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Amazed as always


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I'm "Amazed as always" that players are still giving 'War Failed' real money. I learnt my lesson (some years ago).

Edited by Aethervox
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4 hours ago, Aethervox said:

I'm "Amazed as always" that players are still giving 'War Failed' real money. I learnt my lesson (some years ago).

Well.. from a general point of view, it's advisable to make informed purchases only. What that means in the context of WoWS is more difficult to say. It's easier to define for those who have only started to play more recently, for us 'veteran' players it's a different story.

The best advice there I can give anyone is if you play a lot regularly premium time is probably the best way to spend real money on the game unless you really really like grinding a lot. This is 20 20 for myself, too, but I'd caution against getting too many premium ships too quickly.

Now, I know that's not what you are talking about which leads me to the next point. I think we both belong to the lobby that thinks this game's been going down hill for several years by now. Do we want to spend on the game if we aren't enjoying the direction where WG is taking WoWS? Won't be just be encouraging them if we do?

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8 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

The best advice there I can give anyone is if you play a lot regularly premium time is probably the best way to spend real money on the game unless you really really like grinding a lot. This is 20 20 for myself

This is my personal 20/20 too. I ground a lot (hence a slower tier climb), didn't purchase premium time & did buy some premium ships (not too many). In the early years, I didn't regret spending some money. This sentiment (for me) only changed from the horrid decision to rework CVs along with all the subsequent horrid Wedgie decisions.

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On 5/31/2024 at 8:59 AM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Ah, but did you WANT Belfast 43?

To be honest I was never all that interested in it.

I've played 4 randoms in it and it's not bad.

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