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Its Brutal On The Sea Lanes


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Well you can tell the final frenzy has started for the dockyard and boy has it been a nightmare.


I needed to get money and base points, as some suggested jump in High Tier Prem ships which I did, I kinda new I had to well the last 48 hours has been a bloodbath, played I would say up to 50 or more high Tier battles.

Lost anywhere up to 35 matches with a rough guess I won between 10 to 15 I'm leaning on the 15 end of the scale in wins it could have been should have been more.

The last weeks of these Dockyards are disasters I counted at least 10 games of the 35 losses that were in the bag for our team but 1 by 1 players just couldn't help themselves they just try for ship or those extra base points or whatever they needed and it cost us dearly as we got steamrolled.

I have no issue getting beaten even curbstomped it happens you just up against better players or RNG just does not like you today, but without fail whenever these dockyards come out everything just degenerates into chaos.


People forget you win the game you get the bonus if its money or base points or most things else except ships sinking that's where Coop comes into play, you lose everything is halved.


This is why I decided to go back to mainly Coop and play random in the up most needs sadly this is one of them I committed myself to this because of its history and I spent money up front.

As i mentioned in another post I chose at least 3 of the last 4 dockyards not to go all out, I mean you do the dockyard whether your intending to get the ship its part of the main event system but you don't need to go all out I got the Italian ship because of it weird gun configuration.

Future dockyards WG produce the ships better be exceptional and I don't mean a ship that has a " push button that says I win " I mean it better of historical note or a home town ship for me, but that wont happen because almost all the great historical ships will be barely Tier 8 apart from the few exceptions.

I will be glad when this dockyard is over and I can get away from the madness.


Looks like despite player stupidity I feel I am on track just have to endue these last days of insanity. 



Edited by tm63au
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Just play other games.

Helps wash out the unfun feeling if you start getting tilted.

WG has given up on anything but squeezing the players with worse and worse gameplay and grinds.

It's not getting better.

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9 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Just play other games.

Helps wash out the unfun feeling if you start getting tilted.

WG has given up on anything but squeezing the players with worse and worse gameplay and grinds.

It's not getting better.

The lights are still on. Let's dress up in our finest and enjoy the party.

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11 hours ago, tm63au said:

Well you can tell the final frenzy has started for the dockyard and boy has it been a nightmare


Looks like despite player stupidity I feel I am on track just have to endue these last days of insanity. 



Have you tried the D-day operation? It might take you a while but it is not too bad, at least as a rest from your random losing streaks. Be sure to read the guide at reddit.

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11 hours ago, tm63au said:

Well you can tell the final frenzy has started for the dockyard and boy has it been a nightmare.

If a f@#$%d-up scrub like me can do it, and mostly in co-op at that, you can too. 

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3 minutes ago, Gnirf said:

Have you tried the D-day operation? It might take you a while but it is not too bad, at least as a rest from your random losing streaks. Be sure to read the guide at reddit.

You'll still get your dose of "player stupidity" so doing D-Day ops will fulfill all of your WG desires!

It is fun once you get the hang of it, but be prepared to BE the player stupidity the first few times in there.  Atlanta will make you happier and allow you to be more impactful there.  Eendracht is very good and very powerful if you have an Atlanta near by.

I'm enjoying it, but have all the "intelligence" buffs now... plus Atlanta and Atlanta B.... and even Eendracht.

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the match was over before i could even get there 😆



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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, pepe_trueno said:

the match was over before i could even get there 😆



I would say 80%+ of the players in high-tier random now have no clue how to play the game, and the sad part is they do not care. Most good players have either left the game or only play CB and KoTs now, for the most part. At one time, it was whose team had the better players for the win, and now it is whose team has the worst players that will start the landslide loss. I run MatchMakerMonitor, and for the most part, both teams are filled with red and yellow stat players, with some green stats mixed in. It is rare to see blue and purple stat players anymore. I have been playing less and less as I just do not find the game as fun anymore due to how bad the playerbase has become worse over the years to what we have now. 

Edited by Zysyss
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Posted (edited)

I hope the game will get better but I am not holding my breath. 

Edited by Zysyss
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Posted (edited)
16 hours ago, tm63au said:

The last weeks of these Dockyards are disasters I counted at least 10 games of the 35 losses that were in the bag for our team but 1 by 1 players just couldn't help themselves they just try for ship or those extra base points or whatever they needed and it cost us dearly as we got steamrolled.

I have no issue getting beaten even curbstomped it happens you just up against better players or RNG just does not like you today, but without fail whenever these dockyards come out everything just degenerates into chaos.

People forget you win the game you get the bonus if its money or base points or most things else except ships sinking that's where Coop comes into play, you lose everything is halved.

Yeah, and dockyards look like they are getting more frequent. A dockyard event generally dominates a single quarter...but WG did not always put one in every quarter of the year. I think we're getting into that now, so every season will have the dockyard grind madness infecting matches and ruining them even further from what they'd already be. The game has less and less time now to settle into a more easygoing standard meta where people are just doing normal grinds and playing what they want to play - Q1/early Q2 used to be great for that once the holiday event stuff expired, I miss those days. It feels like we have an incredible amount of FOMO events that goose the playerbase into wildly stupid play above and beyond the norm, it just really ruins enjoyment of the core gameplay loops because sometimes you don't even get to do much of them before the match ends lol.

Edited by MnemonScarlet
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1 hour ago, Zysyss said:

I would say 80%+ of the players in high-tier random now have no clue how to play the game, and the sad part is they do not care. Most good players have either left the game or only play CB and KoTs now, for the most part. At one time, it was whose team had the better players for the win, and now it is whose team has the worst players that will start the landslide loss. I run MatchMakerMonitor, and for the most part, both teams are filled with red and yellow stat players, with some green stats mixed in. It is rare to see blue and purple stat players anymore. I have been playing less and less as I just do not find the game as fun anymore due to how bad the playerbase has become worse over the years to what we have now. 

I just got out of a tier 10 match in my Kansas...where the enemy team had a purple clan division on the other team.

Our side got destroyed, I fought for as hard as I could...outlasted most of my team, had 2 million potential damage...and the winning team was angry that I was happy that I had at least done decently for being bottom tier in a rout.

Really showcases the overall toxicity of the playerbase WG recruited.

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1 hour ago, MnemonScarlet said:

Yeah, and dockyards look like they are getting more frequent. A dockyard event generally dominates a single quarter...but WG did not always put one in every quarter of the year. I think we're getting into that now, so every season will have the dockyard grind madness infecting matches and ruining them even further from what they'd already be.

I don't think dockyards would be more frequent in a considerable period, and in fact it was a surprise that we see the Wisconsin event would still be basically "on time".

For 4 years the pattern has been 3 dockyard events a year: Spring, Mid-Year and Winter (usually as a part of Christmas-New Year events). In 2020 it was Odin, Anchorage and Hizen, in 2021 ZF-6, De Zeven Provincien and Marlborough, in 2022 Atlantico, Puerto Rico (II) and Admiral Schroeder, in 2023 Daisen, Lvshun and Michelangelo. And given WG's recent troubles, regardless of whether development work is done primarily by newcomers in Belgrade or veterans in SPB as part time work, it would be difficult to just keep this schedule, not to say that with established pattern it would be difficult to squeeze another one without significantly reducing stages for each ship, break accustomed grind pace and difficulty and provoke a true outcry.

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30 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

I don't think dockyards would be more frequent in a considerable period, and in fact it was a surprise that we see the Wisconsin event would still be basically "on time".

For 4 years the pattern has been 3 dockyard events a year: Spring, Mid-Year and Winter (usually as a part of Christmas-New Year events). In 2020 it was Odin, Anchorage and Hizen, in 2021 ZF-6, De Zeven Provincien and Marlborough, in 2022 Atlantico, Puerto Rico (II) and Admiral Schroeder, in 2023 Daisen, Lvshun and Michelangelo. And given WG's recent troubles, regardless of whether development work is done primarily by newcomers in Belgrade or veterans in SPB as part time work, it would be difficult to just keep this schedule, not to say that with established pattern it would be difficult to squeeze another one without significantly reducing stages for each ship, break accustomed grind pace and difficulty and provoke a true outcry.

If they went down to 2, that'd be a lot more comfortable, since more deadtime without grind events like that makes the game more pleasant to play. The reason I said one in every quarter of the year is because Lushun went into summer and fall.

I would also be surprised if a dockyard is actually more work for them than making and releasing a bunch of premium ships, though. Because for intensive parts of the project, IIRC they're only working on one ship, and then the dockyard section itself.

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On 6/2/2024 at 1:31 PM, Zysyss said:

I would say 80%+ of the players in high-tier random now have no clue how to play the game, and the sad part is they do not care. Most good players have either left the game or only play CB and KoTs now, for the most part. At one time, it was whose team had the better players for the win, and now it is whose team has the worst players that will start the landslide loss. I run MatchMakerMonitor, and for the most part, both teams are filled with red and yellow stat players, with some green stats mixed in. It is rare to see blue and purple stat players anymore. I have been playing less and less as I just do not find the game as fun anymore due to how bad the playerbase has become worse over the years to what we have now. 

I agree 100%. I play on both NA and EU server. EU being my main and 3LUE being my alt account on NA. MMM is full of red and yellow over on EU also. Some days I can't play more than 2-3 matches before I log off in disgust. 

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I needed cruiser damage. So I sailed Napoli in co-op. I went strait forward. I torped, I rammed, I bagged an average 100k in less then 5min and went on to the next game. 

Doing this is randoms would make me a gigantic A-hole. 

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On 6/2/2024 at 2:44 PM, Arcus_Aesopi said:

You'll still get your dose of "player stupidity" so doing D-Day ops will fulfill all of your WG desires!

It is fun once you get the hang of it, but be prepared to BE the player stupidity the first few times in there.  Atlanta will make you happier and allow you to be more impactful there.  Eendracht is very good and very powerful if you have an Atlanta near by.

I'm enjoying it, but have all the "intelligence" buffs now... plus Atlanta and Atlanta B.... and even Eendracht.

Yes you are correct, I have played with Eendracht exclusively and so far I have lost say 3 games, but most games gives victory +1 sec objective (killing torp boats).

But with Eendracht you can get reasonbable BXP , i have had reasonable results from mine field disposal and most of the times Ione hot the airfield.

I agree that you some times wonder what the Bbs are thinking that ignores the coastal guns. I have chatted , WW2 (f.e.) ignore the airfield I one shot it take out the guns.

My max result is 3 sec objectives. But my advice was compared with a coop game if you have a suitable ship you can pretty good BXP results even though you have only 1 star. Not stellar but 1000-1500 is reasonable on average even if I have recieved both below and above that figure.

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On 6/4/2024 at 2:30 AM, 3LUE said:

I agree 100%. I play on both NA and EU server. EU being my main and 3LUE being my alt account on NA. MMM is full of red and yellow over on EU also. Some days I can't play more than 2-3 matches before I log off in disgust. 

I do not use MMM. What are the WRs that gives the colours and are they overall or the specific ship WR? Can you enlighten me?

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Posted (edited)
On 6/6/2024 at 2:20 AM, Gnirf said:

I do not use MMM. What are the WRs that gives the colours and are they overall or the specific ship WR? Can you enlighten me?

MMM uses the same colors and win rates as https://wows-numbers.com/  On MMM, you get the ship win rate they are playing and the account win rate. 

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On 6/6/2024 at 2:20 AM, Gnirf said:

I do not use MMM. What are the WRs that gives the colours and are they overall or the specific ship WR? Can you enlighten me?

That detail is user-adjustable.

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As my stats are hidden, I don't know what color they show for me. I also don't know if the players who make use of this mod generally target hidden stat players or low WR players first. Or how they make use of that information otherwise.

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21 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

As my stats are hidden, I don't know what color they show for me.

It doesn’t. It simply says “this player has a hidden profile.” In white, for what it’s worth.

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34 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

As my stats are hidden, I don't know what color they show for me. I also don't know if the players who make use of this mod generally target hidden stat players or low WR players first. Or how they make use of that information otherwise.

I find potato alert easier on the eyes than mmm and it also shows karma if you select it in the options. The colours are typical to wows numbers also with PR being the background colour of the cells. I use it for checking randoms mostly, sometimes ranked if I switch gears.

I mostly look for average wr and damage of the team for a split second before the match starts. Then I look for total matches. If my team has higher wr and damage, then the chances of winning are a bit better but not always. If my team has more matches overall, we might have more experience. If the ship matches are real low then we have less experience in the given ship. I don't do much reporting but if I am so compelled, I check the karma to see if I'm wasting a report on a 0 karma person.

It is just my opinion but to target low wr or hidden stats players and checking the enemies on the spawn would be too much of a bother for me. I am mostly looking for an advantage to win, to play more carefully against better players, or to see how hard I have to play to have an influence.

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9 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

As my stats are hidden, I don't know what color they show for me. I also don't know if the players who make use of this mod generally target hidden stat players or low WR players first. Or how they make use of that information otherwise.

When I play, and even more so when I play CV, I go for the better players first. Get rid of them, and the rest will fall like dominoes.

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18 minutes ago, 3LUE said:

When I play, and even more so when I play CV, I go for the better players first. Get rid of them, and the rest will fall like dominoes.

Good to hear, I think....

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