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D-Day operations


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1 hour ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

But time in game is NOT pay2win just because you can spend real-world money to circumvent it...

Yet you defined "time in game" (during an actual conversation specifically about "pay2win") as not free...based solely on the fact you have to spend time to do it...& specifically stating that that made it "not free"...& equivalent to pay2win...

&... we're done here.

If time in game has no value, why spend money for premium time? The WHOLE POINT of buying premium time is to ENHANCE the yield of time in game.

Premium time purchases improve the value of time by a certain percentage improvement in resource yield.

Do you know what a 50% improvement in something that is worth nothing? Nothing. The only way premium time works to improve the value of game time (improve resource yield) is if the non-premium time has value.

Therefore, time in game has actual value...or you wouldn't spend money to get more efficient or valuable time. The only way time in game could be defined as 'free' is if buying premium time is a waste of money.

This is clearly not the case, in fact, premium time is often stated as the best value purchase.

Time in game has value. It is not free.

Welcome to the business model of free2play games.

WG has done a lot of work to try to obfuscate how all of this works. They have clearly succeeded in keeping you in the dark.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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Another 5 star this evening, seems folks are getting the hang of this mission




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Gave it couple more tries - nope, not worth it, its badly designed and rewards for that amount of frustration are crap as well so I am ignoring it for the rest of the patch or however long its stays up...

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I've quite enjoyed the D-day operation simply for the change in regular ops, but I must say, those nimble schnellboats emerging from their smokey yo-lo is slightly enchanting!

The very first game operation was exceptional.

Utah beach 1944, with the sunlight splitting the cloudy sky, and echoes from another time. The unknown, fog of war in those opening minutes was something I've missed in my game of warships.

The next operations in the series commence soon. Very exciting.



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This is actually really cool. I don't like PvE but this feels fun. The aesthetics also great. 

I wish WG would do more these special modes, they seem to be their best content.

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29 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

I wish WG would do more these special modes, they seem to be their best content.


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On 5/31/2024 at 6:43 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

The ships I sailed last night were the Oklahoma and the West Virginia '44.
After less than 5 games my desire to continue playing the D-Day scenario (for curiosity and playtesting purposes) was exhausted.  (Even if the teams I was on actually "won" a couple of times.)
So, I moved-on to playing some Co-op games.

finally broke down and played three rounds last night, (to complete the Twitch Drop Mission.) WV '44.

All three 'wins,' but only the first could be considered 'good,' (extremely competent rando team;) the other two were wipeouts, (I was the last survivor,) but somehow we still won?

Mine didn't bother me as much as on the PTS, and not even really the E-Boats; what irritated me was the usual; 'battleship shells magically don't damage bunkers,' and having to shoot at targets you can't actually see...

I wouldn't mind if unlocked dispersion was used, but we should at least be able to see where to point our guns.

Mini-map targeting is a joke; especially when you try to aim, but your reticle settles anywhere but on the target icon...

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7 hours ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

finally broke down and played three rounds last night, (to complete the Twitch Drop Mission.) WV '44.

All three 'wins,' but only the first could be considered 'good,' (extremely competent rando team;) the other two were wipeouts, (I was the last survivor,) but somehow we still won?

Mine didn't bother me as much as on the PTS, and not even really the E-Boats; what irritated me was the usual; 'battleship shells magically don't damage bunkers,' and having to shoot at targets you can't actually see...

I wouldn't mind if unlocked dispersion was used, but we should at least be able to see where to point our guns.

Mini-map targeting is a joke; especially when you try to aim, but your reticle settles anywhere but on the target icon...

Part of the operation is to disable the AA guns so that the spotter aircraft can locate the onshore targets.  Once the guns are down, the spotters can come in.  There is a time gap, so you won't be able to target the onshore targets immediately.  When I was tooling about in my Rodney, I had to take enemy fire for about a minute before I was able to target the enemy bunkers.  FWIW, you can return fire on the location where the incoming fire originates, but you will be subject to RNG dispersion.



Edited by HamptonRoads
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24 minutes ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

All three 'wins,' but only the first could be considered 'good,' (extremely competent rando team;) the other two were wipeouts, (I was the last survivor,) but somehow we still won?

The win conditions are quite simple: Destroy the 4 AA emplacements and later destroy at least 4 (or was it 3?) gun emplacements. It is really easy to achieve the primary objective even on your own, the more difficult part are the bonus objectives... you can't do them all on your own.

27 minutes ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

what irritated me was the usual; 'battleship shells magically don't damage bunkers,' and having to shoot at targets you can't actually see...

I wouldn't mind if unlocked dispersion was used, but we should at least be able to see where to point our guns.

Mini-map targeting is a joke; especially when you try to aim, but your reticle settles anywhere but on the target

I didn't experience a BB shell not damaging a bunker (tho I've had Cruiser caliber AP shells bouncing and HE shells doing minimum damage), are you sure you didn't missed?

Visibility is conditional, you need to first destroy the 4 AA emplacements in order to unlock your AI planes. Gun emplacements and Airdromes are spotted by the allied planes so it may be a bit of an on/off thing, particularly with the Airdromes. I recommend you get rid of them Airdromes first, BBs are particularly good at that. 


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11 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Visibility is conditional, you need to first destroy the 4 AA emplacements in order to unlock your AI planes. Gun emplacements and Airdromes are spotted by the allied planes so it may be a bit of an on/off thing, particularly with the Airdromes. I recommend you get rid of them Airdromes first, BBs are particularly good at that. 


One cautionary note: light cruiser AP bounces on the airfields, so switch to HE, or if you're in a UK light cruiser find a new target (found that Fiji shells are ineffective against the airfields.)

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8 minutes ago, HamptonRoads said:

One cautionary note: light cruiser AP bounces on the airfields, so switch to HE, or if you're in a UK light cruiser find a new target (found that Fiji shells are ineffective against the airfields.)

Indeed. But the option is as disheartening, HE only does nominal damage (some 300HP per hit)... I spent over 5 minutes bombarding an Airdrome with Dido to minimal effective damage... there's not enough time to chew through an Airdrome HP using a CL HE.

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4 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Indeed. But the option is as disheartening, HE only does nominal damage (some 300HP per hit)... I spent over 5 minutes bombarding an Airdrome with Dido to minimal effective damage... there's not enough time to chew through an Airdrome HP using a CL HE.

I used USS Helena and HE was ideal in dealing with the AA / Coastal Guns / and Airdrome. As soon as Coastal Guns Confidential papers were acquired, the coastal guns went down extremely quickly, very fast. AP just wasn't doing anything at all. This helped our random teams  to get at least 4 stars. 

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19 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Indeed. But the option is as disheartening, HE only does nominal damage (some 300HP per hit)... I spent over 5 minutes bombarding an Airdrome with Dido to minimal effective damage... there's not enough time to chew through an Airdrome HP using a CL HE.

I’ve had better luck setting things on fire/killing things with WeeVee’s secondaries!

I have had big hits with her main guns; but when you’re inside 10k, (so no elevation issue,) and can clearly see an AA or gun bunker, and the shells seem to hit, (for no damage,) it is extremely frustrating.

The airfield has never been visible long enough to confirm its destruction. (Another frustrating issue.)

I the second game I followed an Atlanta’s lead, and was shooting at ‘grass’ for ‘hits,’ but without any indication of how effective that was.

I also love how the three extra Intelligence Documents I earned were for the Pt2 Op; and thus were completely worthless now.

As @Wolfswetpaws said, the frustration/burnout comes fast with this Op…

Edited by Estimated_Prophet
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5 hours ago, HamptonRoads said:

Part of the operation is to disable the AA guns so that the spotter aircraft can locate the onshore targets.  Once the guns are down, the spotters can come in.  There is a time gap, so you won't be able to target the onshore targets immediately.  When I was tooling about in my Rodney, I had to take enemy fire for about a minute before I was able to target the enemy bunkers.  FWIW, you can return fire on the location where the incoming fire originates, but you will be subject to RNG dispersion.




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6 hours ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

All three 'wins,' but only the first could be considered 'good,' (extremely competent rando team;) the other two were wipeouts, (I was the last survivor,) but somehow we still won?

That "somehow" is why so many fail at this operation. Completing the primary objective guarantees the win. You can win even when ALL the greens are killed.


By taking out the 4 AA emplacements and the first 4 gun emplacements. Anything done after that is just securing stars for the reward track.

Earning stars means :

1) kill all the S- Boats

2) kill all the DD's

3) kill all SEVEN of the gun emplacements

4) get 3 LST's to the South beach

5) get 3 LST's to the west beach


If you also take out the 2 airfields, the other 5 star missions are a LOT easier. Someone needs to shoot HE at those airfields every opportunity you get (they must be visible to damage them), If you have a Fiji (example) your AP can also work but you MUST shoot the grass mounds immediately in front of the runways. Your AP just ricochets off the runways otherwise.

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The new D-Day operation with the German destroyers is really enjoyable. 

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new one i want to like it but not a huge fan of gunboat DDs.

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1 hour ago, pepe_trueno said:

new one i want to like it but not a huge fan of gunboat DDs.

Aactually..... I recommend taking gunboats. 




4stars coz hard to shoot down the planes. Once the seckrit stuff is unlocked the op is quite easy and insanely fun.




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9 hours ago, Sambo_Cigars said:

The new D-Day operation with the German destroyers is really enjoyable. 

For me the big draw is the chance to finally get back to my German DD grind I abandoned ages ago. Gaede and Z-31 (from early access) have been largely gathering dust in my port for as long as I can remember.

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I also recommend taking a gunboat. IMHO, the best one to use is MAASS. This is my best result so far with a 14 point captain.



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tried them all mass  is the better all rounder but this is a better torp boat with a reload boost 




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