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Coupon expiring soon


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With the coupons expiring, I thought I'd get either of these three:  Brisbane, R. Lauria or (no cursing) the Gato.  Really don't have much a preference & will probably end up doing rock/paper/scissors to decide which one.  Any thought on any of these?

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I'd personally do Lauria and then Brisbane, partly because steel's the more valuable resource to use a coupon on.

Brisbane is sort of a radar Mino sidegrade with HE shells. Same squishiness, more torps, and a different (but still super) heal. It has Russian heavy cruiser radar rather than Mino radar, so you get an extra 2km of stealth radar buffer but a much shorter duration. You also trade reload and Mino's high potential DPM to get that HE and fire starting ability. It's fun, and I like it more than Hector, but it's not a must have like some of the other ships are. 

Lauria is more or less the Italian response to Thunderer and the solution if you want an Italian battleship that can actually hit something. Short main battery range and kind of squishy at times (low HP and an oddly shaped citadel that sometimes eats random citadels), but very fast and stealthy with strong guns. It has basically the same accuracy as Thunderer (same dispersion, 0.1 less sigma), and both your AP and your SAP overmatch 30mm which is very fun for the enemy cruisers. 


I like Brisbane, but I absolutely love Lauria and have ever since she was in testing. As soon as WG announced she was going to be steel, I knew what I was saving for.

I save my ship coupons until they reset in case WG decides to pull a ship, so I just bought Lauria myself. I was hoping to get her with the last coupon, but WG insisted on waiting until after the December reset to add her to the normal armory section.

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7 hours ago, S7CentNickel said:

With the coupons expiring, I thought I'd get either of these three:  Brisbane, R. Lauria or (no cursing) the Gato.  Really don't have much a preference & will probably end up doing rock/paper/scissors to decide which one.  Any thought on any of these?

I have the Brisbane and the Gato.  Don't have the R. Lauria, yet.

Between the Brisbane and the Gato in random battles, I think the Gato has a slight edge in overall effectiveness.  In Co-op that edge goes to the Brisbane.
Both ships are fun to play, in their own way.

The intended Commander of the Brisbane, Matilda Kelly, is entertaining to listen to.  No regrets about welcoming her to my port.

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Posted (edited)

I did get Lauria on Monday & played a few games with it

It behaved pretty decently & the ability to hit 40,8kts with Brisk + Flag buffs made the thing sail like a charm. And SAP has it's use cases, like putting +20 damage with 4 shots to Yamato's extreme bow that was peeking behind island.

Citadel shape and size is definetively what will hurt, but more than that I'd wish for bit smaller turning circle

Edited by aleksi111
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I have all 3. The Lauria is the worst. Nothing special about that ship at all and an underperformer. 

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11 minutes ago, aleksi111 said:

I did get Lauria on Monday & played a few games with it

I see you play on the EU server. Did you get Lauria without 25% reduction bonus, because that will first start 2 days from now?

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12 hours ago, S7CentNickel said:


Gato right now isn’t as popular as it was before the recent sub changes. It got hammered by the shotgun changes lot harder than some of the other subs since that was really its main gimmick. I’d hold off on spending steel on it right now to see if any further sub mechanic changes come.

It’s the same reason I wouldn’t recommend getting FDR now until we see how CV Rework 2.0 affects carriers. 

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4 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

I see you play on the EU server. Did you get Lauria without 25% reduction bonus, because that will first start 2 days from now?

Aleksi could have saved the coupon until closer to the reset, like I do

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54 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Aleksi could have saved the coupon until closer to the reset, like I do

^This. I will usually hold on to my coupons until near their expiration in case something I’m interested in but wouldn’t otherwise be my first choice gets pulled.

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, S7CentNickel said:

With the coupons expiring, I thought I'd get either of these three:  Brisbane, R. Lauria or (no cursing) the Gato.  Really don't have much a preference & will probably end up doing rock/paper/scissors to decide which one.  Any thought on any of these?

Lauria is the safest pick, Brisbane is a squishy cruiser and god only knows where Gato will end up since WG is not done tweaking subs yet. I would not really want to get a steel sub or CV since those types are still undergoing basic type gameplay changes. This is entirely separate from what I think about subs, it's just 'do you wanna chance getting something that might have its gameplay changed a lot?' sort of thing.

Even Lauria is kinda weird. One thing to note aside from what has already been mentioned by people in this thread, is she has British BB short-fuse AP...which means BBs with internal citadels will be harder to cit, because your AP might fuse and explode before it can get to the cit depending on how close you are to the enemy. Normally this would be nice if you want to fight cruisers...but Lauria already has SAP shells to ruin cruisers with (that have 30mm overmatch no less) so it's pretty clearly a move to make her less powerful vs other BBs.

Edited by MnemonScarlet
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6 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

^This. I will usually hold on to my coupons until near their expiration in case something I’m interested in but wouldn’t otherwise be my first choice gets pulled.

That’s why I do it as well. I used to use mine when they reset, and then I missed a few days of grinding and had to use steel to get Smolensk the day before it was pulled.

After that, I decided I was going to wait until just before it reset so I always had it available in case something else I was considering got pulled. Especially since that’s also when I started saving the coupon only for steel ships, and wouldn’t be able to (and now don’t want to) spend the full steel price on a ship getting pulled if I’d already used the coupon a few months before.

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7 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

I see you play on the EU server. Did you get Lauria without 25% reduction bonus, because that will first start 2 days from now?

I had the -25% Coupon saved up till the last moment of it being renewed, expressly to wait-n-see what new ships we would receive.


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I do the same thing - holding coupons until near the expiration.  I don't worry about going to the last day or two though.  They've always given several months' notice before pulling a ship, so I figure if I'm within a week or two of expiration it's close enough.  I used mine maybe 1 1/2 weeks ago.

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Just burned my mine with hours? to spare.  Remember WeeGee time is not necessarily NA time.  Use it or lose it.

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1 hour ago, Slammer58 said:

Just burned my mine with hours? to spare.  Remember WeeGee time is not necessarily NA time.  Use it or lose it.

My timer says 1 day, 1hr 45 mins-ish until the next coupon arrives (I spent this one on a steel ship at Christmas time).


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I went with paper (R Lauria).  So far I like it & have a good home for Sansonetti.

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12 minutes ago, S7CentNickel said:

I went with paper (R Lauria).  So far I like it & have a good home for Sansonetti.

I got the Lauria to but I have not played her yet you had fun in her? I  have not played a tier 10 game unless I was up tiered in a tier 8 ship in months. I have Sansonetti also I have him on the GC at the moment. I will have to try her out soon but I'm a scared lol.

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Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, clammboy said:

you had fun in her?

As long as you have a brain and know what you’re doing, she’s a ton of fun IMO. Easily one of my favorite steel ships (and probably even battleships in general) in the game.

Low health and short range for a Tier X BB, plus terrible AA and no “real” defense against DDs (although they won’t like getting hit by your AP or SAP even with both of them being capped at 10% damage). But you’re fast, accurate, and murder cruisers. And then when the cruisers are dead or have run away, you can just start punching battleships.

The only time I don’t love her is when I’m in a cruiser and an enemy Lauria player knows what they’re doing. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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46 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

As long as you have a brain and know what you’re doing, she’s a ton of fun IMO. Easily one of my favorite steel ships (and probably even battleships in general) in the game.

I do but unfortunately patience is not one of my virtues which you need in tier 10. I am going to take the plunge I will let you know how it goes thanks. 

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On 5/30/2024 at 12:35 AM, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

I'd personally do Lauria and then Brisbane, partly because steel's the more valuable resource to use a coupon on.

Brisbane is sort of a radar Mino sidegrade with HE shells. Same squishiness, more torps, and a different (but still super) heal. It has Russian heavy cruiser radar rather than Mino radar, so you get an extra 2km of stealth radar buffer but a much shorter duration. You also trade reload and Mino's high potential DPM to get that HE and fire starting ability. It's fun, and I like it more than Hector, but it's not a must have like some of the other ships are. 

Lauria is more or less the Italian response to Thunderer and the solution if you want an Italian battleship that can actually hit something. Short main battery range and kind of squishy at times (low HP and an oddly shaped citadel that sometimes eats random citadels), but very fast and stealthy with strong guns. It has basically the same accuracy as Thunderer (same dispersion, 0.1 less sigma), and both your AP and your SAP overmatch 30mm which is very fun for the enemy cruisers. 


I like Brisbane, but I absolutely love Lauria and have ever since she was in testing. As soon as WG announced she was going to be steel, I knew what I was saving for.

I save my ship coupons until they reset in case WG decides to pull a ship, so I just bought Lauria myself. I was hoping to get her with the last coupon, but WG insisted on waiting until after the December reset to add her to the normal armory section.

The torpedoes are also longer ranged than on the Minotaur IIRC. The Brisbane also has 2 quint launchers per side with a max range of 13.5km while the Mino has two quad launchers per side with a max range of roughly 10km; Wiki says 9.9km but I rounded up. The Brisbanes are also slightly faster at 65 knots to the Minotaurs 62 knots.

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Posted (edited)

Brisbabe iis different flauvor Minotaur, better in some situations, worse in others. Definetively less customizable as you can't choose between Radar and Smoke as you please.


If you love Minotaur, you'll most likely like Brisbane a good bit

If you like Mino, but find yourself missing the HE and not caring about the improved AP normalization, then you most likely will will love Brisbane

If you absolutely hate Minotaur, you most likely will hate Brisbane aswell

Edited by aleksi111
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Posted (edited)
On 5/29/2024 at 11:35 PM, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

I'd personally do Lauria and then Brisbane, partly because steel's the more valuable resource to use a coupon on.

Brisbane is sort of a radar Mino sidegrade with HE shells. Same squishiness, more torps, and a different (but still super) heal. It has Russian heavy cruiser radar rather than Mino radar, so you get an extra 2km of stealth radar buffer but a much shorter duration. You also trade reload and Mino's high potential DPM to get that HE and fire starting ability. It's fun, and I like it more than Hector, but it's not a must have like some of the other ships are. 


I will never miss an opportunity to sing to the world how trash Hector is.  It's Fukushima meltdown toxic waste trash. 

It's like WG sat down in a morning meeting on April fools day and somebody said "you know what ship is way too strong and needs the nerf hammer?  The Neptune.  People are playing the Neptune way way too much and it's a menace in Clan Battles.  So let's half the DPM, kill the super heal, make the citadel even bigger, nerf the hydro, reduce the pen, make the fire angles worse, and give a long cooldown on the smokes... that should balance it."

Then the nextrdude says.... "well to make some money on it why don't we just make it a new ship with a long ass grind to it? "  Everybody nods in agreement... and the order was sent to modeling team and the Hector was born. 

5 minutes later the team leader says, "Good work everybody.... and since it's April fools day and almost lunchtime let's do a round Stoli's.  Dmitri, you start pouring..."

...and then the next day at least partially because of the 4 hour Stolichnaya lunch, everybody forgot about the April Fools meeting until modeler's returned the ship model was returned in July...


Edited by YouSatInGum
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8 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:

I will never miss an opportunity to sing to the world how trash Hector is.  It's Fukushima meltdown toxic waste trash.

Just to remark on this: Fukushima actually released relatively little radioactive material into the atmosphere compared to Chernobyl, namely due to the Fukushima plant actually having containment structures for its reactors unlike the Chernobyl NPP.

The main reason it's at the same rating by the IAEA as Chernobyl for nuclear disasters is because the scale is based on how many people were impacted by it.

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I find that the hardest part of the Lauria is knowing when to change from SAP to AP & vice versa for maximum damage.

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