 

Eh.  The Wisconsin is like the Iowa, with some refinements that allow her to compete as a Tier-10 ship.
At least, that's my impression, thus far.

As Yuro pointed out in his video, the "Whiskey" is still an Iowa hull, with a huge turning radius and a rudder shift that isn't what I would call lightning-fast.
She can be whittled-down with a thousand figurative cuts and set ablaze often enough to overwhelm her damage control party and repair party features. 
Her armor scheme is improved over the stock Iowa, but isn't significantly more "tanky".
The Daisen is faster, and has torpedoes which pack a wallop.
The Wisconsin's gun dispersion, as @Jakob Knight pointed-out in another post, seems to be her best feature.
A player who can aim well, has the potential for having a game they can smile about afterwards.


While the Wisconsin may not be an indestructable magic hammer, she's okay.
Being one of the most accessible dockyard ships, as far as I can remember, doesn't hurt.
Since I already had the West Virginia '44, I was able to welcome the Wisconsin by playing the game enough.
Now I have one more ship that can be assigned to a needy Captain, and I can train captains with the Wisconsin thanks to her premium status.

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