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Available Ships in the Tech Tree & in the Armoury by tier


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Perhaps, someone has listed these numbers before. I list them again for interest.

Tech Tree Ships;

T1 = 13   T2 = 20   T3 = 28    T4 = 34  T5 = 34   T6 = 43   T7 = 34   T8 = 51   T9 = 42   T10 = 51   & T11 (T*) = 20

Armoury Ships (All Ships listed where some are listed more than once as they are purchasable via 2 or more 'currencies');

               T2 = 8     T3 = 9      T4 = 3     T5 = 21    T6 = 28   T7 = 28   T8 = 43  T9 = 28 &  T10 = 27

Note: No rare or otherwise unavailable Ships (eg. an Iwaki Alpha, an Imperator Nickolai I, a Kamikaze or older ARP ships, etc).

A few observations may be made;

There is a definite preponderance of higher tier ships in the Tech trees including, ofc, the Superships (T11 or T*).

There is a pronounced dearth of low tier Armoury premium or purchasable ships (especially tier 4 for some inexplicable reason), otherwise, the higher tiers are promoted (note the T8 number).

I think Wedgie (WoWS) missed the opportunity to add more historical lower tier premiums for purchase. I imagine that 'collector' boat sailed long ago.

Edited by Aethervox
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6 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

I think Wedgie (WoWS) missed the opportunity to add more historical lower tier premiums for purchase.

+1  I'm convinced that WG just doesn't understand the potential for low tier ships. Famous ships like Olympia or Goeben would sell in sufficient numbers for WG to make money. Give low tier ships more opportunities for missions, campaigns, and other events would make more players happy. 

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Indeed...it's just bad business sense at this point.

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Frankly I'd love to see more variety in the lower tiers.

It would be a good place to put ships that had a lot of character

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10 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Tech Tree Ships;

T1 = 13   T2 = 20   T3 = 28    T4 = 34  T5 = 34   T6 = 43   T7 = 34   T8 = 51   T9 = 42   T10 = 51   & T11 (T*) = 20



So, appreciate the energy but I have say that's bit an eyefull to look and process. Would it be a bother to ask for collum format?



  • T1 = 13
  • T2 = 20
  • Etc.

I get it post gets physically longer, but I feel would rly help with the 1st impression and readability


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The relative scarcity of low tier premiums is down to several factors:

1) WG wants folks to play randoms at T5 and upwards since that is their main gameplay experience (hence the general T5+ requirement for all missions);

2) WG doesn't want to overly encourage low tier seal-clubbers (low tier ships with high level captains are a balancing nightmare) because seal-clubbers ruin the experience for newish players;

but most importantly:

3) the development cost of a T2 ship and a T9 ship are virtually the same in terms of hours invested in research, assets, and testing. Only the former sells for less than a tenth of the price of the latter. From a business perspective, every low tier ship is a "gift" to the playerbase. 

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6 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

but most importantly:

3) the development cost of a T2 ship and a T9 ship are virtually the same in terms of hours invested in research, assets, and testing. Only the former sells for less than a tenth of the price of the latter. From a business perspective, every low tier ship is a "gift" to the playerbase. 

Indeed. It’s no coincidence that the only low tier premium we’ve gotten in recent years was locked behind a $50 US paywall for most (non-Steam) players.

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27 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

3) the development cost of a T2 ship and a T9 ship are virtually the same in terms of hours invested in research, assets, and testing. Only the former sells for less than a tenth of the price of the latter. From a business perspective, every low tier ship is a "gift" to the playerbase. 

The thing is, selling low tier ships has the potential to open up an untapped portion of the market. I will never spend real world money on high tier piece of fantasy, so WG is making $0.00 from me with those ships. A famous tier 2 or 3 would tempt me to open my wallet.

36 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

1) WG wants folks to play randoms at T5 and upwards since that is their main gameplay experience (hence the general T5+ requirement for all missions);

Meaningless for me. I enjoy my Mikasa as much as any ship I own. The tier 5 and up requirement is just annoying.

38 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

2) WG doesn't want to overly encourage low tier seal-clubbers (low tier ships with high level captains are a balancing nightmare) because seal-clubbers ruin the experience for newish players;

This fear has been overstated. Right now, new players are getting pushed to higher tiers too fast. Is there any difference between slaughtering newbies at tier 10 versus tier 2?  

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29 minutes ago, aleksi111 said:

(Sobs) no Rurik for us


Hey look! A Russian ship that was actually built, and actually served! Not a bit of vodka-soaked cocktail napkins anywhere! Would be a great addition to the game.

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3 hours ago, torino2dc said:

The relative scarcity of low tier premiums is down to several factors:

1) WG wants folks to play randoms at T5 and upwards since that is their main gameplay experience (hence the general T5+ requirement for all missions);

2) WG doesn't want to overly encourage low tier seal-clubbers (low tier ships with high level captains are a balancing nightmare) because seal-clubbers ruin the experience for newish players;

but most importantly:

3) the development cost of a T2 ship and a T9 ship are virtually the same in terms of hours invested in research, assets, and testing. Only the former sells for less than a tenth of the price of the latter. From a business perspective, every low tier ship is a "gift" to the playerbase. 

All of these reasons are dumb.

1) The choice to focus only on tiers 5 and above is completely arbitrary and can be changed whenever WG wants to change it. It is not at all a reason for WG to not sell lower tier ships...it's just a symptom of other WG business decisions.

2) WG doesn't care about seal clubbing. If they did, they wouldn't sell tier 10 and 11 ships for money. They would also balance premium ships for game performance instead of sales numbers.

This 'excuse' is a lie from WG staff. They even run events encouraging seal clubbing.

Therefore this is also not a reason to not sell low tier ships.

3) The price point of ships in game is entirely arbitrary too. There is no real reason why a tier 10 ship costs more than a tier 2.

Not a real reason to not sell low tier ships.

2 hours ago, oldblackdog said:

Hey look! A Russian ship that was actually built, and actually served! Not a bit of vodka-soaked cocktail napkins anywhere! Would be a great addition to the game.

Plus, Rurik was a pretty decent design too.

It boggles the mind how incompetent WG business leadership is when it comes to identifying possible ships to add to the game.

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5 hours ago, aleksi111 said:

Would it be a bother to ask for collum format?

The correct spelling is 'column'. Listing them as you suggest would make a longer post - feel free to do this 'yourself'.

I did list the two lines closely one above the other & tried to line up each tier with the other for comparison purposes. 😉

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

3) The price point of ships in game is entirely arbitrary too. There is no real reason why a tier 10 ship costs more than a tier 2.

Not a real reason to not sell low tier ships.

I always thought the way around the monetary cost of low tier ships was to sell them in lots, maybe fleets, whatever.   Not only could they make a bit of money off of them, it has the added advantage of being able to use single ships from the group, as a prize or reward.  

I have never thought Wargaming hired the brightest people. Nothing about any of them has impressed me over the years other than some of their people's ability to play the game. Other than that, nothing.  Things have gotten worse since the splitting up of the company. I looked at the group they had narrating that tournament a week or so back and all I could think of is that looks like a group of kids who are riding a shorter school bus but they have less charm and charisma. 

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36 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

I always thought the way around the monetary cost of low tier ships was to sell them in lots, maybe fleets, whatever.   Not only could they make a bit of money off of them, it has the added advantage of being able to use single ships from the group, as a prize or reward.  

I have never thought Wargaming hired the brightest people. Nothing about any of them has impressed me over the years other than some of their people's ability to play the game. Other than that, nothing.  Things have gotten worse since the splitting up of the company. I looked at the group they had narrating that tournament a week or so back and all I could think of is that looks like a group of kids who are riding a shorter school bus but they have less charm and charisma. 

It's hard to recruit talent when senior leadership is so obviously toxic.

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2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

1) The choice to focus only on tiers 5 and above is completely arbitrary and can be changed whenever WG wants to change it. It is not at all a reason for WG to not sell lower tier ships...it's just a symptom of other WG business decisions.

WG understands that their player pool is not infinite -- if they can only have one matchmaker be consistently full, they would like it to be the T8-T10 bracket because that's where all the expensive ($$ or time) ships live.

Every hour they spend developing lower tier content is time they could be spending on developing high tier content. Given that they are struggling to keep the high tiers stocked with high quality content, it is not surprising that the lower tiers have had very little of late. 

2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

2) WG doesn't care about seal clubbing. If they did, they wouldn't sell tier 10 and 11 ships for money. They would also balance premium ships for game performance instead of sales numbers.

Seal clubbing is when an experienced player with more resources goes into the low tiers to farm inexperienced players (baby seals). Inexperienced players buying their way to top tier is a separate phenomenon. 

WG has pulled several over-performing low/mid tier ships from sale for this reason (Kamikaze, Fujin, Gremy, Giulio, Imperator Nikolai, Belfast). 

2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

This 'excuse' is a lie from WG staff. They even run events encouraging seal clubbing.

I am not clear in what you mean by this, examples please. 

2 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

3) The price point of ships in game is entirely arbitrary too. There is no real reason why a tier 10 ship costs more than a tier 2.

Not a real reason to not sell low tier ships.

It is arbitrary but has an underlying logic (which exists whether you agree with it or not). That logic is higher tier = higher price ($$ or time). The other low tier ships, which go for a few bucks apiece, act as price anchors, which would make a $50 Tier 2 ship seem wildly overpriced. Other than collectors, no one would buy a $50 T2 when you can get a T8 for the same price. 

Imagine you're a content developer and you propose to your boss that you want to use company time and resources to make ... a ship in a tier no one plays that will be perceived as overvalued by a factor of 10. That boss would be right to laugh you out of the room. 


To be clear, I am in favor of low tier premiums. I think they're really fun and wonderful from a historical perspective. But at the same time I understand that they have a business to run and that it doesn't make a ton of sense to prioritize products that only a small niche of the player base will consume. 

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3 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

Imagine you're a content developer and you propose to your boss that you want to use company time and resources to make ... a ship in a tier no one plays that will be perceived as overvalued by a factor of 10. That boss would be right to laugh you out of the room. 

Imagine you are a player and the content developer refuses to sell you content that you would pay an equivalent amount to the highest tier ships for...because he has decided a completely arbitrary business model that is delivering subpar results is more important to him than taking your money and growing his game...

Because that's essentially a summarization of all the excuses you are presenting.

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10 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Imagine you are a player and the content developer refuses to sell you content that you would pay an equivalent amount to the highest tier ships for...because he has decided a completely arbitrary business model that is delivering subpar results is more important to him than taking your money and growing his game...

Because that's essentially a summarization of all the excuses you are presenting.

While it is commendable that you would be willing to pay so much, bear in mind that the player profile: [has above average disposable income] + [wants to play low tier] may not represent a sufficiently large demographic to be worth their development resources. 

It may sound like a no-brainer because everyone in our echo-chamber is in favor; it can be easy to forget that forum-goers represent a vanishingly small minority of the player base. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, torino2dc said:

But at the same time I understand that they have a business to run and that it doesn't make a ton of sense to prioritize products that only a small niche of the player base will consume. 

Except...WG is already doing that, and they have always done that. WG focuses all of their effort on the Rolls-Royce/Rodeo Drive part of the market. What they don't seem to understand is that they can make a lot of money by selling to people who drive economy cars and shop at Wal-Mart.

Edited by oldblackdog
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The biggest issue here is the fact that WG limits the mission eligible tiers to tier 5 and above.

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I sure wish they'd make a premium Bayern. 

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9 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I sure wish they'd make a premium Bayern. 

The real Bayern.

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