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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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[Commander Popeye] ::: To nobody in particular :::  Well blow me down.  Another Bluto arrived, yesterday.  And the first Bluto got promoted.
[Commander Popeye]  Good thing I eats me spinnach.   Hahahahahaha.  😄 

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TO: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Progress and Initiative.


We note your diligence and application to the completion of ship research, but we must warn you that this is beginning to get out of hand. Our rate of acquisition of the more sophisticated and expensive ships is starting to exceed our means, and it is time this tendency was brought to a halt. We would have preferred to keep a reserve "floor" of 100 million credits at all times, and it now appears that this is going to be substantially breached.

For example, we have heard whispers of your intention to acquire HMNZS AUCKLAND this weekend, and while this is all well and good, she will cost nearly 13 million credits to buy and equip. The Japanese gunboat destroyers must be repurchased as soon as the Research Bureau bonuses reset, or at least prior to the Anniversary, and we estimate this to cost another 32 million at least (and thank every Elder God we have decided never to re-equip them). The ship we will purchase with the Research Bureau points will cost nearly another seven million. This is OVER HALF THE RESERVE that we had anticipated having in pocket for unexpected circumstances!!! And this is BEFORE the purchase of the upgrade modules for ships you have decided to upgrade on your own authority without consulting us first. 

We are well aware that you will make the argument that reserves are accumulated to be used, but we had always intended to keep this one for unforeseen circumstances, something that IS NOT THE CASE with the spending you have been engaged in and fully intended to go on engaging in.

Let us make this clear to you: you are an administrative adjutant, NOT a Chief of Operations. Your initiative in completing so much work so soon is to be commended, but it is getting to the point where you are over-reaching your authority, not to mention your fiscal responsibility. We know you have promised Lt.Cdr Singh his new ship this weekend, and we are loath to take that away from him, but THIS IS THE LAST. There are to be NO MORE ship acquisitions that are not in early release or as a result of campaigns/Dockyard operations. Background research that is a foot in the door for research progression is to STOP AT ONCE. 

Furthermore, we expect end-of-campaign reports and an end-of-calendar-year report from you on a regular basis. The content of these is not yet decided; however, the year-end fiscal position is to be NOT LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED MILLION CREDITS in hand, or you will find yourself as no more than a port captain on a rusting hulk. 

A memo on further research progression will be issued when we have decided on our goals for 2025. Until then, all work on ships in the incomplete-research queue is to be incidental and occasional, rather than daily and systematic. Specifically, USS NEBRASKA and HNLMS HAARLEM are to be withdrawn to reserve immediately and left there until further notice. HNLMS DE ZEVEN PROVINCIEN is more than capable of undergoing the current campaign challenges in HAARLEM's stead. FELIX SCHULTZ may continue, but you are not to purchase KMS ELBING without specific written agreement in consultation. We have taken a second look at this ship and our ardor is cooling regarding the urgency of her acquisition.

This is your first and final warning.



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[Narrator]  Meanwhile, somewhere in one of the Port's dockside restaurants featuring a bouillabaisse recipe stolen from an Our Man Flint movie*, two Commanders are, if appearances are to be believed, meeting socially for lunch.

[Commander ARP Nachi]  ::: enters, and is escorted to a table by the maître d' ::::

[Commander Frederica Greenhill]  ::: smiles from her seat at the table ::: Welcome Nachi.  Good to see you.

[Nachi]  ::: smiles, and takes a seat :::  Thanks.  I was pleasantly surprised by your invitation, and unofficial request.

[Greenhill]  Well, I happened upon this place while on my way to visit another establishment.  Annnnd, since it smelled so good from the outside, I decided to follow-up on another occasion.

[Nachi]  My own sense of smell agrees with your assessment.   ::: removes an envelope from her jacket, and slides it accross the table :::

[Greenhill]  There's news of some importance, then?

[Nachi]  I like the interest you're taking in your *sister*.  And, I'm often listening as part of my own hobby.  And since you're bribing me with today's meal, I see no harm in keeping my ears open to what might become "public", but not covered by the Port Prattler.

[Greenhilll]  ::: Opens the envelope, unfolds a page, and reads the communiqué transcript :::

44 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

TO: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Progress and Initiative.


We note your diligence and application to the completion of ship research, but we must warn you that this is beginning to get out of hand. Our rate of acquisition of the more sophisticated and expensive ships is starting to exceed our means, and it is time this tendency was brought to a halt. We would have preferred to keep a reserve "floor" of 100 million credits at all times, and it now appears that this is going to be substantially breached.

For example, we have heard whispers of your intention to acquire HMNZS AUCKLAND this weekend, and while this is all well and good, she will cost nearly 13 million credits to buy and equip. The Japanese gunboat destroyers must be repurchased as soon as the Research Bureau bonuses reset, or at least prior to the Anniversary, and we estimate this to cost another 32 million at least (and thank every Elder God we have decided never to re-equip them). The ship we will purchase with the Research Bureau points will cost nearly another seven million. This is OVER HALF THE RESERVE that we had anticipated having in pocket for unexpected circumstances!!! And this is BEFORE the purchase of the upgrade modules for ships you have decided to upgrade on your own authority without consulting us first. 

We are well aware that you will make the argument that reserves are accumulated to be used, but we had always intended to keep this one for unforeseen circumstances, something that IS NOT THE CASE with the spending you have been engaged in and fully intended to go on engaging in.

Let us make this clear to you: you are an administrative adjutant, NOT a Chief of Operations. Your initiative in completing so much work so soon is to be commended, but it is getting to the point where you are over-reaching your authority, not to mention your fiscal responsibility. We know you have promised Lt.Cdr Singh his new ship this weekend, and we are loath to take that away from him, but THIS IS THE LAST. There are to be NO MORE ship acquisitions that are not in early release or as a result of campaigns/Dockyard operations. Background research that is a foot in the door for research progression is to STOP AT ONCE. 

Furthermore, we expect end-of-campaign reports and an end-of-calendar-year report from you on a regular basis. The content of these is not yet decided; however, the year-end fiscal position is to be NOT LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED MILLION CREDITS in hand, or you will find yourself as no more than a port captain on a rusting hulk. 

A memo on further research progression will be issued when we have decided on our goals for 2025. Until then, all work on ships in the incomplete-research queue is to be incidental and occasional, rather than daily and systematic. Specifically, USS NEBRASKA and HNLMS HAARLEM are to be withdrawn to reserve immediately and left there until further notice. HNLMS DE ZEVEN PROVINCIEN is more than capable of undergoing the current campaign challenges in HAARLEM's stead. FELIX SCHULTZ may continue, but you are not to purchase KMS ELBING without specific written agreement in consultation. We have taken a second look at this ship and our ardor is cooling regarding the urgency of her acquisition.

This is your first and final warning.




[Greenhill]  She's in a bit of a pickle.

[Nachi]  It's a small pickle.  She'll get through it.  Like yourself, she's resourceful.

[Greenhill]  But, what if ...?

[Nachi]  Like I said, I like your interest in keeping tabs on your *sister*. 
But, I have to remind you that she doesn't yet know you exist. 
Nor does she know of your goodwill towards her. 
For you she's like a favorite soap-opera character. 
But, from her perspective, she doesn't know she's in a soap-opera and has no idea that you're a fan in the figurative viewing audience.

::: briefly looking like someone had splashed a glass of water on her face  :::

[Nachi]  You understand?

[Greenhill]  Your dose of perspective is strong medicine.  Thanks. Apparently, I needed that.

[Nachi]  ::: smiles:::  No problem.  At least I didn't need to resort to slapping-on some Mennen skin-bracer.  

[Greenhill]  I don't know what that is.  I'll have to look it up, later.

[Nachi]  I can show you, but we'll have to access the information from the Alpha's office.

[Greenhill]  I'm willing to brave that, after our meal.

[Nachi]  ::: smiles :::  After our meal, then.   His "open doorway" policy is handy, on occasion.

[Narrator]  The scene fades as the Commander's menu choices are taken by their waiter.

Tobecontinued_07-01-2023_.jpg.5f5192e53533330ecf8f7dbd62444135.jpg  ???

* =  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0059557/

Mennen Skin Bracer Commercial - Circa 1971


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Posted (edited)

Dear Frederica;

Yes, yes, I know, I let you down and you're probably spoken for and don't want to hear from me again outside of official business, but there's something you should know. After we broke up, I went on a little trip to drown my sorrows and decided there's nothing like having a girl in every port, just like any other red-blooded sailor; right? 

Anyway, I was feeling peckish so I dropped into this restaurant in an out of the way place, and I saw someone I could swear was your identical twin. Except I know you don't have one, and then I remembered that our opponents and allies have ports too, and some of those ports have... how do I put this? Parallel versions of us. And I saw yours.

Anyway, I listened in, and it appears that (a) one of our allies is privy to our communications, and (b) you're currently in trouble. And for trying to do the right thing!!!! Your alternative version knows about you and is worried, so... how do I say this? Keep your nose clean and don't give 'yourself' any more heartache than you need to.

Anyway, the source of the intelligence leak is as yet unknown, but the recipient of the information seems to be named Nachi. I've enclosed a picture that she gave me.

ARP Nachi Missions Inbound! | World of Warships

I followed her and struck up a conversation. We got along well. I'm having dinner with her tomorrow night, and drinks afterwards. Quite a lot of drinks.

Bundaberg Rum 700ml | Australian Bundaberg

I'm going to make a real Aussie sailor out of her, and then I will tease from her where she's getting her info. This may take a while, but you know how much I enjoy my work.


Admiral of the Fleet (Commonwealth Division), Matilda Kelly.

(PS: I am NOT chasing after the alternative version of you. Nothing good could come of that. But if I ever tell you to go F yourself, know that this is now technically possible! Though she seems to view  you as a sister, so unless you're both more kinky than I give you credit for, that's a non-starter.)

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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27 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Dear Frederica;

Yes, yes, I know, I let you down and you're probably spoken for and don't want to hear from me again outside of official business, but there's something you should know. After we broke up, I went on a little trip to drown my sorrows and decided there's nothing like having a girl in every port, just like any other red-blooded sailor; right? 

Anyway, I was feeling peckish so I dropped into this restaurant in an out of the way place, and I saw someone I could swear was your identical twin. Except I know you don't have one, and then I remembered that our opponents and allies have ports too, and some of those ports have... how do I put this? Parallel versions of us. And I saw yours.

Anyway, I listened in, and it appears that (a) one of our allies is privy to our communications, and (b) you're currently in trouble. And for trying to do the right thing!!!! Your alternative version knows about you and is worried, so... how do I say this? Keep your nose clean and don't give 'yourself' any more heartache than you need to.

Anyway, the source of the intelligence leak is as yet unknown, but the recipient of the information seems to be named Nachi. I've enclosed a picture that she gave me.

ARP Nachi Missions Inbound! | World of Warships

I followed her and struck up a conversation. We got along well. I'm having dinner with her tomorrow night, and drinks afterwards. Quite a lot of drinks.

Bundaberg Rum 700ml | Australian Bundaberg

I'm going to make a real Aussie sailor out of her, and then I will tease from her where she's getting her info. This may take a while, but you know how much I enjoy my work.


Admiral of the Fleet (Commonwealth Division), Matilda Kelly.

(PS: I am NOT chasing after the alternative version of you. Nothing good could come of that. But if I ever tell you to go F yourself, know that this is now technically possible! Though she seems to view  you as a sister, so unless you're both more kinky than I give you credit for, that's a non-starter.)


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48 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:


Bundaberg Rum 700ml | Australian Bundaberg

It literally says "Underproof Rum".  ^^^^

I wonder if you've ever heard of Blackheart Rum?  🙂 



She was strong and independent. Passionate and fun. Fierce and loyal. She worked hard and played hard — and once she put her mind to something, nothing and no one could stand in her way.Blackheart Premium Spiced Rum is what she drank to celebrate all of life’s conquests.

about-pl-desktop.jpg https://blackheartrum.com/about-us.php

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Hmm.  Subsequent research turned-up this information.  Interesting.  🙂 



"... Bundaberg OP Rum has been around for as long as it's Underproof brother.
dilution point of a spirit that would sustain the ignition of gunpowder.  The sailors wanted to "prove" that their spirit had not been watered down.  Gunpowder was doused with the rum and if it ignited, it was over proof.  If it did not ignite to much water had been added to the rum and it was considered "under proof".  57.15% Alc/Vol was found to be the lowest point at which the gunpowder ignited and was defined as "100 Degrees Proof".

Now days, BDC use Hydrometer to measure the alcohol content.  The term "proof" now refers to an alcohol content of 50% by volume, or 100 proof.  Underproof means the rum is less that 50% Alc/Vol and Overproof means the rum is over 50% Alc/Vol.  ..."


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FROM: Cthulhu.

TO: Wolfswetpaws, Alpha of "The Port"

RE: Arrest of one of my officers.


I wish to protest the above. The indication I was given by said officer was that she had entered The Port openly as a tourist, looking for love at a time of heartbreak and for new culinary experiences, and perchance happened to overhear a conversation relating to one of her colleagues. Reportedly she intended to engage your officer, Ms Nachi, in conversation and amorousness, and find out in the course thereof where the overheard information had originated.

If there is any flavour of espionage in all of this, it relates directly to the conduct of YOUR officers in MY port. I am happy to overlook such conduct if you agree to release Admiral Kelly without charge and return her passport, stamped with the appropriate tourist visa, to allow her to continue her amorous activities. I would also ask that you cover the cost of her dinner, from which she was abruptly dragged before even the entree could be placed at her table.



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12 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I wonder if you've ever heard of Blackheart Rum?

I hadn't!

It certainly fits my Matilda Kelly's persona to a T, but Bundaberg is an Australian brand, and Adm. Kelly prefers her home comforts. Plus, the underproof rum lets the drinking continue a little longer to a given value of inebriation.

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2 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

FROM: Cthulhu.

TO: Wolfswetpaws, Alpha of "The Port"

RE: Arrest of one of my officers.


I wish to protest the above. The indication I was given by said officer was that she had entered The Port openly as a tourist, looking for love at a time of heartbreak and for new culinary experiences, and perchance happened to overhear a conversation relating to one of her colleagues. Reportedly she intended to engage your officer, Ms Nachi, in conversation and amorousness, and find out in the course thereof where the overheard information had originated.

If there is any flavour of espionage in all of this, it relates directly to the conduct of YOUR officers in MY port. I am happy to overlook such conduct if you agree to release Admiral Kelly without charge and return her passport, stamped with the appropriate tourist visa, to allow her to continue her amorous activities. I would also ask that you cover the cost of her dinner, from which she was abruptly dragged before even the entree could be placed at her table.



To:  Esteemed and Diplomatic-level Colleage, @Ensign Cthulhu, scion of the Elder Being.

From:  Alpha of the Port, @Wolfswetpaws

Subject:  In-reply to your "protest".

Let's get some facts straight, shall we?

1.  I do have a Commander Nachi who monitors public transmissions of radio communications and forum posts as a hobby.
2.  According to my records, no tourist visa was applied for by any personnel from your realm of R'lyeh.  This includes yourself during your last visit, by the way.  
3.  Per protocols and measures put in place after your last visit, one Admiral Matilda Kelly from the Realm of R'lyeh was detected and observed for a time and then ultimately captured.  
4.  To your Admiral Matilda Kelly's credit, she's enthusiastic about her goals and simultaneously desires to avoid ruffling of figurative feathers which could harm her standing in your realm and her relationship with personnel serving within your Fleet.
5.  Admiral Matilda Kelly paid for her meal with her own doubloons.  Thus the restaurant in my Port has no quarrel with her, per se.  Also, she was provided with a take-out container to ensure she wasn't deprived of her meal.
6.  As a detained person, Admiral Matilda Kelly is now enjoying the cuisine supplied at what is now *my* expense.
Rest assured, the "Dark-Side Cookies" that have been provided to her have been deemed delicious.
7.  While I'm tempted to attempt to entice this capable officer from your employ and into my own Fleet, I recognize that may not be your preference.  And, because I am your friend, I shall resist that temptation.
8.  Admiral Matilda Kelly is being treated with professional courtesy and is reciprocating that treatment in good faith, based upon the regular reports I'm receiving from my own security personnel.
9.  From what I can discern, espionage was not in anyone's motives.  Merely self-interests and hobbies that ran afoul of official policies being dutifully enforced by designated personnel.
10.  Are you willing to receive Admiral Matilda Kelly back into your good graces in the spirit of "no harm, no foul"?
11.  In a gesture of goodwill, I shall provide a suitcase full of chocolate-chip cookies to accompany her, to be shared with you and your Adjutant.

What is your response?  


Alpha of the Port


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37 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
51 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I wonder if you've ever heard of Blackheart Rum?

I hadn't!

It certainly fits my Matilda Kelly's persona to a T, but Bundaberg is an Australian brand, and Adm. Kelly prefers her home comforts. Plus, the underproof rum lets the drinking continue a little longer to a given value of inebriation.

Once I did "the math", I realized that 93 proof is also "Under Proof" according to the information supplied by Bundaberg's web page.
Nice trivia to learn about.  Thanks, even if the lesson was unintentional.  🙂 

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50 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

FROM: Cthulhu.

TO: Wolfswetpaws, Alpha of "The Port"

RE: Arrest of one of my officers.


I wish to protest the above. The indication I was given by said officer was that she had entered The Port openly as a tourist, looking for love at a time of heartbreak and for new culinary experiences, and perchance happened to overhear a conversation relating to one of her colleagues. Reportedly she intended to engage your officer, Ms Nachi, in conversation and amorousness, and find out in the course thereof where the overheard information had originated.

If there is any flavour of espionage in all of this, it relates directly to the conduct of YOUR officers in MY port. I am happy to overlook such conduct if you agree to release Admiral Kelly without charge and return her passport, stamped with the appropriate tourist visa, to allow her to continue her amorous activities. I would also ask that you cover the cost of her dinner, from which she was abruptly dragged before even the entree could be placed at her table.



P.S.  At no time have any of my Port's Citizens ever entered the Realm of R'lyeh.
The closest any of them have ever gotten to R'lyeh has been while sailing around your realm's perimeter during a previous goodwill mission.


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TO: Wolfswetpaws, "Alpha of The Port"

FROM: Cthulhu

RE: Protest.


Your communication is noted. Your terms are acceptable.


I would be grateful if you would issue Adm. Kelly with a short-term tourist visa, so that she can tie up any business she may have with Cmdr Nachi in private without any stigma of being an unauthorized visitor.

In response to your point #1, I cannot help but think that had your people allowed the dinner to continue, your officer would no doubt have appraised my officer of the legitimacy of the channels by which she obtained her information, and my officer's concerns regarding espionage and breaches of security would swiftly have been allayed. I shall have words with Admiral Kelly regarding the exact manner of her entry to your port if you will counsel your security detail regarding the enthusiasm of their response. 



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53 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

TO: Wolfswetpaws, "Alpha of The Port"

FROM: Cthulhu

RE: Protest.


Your communication is noted. Your terms are acceptable.


I would be grateful if you would issue Adm. Kelly with a short-term tourist visa, so that she can tie up any business she may have with Cmdr Nachi in private without any stigma of being an unauthorized visitor.

In response to your point #1, I cannot help but think that had your people allowed the dinner to continue, your officer would no doubt have appraised my officer of the legitimacy of the channels by which she obtained her information, and my officer's concerns regarding espionage and breaches of security would swiftly have been allayed. I shall have words with Admiral Kelly regarding the exact manner of her entry to your port if you will counsel your security detail regarding the enthusiasm of their response. 



From:  Alpha of the Port, @Wolfswetpaws

To:  "Cthulu" (in care of @Ensign Cthulhu) in the Realm of R'lyeh

Subject:  In reply to "... Your terms are acceptable."

I shall arrange passage for your Admiral Matilda Kelly aboard a neutral cargo ship, bound for the neutral port of Shipbuilder's City, where all diplomatic-level personages acquire their newly built ships.

My security personnel will accompany the passage and verify the safe delivery of Admiral Matilda Kelly.
As passengers aboard the cargo ship, at my expense, Admiral Kelly and my security personnel will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Cargo Ship's Captain and have the privilidges and responsibilities of passengers.  
With that status, no restraints or force are anticipated to be necessary.  Merely observation.
Once that is accomplished, my security personnel will board one of my Fleet's ships (assigned to escort the cargo ship) for their return voyage.

As for the request of a short-term tourist visa?  My answer is "request denied".
It is commonplace to utilize appropriate travel documents and observe the customs of "customs" regulations implemented by various sovereign realms and nations. 
Ignorance of this practice is now an opportunity for learning.
I attach no ill-will or prejudice to this decision.  

On the contrary.
If personnel of R'lyeh wish to visit in the future, they may apply for a tourist visa prior to their visit.
Such applications will be allowed after the date of July 12th., 2024, and after the time of 10:00 Hours, also known as 10:00 am.
If such applications are made, please anticipate some time will be required for processing.
I have business offices within Shipbuilder's City. 
I shall designate one of them which shall serve as a location within that neutral jurisdiction for the processing of tourist visa applications and shall post signage to indicate & advertise this bureaucratic process.
Tourism travel between "The Port" and other realms, including R'lyeh, is thusly given a conduit.

As per the terms, a suitcase, filled with chocolate-chip cookies, shall be provided to Admiral Matilda Kelly.

As the tides will allow, the Cargo Ship, Ling's Basket, is scheduled to depart The Port by 20:00 hours, tonight (July 11th., 2024) and arrive in the port of Shipbuilder's City by 23:00 Hours, local time (same date).

In the times to come, I hope we shall regard this chapter in our history with fondness and amusement.


Alpha of the Port

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[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Alpha of the Port.  He's looking out a window, observing with binoculars as the Cargo Ship named Ling's Basket departs the harbor. 
The Ling's Basket is followed by her escorts, the ARP Nachi, the ARP Yamato, the Hakuryu, the Shimakaze, the Star Kitakaze, the I-56, the U-2501, the U-4501, the Agir, the Odin, the Z-44, the ZF-6, the Neustrashimy, the Tallin, the Mikoyan, the Ranger, the Hobart, the Black, the Kidd, the Normandie, the North Carolina CLR, and the Clemson.

[ @Wolfswetpaws ] Journey safely.

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From:  Lieutenant Commander Christopher Reed, aboard the good ship Clemson

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command

Subject:  Safe Delivery of V.I.P. and recovery of security personnel

Safe delivery of Admiral Matilda Kelly was observed by the assigned security personnel aboard the Ling's Basket.

Have brought our security team aboard the Clemson.

Departing Shipbuilder's City to return home.

In service of the Port!

C.  Reed
Captain of the Clemson


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TO: Cmdr Nachi, in the Service of "The Port"

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Recent events.

In light of recent occurrences, Fleet Command would like to extend to you the offer of a small compensation. Should you desire to reacquaint yourself with Fleet Admiral Kelly, please present yourself to the Guardship at the entrance of any of our bases, where you will be issued with a five-day visitor visa and a coupon of like duration for our Officers' Quarters hotel ashore, all lodgings, meals and drinks included. 

Should you wish to extend your stay, please apply in a timely manner to the Adjutant of the Port, R'lyeh Main Base. This may be done by telegram or telephone should sea conditions make the reliability of the mail uncertain.

We would also be pleased to host your crew in any of the fine drinking and entertainment establishments in our ports; but in this case, lodgings for any overnight stays ashore are the responsibility of individual crewmembers and with their captain's permission.


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29 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

TO: Cmdr Nachi, in the Service of "The Port"

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Recent events.

In light of recent occurrences, Fleet Command would like to extend to you the offer of a small compensation. Should you desire to reacquaint yourself with Fleet Admiral Kelly, please present yourself to the Guardship at the entrance of any of our bases, where you will be issued with a five-day visitor visa and a coupon of like duration for our Officers' Quarters hotel ashore, all lodgings, meals and drinks included. 

Should you wish to extend your stay, please apply in a timely manner to the Adjutant of the Port, R'lyeh Main Base. This may be done by telegram or telephone should sea conditions make the reliability of the mail uncertain.

We would also be pleased to host your crew in any of the fine drinking and entertainment establishments in our ports; but in this case, lodgings for any overnight stays ashore are the responsibility of individual crewmembers and with their captain's permission.


[Narrator]  The scene is the Alpha of the Port's office.  Seated in chairs, the Alpha and the Adjutant of the Port are conducting a routine discussion of the Fleet's status and disposition.
A man arrives and knocks upon the frame of the open doorway.

[Alpha of the Port Wolfswetpaws]  Lieutenant Commander Scroodge Nickelson, enter and tell us what brings you here.

[Nickelson]  Alpha.  Adjutant.  ::: Nodding his head to each, in turn :::  I'm assigned to the Radio Room, today, and a diplomatic-level communication just arrived.  I've copies for each of you.
::: Offering each an envelope, in turn :::

[Wolfspwetpaws]  ::: accepts and opens the message :::
[Shirakami]  ::: mirrors his actions :::

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: after reading the message :::  Lieutenant Commander, find Kaigun Chūjo ARP Nachi and ask her to report here.

[Nickelson]  Aye-aye, Alpha.  ::: departs the room :::

[Shirakami]  Given the nature of this message and her hobbies ...?

[Wolfswetpaws]  She may already know.


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SCENE: The office of Adjutant of the Port, Frederica Greenhill, midnight.

PLAYERS: Frederica Greenhill, Kapitanleutnant (Reserve) Catherine Ironfist, Captain George Doe


FG (settling behind desk, bleary-eyed). Kapitanleutnant Ironfist, what have you woken me up for? Who is this man that you have by the scruff of the neck and hoisted half in the air?

CI (thick medieval German accent): He was seen wandering base, lost.

FG: Well, he appears to be in uniform and not offering any resistance, so why don't you let him sit down and go back out on patrol?

CI (dumps GEORGE DOE unceremoniously in chair, leaves without a word).

FG: My apologies for my colleague's earnest defence of the base. Who are you, and what brings you here?

GD: My name's George Doe. My brother John sent for me and told me I might find a position here. (Takes out papers, offers them.)

FG (taking and reading papers): Joh... ah, yes, of course! You're the younger brother, then?

GD: By about six minutes. He's been on my back for months to join, but moving was going to be expensive and the time never seemed quite right. Lo and behold, some anonymous benefactor mailed me a cheque to cover the moving expenses, so here I am. Sorry about the irregular hour, but the free move came with timing that was beyond my control.

FG: Very well, then. So, here's your CV... no combat experience as yet, fresh out of the academy but with ten training points in hand and... oh yes, enhanced skills as well, I see.

GD: Yes, John thought it wise to specialize and I agreed with him as to the path we should take.

FG: Excellent. Well, I haven't been given any immediate orders regarding a posting for you, so the best thing seems to be to assign you reserve status for now and get you over to quar... (KNOCK ON DOOR) Yes, what is it?

CATHERINE IRONFIST comes back in, leading an imperious blonde woman with oddly shaped ears and wearing an unfamiliar uniform.

FG: Hello again, Catherine. Found another wanderer, I see? Who have we here?

NEWCOMER: I am Commander Sela of the Romulan Star Empire. 

FG: Hmm, I do seem to recall your name. Where's that file? (HUNTS AROUND DESK.) Ah, found it! Yes, you're one of those space commanders from the future, aren't you? Here we go... ah yes, you are expected. Well, according to your credentials here, you're getting a rank of Lieutenant-Commander in our forces - or rather, since you're being posted to the Japanese Contingent, that's Kaigun Daii. I think you'll get along well there. Plenty of other women in that contingent, and many of them highly skilled and spoiling for a fight, too. They put a premium on war and honour over there, and while that set of values might align more strongly with your Klingon friends...

SELA: No Klingon is any friend of mine! A useful instrument toward Romulan ends, perhaps, but a friend? Never. 

FG: My apologies - I was speaking purely rhetorically. Anyway, I think you'll find that your new colleagues align very well with you regarding your attitudes to war, but before we get you over there, let's have the Chief Medical Officer look you over and make sure the base cuisine doesn't hold any unpleasant surprises for you.

SELA: My mother was human, and from experience I'm quite capable of eating human food without any physiological problems. 

FG: Good. In any case, you'll find that you're not the only one here who's at least partially non-human; wait until you see who commands the ship you've been posted to! Still, let us know if there's anything in particular you need brought in from wherever - or whenever - and we'll get that done for you. In the meantime, it's very late and we should all be getting back to bed. Catherine, please take Commander Sela over to the Japanese sector and get her settled, and I will wake up Captain Doe's brother and let him know he's here.


To Be Continued.



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4 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

FG: Very well, then. So, here's your CV... no combat experience as yet,

Cirriculum Vitae?  Not a jargon term for an Aircraft Carrier?  🙂 

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Just now, Wolfswetpaws said:

Curriculum Vitae? 

In the context of a start-of-employment interview, yes.

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2 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

In the context of a start-of-employment interview, yes.

Congrats on your new recruits.  🙂 

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[Narrator]  The scene the office of the Alpha of the Port, again.  The Alpha and the Adjutant are conversing with the newest recruit to the Fleet.

[Fubuki Shirakami]  You remember nothing?  Of Qo'noS?  Of Grethor?

[Narrator]  At that moment, there is a knock upon the open doorway.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Enter, Kaigun Chūjo ARP Nachi.  There is someone we want you to meet.

[Nachi]  :::: enters the office and says :::  Thank you, Alpha.  Konichiwa, Adjutant.
[Nachi]  ::: speaking directly to the newest recruit :::  Chancellor Gowron.  It is good to meet you.

[Gowron]  I recently arrived.  I will learn many things.

[Nachi]  Will you teach?

[Gowron]  What would I teach?

[Nachi]  Opera

[Gowron]  Find me some fresh gagh.  Then we will talk again.

[Nachi]  Bloodwine will be poured on that day.

[Gowron]  Until then Kaigun Chūjo, qapla'.

[Nachi]  Qapla', qang.

[Gowron]   ::: nods to the Alpha and the Adjutant, and departs the office ::: 

[Wolfswetpaws]  Kaigun Chūjo Nachi.  A diplomatic-level message has arrived, addressed to you.

[Nachi]  I know, Alpha.  I intercepted it during the normal course of my hobby.

[Shirakami]  We guessed you might.


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