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Weekend oh God my f#$%^& back, thank God that's over.

Ensign Cthulhu

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Forged ahead in a blaze of glory and got the Wisconsin on Saturday.

On Sunday, played my regulation five grind ships to their daily quota, took the Wisky out for her second trip, and called it a day. Equipping her is going to wait until the next patch's PTS, where I can play with the build and see what works best.

This has been one hell of a grind, which I would never have embarked on if I hadn't already had the WV44 in port. It was the lure of getting Wisky completely for free that made me sign on for this. In the end, I'm glad I did. The grinding involved got me the Preussen (at last; I'd already ground the FDG out once for GK before she became premium), the Richthofen (at very, VERY long last, after way too long), and Jerzy Swirski to 21 points, and significantly accelerated my Yorktown grind.

All in all, a tiring but very productive process. Now it is time to kick back, chill, do the minimum each day to get me the battle pass in every patch, and let the grinds complete when they will. 


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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Forged ahead in a blaze of glory and got the Wisconsin on Saturday.

On Sunday, played my regulation five grind ships to their daily quota, took the Wisky out for her second trip, and called it a day. Equipping her is going to wait until the next patch's PTS, where I can play with the build and see what works best.

This has been one hell of a grind, which I would never have embarked on if I hadn't already had the WV44 in port. It was the lure of getting Wisky completely for free that made me sign on for this. In the end, I'm glad I did. The grinding involved got me the Preussen (at last; I'd already ground the FDG out once for GK before she became premium), the Richthofen (at very, VERY long last, after way too long), and Jerzy Swirski to 21 points, and significantly accelerated my Yorktown grind.

All in all, a tiring but very productive process. Now it is time to kick back, chill, do the minimum each day to get me the battle pass in every patch, and let the grinds complete when they will.

You betcha !  It was straight out oppressively, wicked bad !  I've had the Wisconsin for a couple of days and have concluded, for me, it's a snowflake ship....  All that, for a clone of a clone of a clone that simply "isn't all that impressive...."    As with you, I had the WV44 in port and........ah, what the heck...  If I wouldn't have had the WV44 - this event would have been a hard PASS........no thanks, see you'all later. 

What's next?  The USS Washington, the Chartreuse version:  with a Picard voice over, in Lakota Sioux with a permanent camo from the Transformers universe....

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1 hour ago, Asym said:

You betcha !  It was straight out oppressively, wicked bad ! 

Some of the previous ones have been worse, e.g. I think Hizen had 50K BXP in each of two ship types in the final fortnight. Next to that, 60K in any type you want was pretty good (and I got it up to 44K by the time I pushed the "claim prize" button).

I thought it was appropriately difficult for the type and tier of ship they were offering, especially since they knew that a sizeable proportion of the people grinding for it weren't going to be paying a cent. Everyone who bought WV44 in the first place did so because they wanted WV44, and her intro event gave her to me at half price; the thought that  having WV44 might offer a no doubloons-spent track through a Tier 10 dockyard hadn't even been formed yet (except perhaps at the highest planning level in WG HQ). 

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Equipping her is going to wait until the next patch's PTS, where I can play with the build and see what works best.

LOL for that you need to wait for PTS? For a ship you'll play in Co-op? What happened to your experience in playing high tier Co-op? 

3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

This has been one hell of a grind

That was my impression when I first saw the entire set of missions on Day 1.

But to my surprise, the Wisconsin Dockyard has been much, much easier and more comfortable than I expected. Partly because I've had very good PVE and PVP games that moved the progress bar much faster than expected, and partly because for each combat mission I have ships with 21 pointers (WG's free commander skill resets helped a lot) maximized for it. And along the way I finished an entire line I reset for another batch of Research Points. 

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19 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

LOL for that you need to wait for PTS? For a ship you'll play in Co-op? What happened to your experience in playing high tier Co-op? 

I want to play with a secondary build for the hell of it, since I have a dedicated 21 point US secondary BB commander, but I don't want to waste credits outfitting the ship with secondary modules on the live server only to find out that I don't like it. 

I also want to see for myself what the difference is with APR Mod 2 vs. rate of fire for a non-secondary build. 

Experience is all well and good, but there's no substitute for actually testing a hypothesis and seeing if it works as you expected it to. 

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If you are thankful that its over...was it really actually fun?

Or were you working at a grind hamster wheel...and you could have been enjoying the absolutely gorgeous weather over the weekend instead?


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Posted (edited)

Completed “bonus stage 28” on Friday for 250 plus 25 clan bonus.

Played one co-op on Saturday to get the 250 BXP for ten points toward the 20th stage of the current event pass (free side only)

I now stand at 45,000 BXP done with the 60k BXP Dockyard task (“bonus stage 29”). When that one finishes (about ten days from now), that will be six phase done, and drop me the final stage, for a further net of 500+50 steel.

On vacation now - I had almost forgotten that the beach is a lot more fun than grinding WoWs dockyards.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If you are thankful that its over...was it really actually fun?

I put in a LOT of work on it to get it done yesterday instead of dragging it out over another week or so.

To wit:

10 million credits

2 million damage in battleships

1.4 million damage in cruisers.

Probably about a million damage in destroyers.

Picked up about 16,000 base XP along the way (this task is now surplus to requirements).

All in co-op.


That's most of why I'm feeling so relieved to be done with it. But the opportunity was there, and evenings and weekends in the next week or so were revealing themselves to be overpopulated with IRL things I can't avoid, so it was better to finish with a hard grind and crash out than fret over whether I could make daily quotas.

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4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Some of the previous ones have been worse, e.g. I think Hizen had 50K BXP in each of two ship types in the final fortnight. Next to that, 60K in any type you want was pretty good (and I got it up to 44K by the time I pushed the "claim prize" button).

I thought it was appropriately difficult for the type and tier of ship they were offering, especially since they knew that a sizeable proportion of the people grinding for it weren't going to be paying a cent. Everyone who bought WV44 in the first place did so because they wanted WV44, and her intro event gave her to me at half price; the thought that  having WV44 might offer a no doubloons-spent track through a Tier 10 dockyard hadn't even been formed yet (except perhaps at the highest planning level in WG HQ). 

Oh,  sigh.....  The award ship is a clone, of a clone,  of a clone....  What:  "appropriately difficult?"    What, are you running for office ??

Yes, there have been worse Dockyards;     The Tester Knows....      And "free stuff is free stuff"...oh kay.  But, Holy Dark Helmet mate, the reward was no where near equivalent to the effort and the money grabs...    The Tester knows we all have weaknesses and what we do with those weaknesses is "our test in life...."  

Gosh Ensign.......  Are you applying to be a CM???  

The event simply was oppressive and the reward was meh at best.......sigh.  Now, we have a couple of months till there are snowflakes - when I get the play that meh ship - maybe if I'm in the mood to have flashbacks....


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1 hour ago, Asym said:

Gosh Ensign.......  Are you applying to be a CM???

As far as I remember, he has applied in the past and got rejected...

I've seen nothing to suggest his goals have changed...though I have him permanently hidden so I do not have to read his stuff.

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Just got home from my 16th day in a row working the grill now that's a grind. Daughter decided she's going to graduate school for teaching very proud of her looks like another long grind for me.

Some grinds are worth it some are not but everyone must decide for themselves. By the way I cheated and used doubloons from my birthday to whale the dockyard I deserve it differently worth it for me.

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44 minutes ago, clammboy said:

Just got home from my 16th day in a row working the grill now that's a grind. Daughter decided she's going to graduate school for teaching very proud of her looks like another long grind for me.

Some grinds are worth it some are not but everyone must decide for themselves. By the way I cheated and used doubloons from my birthday to whale the dockyard I deserve it differently worth it for me.


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With as long as it took to finish the stage 6 potential damage task (I hate those so much!) I began to fear for my progress.  But thanks to a Mutsuki Kraken win just now (actually 6 kills in a Tier VII battle!) I will have one fewer task to complete in stage 8, so I think I can make it to the end on time.  Whether I drop the doubloons to get the un-playable stages to actually put Wisconsin in my port remains to be seen.  I am not really keen on Battleships, nor on Tier X, but it seems like it would be a shame to pass it up.

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55 minutes ago, clammboy said:

Daughter decided she's going to graduate school for teaching very proud of her looks like another long grind for me.


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1 minute ago, Mono_De_Mantequilla said:

But thanks to a Mutsuki Kraken win just now (actually 6 kills in a Tier VII battle!)


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Asym said:

Oh,  sigh.....  The award ship is a clone, of a clone,  of a clone...

Iowa: The tech-tree basis.

Missouri: Radar-flavoured (with limited-edition Federal Reserve-flavoured). 

Wisconsin: Boost button-flavoured.

What you're saying is tantamount to claiming that all ice cream is vanilla. 

2 hours ago, Asym said:

The event simply was oppressive

And yet a scrub like me finished early. 

2 hours ago, Asym said:

Gosh Ensign.......  Are you applying to be a CM???  

That would require quitting my current job and moving at least to the US or possibly to the EU, so no. 

1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

As far as I remember, he has applied in the past and got rejected...

I applied to be a CC on the basis of my forum work, writing strategy guides and suchlike; evidently they were (and probably still are) strongly in favour of those who had a big Twitch or YT presence at the time. I've discussed this with one of the CCs recently; my channel just doesn't get the requisite audience, and me being an infrequent (once a week) niche (overwhelmingly co-op) streamer will probably keep it that way. C'est la vie.

The fact that you're still obsessing over this and bringing it up as if it invalidates my opinion is frankly disturbing. I have called WG out for what I perceive as mistakes in the past, and will continue to do so. Accusations that I am a paid shill will not be brushed off.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Posted (edited)

Well, the Wisconsin is now safely in my port, thanks to the D-Day event.  BXP was no problem because of D-Day with Atlanta and Eendracht which took care of cruiser requirements.  Did the DD damage with Kitakaze and Harugumo in regular co-op to do the ribbons and kills before I even got to the D-Day stuff.

"Free" Wisconsin due to having WV '44 plus an extra 250 steel for finishing all the phases.

As usual, didn't do any sub or carrier tasks... last stuff out there are BB bxp, BB pd and BB damage (from 3 different chains).  Did ONE PvP task during Temper, Temper, earning 5 achieves in 2 tier 5 and 6 battles with BB's which also cleared the last hurdle in one of the weekend missions (get 1 pvp achieve if I recall).

The grind was not as bad as I thought for having significant time away (about 10 days) and finishing a week early...

Hope all enjoy and are able to wrap up as much as you want to!

As a tier 10, Big Whiskey will probably mostly enjoy watching other boats go out on missions until Santa time...

Fair winds and following seas 😄 



Edited by Arcus_Aesopi
typographical errors can be fun...
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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I have him permanently hidden so I do not have to read his stuff.

Yet here you are...

In a thread he is the OP of...

Posting comments...


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5 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Yet here you are...

In a thread he is the OP of...

Posting comments...



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8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Experience is all well and good, but there's no substitute for actually testing a hypothesis and seeing if it works as you expected it to. 

There is no substitute for testing it on the live server. 

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Iowa: The tech-tree basis.

Missouri: Radar-flavoured (with limited-edition Federal Reserve-flavoured). 

Wisconsin: Boost button-flavoured.

What you're saying is tantamount to claiming that all ice cream is vanilla. 

And yet a scrub like me finished early. 

That would require quitting my current job and moving at least to the US or possibly to the EU, so no. 

I applied to be a CC on the basis of my forum work, writing strategy guides and suchlike; evidently they were (and probably still are) strongly in favour of those who had a big Twitch or YT presence at the time. I've discussed this with one of the CCs recently; my channel just doesn't get the requisite audience, and me being an infrequent (once a week) niche (overwhelmingly co-op) streamer will probably keep it that way. C'est la vie.

The fact that you're still obsessing over this and bringing it up as if it invalidates my opinion is frankly disturbing. I have called WG out for what I perceive as mistakes in the past, and will continue to do so. Accusations that I am a paid shill will not be brushed off.

Ah Ensign, we all can't be those whom we admire and appreciate....or, really like what they do !  I went to CGSC and my work group had names you'd recognize today and they are all General grade officers....  I worked with others who are in History books;  and yet, I have gained "just by knowing and working with and for them.." and they helped me fine tune my skills;  and yet, I was always the guy "behind them..."   So.......  I have that perspective down.....the "guy behind the camera..."

Again, piece by piece, you assume we think the same.  I can 100% assure you, that isn't the case....  We come from different worlds....

The Dockyard was oppressive, time consuming, redundant and somewhat just a money making mess.....  That's how I see things.  You and I see the world differently, that's all.

Yes, we are stuck in the "era of the clones" because the game simply can't afford new content...."  The game is stalled in a Red Ocean paradigm and simply is [pick a word]....  It's a mature game and there really isn't anywhere they can afford to go.....  It's simply too costly;  I am guessing;  or, technologically too difficult.  Just my opinion.

I applaud your efforts to always have a silver lining.......even when it frustrates us.  Me?  I'm a simple, retired Horse soldier who sees the world in a more binary way:  works or doesn't....  Yes, I ground the dockyard for a ship I will never use; other than, for snowflakes.... 

I really like our differences......it sometimes helps !



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1 hour ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Yet here you are...

In a thread he is the OP of...

Posting comments...


I see other people's comments, and when they quote him, I can see that.

It's an interesting topic, and I enjoy chatting.

1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:


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8 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If you are thankful that its over...was it really actually fun?

Or were you working at a grind hamster wheel...and you could have been enjoying the absolutely gorgeous weather over the weekend instead?


yeah !   I took your approach because we had a black power match this weekend.  To make matters worse for some whom compete with us, I changed the format for this shooting season....  Pays to be the Range Master...!  Now, we simply "mix up" disciplines and how we shoot.  It seems, competitive shooting "gets into ruts" and you do the same thing over and over again because that makes people comfortable.  Not this year.

This game needs that.  And, the feedback I have received was clear:  make us think.  This game needs to do the same thing......and, that isn't ever going to happen here I suspect.  But, it could !!!

Next month, as an example, it's a Novelty match with small bore Flintlocks Rifles (40 caliber and below...)  A novelty match is when the targets aren't paper or steel targets.  They are objects.  In my case, Apples, Oranges, Limes, Eggs, Golf Balls, soda cans, and Charcoal brickettes.... at various distances.  I'll post a picture if I remember....  Trust me, it's not easy.....  Aspirin or pennies or poker chips glued to a black backing at 15 yards or playing cards you have to split,  is a might difficult....

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8 hours ago, Frostbow said:
17 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Experience is all well and good, but there's no substitute for actually testing a hypothesis and seeing if it works as you expected it to. 

There is no substitute for testing it on the live server. 

It is, however, much more cost-effective to conduct initial testing on the Public Test Server.
Once a player is mostly satisfied with their PTS efforts and has narrowed down their options for a build, then live-server testing begins to make sense.
Rushing to the live-server for random battles tests is not necessary for a portion of the player population.

Using the PTS to be "thrifty" with one's live-server account is among the many tricks in his "bag of tricks" that @Ensign Cthulhu has shared over time.

Development of "new stuff" is often called "cutting edge" or even "bleeding edge", because of the expense involved.
The commodities of credits, coal, steel, signal-flags, economic-boosters, ShipXP, CommanderXP and FreeXP can take a while for people to accumulate.
Learning how to be thrifty with such commodities seems like a worthwhile endeavor, to me.

I've also learned, in discussions with the former owner of my former favorite chinese cuisine restaurant, that people often casually give their opinions on how to spend other people's money/time/rescources. 
But, when asked to provide their own money to pay for their idea to accomplish someone else's project, the majority of them keep their wallets closed.

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7 hours ago, Asym said:

Yes, we are stuck in the "era of the clones" because the game simply can't afford new content.

And yet there are people who fervently, desperately want the New Jersey and the Kentucky in the game as well.

Not to mention those for whom there are never enough Fletchers!

The direct clones (e.g. ARP Yamato, Somme) at least have the benefit of being able to add a premium ship to the game without raising concerns as to balance. 

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